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Syntherol Arm Log on trt

Do you think the size added over this course will stay?

Is there any proof of permanent size? (I'm SEO ignorant)

Hahaha... definitely the kind of "events" that can make you wonder if after all you're really that big... extremely humbling... :eek::(:p

Well after I saw Annette Schwartz do it with Rico Strong I felt better :D She is unbelieveable :love:

Following this log. I'm starting to learn high dose gear isn't required to have a great look. Once you resensitive yourself to low doses again you accomplish a lot minus the terrible side effects. I sent you a pm elvia if you get a chance to glance at it I would appreciate it! Keep working hard!!

Very true. I am havign fun with things. I have decided to mainly do lower doses of lr3 in the future too. DES will be kept at 50mcg bilaterally. If I ever did increase hgh and slin it would literally just be a second dose of what I already use. So instead of 2iu hgh and 5iu slin it will be that x2 so nothing too crazy. You can definitely do a lot with low doses of various aids. Although next year I will push things but still only about 1.5gram total or maybe more if I use primo. I noticed your pm before. I tend to reply in stages but will do so now. Thanks
Lucky number 7 inch penis for the win! ��

You are not very good at maths... ok I am an idiot. I was writing that out and on the phone at the same time. +1 ;):p

Do you think the size added over this course will stay?

Is there any proof of permanent size? (I'm SEO ignorant)

My calves changed permanently. They lost a lot of size when I left them for ages but they still were bigger and looked better than before. Although like anything in this game you have to keep at things to stay the same. Drop aas and you deflate. Stop dieting and you may gain fat etc etc. That's why I always recommend a long term maintenance plan. That could be as little as 1 day per week injections but it just helps maintain that look all year.
Elvia, can you post weekly pics with a measuring tape around your biceps peak?

I will post regular pics. I need to get a better measuring tape though as mine is one of those steel ones :eek: As I mentioned at the start and in all my logs size is important but for me the look is much more important. I got my calves to 18.75 inches but saw guys with calves at 16 that looked great. The same for arms. All I can do is train hard and do my injections but if all goes to plan there should be a massive difference by the end of this.
Elvia, check this out...
So professionalmuscle brotherhood, Elvia, Rambo, and I are meeting up for Spring Break in Vegas.
This is a challenge...
On March 31st, 2018 Jay Cutler is having the JAY CUTLER DESERT CLASSIC BODYBUILDING SHOW in LAS VEGAS!
You, me, and Rambo are going to compete in Classic Physique.
Are you up for the challenge?


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Elvia, check this out...
So professionalmuscle brotherhood, Elvia, Rambo, and I are meeting up for Spring Break in Vegas.
This is a challenge...
On March 31st, 2018 Jay Cutler is having the JAY CUTLER DESERT CLASSIC BODYBUILDING SHOW in LAS VEGAS!
You, me, and Rambo are going to compete in Classic Physique.
Are you up for the challenge?

I would do it for a laugh. You would have to show me how to pose though. Literally a crash course in posing starting a few days before the show. Knowing my luck I would get ready and you and Rambo would drop out :p
I would do it for a laugh. You would have to show me how to pose though. Literally a crash course in posing starting a few days before the show. Knowing my luck I would get ready and you and Rambo would drop out :p

Haha I’m a shite poser. Copy Arnold’s routine from Pumping Iron.
I would actually be interested in a bodybuilding show if you guys competed! :headbang:

This log is entertaining :p
I'm gonna follow this log. Currently in the last 4 weeks of my high dose blast and planning to then cruise for a long time on a little Test as well and add some Lr-3, Slin and Synthol. Just not sure yet if I'm gonna use HGH or if I will look for some quality CJC-Dac and MK.
Today is an off day from the gym. Obviously growth happens in recovery and I always say if gaining size 3-4 days per week is great. But I feel good and am flying and love training everyday so it's been an effort to not train today. I think my head (cns) needs a break more than my body.

This combo of BPC-157 and TB-500 is incredible. I can't say what % is coming from each one but I am amazed. I tweaked my middle trap which is reoccuring and has happened over 20 times. It always takes about 3-7 days to get better... literally everytime. I done it yesterday and post workout had my gf inject 500mcg BPC in my middle trap and I done 1mg TB-500 sub-q in my hip. Today it's gone which is bizarre as last night my back was hurting quite a bit and more than most times in the past. I have used TB-500 in the past (not much) and the general recovery was amazing. Obviously if you're injured no matter where you inject tb-500 your body should send it to the injured area. It's just a shame these peps can cost so much but I may look at keeping one in most of the year.

PDE5 Inhibitor Experiment

I am experimenting with PDE5 inhibitors pre workout now. Not everyday but so far I have used 3 brands. Over the years I have used many pharm grade and UG brands and the quality is mixed. The best ones I have used have been UG. I have used many different brands of tadalafil/cialis. Tadalafil is an incredible drug due to the pumps, vascularity, blood pressure effects and of course for the bedroom. A low dose (5-10mg) I think is a great addition to blasts for so many reasons. Sildenafil/Viagra I haven't used much as the few brands I tried gave me bad side effects such as facial flushing, runny nose, feeling very hot etc. However, I decided to give it another try as it's been years since I last tried it. Vardenafil/Levitra I don't have much experience with but when I tried it was great and the side effects weren't that bad. Here is what I have at the moment...

- Sildamax Sildenafil Citrate 100mg tabs by Argon India Limited
- Sildenafil Citrate 100mg tabs by Alpha Pharmaceuticals India
- Cockfosters 100mg tabs by Shree Venkatesh India
- Kamagra (sildenafil) 100mg effervescent tabs by Ajanta Pharma Limited India
- Tadalafil 20mg tabs by Shree Venkatesh India
- Valetra Vardenafil 20mg tabs by Shree Venkatesh India

Ok so all of them are from India which I didn't realize until now :D

I will go through what I have found so far. Please note other aids would have been used such as pre workout powder and lr3 or des so these reviews are not fully vaildated. Although I know how many things feel and I am mainly going on side effects as they are all good minus the side effects.

Cockfosters 100mg tabs by Shree Venkatesh India... very fast acting and I felt like 90% of the pump went down stairs :D I felt really hot and my face was red but they still felt ok. But these are definitely more suited for the bedroom if you want to use them for that.

Kamagra (sildenafil) 100mg effervescent tabs by Ajanta Pharma Limited India... I decided to dose half a tab as these are easy to snap in half and 100mg (above) was too high of a dose. Firstly the taste is horrible but meant to be orange flavour. Thïs felt good and more of the same as above but less pronounced and great for fullness/pumps. I need to experiment more with half a tab as 50mg seems to be a good dose for viagra pre workout.

Tadalafil 20mg tabs by Shree Venkatesh India... I love tadalafil and these are good ones. Great pumps and added vascualrity and all overall good feeling. Interestingly my nose starting running a but which I don't usually get from tadalafil but it wasn't bad. For me tadalafil is superior to viagra for running on cycles simply down to the much longer active life and only needing to dose it eod.

Valetra Vardenafil 20mg tabs by Shree Venkatesh India... these were great. Felt very similar to tadalafil. Very impressed so I will experiment with them more. These are active for upto about 8 hours so much shorter than tadalafil but a little longer than sildenafil. Therefore for guys who don't response well to viagra but would like a shorter acting product these could be ideal for you.
I have been easing into my syntherol injections. This is the approach I prefer. Sure I could bang in 3 ml per spot and do it everyday for a short period and explode in size but probably lose it very fast. I like to do small amounts over longer periods and obviously train as hard as I can a long the way.

I just done another set of injections. My arms feel amazing and super pumped. This time I done 1.1ml in 4 spots in each arm. I started with my tri-ceps and done the lateral and long heads for each. After they were done I uploaded the syringes again to do my bi-ceps and the inner and outer heads of each. My tri-ceps felt like they were sticking out almost after injections. This is why when guys mention about the mind muscle connection and using syntherol (or any injection). I know when I pin my lats with igf-1 I can really concentrate on my lats more effectively. In simple terms it makes you feel that particular muscle more.

All the injections went in easy. There was a lot of blood that came out from my right tri-cep long head injection but no pain. My arms feel very full and hard now. Yesterday I could feel the tightness in my arms more so it's always good to stretch and loosen the muscle when you can.

If you noticed what I wrote about the syringes that's just to save money. Using 8 syringes for 8 injections is a waste for me as I pay a fair amount for them. This brings me onto another thing it's always great to have some loading pins for syntherol. So a big G such as 21 so you can upload it very quickly into the syringes. I have ordered more but never realized I had none so just have 26G. It doesn't take long at all but with 8 injections it can add up. So I used 4 syringes and 1 needle for uploading and obviously new needles for every injection so 9 needles in total (8 inj and 1 upload). I done my tri-ceps first then refilled the 4 syringes to do bi-ceps.

I should add when I use 26G with 3ml syringes I do have to push the plunger hard so you may prefer using a 25G. I like to use the smallest needle possible. With 1ml syrines any needle is fine though.
My arms felt a little tighter today but not uncomfortable. My right hand felt a little numb and not sure if that is due to the hgh or perhaps some oil pressing against a nerve. It's probably the hgh as my hand aches when I hold my gym back and has done for weeks (before syntherol).

I trained legs today and it was good. Although my knee has been hurting so I know it hasn't fully recovered from when I dislocated my knee cap about 2 months ago. I injected 1mg tb-500 sub-q in my hip and 500mcg BPC-157 in my knee cap post training to help matters.

My 2nd day is listed as quads, hams and calves but I also included hips and glutes and changed the order around. I also tried IGF-1 DES at 50mcg bilaterally for the first time intra training.

Warm up with light weight leg extensions and seated leg curls.
Seated calf raises using the lying leg curls machine and a Reebok stepper... 5 warm up sets (hard sets) and 1 working set. I supersetted the working set with horizontal leg press calf press (wide feet) to failure.
DB Tibialis Raises... 1 warm up set and 1 working set.
Lying Leg Curls... 4 warm up sets of 20-12 reps. Then 1 set of 21's (7/7/7). Then 1 working drop set that consisted of 3 drops going down in weight as usual. The 4th drop was with light weight but just partial reps at the top of the movement. Then for the 5th drop I upped the weight a lot and done partial reps at the bottom of the movement.
Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 2 sets of 20 reps.
Machine Glute Raises... 3 warm up set and 1 working set for each side.
Leg Extenstion... 3 sets of 15 slow reps then I injected my IGF-1 DES in my quads and done another 3 sets of 15 slow reps.
Smith Squats... 5 sets of 15-10 reps going up in weight every set.
Smith Leg Press... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set.
1 working giant set of leg extensions, walking lunges, kettlebell squats and horizontal leg press. This killed me and I had to lie on the floor for about 2 mins after. The leg extensions were to a bad burn but not complete failure. The walking lunges were to complete failure. The kettlebell squats for 20 reps then as many reps as possible with the full weight rack on the hoz leg press (I got about 17).
Back and Leg Stretches.

As you can see I use a lot of techniques for ultimate intensity as I can't squat or stiff leg deadlift to failure with very heavy weight (my lower back). My right knee was hurting with 1 first set of Smith quads with 5kg a side :eek::D It was quite bad but I carried on but this movement simply doesn't feel right for me. I went up to 30kg a side and I didn't want to risk doing more. For the Smith leg presses my knee and obviously back felt fine so I went up to 6 plates a side for those. My problem with that is not the weight but my feet hurt bad but I still got 27 reps. I use Ryderwear trainers so they are good to wrap around the bar but they don't support your feet at all. I wish my gym had a vertical leg press with Platform and I could go much heavier and really abuse myself :D

I had a great pump all the way through but the DES didn't make me feel any different. I hope it is good quality but as I stated no real difference in how I felt. Their LR3 was ok but nothing great so maybe this is the same. I won't judge DES properly until I try a different brand. I will keep doing it intra training and see if that helps my progress. I used a glasses case for my DES so no worries about the plunder being pushed with it in your bag etc.

Sorry man.....it sucks to not be able to train legs like you want to although you seem to have found ways around it.

I'm kind of in the same boat right now as last week...I had the IT Band in my right leg just go "haywire". Never have had any issues with these in the past.

I have been doing stretches and foam rolling, but I hear it is such a thick piece of tissue that it takes awhile to heal.

So I have to find ways to train around it which means no traditional squats. Oddly enough....full range deadlifts do not bother it.
Elvia, check this out...

So professionalmuscle brotherhood, Elvia, Rambo, and I are meeting up for Spring Break in Vegas.

This is a challenge...

On March 31st, 2018 Jay Cutler is having the JAY CUTLER DESERT CLASSIC BODYBUILDING SHOW in LAS VEGAS!

You, me, and Rambo are going to compete in Classic Physique.

Are you up for the challenge?

Oh man I was going to do that show. Mother fuck! [emoji6].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry man.....it sucks to not be able to train legs like you want to although you seem to have found ways around it.

I'm kind of in the same boat right now as last week...I had the IT Band in my right leg just go "haywire". Never have had any issues with these in the past.

I have been doing stretches and foam rolling, but I hear it is such a thick piece of tissue that it takes awhile to heal.

So I have to find ways to train around it which means no traditional squats. Oddly enough....full range deadlifts do not bother it.

Thanks. I am just hoping my knee carries on improving and doesn't cause me anymore issues. If my lower back was fine I could squat heavy but they will never be on the cards for me. But I should be ok for everything else but will just keep going on like I have. I am limited anyway with my gym as it just has leg machines and no plates loaded stuff so the max weight is not very heavy. I can play about with lunges and db squats and maybe some belt squats so I should be fine. I don't need my legs to be huge anyway and I would be happy with a little more size and detail.

Oh man I was going to do that show. Mother fuck! [emoji6].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well don't stress as you would probably only have to worry about me. JJ is in the old man category and Rambo is in the short man category :D
Things are good. My arms are alittle sore but nothing bad. They feel constantly pumped up which is nice. I will post some updated pics on the weekend but just cruising a long now. I had a day off after training legs but just trained back (heavy), chest (pump) and bi-ceps (heavy). I got to the gym when it was busy and saw a barbell free so started there so the opposite of what I usually do.

Barbell Partial Deadlifts... 5 sets of 15 reps with pauses at the bottom going up in weight every set. As many know my lower back is not good so I wasn't going for huge lifts but went up to 2 plates a side with pauses and they felt good but definitely not safe so I didn't go any heavier. They hit my lower back good though so that's all I wanted.
Seated Cable Rows... 5 warm up sets (25 to 8 reps) and 2 working sets... 1 set pulled low for 9 reps and 1 set pulling to my chest for 10 reps.
Low Pulley Cable Rows... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set of 24 reps.
Machine Row (pulling very high)... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 13 reps.
Lat Pulldown... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set of 10 reps.
Cable Crossovers... 4 sets of 20 reps going up in weight every set. Each set consisted of 10 reps stood under the bar with head down with cables coming downwards (like MM pose). Then 10 reps stood in front in a more traditional style with cables coming from the sides (like hugging someone).
Machine Presses... 4 sets of 15 reps going up in weight using a partial range of motion to take away tri-cep and delt activation.
Plate Hammer Curls... 2 sets of 20 reps.
One armed DB Curls... 4 sets of 5 reps for each arm with no rest in between (just rotating arms) going up to 25kg db's.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set of 17 reps.
Preacher Curl Machine... 2 sets of 15 reps for each arm then 1 final working set with both arms for 12 reps.
Back stretches and Rumble Rolling.

I took too much pre workout today and it left me out of breath all through training but I carried on. I won't make that same mistake again. I have ate a lot since training and probably about 2500 calories in 4 hours and 4 meals. I injected 500mcg BPC-157 in my knee cap post training and 1mg TB-500 in my hip. Again really strong off feeling from the TB-500 but I had my chicken and rice post workout meal just after so that helped.

I haven't shaved in over a week so it's definitely offseason mode now :D 2moro will be Shoulders (heavy), Tri-ceps (heavy) and Quads (pump).
I just done another set of syntherol injections. For me my arms are looking really big. I am surprised by things as I haven't been using it daily. They are also more vascular which I always notice when I start syntherol. I have been using PDE5 inhibitors recently so they will add a lot to things but I haven't used one in a few days and again I notice it every time. The injections went in easy so no blood at all. One thing is I did struggle to get the oil in with my right tri-cep at the back but that won't be an issue when I get smaller syringes. As I push in fairly hard the injections leave a mark but not from the needle but the plastic behind it.

Training has been great recently and I am feeling strong. I am actually surprised and I think this hgh and pep combo is helping big time. Geno's test is always gtg and is a given. I haven't used hgh consistently and I think even this 2iu daily is really helping out. I plan to stay on it for 6 months+ so I am hoping things carry on the way they are going. I still have the ace-031 to experiment with (I hope it does something) but right now I don't see the need in adding it as things are really good. I am softer but I have been eating a lot of nut butters so I will calm that down but not too much as I happy with the results so far on this cruise.

What are the deepest slin pins they made? Slin pins are great, but when it comes to injecting SEO, I would think it'd be great to use use 1.5 inch slin pins. As far as I know they don't make them??

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