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Juice and suicide

how many dudes start drugs cuz they have low self-esteem, bad body image. they wanna be "real men" and have big muscles to get the chicks. doesnt happen tho. and they still have those mental issues. then they realize eventually they gotta quit the drugs and shrink up back to where they started, skinny and fat, just like the people they keep bad-mouthing all the time. i dont know how they arent all having anxiety attacks over knowing what their future holds....back to their past.
so fuck it. just kill yourself if u cant have big muscles.
in fact a REALLY popular guy here posted that exact notion here awhile back and now he's got some bad health problems....no juice, lost tons of weight...
i keep wondering about him.
how many dudes start drugs cuz they have low self-esteem, bad body image. they wanna be "real men" and have big muscles to get the chicks. doesnt happen tho. and they still have those mental issues. then they realize eventually they gotta quit the drugs and shrink up back to where they started, skinny and fat, just like the people they keep bad-mouthing all the time. i dont know how they arent all having anxiety attacks over knowing what their future holds....back to their past.
so fuck it. just kill yourself if u cant have big muscles.
in fact a REALLY popular guy here posted that exact notion here awhile back and now he's got some bad health problems....no juice, lost tons of weight...
i keep wondering about him.
Many Insecure, flawed people gravitate toward AAS use. Totally agree.
It took me many years to realize (and admit) that AAS use was a psychological addiction as much or more than it is a tool for muscle growth. Even if you are mentally secure with your size, look, etc, the feeling of being on testosterone is very addictive mentally. It feels great, ultimately you have more "drive," which feels amazing and is hard to replicate on the same level without them. I think we fool ourselves about this, thinking it's the "bodybuilding lifestyle" or the fact that we are growing and making progress that feels so good when really it's a psychological addiction to testosterone. Hell, just the increase in sex drive alone has an addictive component. I fully support responsible drug use, it can make you wiser, smarter, and happier. But be honest about it and understand why you like it.

People don't smoke because it's a habit, they do it because they like the effect of nicotine.

People don't use THC because it helps them sleep, they like getting high.

People don't drink wine because it tastes good, they like getting drunk.

People don't use cocaine so they can stay up late, they like getting fucked up.

People don't use adderall because they have ADHD and need to study, they like taking speed and being high.

People don't drink coffee because they like the taste, they want the buzz from caffeine.

People don't use AAS because they want to be bigger, they like how it makes them feel.

Sure there are exceptions but 98% of the time they are BSing.
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but he was right about dirty cops. "copblock.org" is full of that shit. i cant even watch those videos anymore i get so godam mad. fuckin pigs.

Definitely some bad ones out there but I think it is incorrect to make them mostly all out to be that way. I think most of the police out there are honest and good people serving the public. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch. I have a lot of respect for most cops and how they have to deal with some of the assholes in the public they run into on a daily basis.

The only trouble I have with the police is regarding traffic cops. Seems like speeding tickets and most moving violations are just a revenue producer for the department. Im sick of that.
It took me many years to realize (and admit) that AAS use was a psychological addiction as much or more than it is a tool for muscle growth. Even if you are mentally secure with your size, look, etc, the feeling of being on testosterone is very addictive mentally. It feels great, ultimately you have more "drive," which feels amazing and is hard to replicate on the same level without them. I think we fool ourselves about this, thinking it's the "bodybuilding lifestyle" or the fact that we are growing and making progress that feels so good when really it's a psychological addiction to testosterone. Hell, just the increase in sex drive alone has an addictive component. I fully support responsible drug use, it can make you wiser, smarter, and happier. But be honest about it and understand why you like it.

People don't smoke because it's a habit, they do it because they like the effect of nicotine.

People don't use THC because it helps them sleep, they like getting high.

People don't drink wine because it tastes good, they like getting drunk.

People don't use cocaine so they can stay up late, they like getting fucked up.

People don't use adderall because they have ADHD and need to study, they like taking speed and being high.

People don't drink coffee because they like the taste, they want the buzz from caffeine.

People don't use AAS because they want to be bigger, they like how it makes them feel.

Sure there are exceptions but 98% of the time they are BSing.

I remember talking to a guy in my area that had been trying for years to win Nationals and turn pro. He never made it of course, but he did have a high level physique. I remember talking to him about the drugs and he said that he felt like he was killing himself and that year would probably be his last try at nationals, that it just wasn't worth it anymore. At the time I didn't understand because I wasn't that into it yet.

Looking back now I know that I had signs that it wasn't good for my health and yet I kept on using it all. I had cardiomyopathy that cleared up completely after getting off all steroids for about 1 year and yet get back on again. It is really hard to stop using them once you depend on them. That is the problem, you depend on them. Once you get off for a long time you just don't feel like yourself anymore. It is both a psychological and physiological phenomenon.
I know it! We could be talking about the NASA program in the US and how it needs more funding and Slice would find a way to blame it on women! Kinda like when the dems used to blame everything on Bush.

well it's true.. men are having their lives absolutely ruined because some woman wanted attention, or felt scorned or whatever the fuck reason.

some men are even going as far as to take their own lives because they can't handle the damage the false accusations have caused.

a young man in the UK spent years in prison because a woman falsely accused him of raping her... and the UK police buried vital evidence which would have proven him innocent.

a man in NY was sentenced to 20 years on a false accusation - which the woman made because she 'wanted her friends to feel bad for her.'

idk, maybe im just weird for caring.
I know it! We could be talking about the NASA program in the US and how it needs more funding and Slice would find a way to blame it on women! Kinda like when the dems used to blame everything on Bush.

The NASA program definitely does not need more funding. Boomer scientists will find a way to fuck that up as well.

If the recent trends continue, we could discover a malicious alien lifeforce hellbent on destroying our entire nation and retard shit-libs would welcome this invading species with open arms :)
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when im on gear. and it dosnt matter what it is really im happy. maybe more aggressive and serious but inside im happy. but coming off...iv been off for over a year several times and Iv chipped teeth with my 45. I take 3-6 months off every year so im well accustom to this yo yo. even while cruising on trt dosages I get severely depressed. before gear I never had any depression but I get it now bad. part of the game I guess as I feel staying on all year is not healthy to me I try and let mt body recover on its own as often as I can. and my natural test levels do still return but the transition can be brutal.
I think I escaped most of the depression because I emersed myself in other activities when off. Over time I built support for my ego based on those endeavors. Now I have to TRT on 100 mg/w but same approach. It also helps to taper down leading into off cycle or TRT. The mental clarity and general drabs diminish over time and normalize, at least for me. My rule for the time period going off was always the 1st 8 weeks sucks, second 8 weeks is a bit better, by the end of the 3rd 8 weeks feeling pretty normal. Trouple is thats 24 weeks, pretty much 6 months and nobody wants to go off for 6 months and lose so much gains even if it restores the mind and body to a good natural state.
Definitely some bad ones out there but I think it is incorrect to make them mostly all out to be that way. I think most of the police out there are honest and good people serving the public. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch. I have a lot of respect for most cops and how they have to deal with some of the assholes in the public they run into on a daily basis.

The only trouble I have with the police is regarding traffic cops. Seems like speeding tickets and most moving violations are just a revenue producer for the department. Im sick of that.

I have several ex-cop friends who say they quit because they couldn't stand working with all the assholes. I think there is a negative culture that drives out the guys who are good honest people.

Ultimately the problem with the police is this: The number one rule is "don't do anything that reflects poorly on the department." This means that corruption can't be reported.
I know it! We could be talking about the NASA program in the US and how it needs more funding and Slice would find a way to blame it on women! Kinda like when the dems used to blame everything on Bush.

He brings up some very good, and undeniable facts.

I just like messing with him :)
I just want us all to be equal in society and under the law

is that too much to ask? :eek:

Im with you on quite a bit of what you say but it seems like we could be talking about anything in the world and then you'll bring in how bad women are. It is like you are obsessed with it. Here at home my wife is always getting mad at me talking about politics. Its similar to that. I talk to her too much about how much I hate the left. With you it is women.

After awhile it gets frustrating to hear all the time. Now I understand how my wife feels!
Regarding juice only magnifying personality traits, an asshole becomes an even bigger asshole etc. Well, the problem is that everyone has a bit of an asshole in them, has some aggressive traits. So even a so called nice guy can act out in negative ways he wouldn't otherwise unless the chemical trigger is there.

I have actually seen big assholes mellowing out a bit on cycles. More than once. It's not so simple always.
Im with you on quite a bit of what you say but it seems like we could be talking about anything in the world and then you'll bring in how bad women are. It is like you are obsessed with it. Here at home my wife is always getting mad at me talking about politics. Its similar to that. I talk to her too much about how much I hate the left. With you it is women.

After awhile it gets frustrating to hear all the time. Now I understand how my wife feels!

(some) women are utilizing the power of the state to destroy men's lives... so it's pretty relevant

this is seen in divorce courts

this is seen in criminal courts

imagine a woman wanting attention, or being mad at you for something (or nothing at all), so she goes to the government to literally try to have you thrown in a cage for the rest of your life

and if it is discovered that she was lying in court (perjury, perverting the course of justice, filing false police reports), she is given a slap on the wrist, if anything at all...


this is rampant in the UK... and it's becoming more of a problem here as well.

while this doesn't have anything to do with bodybuilding or steroids, Pesty made a point how suicide is the leading killer of men under a certain age..

maybe we should just sweep it under the rug :rolleyes:

wouldnt want to hold m'lady accountable for her actions or anything like that.
(some) women are utilizing the power of the state to destroy men's lives... so it's pretty relevant

this is seen in divorce courts

this is seen in criminal courts

imagine a woman wanting attention, or being mad at you for something (or nothing at all), so she goes to the government to literally try to have you thrown in a cage for the rest of your life

and if it is discovered that she was lying in court (perjury, perverting the course of justice, filing false police reports), she is given a slap on the wrist, if anything at all...


this is rampant in the UK... and it's becoming more of a problem here as well.

while this doesn't have anything to do with bodybuilding or steroids, Pesty made a point how suicide is the leading killer of men under a certain age..

maybe we should just sweep it under the rug :rolleyes:

wouldnt want to hold m'lady accountable for her actions or anything like that.

You're officially added to your own list - http://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/professional-muscle-forum/145868-do-you-put-your-physique-before-women-5.html#post2621061

can we just have a forum exclusively for OP where he can post about how much he gets laid?

also concreteguy for how alpha he is

and anabolicfreak for how cool all his stuff is
Story time?

Tren, Halo, M1t, and high dose Test would probably be the primary culprits if I was tasked with linking this study with specific compounds.

Lol m1t would make me to tired to come up with a plan. Stuff makes extremely tired after week 3. Tren just makes people seem much more annoying to me. Ha
I think we'd see a whole lot less bodybuilders if mental health was more widely discussed in modern day society :)
People don't use THC because it helps them sleep, they like getting high.
Sure there are exceptions but 98% of the time they are BSing.

Agree with most of these with this being the only exception. My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with Pancreatric cancer that apparently has spead to his liver and right lung. He's definately NOT using the canna cookies I helped get him to get high.

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