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Plateau on 600mg test - bump to 750 or add another compound?

Even with the mixed responses to what I said, I genuinely take zero offense to anyone’s opinion. I’m open to criticism..gotta have thick skin for this shit..I appreciate it all.
That's 100% the right mentality for where you're at in your bodybuilding journey. None of us who said you should cut were being malicious - we said it because it's the most efficient way to reach your goals.
I wouldn’t even raise a my breath to someone who thinks an off season bb siting sitting at circa 15% is ‘just a fat bloke’.
I’ve encountered 100’s if these arrogant know-it-alls and it’s ironic how only a handful of them have actually made waves on a stage.,
I cant even tell which argument you're trying to make...
15-20% is average offseason BBer? Where the fuck have u seen thaaat?
15% is probably maximum BF %...
That's not a "skewed mental image"

Again...wtf are you trying to argue?
I cant even tell which argument you're trying to make...
15-20% is average offseason BBer? Where the fuck have u seen thaaat?
15% is probably maximum BF %...
That's not a "skewed mental image"

Again...wtf are you trying to argue?
He's not a real bodybuilder which shows his lack of real-world knowledge.

@Blueballs I'd love for you to post a current physique picture and prove me wrong. I don't believe you've ever posted one and that's how you get credibility here.
You’re constant hyperbole coupled with the amount of PED’s you’ve used to attain your physique I’d definitely say that your skewed mental image of yourself suggests you are somewhat deluded.
The op’s comments at no point suggest he wants to be ‘just average’
I couldn’t give a flying fook about your honestly but I a disagree with you and feel the need to say so I will.
You’re clearly sensitive to anyone not agreeing with you and I’ve often seen you go off on one if you’re ‘im not interested in what anyone thinks of me (how ironic) rants’, but unfortunately that’s the nature of forums. People won’t always agree with you
You have zero credibility to be speaking to Luki like this. Absolutely none. Who even are you?
He's not a real bodybuilder which shows his lack of real-world knowledge.

@Blueballs I'd love for you to post a current physique picture and prove me wrong. I don't believe you've ever posted one and that's how you get credibility here.

He posted this in January of this year.

You have zero credibility to be speaking to Luki like this. Absolutely none. Who even are you?
I'm a nobody but I don't throw shit at anyone, I always write the honest truth (and few people like to hear the truth if it's not the way they want it to be) and many people here have tried to throw shit at me more than once - it's okay I accept it that's the way the world is
I'm a nobody but I don't throw shit at anyone, I always write the honest truth (and few people like to hear the truth if it's not the way they want it to be) and many people here have tried to throw shit at me more than once - it's okay I accept it that's the way the world is
You know you’ve made it when you have haters. Don’t even sweat it man.

Anytime someone gets their feelings hurt on here talking about bodybuilding and comes back on here with a personal attack I just laugh. It’s pathetic.
I'm a nobody but I don't throw shit at anyone, I always write the honest truth (and few people like to hear the truth if it's not the way they want it to be) and many people here have tried to throw shit at me more than once - it's okay I accept it that's the way the world is
You’re a class act Luki.
Seems like every new thread these days brings one of the retards out of hiding on this board to totally derail the entire thing.

OP - you seem like a reasonable guy so I will give an actual reasonable answer.

1) No one in this thread can tell you with certainty what will or won't work. Got to shoot your shot.
2) If you have been handling test well and have some bloodwork to confirm that for yourself just bump it up to a gram. Adding 400mg of Deca or EQ would work similarly, but if you rather just stick with Test I would never blame you.
3) Yes GH is a good idea, GH is always a good idea. Start at 2-3iu/day and bump to 5ish after a couple weeks if you can handle the numb hands and RHR doesn't get out of control.(don't be a pussy)
4) With the increased test and added GH you can definitely bump the food and you won't gain added fat, just keep calories clean and more protein than anything else.
This literally sounds just like me right now. I’ve been cruising since early December on 250 test, ready to start 700 Test and 500 EQ but want to add some GH for the first time. I’m in the off season at 5’9 227lbs sitting around 15-20% body fat and the abs visibility fluctuates due to bloat. But I do cardio 4x a week at 30-40 min a session.
You have visible abs at 20%?
I can find you 10 famous names who will say the exact opposite - everyone has their own way

Besides, I haven't seen a single Matt bodybuilder who would be close to even 15% in the offseason - they carry tons of water on them, but none of them have 15 and certainly not 18%.

12 iu of Genotropin ED :)
The question is to raise the test does ( which may be fine) but do you have a system in place for the rise of estrogen? If you can control estrogen then raising the test dose is a option.. or.. adding a anabolic which may not convert or does so a lower rate.. but just know that a raise in just 200 total mgs may start the growth process again but it's going to be limited.. but its a smarter way to go.. milk another 200mg for all its worth. . ( again none of this matters if your not training correctly. Recuperating correctly .. and eating spot on..).. then slowly add some more.. but be honest with yourself in your assessment of the training, eating etc.. if any of these variables can be improved upon then do so before adding anything..
Spot on. Wish I read this years ago when a started AAS. I probably was told this and it went in one ear out the other lol
So true! I’m relatively new to all this but I can say that I had plateaued in weight for a month or so during this offseason phase. PEDs, Recovery, Diet all spot on according to my coach. He had me send him some training videos and turns out my form was WAY off on some major movements and I wasn’t stimulating the muscle correctly/adequately and was also utilizing some rogue exercise split that I had made up on my own! I switched to a split that he sent me, correctly started stimulating the muscles I was working and immediately started gaining weight again with all the other variables (diet, Recovery, PEDs) staying the same and that was now 30 pounds ago!
Same experience with me. Always hated my physique thought more AAS was the answer considered myself a shitty responder. Always wanted big arms and shoulders. Once I learned how to train them properly and stimulate the muscle vs move weight..boom. I'm small .no desire to be huge..but with diet dialed in, 8 hours sleep a night, and proper training.. can't complain about how I look. 350 mg is all I need for my goals
man, no offense, but 15-20% is just an ordinary fat guy, not someone who is trying to do bodybuilding and uses gear - cut it down to at least 8%, i.e. when you have lines on your buttocks and your stomach is full of veins
When you get down to 6-8% and want to rebound and bulk again do you think it makes a difference to bring the carbs back in again slowly over time or just go all out ?
When you get down to 6-8% and want to rebound and bulk again do you think it makes a difference to bring the carbs back in again slowly over time or just go all out ?
never ever all out - the perfect way to become fat again

We always add calories slowly and only when necessary
Good spark of thought here as there is such a variety of angles which many great options have been mentioned.

Also possibly change up the Ester or utize a Ester blend and dosing frequency.

Just food for thought from my experience
I don't want to disappoint you but you will probably have to exceed 1g to reach 240 lbs (lean).

adding gh is always a good option but it is not dependent on increasing anabolics - gh will not give you more size it will only improve your body composition the growth you get with steroids
By 1g do you mean testosterone or total AAS?

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