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'low' test + high(er) EQ.

I guess you don't experince low E2 sympthoms from EQ 😂

I mean, I am a big believer in the anxiety from EQ simply very low E2 levels. I always loved EQ but the anxiety always wrecked me and I would have to bail out earlier then planned. I dont think thats going to be the case this time, been feeling fantastic.

I posted earlier in this thread that I pulled labs a few weeks back and E2 was 11 on no AI and I think 750mg Test and 1200 EQ. Even now at 1250/1250 and no AI, I feel a little brittle and cracky but I refuse to attribute that to just low E2 until I get some more bloodwork and even still it's not a concern as long as I am growing and not negatively impacting my training or my physical and mental wellbeing.

Moreover, I think EQ might work a little like Tren/HGH/IGF in regard to bloodwork. When on Tren and HGH, your IGF shows lower in bloodwork then it should, well Type II put out some information (and I am not going to quote this even remotely accurately so bear with me) on this essentially indicating the Tren is pulling the IGF from the bloodstream (systematic) into the muscles so of course you are going to show low IGF levels on bloodwork but it's actually a very good thing. Now I am not saying EQ pulls E2 into muscles or anything like that, I am just suggesting that the low E2 on EQ is not as significant of a concern if you actually are using compounds that are producing and circulating estrogen. E2 might show low on EQ but if you have a gram of Testosterone in your system, I don't think you're going to get smacked in the face with low E2 side effects even if bloodwork reflects low E2 levels because your body is getting a steady flow of estrogen from the Testosterone and processing it daily.

So like Tren and HGH, IGF might show low but you are still seeing the results of higher IGF. So on EQ E2 might show low but as long as you have estrogenic compounds in the mix with a steady and sufficiently high enough amount of estrogenic activity, you are still benefiting from that estrogen.

Or its a bunch of bro shit logic I came up with out of nowhere but at the end of the day, if shit works it works lol.
You can get away with a lot of things with youth on your side. The older we get the more sides and issues we have… bp, sex drive, general sense of well being on higher doses… gettin old sucks lol
100% agree. I didn’t know anything about anything and basically took 400mgs of eq only for a year lol.
Depends on the person, but i think you would get more out of 500 test.
Regarding the original question, you should do blood test with a base of test and then retest 3 months into the eq test cycle to know for sure how it effects you
Yea the test is superior by far in this range compare
EQ unlocked Testosterone for me, I would never bother running it with low test now that I know it keeps my estrogen in check the way it does and keeps the look tighter.

Am I as dry as low test with tren/mast? No but i feel a hell of a lot better and I am growing like a weed and I am significantly dryer with the EQ in the mix next to the testosterone.

If you are questioning its ability to lower estrogen its pretty simple, go draw bloods, learn your truth and ignore everyone elses.
Standing ovation! Probably test E1, E2 and E3 for a better look since there seems to be some question what the estrogens are when EQ in place.
Test always has to be higher then everything else
Why do you say that, what about someone that is a high aromatizer? Each person is unique and not everyone processes anabolic drugs the same or we would ALL BE HUGE.
Me personally yes I agree test highest of my drug leverage, but to say ALWAYS is foolish in regards to everyone.
After introducing EQ at 300mg per week and dropping Deca 250mg per week, my anxiety has gone up, but not unacceptable right now (1 week in) and I have dropped water from Deca.

Sex drive is down from last week, but not gone.

Will get bloods done in a few weeks and check E among other markers. I suspect my E is also down hence the change in labido.

Has anyone got a evidence based answer on why and how EQ lowers E as it aromatase and closely resembles Daianbol structurally? Tt doesnt make much sense.
After introducing EQ at 300mg per week and dropping Deca 250mg per week, my anxiety has gone up, but not unacceptable right now (1 week in) and I have dropped water from Deca.

Sex drive is down from last week, but not gone.

Will get bloods done in a few weeks and check E among other markers. I suspect my E is also down hence the change in labido.

Has anyone got a evidence based answer on why and how EQ lowers E as it aromatase and closely resembles Daianbol structurally? Tt doesnt make much sense.

Just to put you down the right path if you want to research it a bit, as there has been a lot more recent discussion on the anti estrogen effect in recent years but on other boards and yes a youtuber or two.

I dont think Mike Arnold likes when people reference this article as I beleive he has changed his opinion on high doses of EQ but I could be wrong. https://www.ironmagazine.com/2012/boldenone-realizing-its-full-potential/

"One explanation is found in the drug’s metabolism. Specifically, Boldenone metabolizes to an anti-aromatase inhibitor known as 1,4 dienedone. This could certainly explain why Boldenone, despite it relatively high rate of aromatization, does not deliver anywhere near the estrogenic punch that its aromatization rate implies."

^ can poke around google with that or just wait and see if @Type-IIx comes in and drops some knowledge.
Just to put you down the right path if you want to research it a bit, as there has been a lot more recent discussion on the anti estrogen effect in recent years but on other boards and yes a youtuber or two.

I dont think Mike Arnold likes when people reference this article as I beleive he has changed his opinion on high doses of EQ but I could be wrong. https://www.ironmagazine.com/2012/boldenone-realizing-its-full-potential/

"One explanation is found in the drug’s metabolism. Specifically, Boldenone metabolizes to an anti-aromatase inhibitor known as 1,4 dienedone. This could certainly explain why Boldenone, despite it relatively high rate of aromatization, does not deliver anywhere near the estrogenic punch that its aromatization rate implies."

^ can poke around google with that or just wait and see if @Type-IIx comes in and drops some knowledge.

Thanks, I've seen all this.

I have also seen Type II on it (his posts PM), but I dont think he knows either. Everyone has theories.

Its pretty significant IMO, I've dropped my Tamox dose of 10mg 3x week.

I'll continue for 4-5 weeks and get bloods. Anything that changes E too much is going to negatively impact lipids in my experience.
Just to put you down the right path if you want to research it a bit, as there has been a lot more recent discussion on the anti estrogen effect in recent years but on other boards and yes a youtuber or two.

I dont think Mike Arnold likes when people reference this article as I beleive he has changed his opinion on high doses of EQ but I could be wrong. https://www.ironmagazine.com/2012/boldenone-realizing-its-full-potential/

"One explanation is found in the drug’s metabolism. Specifically, Boldenone metabolizes to an anti-aromatase inhibitor known as 1,4 dienedone. This could certainly explain why Boldenone, despite it relatively high rate of aromatization, does not deliver anywhere near the estrogenic punch that its aromatization rate implies."

^ can poke around google with that or just wait and see if @Type-IIx comes in and drops some knowledge.
This is false. EQ converts to E1. EQ having AI metabolites is not proven , but having abnormally high Estrone levels on EQ has been proven. It simply lowers your estrogen (E2) reading because it’s competes for Aromatase.
This is false. EQ converts to E1. EQ having AI metabolites is not proven , but having abnormally high Estrone levels on EQ has been proven. It simply lowers your estrogen (E2) reading because it’s competes for Aromatase.
Has it really been proven? Or do we just have a few online anecdotes claiming that?

I had an estrone and estradiol panel while using test/EQ and my E2 was normal for me and my E1 was straight middle of reference range.

Granted, just because my blood panel came back without elevated estrone, doesn’t mean that others won’t have it.
Has it really been proven? Or do we just have a few online anecdotes claiming that?

I had an estrone and estradiol panel while using test/EQ and my E2 was normal for me and my E1 was straight middle of reference range.

Granted, just because my blood panel came back without elevated estrone, doesn’t mean that others won’t have it.
EQ converts to Estrone for a fact. Everyone reacts differently but abnormally high E1 levels are common on EQ. E1 is weak but at high levels it’s equivalent to decent e2 levels.
EQ converts to Estrone for a fact. Everyone reacts differently but abnormally high E1 levels are common on EQ. E1 is weak but at high levels it’s equivalent to decent e2 levels.
This is what I'm asking. How do we know this? There's relatively little (or zero) publicly available data from Ciba or Squibb examining this. I've only seen a few people post bloodwork while using it, and my bloodwork contradicts that statement. My n=1 is hardly the end of the story, but I've never seen any pharmaceutical data to support the claim.
This is what I'm asking. How do we know this? There's relatively little (or zero) publicly available data from Ciba or Squibb examining this. I've only seen a few people post bloodwork while using it, and my bloodwork contradicts that statement. My n=1 is hardly the end of the story, but I've never seen any pharmaceutical data to support the claim.

Misconception that boldenone is nonaromatizable, or that its use (in sufficiently high doses) permit abstaining from AI/SERM use in users that are not resilient against aromatizing effects (e.g., fluid retention/edema, growth of breast tissue, etc.)

Reality: Boldenone aromatizes (to estrone [E1] & estradiol [E2]) at 58% the rate of testosterone. This is significant. However, since Estrone (E1) is a weakestrogen, because lacks the 17β-OH group, it possesses only 2% of E2's potency to transactivate ERα (associated with aromatizing effects, many of which are negative side effects in men).

Practically, this means that moderate/moderately-high boldenone doses (used solo; or in combination with nonaromatizable drugs, and/or with low doses of exogenous testosterone) would tend to not require AI/SERM use in users that are not resilient against aromatizing effects, but: A) for those who principally aromatize to E2 rather than E1 (inter-individual differences are likely rooted in 17β-HSD1 isozyme expression, under the control of the A1-Q327 gene) particular; and/or B) where E1 blood concentrations start getting into the regions of > 50-fold above that at which E2 causes problems in the individual, then the aromatizing effects would be expected to predominate.
I ran this exact cycle about 10yrs ago.. 250 test e, 600 eq / week. No changes in diet (maintenance cals) and I hardened up a bit and more vascular (obviously due to eq). Actually had less water retention and zero e2 sides. I suppose it would depend on the individual but I actually liked that run
After introducing EQ at 300mg per week and dropping Deca 250mg per week, my anxiety has gone up, but not unacceptable right now (1 week in) and I have dropped water from Deca.

Sex drive is down from last week, but not gone.

Will get bloods done in a few weeks and check E among other markers. I suspect my E is also down hence the change in labido.

Has anyone got a evidence based answer on why and how EQ lowers E as it aromatase and closely resembles Daianbol structurally? Tt doesnt make much sense.
What is your test dose?

I just started 525mg test/350mg bold. Will keep updating how I feel on this.

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