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Here's your TrinityD, InfinityD, derek7x, slashout, etc

Demmacs is the exact name that he pm'ed me from a couple of weeks ago. Also, has anyone noticed how many people are now actively posting with accounts that have been on this site for a year or more and had single digit posts until this month? Now, suddenly they want to get chatty. Also, some of them either know a lot or ask specific questions. Then, there is a couple that are habitual thread starters. Just like Trinity, they start threads, give information and then ask the members what they think....just like Trin used to do and Pitbull1 does now that Trin is banned.

I honestly think that TrinityD has several actice accounts on this board and any other that he frequents.
You can sometimes see a thread where almost everyone posting has been a member for a few years but has 11 posts. And these users ask questions and talk to one another but it's really 1 guy.
that sooo creepy, who has time for that? lol
They seem to be dug in like ticks at every board now too. Generally they don't usually break the rules in plain sight so it's going to have to get to a point where you just ban them on suspicion. And force them to create a new account. We're not doing that now but I can't think of what else to do.

It's a scam really. Plain and simple.
LMAO this guy

he has a HUGE history of being a self proclaimed guru on forums.

look up ethan7x on google and you'll find his bb.com post history where he claims to have benched 225 for reps within 10 weeks of training, etc…

I have his phone number if anyone wants it.
I rarely post but read a lot of threads here and that Trinity Kid didn't know shit. I'm glad to see he is a complete fake. Like I said I rarely post but a several times I wanted to respond just to refute his nonsense.
What's with all the new members just looking for ANYTHING to post trying to get to 50????
What's with all the new members just looking for ANYTHING to post trying to get to 50????

And what's with all the new guys joining after trinity got banned. They are either post whoring or a couple post and they disappear.
Not sure why so many guys are posting now after being inactive.

But I was a member here for a couple years before starting to post regularly.

Some people just like to read the posts for info and maybe feel like they don't have anything to offer by posting.
I could tell trinity was fake the first day I signed up for the site, which was back in January. He was private messaging me about being a nurse and in anesthesia school, however having been an icu nurse myself for many years and being almost done with my doctorate in nurse anesthesia, it was clear the kid had no idea what he was talking about in regards to nursing or anesthesia school and that he was completely fabricating being in the nursing field at all. He literally knew nothing. People are crazy. That is all.
I bet they go over there like it's a vacation.
Make an arrest. Celebrate and party.

Take the guys life saving and then some.
Head back to the shop a few days later and plan

You have no idea how RIGHT you are on that one, Raj... :eek:

A very good friend of mine you also know well was at some point locked in the same prison MuscleBear was doing his time... the guy told my buddy about his arrest... how after setting up a meeting in Cyprus, an undercover FBI agent and all his team took him back to the US (just like they did with Redicat in Thailand)... and guess what (that's the funny part of the story)... when it finally was the moment to handcuff him, all of them LE boys suddenly came out of nowhere as tanned as if they had just spent vacations in Hawai LOL :D... in fact, they had just been enjoying a full week under Cyprus sun waiting for MuscleBear to land in Cyprus for what he still didn't know was going to be his bust... :eek:

Ain't it a cool job to work on busting dangerous AAS traffickers? :p
You have no idea how RIGHT you are on that one, Raj... :eek:

A very good friend of mine you also know well was at some point locked in the same prison MuscleBear was doing his time... the guy told my buddy about his arrest... how after setting up a meeting in Cyprus, an undercover FBI agent and all his team took him back to the US (just like they did with Redicat in Thailand)... and guess what (that's the funny part of the story)... when it finally was the moment to handcuff him, all of them LE boys suddenly came out of nowhere as tanned as if they had just spent vacations in Hawai LOL :D... in fact, they had just been enjoying a full week under Cyprus sun waiting for MuscleBear to land in Cyprus for what he still didn't know was going to be his bust... :eek:

Ain't it a cool job to work on busting dangerous AAS traffickers? :p

that makes me sick!
And what's with all the new guys joining after trinity got banned. They are either post whoring or a couple post and they disappear.
Fruitrollup.....just sayin'
I think I'm feeling what Manti Te'o did when the truth came out.
Ha Ha, whoa Vanilla and other bros! Slow down a bit, i hear you guys....and it took me a few pages to catch up, but EERILY i seem to fall into that 'being inactive for years' category...and scarily i actually started contributing again maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago? Pure coincidence, trust me! Now im being paranoid, i actually have been trolling from time to time i admit, but thats because of my personal schedule! I personally have at least one long standing member here that can back me. Of course i won't put names out there...but i would proudly if a MOD asked me. Damn i have some bad luck i guess?? Yes i have been contacted by him too when i came back on board, i won't lie. But i am who i am, sure as fuck not a nurse, and NO procard, just pro ATTITUDE!....:yeahthat:
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So where did he come up with all the advice he was giving? Internet search copy and paste?
He kept crying about me not giving him an email address. Fortunately, I never gave him a spec of personal info. No emails, nothing. I noticed how he was always asking people to give them their names, call him (caller ID), and now he has all that. He's still on this board. There is no doubt in my mind. Watching that complete meltdown was priceless.
So where did he come up with all the advice he was giving? Internet search copy and paste?

Pretty much. Years ago there was a guy on EF with doc or phd in his screen name. He was giving out cycle advice to anyone and everyone. He even offered to consult people by email. Someone found his email on a smaller board, turned out to be a 16 yr old kid. Six months prior to him becoming Ann expert he was asking the most basic gear questions.
He kept crying about me not giving him an email address. Fortunately, I never gave him a spec of personal info. No emails, nothing. I noticed how he was always asking people to give them their names, call him (caller ID), and now he has all that. He's still on this board. There is no doubt in my mind. Watching that complete meltdown was priceless.

Strange you say that, because he approached me about paying him for training. I declined, and he followed up by asking for my full real name. I found this a little odd.

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