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Make intra workout a priority to maximize recovery, and give yourself adequate rest days (I only train 4 days per week).
We talked about this before on another thread but I never asked this question if you were to bulk on low carbs how would you go about? I think there are essentially two standard methods
1. CKD, low carb all week and just carb up every weekend, or in your case, when you feel you need it
2. Low carb all day and only have carbs intra and post workout
High carb and calorie cycling is all I read about these days but I remember some of these old school approaches, anabolic diet, UD 2.0, bodyopus.
Carbs (besides veggies) only after workouts is something a bit rarer but I’ve heard mentioned by guys like Dante, Scott Stevenson, Ben Pakulski, Charles Poliquin, to name a few so not unheard of. I think Milos actually moved to this approach as well so a person is fat burning and catabolic for part of the day, and than hyper anabolic with carbs and slin around the workout (bit bro-sciencey but it works for him and his clients).
I’ve always wanted to be huge but after Covid and months of a lower calorie diet and doing cardio and bodyweight hard workouts (possibly due to high carb diet along with it) makes me feel like garbage - like clinically depressed the following day.

I’m trying to sort out if it’s lack of food, vitamins, minerals, fats, or whatever my issue is first, get stables, and than I wanna do a proper bulk. I’ve tried to push through and get out it a few times but it doesn’t get me far.

Dante’s “paying your dues” got me motivated though, I have to figure this shit out because the clock is ticking.
I have this exact same issue and I dont know how to fix it. Twice ive gone out to dinner with my family and had a big meal and not cared about the macros (definitely hit the same amount of protein i would in a regular meal) and within 30 minutes and for a few hours after I feel like a fog has just been lifted off my head. My sex drive comes back, I have heaps of energy, I am motivated asf to train the next day. Then I will continue eating my normal meals for the rest of the night and that feeling will slowly die off and by the next morning im feeling the complete opposite. Absolutely terrible, dont feel like training, dont want to leave house, basically depression and I have no idea why. If I could feel like how I do after those meals all the time then life would be amazing
If I could feel like how I do after those meals all the time then life would be amazing
Since the current paradigm is high carb, I imagine your normal diet is high carb low fat? If that’s the case more than likely it’s the higher amounts of fats that are giving you the boost, I’m starting to feel better these past few days and all I did was replace rice in two of my meals with loads of veggies cooked in coconut oil.

If you are one of the few eating higher fats/moderate carbs it may just be a sodium thing because along with lots of grease restaurants love to load up on salt.
We talked about this before on another thread but I never asked this question if you were to bulk on low carbs how would you go about? I think there are essentially two standard methods
1. CKD, low carb all week and just carb up every weekend, or in your case, when you feel you need it
2. Low carb all day and only have carbs intra and post workout
High carb and calorie cycling is all I read about these days but I remember some of these old school approaches, anabolic diet, UD 2.0, bodyopus.
Carbs (besides veggies) only after workouts is something a bit rarer but I’ve heard mentioned by guys like Dante, Scott Stevenson, Ben Pakulski, Charles Poliquin, to name a few so not unheard of. I think Milos actually moved to this approach as well so a person is fat burning and catabolic for part of the day, and than hyper anabolic with carbs and slin around the workout (bit bro-sciencey but it works for him and his clients).
If carrying as much lean muscle tissue as humanly possible is your goal then I would opt for carbs intra and post workout as my method.
We talked about this before on another thread but I never asked this question if you were to bulk on low carbs how would you go about? I think there are essentially two standard methods
1. CKD, low carb all week and just carb up every weekend, or in your case, when you feel you need it
2. Low carb all day and only have carbs intra and post workout
High carb and calorie cycling is all I read about these days but I remember some of these old school approaches, anabolic diet, UD 2.0, bodyopus.
Carbs (besides veggies) only after workouts is something a bit rarer but I’ve heard mentioned by guys like Dante, Scott Stevenson, Ben Pakulski, Charles Poliquin, to name a few so not unheard of. I think Milos actually moved to this approach as well so a person is fat burning and catabolic for part of the day, and than hyper anabolic with carbs and slin around the workout (bit bro-sciencey but it works for him and his clients).
I tried the CKD bulk once years ago. It will keep you leaner but you won't gain much - maybe 5lbs. if you do well.

You have to get over you fear of getting fat and bulk the right way with carbs. If you want physique-changing muscle that makes people say, 'What did you do?' that's the way you do it. Dieting the fat off is so easy and takes a fraction of the time building muscle takes.

If you do the thing that's popular with young guys of staying as lean as possible while growing you'll gain maybe 3lbs. a year and visually you'll look like you've made no progress.
He thinks that LE will come for you but not instagram stars with hundreds of thousands of followers, not Bostin Loyd who shot steroid in youtube videos and told the world his cycles but only some random fuck on professionalmuscle.
It's a cop out that pretenders use on this site cause they want to shock people with steroid talk but don't want to show what all that juice has done for their physique. Several people here use the same shit story.
I have to agree to this 10,000 times💯
I tried the CKD bulk once years ago. It will keep you leaner but you won't gain much - maybe 5lbs. if you do well.

You have to get over you fear of getting fat and bulk the right way with carbs. If you want physique-changing muscle that makes people say, 'What did you do?' that's the way you do it. Dieting the fat off is so easy and takes a fraction of the time building muscle takes.

If you do the thing that's popular with young guys of staying as lean as possible while growing you'll gain maybe 3lbs. a year and visually you'll look like you've made no progress.
Yeah we've talked about this before, you're right. I can't push the carbs super high as I start to feel physically and mentally sick, I've done diets of like 600-800g of carbs with 20-50g of fat and was absolutely miserable. Trying a different approach as I asked b-boy above, something I read in Scott Stevensons book and a few other big names still do - carbs only intra and after workouts like 150-200g per meal kinda of thing, low carb the rest of the day. For me it would mean first three meals of the day being fat/protein, intra, and than two post meals that are high carb.
The issue with this angle will be getting in my caloric needs through fats which means I stop being (dietary) fat-phobic.
If I recall correctly you're a moderate fat high carb kind of guy, what do you think of this approach of carbs around workouts only, as a middle ground between extreme HCLF and CKD?
Yeah we've talked about this before, you're right. I can't push the carbs super high as I start to feel physically and mentally sick, I've done diets of like 600-800g of carbs with 20-50g of fat and was absolutely miserable. Trying a different approach as I asked b-boy above, something I read in Scott Stevensons book and a few other big names still do - carbs only intra and after workouts like 150-200g per meal kinda of thing, low carb the rest of the day. For me it would mean first three meals of the day being fat/protein, intra, and than two post meals that are high carb.
The issue with this angle will be getting in my caloric needs through fats which means I stop being (dietary) fat-phobic.
If I recall correctly you're a moderate fat high carb kind of guy, what do you think of this approach of carbs around workouts only, as a middle ground between extreme HCLF and CKD?
If you go this route ^^^ make your main fat source EVOO along with a little whole eggs
I tried the CKD bulk once years ago. It will keep you leaner but you won't gain much - maybe 5lbs. if you do well.

You have to get over you fear of getting fat and bulk the right way with carbs. If you want physique-changing muscle that makes people say, 'What did you do?' that's the way you do it. Dieting the fat off is so easy and takes a fraction of the time building muscle takes.

If you do the thing that's popular with young guys of staying as lean as possible while growing you'll gain maybe 3lbs. a year and visually you'll look like you've made no progress.
I’ve be repeating this to myself over and over this week. That part about not being super lean if you want to put on size. It’s constant battle of getting caught up looking at everyone shredded photos on IG and remembering to stay on course and grow as much as I can. I’m currently running 6ius of growth a day and humalog on top of my anabolics. That’s for the tips with insulin, it’s gone pretty smoothly. No hypo or shaking or sweating.


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I’ve be repeating this to myself over and over this week. That part about not being super lean if you want to put on size. It’s constant battle of getting caught up looking at everyone shredded photos on IG and remembering to stay on course and grow as much as I can. I’m currently running 6ius of growth a day and humalog on top of my anabolics. That’s for the tips with insulin, it’s gone pretty smoothly. No hypo or shaking or sweating.
Growth, when was the last time you got lean lean? Are u competing every year or at least getting into super lean shape at least once a year?
Growth, when was the last time you got lean lean? Are u competing every year or at least getting into super lean shape at least once a year?
Last time I got super lean was summer 2021, I was prepping for a show about 8 weeks out but I started having vaccine injury related health problems that I didn’t get to the bottom of until November of last year. I’m planing to do a mini cut after I finish this growth phase before I try to do another growth push. If all stays well with health I would like to compete summer time next year after I have my gyno surgery.
I see some talk of the old CKD type diet or even psmf and carb ups, obviously good for cutting or lean year round but not growth. For guys that use this when you have your high carb day... what are your sources? Simple or complex with fiber? I remember Lyle used to say simple but I think over time I've read complex carbohydrates are used for "refeeds"
Last time I got super lean was summer 2021, I was prepping for a show about 8 weeks out but I started having vaccine injury related health problems that I didn’t get to the bottom of until November of last year. I’m planing to do a mini cut after I finish this growth phase before I try to do another growth push. If all stays well with health I would like to compete summer time next year after I have my gyno surgery.

did u do that show in 2021 or u didn’t and stopped at 8 weeks out? And realistically, 8 weeks out probably isn’t lean enough (at least in my head) to start a great offseason. I would be willing to bet that you have a fear of getting fat because you are starting your off-seasons with probably a bit too much bf. I’ve seen you post pics on here and they have all been above 10-12+%. You will have an infinity better off-season if you start lean lean and have a great rebound.
did u do that show in 2021 or u didn’t and stopped at 8 weeks out? And realistically, 8 weeks out probably isn’t lean enough (at least in my head) to start a great offseason. I would be willing to bet that you have a fear of getting fat because you are starting your off-seasons with probably a bit too much bf. I’ve seen you post pics on here and they have all been above 10-12+%. You will have an infinity better off-season if you start lean lean and have a great rebound.
did u do that show in 2021 or u didn’t and stopped at 8 weeks out? And realistically, 8 weeks out probably isn’t lean enough (at least in my head) to start a great offseason. I would be willing to bet that you have a fear of getting fat because you are starting your off-seasons with probably a bit too much bf. I’ve seen you post pics on here and they have all been above 10-12+%. You will have an infinity better off-season if you start lean lean and have a great rebound.
No did not do my show in 2021, I got pretty sick and spent a year trying to figure it out and maintain muscle mass. But yes I agree I would have a better off season rebounding after a show but will happen in due time. I don’t feel like I can currently with my health and treatment program go into a prep successfully. I have 5 days of infusion therapy once a month that makes me pretty sick and unable to stay on a prep program. Essential I have 3 weeks on and then a week of recovering from treatment. Hoping next year I’ll be able to cut down and compete but as of now I’m really happy to be able to bodybuild at all. I’m a stubborn son of a bitch trying to bodybuild while trying to put an autoimmune condition in remission. But yes I hear you and agree but timing and health and treatment programs are complicating things.
No did not do my show in 2021, I got pretty sick and spent a year trying to figure it out and maintain muscle mass. But yes I agree I would have a better off season rebounding after a show but will happen in due time. I don’t feel like I can currently with my health and treatment program go into a prep successfully. I have 5 days of infusion therapy once a month that makes me pretty sick and unable to stay on a prep program. Essential I have 3 weeks on and then a week of recovering from treatment. Hoping next year I’ll be able to cut down and compete but as of now I’m really happy to be able to bodybuild at all. I’m a stubborn son of a bitch trying to bodybuild while trying to put an autoimmune condition in remission. But yes I hear you and agree but timing and health and treatment programs are complicating things.
agree 100% @TheOtherOne55 you won't build much muscle mass at this point - in that case I'd just go into a slight caloric deficit and burn fat slowly and when the time comes and you have less work and responsibilities you'll start the offseason with low fat - that's a much better solution than wasting time on an unproductive offseason
agree 100% @TheOtherOne55 you won't build much muscle mass at this point - in that case I'd just go into a slight caloric deficit a burn fat slowly and when the time comes and you have less work and responsibilities you'll start the offseason with low fat - that's a much better solution than wasting time on an unproductive offseason
Well is not an issues of work and responsibilities it’s medical care but let me ask you this based on my progress picture from November to June. I look at it and see growth and a slight decrease in body fat. I went from 215 to 230 and a little leaner. So why would you say it’s and unproductive off season. Do you think it’s all Just glycogen and no muscle mass added? I’ll repost the before and after and also picture from yesterday I took that shows my conditioning a little more. I do love hearing all of your opinions so I Just want a little clarification. These changes you think are pointless? Cuz for me I’ve been looking at my progress and seeing this as the most positive growth phase I’ve had in a long while. Lol I’ve felt like I’ve been very productive in the last couple months.


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