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Surgery in a few days. Will be out for months. Any tips on keeping size and keeping from going stir crazy?

So I had the surgery consult with the Ortho. Turns out, the tear in my labrum was not from working out. It's a genetic deformity, the head of my femur isn't shaped correctly and is leading to bone on bone grinding with my hip and that caused the tear. Going under to have the bone shaved down so everything fits like it's suppose to and have the labrum stitched up.

Healing time is 3-6 months. No upper or lower body workouts for a few months unless i'm healing ahead of schedule. I always shrink down considerably after surgery so up for hearing any tips / advice. I'll be on low dose test and thats it. I stocked up on EAAs / protein powder and going to do my best on getting the calories in. Im sure there's not much more I can do other than keeping calories high enough to maintain size, but no TTso high where I come out of this a fatty.

Here is a thread that contains a TB/BPC/GH protocol that I used after having surgery for placement of a screw in my foot for proper healing. I healed over a month sooner after having the surgery on my other foot two years prior. My ortho MD was impressed how quickly I recovered and how soon I was back on my foot.

3 Months Post Surgery Update

Been back at the gym for about a week now. The hip has really healed up nicely, i've got no restrictions in my movements. I get a little soreness at times but it's just that, soreness, not pain. I even hit the leg press today without any discomfort. Im really happy I went through with it.

Now the bad news. After the pain subsided on the right side, I noticed I had pain on the left side. Turns out I was in so much pain on the right side that I didn't even notice I had pain on the opposite side. Had a contrast MRI yesterday and the notes make it seem likely I'll be needing another surgery. Will have a surgery consult soon and go from there.

In the mean time, I'm back at the gym and loving it! Im going to continue push hard on the food and weights until I get laid out again due to surgery.
Damn sorry dude that’s some shit luck. Keep crushing the gym as long as you can.
Man, that’s some really shitty news to discover. You gonna let things ride for a minute before going back under the knife? Sorry to read about the recent set back man.

3 Months Post Surgery Update

Been back at the gym for about a week now. The hip has really healed up nicely, i've got no restrictions in my movements. I get a little soreness at times but it's just that, soreness, not pain. I even hit the leg press today without any discomfort. Im really happy I went through with it.

Now the bad news. After the pain subsided on the right side, I noticed I had pain on the left side. Turns out I was in so much pain on the right side that I didn't even notice I had pain on the opposite side. Had a contrast MRI yesterday and the notes make it seem likely I'll be needing another surgery. Will have a surgery consult soon and go from there.

In the mean time, I'm back at the gym and loving it! Im going to continue push hard on the food and weights until I get laid out again due to surgery.
"It can't rain all the time."

Dear Crow, f*ck you.
So I had the surgery consult with the Ortho. Turns out, the tear in my labrum was not from working out. It's a genetic deformity, the head of my femur isn't shaped correctly and is leading to bone on bone grinding with my hip and that caused the tear. Going under to have the bone shaved down so everything fits like it's suppose to and have the labrum stitched up.

Healing time is 3-6 months. No upper or lower body workouts for a few months unless i'm healing ahead of schedule. I always shrink down considerably after surgery so up for hearing any tips / advice. I'll be on low dose test and thats it. I stocked up on EAAs / protein powder and going to do my best on getting the calories in. Im sure there's not much more I can do other than keeping calories high enough to maintain size, but no so high where I come out of this a fatty.
That’s terrible news to get, but very common as the body over compensates when there is an injury. I’d strongly suggest good sports physical therapy after the procedure to retrain the body to align. Will help set you up right in the gym.

As for size- it all comes down to diet. Over the last few months I had gyno surgery which I planned to be a few week recovery as I had work commitments and was going to Columbia for stem cells. I developed hematomas on both sides very bad because the drains weren’t placed low enough. So we had to go back in both sides and then I had to go twice weekly for about another month to have the sites drained with a needle.

I could barely lift my arms and was bruised from my neck through my legs. Doc said it could be up to 6 months.

Fast forward, you saw my recent pic on here. I maintained that by honestly eating my baseline meals every day no matter what. I had meals prepped through every appointment, had them ready for me in Columbia, hit my steps and did whatever I could in the gym.

Used used all my supplements, Life Support by AA, TB, BPC, Copper Peptide, added bone broth to meals and yes still kept gear in to be fully transparent.

But I contribute most of it to the diet and eating my off day baseline menu. I was going stir crazy and it was not easy, but so glad I did because it’s like I didn’t miss a beat and was a month instead of 6.

You got this and either way- it’s smart to get it done sooner rather than later IMO as the more you delay, the older you get and either way you’ll have to have that recovery window.

Nothing beats a good comeback! 😎
Here is a thread that contains a TB/BPC/GH protocol that I used after having surgery for placement of a screw in my foot for proper healing. I healed over a month sooner after having the surgery on my other foot two years prior. My ortho MD was impressed how quickly I recovered and how soon I was back on my foot.

Thanks. BPC seems to be the most interesting of the bunch next the GH. I don't know a lot about the peptides side of this game and am now just getting into it.
Damn sorry dude that’s some shit luck. Keep crushing the gym as long as you can.

Thanks bro. No worries man, all fucking sunshine and rainbows over here lol. Im actually just really surprised at how little i've changed from the beginning of this mess. The GH, test and high protein really fucking helped. This is the first time my body didn't completely fall apart after a setback and because of that I don't have the anxiety of my body turning to shit like I did going into first surgery.

"It can't rain all the time."

Dear Crow, f*ck you.

The one good thing about this mess is that i've been through it before and I know I'll be close to a 100 within a few months. Another 3 months is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
That’s terrible news to get, but very common as the body over compensates when there is an injury. I’d strongly suggest good sports physical therapy after the procedure to retrain the body to align. Will help set you up right in the gym.

When I started physical therapy after the first surgery, that's one of the first things my PT noticed. My right hip was significantly higher than the left side, but we got it straightened out through various exercises. That also actually helped with some pain in my lower back as well. on another note, My PT just loves how much muscle I carry. Every visit there's a handful of comments about some part of my body. My visits have been great for an ego boost if anything lol.

As for size- it all comes down to diet.
100%. I made it a point to stay on top of diet going into this and am really surprised at how little i've change. Sure a little softer, but nothing crazy.

Over the last few months I had gyno surgery which I planned to be a few week recovery as I had work commitments and was going to Columbia for stem cells. I developed hematomas on both sides very bad because the drains weren’t placed low enough. So we had to go back in both sides and then I had to go twice weekly for about another month to have the sites drained with a needle.

I could barely lift my arms and was bruised from my neck through my legs. Doc said it could be up to 6 months.

Fast forward, you saw my recent pic on here. I maintained that by honestly eating my baseline meals every day no matter what. I had meals prepped through every appointment, had them ready for me in Columbia, hit my steps and did whatever I could in the gym.

Used used all my supplements, Life Support by AA, TB, BPC, Copper Peptide, added bone broth to meals and yes still kept gear in to be fully transparent.

But I contribute most of it to the diet and eating my off day baseline menu. I was going stir crazy and it was not easy, but so glad I did because it’s like I didn’t miss a beat and was a month instead of 6.

Damn, sorry to hear you had to deal with all that over such a routine procedure. If I'm being honest, I wasn't as tight on my diet as I should have been but I made sure to keep the protein high (never missed hitting that target) and did my best with keep calories to a point where I didn't come out too fluffy. Im going to tighten things a bit more this time around though. One thing I did get better at with my down time was coming up with some new recipes and meals. Now I've got some more variety in my meals and I'm sure you know how much that helps.

You got this and either way- it’s smart to get it done sooner rather than later IMO as the more you delay, the older you get and either way you’ll have to have that recovery window.
Thanks brother. I'm just glad everything was caught before it didn't any more damage. It likely would have ending up leading to a hip replacement sooner than later if left untreated.

Nothing beats a good comeback! 😎

Man am I looking forward to it! Just getting back into the gym this last week reminded me of why I fell in love with this sport. 💪
Man, that’s some really shitty news to discover. You gonna let things ride for a minute before going back under the knife? Sorry to read about the recent set back man.


Appreciate it bro, I'm in a good space though. The last 3 months went by fast and I'm sure the next 3 will as well. I'm back to nearly 100% on the side I had surgery on already so I think it's best to just get to the second one as soon as possible. This way I can get back to being 100% all around sooner than later.
Appreciate it bro, I'm in a good space though. The last 3 months went by fast and I'm sure the next 3 will as well. I'm back to nearly 100% on the side I had surgery on already so I think it's best to just get to the second one as soon as possible. This way I can get back to being 100% all around sooner than later.
If your left side has the same joint deformity yes better get that one done as well so you'll then have a better quality of life. Your experience would be a good guide for anyone else who has congenital joint deformities.

Recovery went really well. I feel nearly 100%, I only feel discomfort when breaking 90 degrees with weights. Feels completely normal when not under the stress of weights. Have full range of motion without much discomfort otherwise. So I'd say that things went as well as anyone could have hoped. The right side is my dominant side again but shouldn't be a surprise since the left side is the one that still needs surgery.

Left Side

Just got scheduled for the surgery on the left side. 3 weeks out. Knowing the process and how well the right side healed up has me feeling good about it. Hopefully will be back to slingin some heavy iron in June.

Just a little speed bump in the journey.
Wishing you a speedy recovery for your upcoming surgery. At least you’re halfway through all this and can see the light again.

I have had 1 shoulder rebuilt from 2 rotators torn off the bone and a ruptured bicep fixed. And another surgery with the shoulder replaced. Still could train 3 appendages and a torso. So was back in the gym in days. And the surgeons agreed. Lost very little size. As firing off nerves in one side still activates the nerves to a degree in the other. Was still natural for the first and was on Dr prescribed TRT and self prescribed HGH for the second. healed ahead of schedule on both. Diet is paramount i beleive.
Pretty much exact same story with me.

Recovery went really well. I feel nearly 100%, I only feel discomfort when breaking 90 degrees with weights. Feels completely normal when not under the stress of weights. Have full range of motion without much discomfort otherwise. So I'd say that things went as well as anyone could have hoped. The right side is my dominant side again but shouldn't be a surprise since the left side is the one that still needs surgery.

Left Side

Just got scheduled for the surgery on the left side. 3 weeks out. Knowing the process and how well the right side healed up has me feeling good about it. Hopefully will be back to slingin some heavy iron in June.

Just a little speed bump in the journey.
Just wanted to thank you for this thread, theres some real quality info in here and it made me feel so much more positive about these next few weeks / months for myself. @Hyperemia did you end up having this surgery on the left side? How are you doing with recovery after this second surgery?
Just wanted to thank you for this thread, theres some real quality info in here and it made me feel so much more positive about these next few weeks / months for myself. @Hyperemia did you end up having this surgery on the left side? How are you doing with recovery after this second surgery?
I have made plenty of bedtime posts from a hospitals bed in my time hsha
Late to the party here. In my late 20s I broke my arm and dislocated the elbow fighting a former national champion of Poland. It required surgery. As soon as I got it out of the sling, 3 weeks after surgery, I started hitting legs 4 times a week. I never really had good legs until then. I got legs that year. 3 months after I could do upper body again my upper body was back. At 6 months after the injury I was back on the mat. 2 years later I was fighting for national titles. This is a bump in the road. Make lemonade from these lemons brother.
Just wanted to thank you for this thread, theres some real quality info in here and it made me feel so much more positive about these next few weeks / months for myself. @Hyperemia did you end up having this surgery on the left side? How are you doing with recovery after this second surgery?
You're welcome and I'm glad this thread was able to help somebody in a similar position.

I did end up having the second surgery on the left side but it did not go as planned. The surgery was arthroscopic. For anybody who doesn't know what that means, they made 3 small keyhole incisions. One of the incisions is for the camera so they can see what they're doing and the other two are for tools for the surgery.

So what didn't go as planned? They couldn't get the tools into the hip cavity to access what they needed. There was no room. I was in the OR for a couple hours while they tried to figure it out. They didn't want to force anything and cause damage that could have an effect on the outcome we're all hoping for. In the end, they decided to patch me up and let me heal from the incisions before we decide what to do next. I'm really happy they went that route.

PACU was a riot. After I woke up and asked how it went and was told what happened. The PACU nurse said, "You have too much muscle, you're too buff for the surgery." I heard various versions of this from the anesthesiologist and the OR Nurses. Obviously that wasn't the case, but they were just being nice and made me laugh lot. Everybody was great and made sure I was comfortable. I forgot to mention that I also ended up with a large hematoma. Leg swelled up to what looked like twice its size. Whole upper part of my leg was bruised all to hell, still is just not as bad.

I'm healing from that ordeal now, but it hasn't been so bad since it's just been muscle tissue healing and not the bone or labrum. I can't walk long distances or lift anything too heavy at the moment but Im already moving around fine. I'm riding the stationary bike with zero resistance every morning and looking forward to hitting the weights sooner than later. Healing seems to be happening fast. Ive stayed on Test and GH to help with this.

So what's next? I had my surgery consult last week and now we're scheduled for open surgery going in from the iliac crest. I have an appt with my ortho in a month. He wants to make sure everything heals up nicely before we move forward and we'll schedule the next surgery then.

I was obviously pretty bummed to not have this all taken care of finally but it is what it is. I'm happy to be walking around and having the means to take care of it when the time comes. Like I said before, looking forward to getting back to the gym soon and keep pushing forward. This was just another speed bump in my bodybuilding journey, nothing too big in the grand scheme of things.
You're welcome and I'm glad this thread was able to help somebody in a similar position.

I did end up having the second surgery on the left side but it did not go as planned. The surgery was arthroscopic. For anybody who doesn't know what that means, they made 3 small keyhole incisions. One of the incisions is for the camera so they can see what they're doing and the other two are for tools for the surgery.

So what didn't go as planned? They couldn't get the tools into the hip cavity to access what they needed. There was no room. I was in the OR for a couple hours while they tried to figure it out. They didn't want to force anything and cause damage that could have an effect on the outcome we're all hoping for. In the end, they decided to patch me up and let me heal from the incisions before we decide what to do next. I'm really happy they went that route.

PACU was a riot. After I woke up and asked how it went and was told what happened. The PACU nurse said, "You have too much muscle, you're too buff for the surgery." I heard various versions of this from the anesthesiologist and the OR Nurses. Obviously that wasn't the case, but they were just being nice and made me laugh lot. Everybody was great and made sure I was comfortable. I forgot to mention that I also ended up with a large hematoma. Leg swelled up to what looked like twice its size. Whole upper part of my leg was bruised all to hell, still is just not as bad.

I'm healing from that ordeal now, but it hasn't been so bad since it's just been muscle tissue healing and not the bone or labrum. I can't walk long distances or lift anything too heavy at the moment but Im already moving around fine. I'm riding the stationary bike with zero resistance every morning and looking forward to hitting the weights sooner than later. Healing seems to be happening fast. Ive stayed on Test and GH to help with this.

So what's next? I had my surgery consult last week and now we're scheduled for open surgery going in from the iliac crest. I have an appt with my ortho in a month. He wants to make sure everything heals up nicely before we move forward and we'll schedule the next surgery then.

I was obviously pretty bummed to not have this all taken care of finally but it is what it is. I'm happy to be walking around and having the means to take care of it when the time comes. Like I said before, looking forward to getting back to the gym soon and keep pushing forward. This was just another speed bump in my bodybuilding journey, nothing too big in the grand scheme of things.
You really seem to have a good outlook/ approach to this whole thing, I guess being through it in the not so distant past has taught you that it's not the end of the world.

Sorry to hear things didn't go as planned, I'm glad they do have a plan for you though and I'm sure the next one will be successful. Wishing you all the best man!

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