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Injectable superdrol?


Jul 5, 2014
has anyone here tried it?

it would be more bioavailable than oral right?
ive made some.
havent tried yet though.

superdrol oral bioavalability is close to 100% already so no.

the main difference would be possible site enhancement and less liver stress.

with the injectable you'll most likely need more than with the oral, however youll be able to use more aswell because injecting is less toxic than taking methylated stuff orally.
(theres a big debate on this but i can confirm this via bloodwork for myself)
ive made some.
havent tried yet though.

superdrol oral bioavalability is close to 100% already so no.

the main difference would be possible site enhancement and less liver stress.

with the injectable you'll most likely need more than with the oral, however youll be able to use more aswell because injecting is less toxic than taking methylated stuff orally.
(theres a big debate on this but i can confirm this via bloodwork for myself)

are injectable orals really less toxic? or is it "bodybuilding board bro science"?
as i said thats debatable. i know injectable orals at higher dosages do not even do close to the damage to my liver that "oral" orals do.

possible explanation:
taking methyls orally = everything hits your digestive system and liver at once, then circulating through bloodstream and slowly getting filtered through the liver again.
injecting methyls = avoiding that huge initial hit, everything just goes through bloodstream slowly and is only filtered by the liver once.

that huge hit is what makes a big part of the effectiveness of orals though, because a lot of IGF-1 seems to be produced when methylated orals hit the liver.
thats why injecting orals is probably not as effective mg for mg, albeit healthier.
superdrol oral bioavalability is close to 100% already so no.

I highly doubt it, there is usually a significant amount broken down in first pass metabolism. Sure its not loseing 90% like oral testosterone however l wouldn't be at all surprised if 20-50% is lost before it ever hits the blood.
I highly doubt it, there is usually a significant amount broken down in first pass metabolism. Sure its not loseing 90% like oral testosterone however l wouldn't be at all surprised if 20-50% is lost before it ever hits the blood.

wikipedia says
"The traditional routes of administration do not have differential effects on the efficacy of the drug. Studies indicate that the anabolic properties of anabolic steroids are relatively similar despite the differences in pharmacokinetic principles such as first-pass metabolism. However, the orally available forms of AAS may cause liver damage in high doses.[6][9]"

i dont know, since most people do not really notice big differences between injectable winny or dbol vs oral winny or dbol (which are probably the most common injectable 17a methyls) i'd assume bioavailability is close to 100% already, otherwise the injectable versions would be 2-3 times stronger which is certainly NOT the case
wikipedia says
"The traditional routes of administration do not have differential effects on the efficacy of the drug. Studies indicate that the anabolic properties of anabolic steroids are relatively similar despite the differences in pharmacokinetic principles such as first-pass metabolism. However, the orally available forms of AAS may cause liver damage in high doses.[6][9]"

i dont know, since most people do not really notice big differences between injectable winny or dbol vs oral winny or dbol (which are probably the most common injectable 17a methyls) i'd assume bioavailability is close to 100% already, otherwise the injectable versions would be 2-3 times stronger which is certainly NOT the case

in llewellyn's book on steroids, it says superdrol's bioavailability is 50%
i dont know, since most people do not really notice big differences between injectable winny or dbol vs oral winny or dbol (which are probably the most common injectable 17a methyls) i'd assume bioavailability is close to 100% already, otherwise the injectable versions would be 2-3 times stronger which is certainly NOT the case

Have never heard to many people comparing. The following link shows possibly how the effect of oral and injected winstrol could be different. There are reasons injectable my not "APPEAR" stronger even tho the effective dose absorbed may be higher.
Have never heard to many people comparing. The following link shows possibly how the effect of oral and injected winstrol could be different. There are reasons injectable my not "APPEAR" stronger even tho the effective dose absorbed may be higher.

yeah i know that article, still it'b be interesting to have some people chiming in who got bloodwork on injectable methyls:headbang:
are injectable orals really less toxic? or is it "bodybuilding board bro science"?

Science not a bro science, injectable less hepatoxic, oral steriods are coated thus the liver work harder trying to breakdown, still it wont break and it will pass and be absorbed in intestines.

does any one know if the dosage from the injectable drol is stronger. drol tabs come in usually 50mg tabs, but the inject is usually around25-35mg/ml, does it crash after this limit is made. And is the inject stronger than mg for mg compared to tabs
Why are inject preparations higher in mg?

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