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Metoprolol vs propanolol

Age calms you down, lol. That is actually true. First, you got to go to the source and see what is making you angry. Could be more psychological then anything.
Mine is a lot of tbi, ptsd, genetic, pure focused hatred to be honest…it’s just the world I lived in for a long time
Don’t worry. It won’t happen

Only way I’m unable to snap is if I’m totally incoherent and out to lunch

I’ve tried many things to be more calm. Some have worked, in day to day situations. But if I’m actually angry it makes no difference.

I will say that since starting the (not)portobellos, I’m not as quick to snap over shit that doesn’t matter.
I’ve never been drunk and been in a fight were I was angry..I am the worlds happiest drunk!

I will still fight you, but win or lose I won’t be mad about it lol
I’ve never been drunk and been in a fight were I was angry..I am the worlds happiest drunk!

I will still fight you, but win or lose I won’t be mad about it lol
I think we’re comparing apples to oranges here
We 100% are!

But it’s the closest I can compare because I get drug tested a lot..I mean a LOTTT! Lol
Jesus. Those nerds got nothing better to do than drug test y’all

i guess what I was saying was that certain things can help on the surface, but beyond that it’s still the same you.
People don’t change
I took propanalol for a while to lower my heart rate. It made me dizzy it lowered it too much and I couldn’t even train. And I have a temper and snap pretty easy by nature. That drug didn’t calm me at all. All it did was make me dizzy and had to sit down a lot. I’d never take it again. Years later my cardiologist has told me that my resting heart rate of 89-95bpm is of no concern anyway that’s just how my heart beats. Strong but fast. Off gear or on it’s always been that way since I was young. That’s probably just your normal.
It is my normal during the day..but at night it would spike pre-beta blockers to where I couldn’t catch my breath..when that got bad it happened during the day sometimes.
It is my normal during the day..but at night it would spike pre-beta blockers to where I couldn’t catch my breath..when that got bad it happened during the day sometimes.
Sounds like youv got a bit of an anxiety problem maybe. It happens to the best of men I heard. Maybe your job gets to you more than you think bro.
Sounds like youv got a bit of an anxiety problem maybe. It happens to the best of men I heard. Maybe your job gets to you more than you think bro.
Likely, I just started sleeping a few years ago..they keep trying to ask me about my damn dreams but I haven’t had a dream since I was around 20..I’m almost 40 now
Likely, I just started sleeping a few years ago..they keep trying to ask me about my damn dreams but I haven’t had a dream since I was around 20..I’m almost 40 now
Do you smoke weed? I never had dreams until I quit
That stuff gave me anxiety because it slowed my heart rate down too much and made me feel horrible. Funny how we are all so different but the same
Exactly, people raved about Nebivolol, but it gave me occular migranes.
So, I don’t know if anyone here has experience in this.. but I’ve been on metoprolol for years because of a genetic super high heart rate..dad, sister, aunts, grandma..we all have it..its well above a hundred resting.

The metoprolol keeps me well below a hundred and essentially makes me normal. But my wife who is a heart surgeon feels I should switch to propanolol.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Am I gaining anything?

She wants me to switch for 2 reasons.

1) she says I’ve been on metoprolol for a long time and she says patients do better on the propanolol (whatever that means)

2) she saw me completely snap on someone at work the other day and said it was pretty obvious that I needed the calming aspect of propanolol and doesn’t think the metoprolol is working for me the best it could.
Side note..tried the propanol..only worked on me for like 4 hours..turned into an animal after that 4 hours..loved it..NO ONE ELSE DID!

Right back to metoprolol
Age calms you down, lol. That is actually true. First, you got to go to the source and see what is making you angry. Could be more psychological then anything.
Age? No, not for me..having kids? 100%
Likely, I just started sleeping a few years ago..they keep trying to ask me about my damn dreams but I haven’t had a dream since I was around 20..I’m almost 40 now
Have you ever had a sleep study done? I didn’t dream for several years and didn’t know the cause. Ended up getting a sleep study done for something unrelated and discovered I had severe sleep apnea. First night using my CPAP I had some crazy awesome dreams!

Just a little point to make... cardiothoracic surgeons are bad ass, not disparaging them in any way (that would be stupid) but they are surgeons. They arent medical doctors. A cardiologist is a medical doctor. They can often have disagreements regarding meds and treatments and from what I've seen the surgeon would generally defer to the cardiologist regarding a medicine issue. The same with a urologist vs a nephrologist. Regarding my kidneys, I'd take medical advice from a nephrologist and surgical advice from a urologist. Again, not throwing shade on anyone's specialty but there's a reason shit is so specialized and everyone has their own lane. With that said, some surgeons have amazing medical knowledge (particularly good general/trauma surgeons) and lots of docs in the "medicine" fields have pretty good surgical knowledge too but its not in their wheelhouse.
Like someone else mentioned at the beginning though, any medical advice from a solid doc in any field is likely better than some bros on an internet forum haha
I am sure your psychological makeup is a huge part of why you have the job(s) you do. Very smart people want you that way. No need to hide anything except yelling at people in front of your wife. I have read about what you have done in the past and if you're still doing that type of work do you really want to soften up?
I take metoprolol but I have this tremor and neurologist said propranolol would work better for it but not to mess with it since the tremor is not as serious as potential CV issues from less than ideal beta-blocker management. But maybe they could be combined with dosage adjustments, have to ask cardiologist.

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