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Tech trouble with website


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 16, 2007
Anyone else having a problem where this site keeps logging you out when you try to post something or looks at your mail/subs? The problem has been intermittent for me for a long time now but recently it has been going on for the past 3 days or so. I do not have this problem with any other site on the web. I tried using Google Chrome as well as Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer. They all do the same thing. Sometimes I will enter my log in data and it wont even log me in.
Yes, that started happening just this morning. Never had a problem before, but since this morning it keeps logging me out every time I try to click on a new post. I keep on logging in, but after viewing each thread it keeps logging me out again every time I try to view a new thread.

Chrome browser if that makes any difference.
Ok, good to know it is not just me. Been going on 3 days now for me I think. Going to take a few days off from here and hope it is fixed by then. This is the 2nd time I have tried to post this response, it logged me out first attempt.
Ok, good to know it is not just me. Been going on 3 days now for me I think. Going to take a few days off from here and hope it is fixed by then. This is the 2nd time I have tried to post this response, it logged me out first attempt.

It logged me out when I posted my reply, then again when I tried to go back to the main page, then again when I clicked on this thread, then again when I tried to post this reply. Very frustrating having to log in again over and over, and this never happened before.
Damn Russians!!:mad:
Having the same problem. Every link I click on I have to log back in.
Possibly something to do with the cookies?
Take care.
Same here for the last few days...AnaSci too! I haven't been able to even post to ask...hopefully this shows up.
Remember me

Alfresco suggested clicking on "remember me" when you log in. I just did it and so far it has worked! Something with the site though has changed recently to cause this problem. Since I had it on all 3 browsers that tells me it isn't the browser.
Ive had the same problem but all seems fine now, at least on my end.

It was still a big problem for me until I used Alfresco's suggestion of checking off "remember me". Now I am ok. I will now try logging out and then back in not checking that box and see if it works ok.
Did not allow me to sign in. I tried 2x and both times it failed. As soon as I checked off the "remember me" box it logged in perfectly.

Maybe those not having problems have been checking off that box all along? I never used it before just now.
Same here for the last few day and I have clicked the "remember me" but it doesn't work at all
Alfresco suggested clicking on "remember me" when you log in. I just did it and so far it has worked! Something with the site though has changed recently to cause this problem. Since I had it on all 3 browsers that tells me it isn't the browser.

Thanks for the tip above! I have not been able to log on the last few days here or Anasci because of all this. I cleared my cache/cookies, etc....and it didn't help either. This "Remember Me" tip is the only reason I am able to post!
Had the issue yesterday. I believe checking the 'Remember Me?' box solved the issue.
Thanks for the tip! "Remember Me" has been the only thing that has worked on my end as well
I've always clicked on Remember me on any forums I visit and I never had a problem here or anywhere else.

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