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PGE1 dosing

How long does it take for it to work? Is it totally immediate since all you're doing is going to the bathroom before to do it?

Also, how much less painful is using a 31g as opposed to a 29g? I only have 29g and a little worried it could hurt a bit. I could order 31g but only if it really makes a difference

The first time I used Caverject, I was 37 years old and I used a 20mcg dose. It worked immediately and I could literally see my cock inflate to it's maximum size in a matter of seconds after injecting, just inject and then...boing, a huge hard-on that wouldn't go away for hours. That was a fun time and a very positive experience.

Now I'm 50 years old and a 20mcg dose of Caverject still gives me a great erection, but it takes a minute or two to get to it's full size. Which is fine, I inject, then apply pressure to the injection site with my finger if it is bleeding a little, and slowly my dick fills up with blood to it's maximum size. I just stuff it back in my pants, zip up, and go back out to start kissing my girl and foreplay and all that, and by the time we are ready for sex my cock is completely hard and ready to go.

29g needles aren't really much more painful than 31g, you can definitely get by with 29g if you want. The main reason I prefer the smaller 31g pins is so there is as little scar tissue as necessary. I have been doing this a long time, and I intend to keep on doing it for a very long time, so I want to make sure I have as little scar tissue as possible so that my cock will be healthy for years to come.

The same is true for steroid injections. When I started using steroids 26 years ago, everybody used 22g or 23g needles. Now I prefer to use 25g or 27g 5/8" pins for steroids injections. Why risk more scar tissue unless you need to? But you can always get by with a bigger gauge if you have to.
How long does it take for it to work? Is it totally immediate since all you're doing is going to the bathroom before to do it?

Also, how much less painful is using a 31g as opposed to a 29g? I only have 29g and a little worried it could hurt a bit. I could order 31g but only if it really makes a difference

You notice some fullness almost immediately but it can take about 10 minutes to fully kick in . I use 29 gauge 1/2 inch without any issues or painful injects .
By the way, I got it from Peptide Tech. If anyone has specific experience with their's, please let me know.
The PGE-1 from that company is good to go, as I got my 200mcg vials of PGE-1 from them a couple months ago. But I wouldn't mention their name in the thread, as they are not a sponsor anymore and I have seen threads get nuked for that in the past by a mod.

So I would edit your post to take the company's name out of your post.
The PGE-1 from that company is good to go, as I got my 200mcg vials of PGE-1 from them a couple months ago. But I wouldn't mention their name in the thread, as they are not a sponsor anymore and I have seen threads get nuked for that in the past by a mod.

So I would edit your post to take the company's name out of your post.

Oh damn you’re probably right. It is too late to edit my post or else I would.

Mods: I apologize if I wasn’t supposed to mention them.

I will say I just gave it my first test. Only used 6-8mcg but started to inject and pulled out because it was hurting a little. I assumed it wasn’t deep enough but I still got a minor erection 10 minutes later that didn’t last long, so something happened. Definitely needed to go deeper though.
Ya'll some crazy mfers

I agree! The only thing worse than injecting into your dong would be doing into your nuts. Im glad I don't need to worry about this kind of thing. I would worry too about the affect on the heart. Sounds like most of it is local effect only though, unless you inject into a vein and I would worry about that.

Seems you really need to spread out the injection sites too so you don't get a mass of scar tissue in one spot. If you get an area of scar tissue it could make your penis crooked/curved.
Oh damn you’re probably right. It is too late to edit my post or else I would.

Mods: I apologize if I wasn’t supposed to mention them.

I will say I just gave it my first test. Only used 6-8mcg but started to inject and pulled out because it was hurting a little. I assumed it wasn’t deep enough but I still got a minor erection 10 minutes later that didn’t last long, so something happened. Definitely needed to go deeper though.

Try using a little more next time, in a slightly different spot. You don't need to go too deep, it only has to go beneath the skin and tunica into the corpus cavernosum running along both sides of the penis. 5/16" is long enough for me.
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I agree! The only thing worse than injecting into your dong would be doing into your nuts. Im glad I don't need to worry about this kind of thing. I would worry too about the affect on the heart. Sounds like most of it is local effect only though, unless you inject into a vein and I would worry about that.

Seems you really need to spread out the injection sites too so you don't get a mass of scar tissue in one spot. If you get an area of scar tissue it could make your penis crooked/curved.

The dangers are minimal, and very localized to the penis...unless you hit a vein, as you say, but as long as you pay attention to what you are doing, you will have no problems. And using 31g needles, there is very little scar tissue.

Believe me, there are guys on the ED boards like www.franktalk.org who have been doing intercavernosal injections for over 20 years, and have only good experiences to relate. It's actually very easy when you get used to it.

Think back to your first steroid injection many years ago, and how nervous you were your first time. My first shot, I didn't think I could do it, but I just pushed the needle in and lo and behold, everything was fine.

Now, 26 years later, I've done literally thousands of injections of steroids, HGH, insulin, and various peptides. I don't give it a second thought anymore. It is all routine, and I'm sure it is for you also.
Ya'll some crazy mfers

Somebody HAD to just ruin the party :(

In all seriousness, the little test I did earlier today made me hard as hell. A little painful. Like it would only be hard when aroused and soft when not thinking about it. I didn't realize it would come and go like that for a few hours. I thought it was permanently hard until it wore off.

Anyone have the same thing happen?
Somebody HAD to just ruin the party :(

In all seriousness, the little test I did earlier today made me hard as hell. A little painful. Like it would only be hard when aroused and soft when not thinking about it. I didn't realize it would come and go like that for a few hours. I thought it was permanently hard until it wore off.

Anyone have the same thing happen?

If you are using enough, it will stay hard for a couple hours. There's a fine line between too little, enough, and too much.

And PGE-1 erections are usually a bit painful, just because so much blood is flowing to the area. Or some guys find that the shaft gets hard, but the glans of the penis doesn't get so hard. But if you are aroused enough, it should be fine. Just have to find the right girl to make it worthwhile. ;-)
Progress pics?
If you are using enough, it will stay hard for a couple hours. There's a fine line between too little, enough, and too much.

And PGE-1 erections are usually a bit painful, just because so much blood is flowing to the area. Or some guys find that the shaft gets hard, but the glans of the penis doesn't get so hard. But if you are aroused enough, it should be fine. Just have to find the right girl to make it worthwhile. ;-)

I was surprised how it felt when I injected. Definitely more pain than I expected. It's kind of why I panicked and quickly injected then pulled out without going that deep. It still worked pretty well though.

I'm recently single again and have been going on like 3-4 dates a week. One girl I know wants to have a threesome with her roommate so all this makes me want to use the PGE1 and not leave anything up to chance

You've been a godsend in this thread. I appreciate it
I was surprised how it felt when I injected. Definitely more pain than I expected. It's kind of why I panicked and quickly injected then pulled out without going that deep. It still worked pretty well though.

I'm recently single again and have been going on like 3-4 dates a week. One girl I know wants to have a threesome with her roommate so all this makes me want to use the PGE1 and not leave anything up to chance

You've been a godsend in this thread. I appreciate it

The first shot is always a bit nerve-wracking, for obvious reasons, but once you get comfortable with where to inject, and how much to inject, it all becomes routine.

It's best to do your first shots by yourself, so you can dial in your protocol. But after that, it is a Godsend when you want to impress women in bed. I've had threesomes, done fetish modeling, shot porn. Last spring I was having sex with three different women regularly, so I was constantly on the go and having sex every day, which can be a bit exhausting for a 50 year old man who is also training hard as a bodybuilder. I don't recommend that lifestyle, but it has given me a lot of positive experiences and great stories to tell. I thank God for PGE-1 more and more the older that I get.

I'm happy to help others and just trying to pass along the good information that it has taken me years to find out, often by trial and error on my own. I first learned about Caverject from Dan Duchaine many years ago...older guys may remember him writing about the "Tentpole Twins" in the old Muscle Media 2000. They were bodybuilders at Gold's in Venice Beach in CA who would inject Caverject into their cocks and then go train at the gym with raging hard-ons. When they were spotting each other on the bench press, the girls would stare at them and didn't know where to look or what to think LOL.

Ever since then I wanted to try Caverject, and back in 2005 I obtained it from one of my overseas suppliers. I've been using it off and on ever since, and I have had a lot of great experiences thanks to PGE-1. So while I am not recommending that anyone use it themselves, I am just trying to help other people to use it safely.

I would say that especially as guys get older, and once you have been married to the same woman for a long time, you can often lose your desire and things in the bedroom can get stale after a while. So drugs like Cialis and Viagra, or PT-141 and MT-II, or Proviron and Cabergoline, or PGE-1 can all help out in putting the spark back into your sex life, and to be honest helping your wife feel like you still desire her and that she is loved. So used correctly, all these drugs can be tools in the toolbox for building a better and more enriching life.
Has anyone used Cialis from all day chemist? Been using the Ceebis brand for years but I am questioning whether they are all good batches. I've had to take more than one pill just to get the same effects that 1 pill used to give. I've heard others question the potency of some of their meds lately too.
The first shot is always a bit nerve-wracking, for obvious reasons, but once you get comfortable with where to inject, and how much to inject, it all becomes routine.

It's best to do your first shots by yourself, so you can dial in your protocol. But after that, it is a Godsend when you want to impress women in bed. I've had threesomes, done fetish modeling, shot porn. Last spring I was having sex with three different women regularly, so I was constantly on the go and having sex every day, which can be a bit exhausting for a 50 year old man who is also training hard as a bodybuilder. I don't recommend that lifestyle, but it has given me a lot of positive experiences and great stories to tell. I thank God for PGE-1 more and more the older that I get.

I'm happy to help others and just trying to pass along the good information that it has taken me years to find out, often by trial and error on my own. I first learned about Caverject from Dan Duchaine many years ago...older guys may remember him writing about the "Tentpole Twins" in the old Muscle Media 2000. They were bodybuilders at Gold's in Venice Beach in CA who would inject Caverject into their cocks and then go train at the gym with raging hard-ons. When they were spotting each other on the bench press, the girls would stare at them and didn't know where to look or what to think LOL.

Ever since then I wanted to try Caverject, and back in 2005 I obtained it from one of my overseas suppliers. I've been using it off and on ever since, and I have had a lot of great experiences thanks to PGE-1. So while I am not recommending that anyone use it themselves, I am just trying to help other people to use it safely.

I would say that especially as guys get older, and once you have been married to the same woman for a long time, you can often lose your desire and things in the bedroom can get stale after a while. So drugs like Cialis and Viagra, or PT-141 and MT-II, or Proviron and Cabergoline, or PGE-1 can all help out in putting the spark back into your sex life, and to be honest helping your wife feel like you still desire her and that she is loved. So used correctly, all these drugs can be tools in the toolbox for building a better and more enriching life.

And I thought my life was pretty good. I need to start hanging out with you sometime! I am not usually a relationship guy so I am always under more pressure to be at my best.

I wonder if sometimes these online pharmacies are sending me junk Cialis, which is why sometimes it feels super strong and other times it does not. I was thinking it was a "me" problem at times but now I'm not so sure. I'd say 1 out of every 5-7 times, I have trouble getting a hard on right away. Sometimes it takes time.

Also, hilarious about the Gold's gym story :D
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And I thought my life was pretty good. I need to start hanging out with you sometime! I am not usually a relationship guy so I am always under more pressure to be at my best.

I wonder if sometimes these online pharmacies are sending me junk Cialis, which is why sometimes it feels super strong and other times it does not. I was thinking it was a "me" problem at times but now I'm not so sure. I'd say 1 out of every 5-7 times, I have trouble getting a hard on right away. Sometimes it takes time.

Also, hilarious about the Gold's gym story :D

Yeah, that's why I stopped using liquid or research chem Cialis, Viagra, or most other ancillaries years ago. I would rather pay more for pharm grade stuff and feel more confident in the consistency of the product. Research chem potency can be all over the place.

Especially considering how inexpensive the human grade pharm products from India are these days, I would always try to get real human grade products whenever possible. Never had any problem with the generic meds from India.

There is a "Blue" guy in the Sponsors section who is a real "Diamond" at getting real human grade Cialis, Viagra, Cabergoline, and other products at very reasonable prices. I've been using him for over 5 years now, and his products have always been top notch.
Ok I have an update. Both good and bad news. This will be a little graphic/detailed, sorry.

Good news: I went on a date with someone and it went well enough that she came over. I immediately went to the bathroom to inject the PGE1. Took about 10mcg. Got a raging hard on and she was very impressed (she was excited). Of course she didn't know I injected anything in there either.

Then after we were done, it was taking a while to recharge so I had the bright idea to inject again on the other side one more tick (6.67mcg). Problem is for that injected, I hit a nerve and not I have a purple bruise on the base on my penis. Luckily, she didn't notice but it has gotten worse today. Now it would be embarrassing if someone saw it. Sides, you said it happened to you. How long did it take to go away?

What I learned
1. I should have used a slightly higher dose of PGE1 to begin with. Probably could have go up to 15-20mcg. The low dose didn't last long at all.
2. Where you inject is CRUCIAL.
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Good news: I went on a date with someone and it went well enough that she came over. I immediately went to the bathroom to inject the PGE1.

Make sure you have a good hiding spot. Wouldn't want a girl coming back and hitting your bathroom first then having to explain things. Easy to forget you've got a needle sitting out or in an easily accessible drawer in the heat of the moment.
Ok I have an update. Both good and bad news. This will be a little graphic/detailed, sorry.

Good news: I went on a date with someone and it went well enough that she came over. I immediately went to the bathroom to inject the PGE1. Took about 10mcg. Got a raging hard on and she was very impressed (she was excited). Of course she didn't know I injected anything in there either.

Then after we were done, it was taking a while to recharge so I had the bright idea to inject again on the other side one more tick (6.67mcg). Problem is for that injected, I hit a nerve and not I have a purple bruise on the base on my penis. Luckily, she didn't notice but it has gotten worse today. Now it would be embarrassing if someone saw it. Sides, you said it happened to you. How long did it take to go away?

What I learned
1. I should have used a slightly higher dose of PGE1 to begin with. Probably could have go up to 15-20mcg. The low dose didn't last long at all.
2. Where you inject is CRUCIAL.

Glad to hear the good news that your date was very impressed. As you say, probably would have been better if you used slightly more for the initial injection, so that it would have stayed hard even after you finished the first time, so that you could have gone for a second round with the original erection rather than trying to get the erection back. That can be tricky and of course you don't want to inject any more often than you have to, because you don't want to build up scar tissue from frequent injections. So I would just use more with the initial dose so it lasts longer and then you won't have to inject twice.

And where you inject is absolutely crucial. You don't want to hit a vein by mistake, or you will end up with a hematoma (purple bruise). It does take quite a while to go away, like any bruise, depending on your blood flow through the area.

If she notices the bruise, just say that you must have bruised it from fucking her so hard last time. And try to avoid injecting into that area for a while.

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