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Rambo's Log with Stealthgroup

Going bear mode....

So I'm down to my last drops, this week is the end of this cycle.

Saying that, this battle may be over but the war continues [emoji4]

I'm going to be running the following for a while. Gear is from Stealth of course and peps are from none other then superior.

Test cyp 250mgs a week
Deca 300mgs a week
Ghrp2/cjc no dac/bpc157 2-3x a day
MK-677 10mgs prebed

Still going to be lifting heavy following the same high intensity, low volume method of training I have been utilizing lately.

Goal is to become a freaky monster....this never changes!!
It looks as though you have achieved your goals. Thanks for this log. You are a good example of motivation and determination. I look forward to hearing about your upcoming cycle. Keep fighting the weights brother.
It looks as though you have achieved your goals. Thanks for this log. You are a good example of motivation and determination. I look forward to hearing about your upcoming cycle. Keep fighting the weights brother.
I appreciate it brother, thanks for following!! I'm very happy to hear I can motivate others [emoji4]
Legs today

Hack squats 4 sets
Leg press 4 sets
Standing calf raises 4 sets

Back in the gym after an entire week off. Feels good. I pushed the same weights as last leg workout except I was able to push most sets for a couple more reps. Strength is still climbing. I know the deca will help with pushing the heavier weights.
Shoulders, biceps, and triceps

Smith machine shoulder press 4 sets
Dumbbell side laterals 4 sets
Hammer curls 4 sets
Tricep press machine 4 sets
Dumbbell shrugs 4 sets

Great workout. I'm definitely still gaining strength, I pushed more weight pretty easily. Broke some PRs on every workout.

Still rocking the furry look ;)


Nice log Rambo, you definitely made some great progress.
Nice log Rambo, you definitely made some great progress.
Hell yeah! Delts capped, traps are getting nasty, biceps looking great!

I'm very impressed with the changes you've made in this log. As I said earlier, you have put all the pieces together and making tremendous progress.

It easily shows.

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
Brother your looking fcnk nice! I like that a lot. Everything is proportioned very nice! Your def make good progress my man

Keep at it!

How u going to finish this off? You going to switch things up toward the end?
Are you running the t-bol thru out?

or are u doing a split?
6 weeks kicker, with 6 weeks on end...or 5 kicker/5 tail end?
Thanks bros!!!

gh0st, I ran the tbol throughout. This past week was the first week of my cruise on 250mg cyp and 300mg deca per week. I only trained once this entire week. I feel recovered and ready. This coming week I'm going to push my strength to the max.
It's weird leaning out while I'm eating over a 1000cals over maintenance and using slin lol. I can't seem to eat enough!

I wish I had that problem, but im old.:banghead:
Brother, nice progress! Great job.
So I'm down to my last drops, this week is the end of this cycle.

Saying that, this battle may be over but the war continues [emoji4]

I'm going to be running the following for a while. Gear is from Stealth of course and peps are from none other then superior.

Test cyp 250mgs a week
Deca 300mgs a week
Ghrp2/cjc no dac/bpc157 2-3x a day
MK-677 10mgs prebed

Still going to be lifting heavy following the same high intensity, low volume method of training I have been utilizing lately.

Goal is to become a freaky monster....this never changes!!

I'm also running mod1-29/ghrp2 3x day and starting with 12.5mgs of MK677
Also on same amount of cyp atm
But just started Some Primo at 500/wk to start...actually logging it over on AU and M&S!

I am hoping that this primo caps my delts as well as yours in that final pic! I heard noting caps your delts like primo!
Thanks guys. Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've only made it to the gym 2-3 tomes a week these past couple weeks. Things have just been too busy. It's very frustrating but I'll be back at it hard again soon.

I'm still gaining strength so things are still progressing but I definitely softened up some.

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