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glucophage - Elvia1023


Aug 3, 2013
hey what were u saying abort glucophage , i read a discussion recently but i cant find it , besides getting u into keto faster - u mentioned it just "block carbs from being absorbed" or something? i m talking dieting wise or after a heavy carb meal?

p.s all articles online are extremely old just saying it retains carb in ur muscles, which is not true, cus im losing weight on thta ( i m taking it to maintan/not gain while eating extra carbs)
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hey what were u saying abort glucophage , i read a discussion recently but i cant find it , besides getting u into keto faster - u mentioned it just "block carbs from being absorbed" or something? i m talking dieting wise or after a heavy carb meal?

p.s all articles online are extremely old just saying it retains carb in ur muscles, which is not true, cus im losing weight on thta ( i m taking it to maintan/not gain while eating extra carbs)

I believe it was JJ who wrote that. Metformin stops the liver from converting glycogen into glucose so your bodies blood sugar levels are more stable. It can also improve the utilization of insulin and of course increase insulin sensitivity. It's also suppose to be great for cholesterol and some studies showed a significant decrease in trigs and LDL and an improvement in HDL levels in metformin users. I believe it can lower the absorption of sugars in the intestines but I wouldn't call it a carb blocker. It will have some effect though and is great for weight loss. The fact it balances out blood sugar means most people don't get as many cravings for bad foods. Are you referring to the recent thread on here?
I should add I have read it is a carb blocker many times on here so there might be some truth to it but I am not 100% sure. Lot's of guys have used it for years and researched it extensively. Many of the things I mentioned above could come into it. I wouldn't say a carb blocker entirely but it could help. Now improving the utilization of carbs is a different thing. I would recommend you use a GDA when bulking and consuming lot's of carbs.
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I believe it was JJ who wrote that. Metformin stops the liver from converting glycogen into glucose so your bodies blood sugar levels are more stable. It can also improve the utilization of insulin and of course increase insulin sensitivity. It's also suppose to be great for cholesterol and some studies showed a significant decrease in trigs and LDL and an improvement in HDL levels in metformin users. I believe it can lower the absorption of sugars in the intestines but I wouldn't call it a carb blocker. It will have some effect though and is great for weight loss. The fact it balances out blood sugar means most people don't get as many cravings for bad foods. Are you referring to the recent thread on here?

It was recently i saw it ..it wasnt a thread about that but several ppl mentioned that s all it does, instead of what old articles claim that it ll fill up ur muscles,i remeber reading that basically ur body wont absorb all the carbs ( or gain muscle) and that s the reason i start taking it to use the lower blood sugar levels and fat loss while still eating around 300g of clean carbs
It was recently i saw it ..it wasnt a thread about that but several ppl mentioned that s all it does, instead of what old articles claim that it ll fill up ur muscles,i remeber reading that basically ur body wont absorb all the carbs ( or gain muscle) and that s the reason i start taking it to use the lower blood sugar levels and fat loss while still eating around 300g of clean carbs

I had just added to my above post. It's not a bad thing to be on for your goals. Do you use any GDA's? They can be really good.
like what for example (GDA)? - i basically switched all wet drugs to dry gear, cut down the test to 750g, look a shit lot better but i can still gain weight with 5-6 meals of 60g protein and a total of 300-400g carbs, very low on fat, day 3 on Metformin - I ve lost 3 lbs even after some sugary meal post work out ..my crabs are not high at all , considering how much cals i spend daily, but it realy does feel Metformin kinda minimize their effect - which is good for me - i just started losing weight too fast like 0.5 lbs a day, and wanna make sure i dont overdo it..i take 250-500mg of gluco after 100-150g of carb meals, considering I have 3 carbs meals out of 5...idk yet, i ll keep taking it for 10 days see what happens....but it s for sure I dont get the carb bloating/water retention next day aftet I ve been taking Metformin...not at all - like i ve been eating low carbs all day
like what for example (GDA)? - i basically switched all wet drugs to dry gear, cut down the test to 750g, look a shit lot better but i can still gain weight with 5-6 meals of 60g protein and a total of 300-400g carbs, very low on fat, day 3 on Metformin - I ve lost 3 lbs even after some sugary meal post work out ..my crabs are not high at all , considering how much cals i spend daily, but it realy does feel Metformin kinda minimize their effect - which is good for me - i just started losing weight too fast like 0.5 lbs a day, and wanna make sure i dont overdo it..i take 250-500mg of gluco after 100-150g of carb meals, considering I have 3 carbs meals out of 5...idk yet, i ll keep taking it for 10 days see what happens....but it s for sure I dont get the carb bloating/water retention next day aftet I ve been taking Metformin...not at all - like i ve been eating low carbs all day

If it only day 3 you it's hard to know what is doing what. Especially if you have changed other things. But sure it can have an instant effect. It can upset a lot of guys stomachs especially at the start. I definitely feel tighter when I add it in. Even the next morning after the first dose I feel the difference and have done many times I have stopped and started again. Definitely keep it in for longer and see how you are but you seem to be responding like I do from it. I tend to only have 500mg pre bed but have done 1000-1500mg per day at times too.

GDA's something like Man Sport's N Force. You can buy individual supplements such as berberine, alpha lipoic acid, cinnamon, banaba extract etc. I prefer to just get ready done products with a good mix if ingredients in. I have tried quite a few but that N Force felt the strongest so far. I just ordered SLIN from Enhanced Athlete so will try that out soon too. That N Force one made me go hypo a few times so if you ever get it be careful and always have it before a carb meal. I get tighter and fuller when I use them. Take it about 15 mins before carb meals.
I haven't tried this one yet but it looks great... Redcon1's RPG.
If it only day 3 you it's hard to know what is doing what. Especially if you have changed other things. But sure it can have an instant effect. It can upset a lot of guys stomachs especially at the start. I definitely feel tighter when I add it in. Even the next morning after the first dose I feel the difference and have done many times I have stopped and started again. Definitely keep it in for longer and see how you are but you seem to be responding like I do from it. I tend to only have 500mg pre bed but have done 1000-1500mg per day at times too.

GDA's something like Man Sport's N Force. You can buy individual supplements such as berberine, alpha lipoic acid, cinnamon, banaba extract etc. I prefer to just get ready done products with a good mix if ingredients in. I have tried quite a few but that N Force felt the strongest so far. I just ordered SLIN from Enhanced Athlete so will try that out soon too. That N Force one made me go hypo a few times so if you ever get it be careful and always have it before a carb meal. I get tighter and fuller when I use them. Take it about 15 mins before carb meals.

oh yeah , i read about upset stomach , but i have no issues with that, my appetite is always top noch .... and i m using the real Metformin, not a generic
Yes it blocks carbs from being absorbed, if you want more of the carb blocking take it before the carb meals. But get ready to shit haha.

thank you.
hey what were u saying abort glucophage , i read a discussion recently but i cant find it , besides getting u into keto faster - u mentioned it just "block carbs from being absorbed" or something? i m talking dieting wise or after a heavy carb meal?

p.s all articles online are extremely old just saying it retains carb in ur muscles, which is not true, cus im losing weight on thta ( i m taking it to maintan/not gain while eating extra carbs)


The medical studies showing metformin causes glucose transport into muscle cells are too many to list
Yes it blocks carbs from being absorbed, if you want more of the carb blocking take it before the carb meals. But get ready to shit haha.

That's what I have read many times but couldn't find too much evidence of. I believe it decreases the absorption of carbs through the intestines. I am not debating this but does anyone have any evidence of this? I have read it many times but couldn't find much info on it. It 100% feels like it does so again not debating. Stewie? Lex?

It's funny he brought up metformin as I took it for the first time in ages yesterday. I don't even know why but when I was getting syntherol I saw in my cupboard my metformin I have left it for ages. I thought just take one like I have many times in the past. It was bad... toilet twice before the gym. Then again as I got to the gym and half way through my workout. I had to warm up again as I was in the toilet for about 15 mins! I have been fine in the past in that regard but this time it was bad :eek:
Effects of metformin hydrochloride on blood glucose and insulin responses to oral dextrose in horses.

Rendle DI1, Rutledge F, Hughes KJ, Heller J, Durham AE.

Author information



Metformin is a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of insulin resistance (IR). In laboratory animals, orally administered metformin reduces intestinal glucose absorption and may therefore affect insulinaemic responses to oral carbohydrate ingestion.


To determine whether pretreatment with metformin reduces plasma glucose concentration and insulin responses following consumption of dextrose in horses.


Therapeutic cross-over study.


Seven healthy Standardbred and Thoroughbred geldings were subjected to an oral dextrose challenge test on 4 occasions: with and without metformin, before and after induction of IR with dexamethasone. Metformin was administered by nasogastric tube at 30 mg/kg bwt 1 h before administration of dextrose. Glucose and insulin concentrations in plasma/serum were measured at regular intervals during each test. Linear mixed models were specified for each predetermined outcome variable, and for each model the 'treatment' was included as a fixed effect with 4 categorical levels (none, metformin, dexamethasone and dexamethasone with metformin) and horse accounted for as a random effect.


In healthy horses, the administration of metformin resulted in a statistically significant reduction in peak glucose concentration (P = 0.002), area under the glucose curve (P<0.001) and insulin concentration 120 min after dextrose administration (P = 0.011). Following the induction of IR, administration of metformin was associated with significant differences in peak glucose concentration (P<0.001), the percentage increase in glucose concentration (P = 0.010), the area under the glucose curve (P<0.001) and insulin concentration at 120 min (P = 0.034) and 150 min after dextrose administration (P = 0.014).


Metformin resulted in reduced glycaemic and insulinaemic responses both in healthy horses and in horses with experimentally induced IR.


Metformin may benefit horses with naturally acquired IR by reducing glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to dietary nonstructural carbohydrates. Further investigations into the mechanisms of action of metformin in horses and controlled clinical trials are warranted.

© 2013 EVJ Ltd.
Metformin treatment

After 3 months of metformin treatment, there was a 30% decrease in fasting plasma glucose concentration and glycosylated hemoglobin levels compared with the pretreatment values (Table 2). There was no significant change in body weight or plasma insulin, C-peptide, glucagon, lactate, and cortisol levels. Metformin treatment resulted in a 24% reduction in cholesterol and a 30% reduction in free fatty acid concentrations in plasma (Table 3).

Three months of metformin treatment also lowered post-treatment glucose production by 25% in comparison with pretreatment (Table 4). There was no significant increase in the glucose clearance rate (46.9 ± 4.5 ml · m−2 · min−1 before metformin vs. 50.9 ± 3.6 ml · m−2 · min−1 after metformin). Both hepatic glycogen content and the rate of net hepatic glycogenolysis tended to increase with metformin treatment, as determined by 13C NMR. There was no significant change in the rate of total hepatic glycogenolysis as determined indirectly by the 2H2O method. The rate of gluconeogenesis as determined by 13C NMR was 37% less after treatment. Similarly, there was a 33% reduction in the rate of gluconeogenesis measured with the 2H2O method. There was also a trend for metformin to cause a 40% reduction in rates of hepatic glycogen cycling (Table 4). Metformin treatment did not significantly change the rates of carbohydrate, lipid, or protein oxidation (data not shown).
thank you.
It's only in the description of 1 of the 3 things that this drug does lol not sure why some guys aren't finding it, a simple search yielded this description,

"Metformin is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used in patients with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Metformin works by helping to restore your body's proper response to the insulin you naturally produce. It also decreases the amount of sugar that your liver makes and that your stomach/intestines absorb."
I couldn't bulk on it, I would be on the toilet immediately with diarhea. It blocks carbs significantly in my opinion. I use it fasted instead.

Hahaha 💩 💩 💩
I couldn't bulk on it, I would be on the toilet immediately with diarhea. It blocks carbs significantly in my opinion. I use it fasted instead.

I guess that's where all those blocked carbs are going :eek: That was kind of my point. You know I like details. I have read it does that on every description but they are usually all copied and pasted from an original text. I wondered if there were any studies showing that but I guess I didn't look hard enough as I found some today :eek: I never had a problem when using it pre bed. Of course the body adapts so when I added an am dose I never had an issue either. Yesterday it definitely blocked a lot of carbs for me :eek::D
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