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Journal of training gear nutrition and more

I have some leftovers of gear like npp anavar dbol awful lot of pharma grade enanthate. I think I will order some rad140 as I had fantastic results in a previous. Nice dry clean gains.
Weight 99.4
Legs abs day
High carb day , last meal home made low fat waffles until i will be stuffed- weekly cheat meal.
99% times how my meals looks like- all the time super clean and full of nutrients.


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I see daily changes to my physique, every day thicker and fuller. Rebound goes amazingly well. Scale changes are not huge but it is for sure the best version of myself so far. I still experiment with legs positioning on some exercises to make sure that my repaired hernia won’t pop up again and for sure deep movement are out of question on leg press. Feet must be straight and movement is only to the point when knees are in 90’ angle- not deeper. Stiff deadlift with bar was swap for dumbells and they are taken outside of the body rather then straight in front of me. Front box squats are ideal movement for me.
Weight 99.4 after heavy carb meal. Looks like a rebound is done. Now couple more weeks and I am going into summer holidays. Once I am back I will start a cycle. Till then still cruise.
Current pics??
Current pics??
Dont know will do them tomorrow but I just had a word with a good friend of my who is huge like a house and he said that after a rebound I should go straight to offseason. He said: you are waisting time cause you are so lean and lowering gear and keeping calories will make you fat so instead taking oportunity to grow when I am leanest I literally shooting myself in a foot. He said : up the test add some dht keep the growth buckle up your seat and enjoy the ride. I think I may take his advice 😉 I will not argue with somebody who is twice the size of mine.
After low carb day


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If i would stand next to you I would look like a patient with muscles atrophy. 😁
Bro your a good lean 219, you look great, you could hold 229 and look good still.
Bro your a good lean 219, you look great, you could hold 229 and look good still.
As we spoke yesterday I am making adjustments as my digestion is really crap recently so I went for a shopping and bought food that digest really good for me. Just pinned npp in the morning as this drug always making me very hungry. I am dropping coffee for now cause every time i drink it food sits for hours in stomach and I have gas and feel like shit. I will also drink more water with electrolytes for better hydration.
Test going to 500 mg 75 mg sust daily.
2 iu gh were causing massive lethargy for the whole days so dropped to 1iu and woke up feeling great.
Calories wise- my maintenance is 3000 so to make sure that I am in building phase i just add 500 to it due to work environment which can be very demanding. If I eat too much before bed I feel like shit so last meal must be light -200-300 calories so this leaves me 3200 into 400 meals. To make it simple 800 calories each.
Sources of food: usually fish goes very easy on my digestive system and whey so those will be my good to. I will also add others food like chicken beef but to make sure that I am digesting everything i need to be sure that food i eat goes well with my body. In terms of carbs semolina rice cakes and fruits plus honey. I will add some dried fruits due to fact that they provide very high amount of calories compare to volume they take. Honey goes well with everything really. Fats : what in a meat plus mct and coconut. I will also have a one shake from instant oats to top up calories. That is it. On a weekend one meal high carb low fat home made waffles with wife and kids 😁
Just calculated my proteins for today 350 . Seems to be a good number. Fats will be around 50 rest are carbs.
Weight 98.8. There was a temporary weight drop for a moment but start coming back as test slowly kick in. I was much fuller today then usual. Push day for me. Carbs will be higher today compare to yesterday 300 grams which was low day for me. Fats like every day kept on low side apart what is in meat carbs and eggs in the evening. No added extra dietary fats.
Test kicked in - visible water retention weight 99.7. It should be only better from now on. Lot of good food now hard training and progress is sure.
Weight 99.9 this is THE best 100 kg i have looked for years now. For a long time while I was maintaining i forgot how awesome real bulk is. I am hooked for sure and really looking forward for upcoming months. Knees are so much better since i started heavy leg training with dedicated legs day. UHT routine treats me very well. I will have now day off tomorrow just to hit legs on Sunday morning day off on Monday and Pull on Tuesday.
Weight 99.0 Lot of carbs yesterday but still drop some weight. Like always as loosing weight as building muscles does not go in ideal linear way. Today will keep carbs high as I expect some busy time at work.
As much as my weight changes are almost non visible on a scale shirts are really getting so tight that I struggle sometimes when I work. Jeans also getting very tight , offseason is getting exactly where it need to go. Next saturday I am adding 50 mg anavar to the mix for the duration of 5 weeks.

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