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Test Enanthate 400mg/wk PCT advice


New member
May 3, 2023
Hi, this is my virgin run and I'm keeping it conservative. I'm doing 200mg Test E 2x/wk. I'm also using 250iu hcg 2x/wk because I've noticed shrinkage and small loads. I plan on a 8-10 wk cycle depending on blood tests. Possibly 10-12 wk.
My PCT plan is Nolvadex and aromasin along with MK2866 and gw501516.
Any thoughts or advice on this are appreciated. Thanks
Ostarine is mildly suppressive at 3mg per day. I’d leave it out if you are trying to recover the HPTA. Also add enclomiphene 12.5mg ED for PCT.
Ostarine is mildly suppressive at 3mg per day. I’d leave it out if you are trying to recover the HPTA. Also add enclomiphene 12.5mg ED for PCT.
Enclomiphene duly noted. I'll have to read up on it... You suggest that vs Clomid?
I've read that Ostarine only gets suppressive after 3-4 weeks. My plan was to use it 4 weeks and stop... Still a bad idea?
I'm hoping I can be conservative with PCT meds and dosage since I'm taking a fairly low dose of TEST.
Your input is greatly appreciated. I'm in uncharted territory and relying solely on my own research. Thanks
Enclomiphene duly noted. I'll have to read up on it... You suggest that vs Clomid?
I've read that Ostarine only gets suppressive after 3-4 weeks. My plan was to use it 4 weeks and stop... Still a bad idea?
I'm hoping I can be conservative with PCT meds and dosage since I'm taking a fairly low dose of TEST.
Your input is greatly appreciated. I'm in uncharted territory and relying solely on my own research. Thanks

Clomid is made of two isomers, about 60% enclomiphene and 40% Zuclomiphene. The latter, does little for restoring HPTA but increases estrogen more than the enclomiphene.

Enclomiphene is what it is. Enclomiphene. So USUALLY less estrogen/emotional sides, and on a mg per mg basis, much more effective.

just a cleaner drug. But clomid has been used for years, it works, but most people feel much better on enclomiphene.

On the ostsrine…..the gains or lack of loss of gains from running it doesn’t outweigh the probability of slowing recovery IMO. It’s not gonna be a game changer on the amount of tissue you end up at the end with.

If you want to “bridge” with some drugs during PCT, you could always add or bump up the growth hormone, or look around and read, find some real IGF-LR3 and play with that.

You’re gonna lose tissue cycling. It’s just the name of the game. But if you do it right, keeping 60% of the on cycle tissue added, it’s still a win.

That’s why guys that want to compete usually end up…I hate this jargon….blasting and cruising. They drop to usually TRT or “aggressive” TRT. And when you get FAR beyond normal physiological muscle tissue, cruises sometimes have to get up to 300+mg not to lose drastic ground made.

What’s your long term goal? Be a jacked gym rat and look awesome naked? Or is it to compete on stage? Is it to compete at heavy or super heavy? Because the destination will dictate what road you take
Here is my advice… if you haven’t already made a purchase, I would recommend Cypionate. There are a certain percentage of people who are allergic to Enanthate.

If you experience swelling, redness, hardnes, itching after 3-5 days, stop taking Enanthate and switch to cypionate.
Clomid is made of two isomers, about 60% enclomiphene and 40% Zuclomiphene. The latter, does little for restoring HPTA but increases estrogen more than the enclomiphene.

Enclomiphene is what it is. Enclomiphene. So USUALLY less estrogen/emotional sides, and on a mg per mg basis, much more effective.

just a cleaner drug. But clomid has been used for years, it works, but most people feel much better on enclomiphene.

On the ostsrine…..the gains or lack of loss of gains from running it doesn’t outweigh the probability of slowing recovery IMO. It’s not gonna be a game changer on the amount of tissue you end up at the end with.

If you want to “bridge” with some drugs during PCT, you could always add or bump up the growth hormone, or look around and read, find some real IGF-LR3 and play with that.

You’re gonna lose tissue cycling. It’s just the name of the game. But if you do it right, keeping 60% of the on cycle tissue added, it’s still a win.

That’s why guys that want to compete usually end up…I hate this jargon….blasting and cruising. They drop to usually TRT or “aggressive” TRT. And when you get FAR beyond normal physiological muscle tissue, cruises sometimes have to get up to 300+mg not to lose drastic ground made.

What’s your long term goal? Be a jacked gym rat and look awesome naked? Or is it to compete on stage? Is it to compete at heavy or super heavy? Because the destination will dictate what road you take
Looks like I need to find a good source for Enclomiphene. If it works better with less side effects, I'm all in
My goal is just to be a jacked and in shape old man. I've been raising my 5 kids on my own for the last 6 years and I work a brutal construction job. I do a Wendler style 5-3-1 power lifting program 3-4 days a week, and sneak in cardio and HIIT on off days. I also try to practice Jiu-jitsu 1-2 times a week. I just dabble in a lot of things, I'll never be a professional of any sort.
I honestly could see myself blasting and cruising because of my age and how much better I feel on cycle.
Here is my advice… if you haven’t already made a purchase, I would recommend Cypionate. There are a certain percentage of people who are allergic to Enanthate.

If you experience swelling, redness, hardnes, itching after 3-5 days, stop taking Enanthate and switch to cypionate.
Unfortunately I already purchased the ENANTHATE. Been on it about 2 weeks. Had some discomfort at first until I mixed it with grapeseed oil. All good now.
But I'll definitely consider CYPIONATE next time around.
Looks like I need to find a good source for Enclomiphene. If it works better with less side effects, I'm all in
My goal is just to be a jacked and in shape old man. I've been raising my 5 kids on my own for the last 6 years and I work a brutal construction job. I do a Wendler style 5-3-1 power lifting program 3-4 days a week, and sneak in cardio and HIIT on off days. I also try to practice Jiu-jitsu 1-2 times a week. I just dabble in a lot of things, I'll never be a professional of any sort.
I honestly could see myself blasting and cruising because of my age and how much better I feel on cycle.
I'm 42 years old BTW. Couldn't find an edit button
I'm 42 years old BTW. Couldn't find an edit button

42 and already have kids!?! Fuck PCT. No. Just get you a good TRT doc or do it yourself if you will actually go get blood work 2-3 times a year. Run your cycle.

Oh and 3iu good HGh pre bed would make a big improvement also. Not for physique per say, but overall fighting Father Time and his impact on the gym
Haha, technically just have one kid left. Youngest is 15, the rest are 18+. Almost home free lol.
I'll probably end up doing TRT myself. I feel like the doctors that will take my insurance won't give me what I want, and the clinics that will are too expensive.
I'm working on finding an affordable/discreet way to get blood work... What is your opinion on at home/pin prick blood tests? The general consensus I see here is that they're not accurate.
I'll also try to add the HGH if I can. Stuff is kinda pricey I see.
Hi, this is my virgin run and I'm keeping it conservative. I'm doing 200mg Test E 2x/wk. I'm also using 250iu hcg 2x/wk because I've noticed shrinkage and small loads. I plan on a 8-10 wk cycle depending on blood tests. Possibly 10-12 wk.
My PCT plan is Nolvadex and aromasin along with MK2866 and gw501516.
Any thoughts or advice on this are appreciated. Thanks
12 weeks is when a cycle starts and HCG will help ur balls a little but chics get fucked with dick balls are an afterthought as to small loads hydrate bc when you’re on your loads are bigger, thicker and tend to shoot farther so it’s not being on. Try a 5-6 month cycle and set clearer goals also if your goal is chasing pussy you should really evaluate why you’re on gear.
Ostarine is mildly suppressive at 3mg per day. I’d leave it out if you are trying to recover the HPTA. Also add enclomiphene 12.5mg ED for PCT.
Enclomiphine wont shut you off more? It’s a serm….im confused
Clomid is made of two isomers, about 60% enclomiphene and 40% Zuclomiphene. The latter, does little for restoring HPTA but increases estrogen more than the enclomiphene.

Enclomiphene is what it is. Enclomiphene. So USUALLY less estrogen/emotional sides, and on a mg per mg basis, much more effective.

just a cleaner drug. But clomid has been used for years, it works, but most people feel much better on enclomiphene.

On the ostsrine…..the gains or lack of loss of gains from running it doesn’t outweigh the probability of slowing recovery IMO. It’s not gonna be a game changer on the amount of tissue you end up at the end with.

If you want to “bridge” with some drugs during PCT, you could always add or bump up the growth hormone, or look around and read, find some real IGF-LR3 and play with that.

You’re gonna lose tissue cycling. It’s just the name of the game. But if you do it right, keeping 60% of the on cycle tissue added, it’s still a win.

That’s why guys that want to compete usually end up…I hate this jargon….blasting and cruising. They drop to usually TRT or “aggressive” TRT. And when you get FAR beyond normal physiological muscle tissue, cruises sometimes have to get up to 300+mg not to lose drastic ground made.

What’s your long term goal? Be a jacked gym rat and look awesome naked? Or is it to compete on stage? Is it to compete at heavy or super heavy? Because the destination will dictate what road you take
Never mind my other comment. So you would suggest just running enclomiphine as pct? What about HCG or would that do the opposite?
12 weeks is when a cycle starts and HCG will help ur balls a little but chics get fucked with dick balls are an afterthought as to small loads hydrate bc when you’re on your loads are bigger, thicker and tend to shoot farther so it’s not being on. Try a 5-6 month cycle and set clearer goals also if your goal is chasing pussy you should really evaluate why you’re on gear.


400mg of test i wouldnt even run a pct just come off.

Yes against the grain but i always felt i recovered better with out pct.

If other drugs were in the mix i would but straight low dose test no
400mg of test i wouldnt even run a pct just come off.

Yes against the grain but i always felt i recovered better with out pct.

If other drugs were in the mix i would but straight low dose test no
My friend always did that even running with tren. I have no clue how he did it.
400mg of test i wouldnt even run a pct just come off.

Yes against the grain but i always felt i recovered better with out pct.

If other drugs were in the mix i would but straight low dose test no
I think that’s age dependent in my 20s I could just come off no issue, as you get older whether it’s 200 or 1,000 coming off no pct is a recipe to feel like shit for most, though genetics play a role in everything and you may be a lucky guy who just bounces back no pct no sweat but having thought I’d be that way put me into fertility and IVF to have my kids which is insanely expensive.

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