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The Official Hair Transplant Thread

looks clean, redness already looks like its gone, that's always good and helps in making it look untouched. Enjoy the next week to 2 while the grafts are still in, they'll be coming off soon and the worst of it begins.

Lol yeah I was crossing my fingers and holding my breath that I'd be one of the very lucky few (it does happen) that doesn't shed many of the grafts. It's rare though.
Epoxy did you buzz your head before? Or do they do it for you? Do you have any before pictures , thanks!
Lol yeah I was crossing my fingers and holding my breath that I'd be one of the very lucky few (it does happen) that doesn't shed many of the grafts. It's rare though.

haha, I've talked so many guys thru the process and each one of them, myself included has hoped we'd be the elusive non shedder who transitions into a completed transplant, didn't happen for any of us so the hair transplant collective is overdue to see one, so here's hoping it's you bro... I sure know its not me, 0 for 2 on that scoreboard lol. My grafts were all gone by day 12 this time around, I shed them fast the first time too, not quite this fast but fast so I'm at least hoping that means quick growth as I was pretty quick the first time around.
Epoxy did you buzz your head before? Or do they do it for you? Do you have any before pictures , thanks!

both clinics I used did it for me. As you can see in my 2nd one, they weren't very thorough, hair transplant experts they are, stylists not so much. Dieps clinic will shave you down for sure and they usually recommend you not do it yourself and leave it untouched for at least a few weeks prior pre op.
Epoxy did you buzz your head before? Or do they do it for you? Do you have any before pictures , thanks!

i let them do it for me. my hair was long as shit brother. i kept it extremely long as a means of masking my recession.

i'm still having "phantom limb syndrome" with my hair. i go to swoosh my bangs out of my face ALL the time...NO BANGS...NO HAIR...
haha, I've talked so many guys thru the process and each one of them, myself included has hoped we'd be the elusive non shedder who transitions into a completed transplant, didn't happen for any of us so the hair transplant collective is overdue to see one, so here's hoping it's you bro... I sure know its not me, 0 for 2 on that scoreboard lol. My grafts were all gone by day 12 this time around, I shed them fast the first time too, not quite this fast but fast so I'm at least hoping that means quick growth as I was pretty quick the first time around.

i'm using a hair and nail supplement...5iu of gh....12.5mg of mk-677, high protein diet of course, applying organic aloe/vitamin-e to the graft area daily (i started having dry skin 2 days ago around the grafts). i'm seeing a few here and there fall off, at day 14 now...but it hasn't started falling in clumps yet...the next 2 weeks will be pretty telling though im sure.
i'm using a hair and nail supplement...5iu of gh....12.5mg of mk-677, high protein diet of course, applying organic aloe/vitamin-e to the graft area daily (i started having dry skin 2 days ago around the grafts). i'm seeing a few here and there fall off, at day 14 now...but it hasn't started falling in clumps yet...the next 2 weeks will be pretty telling though im sure.

yeah week 3-6 are the most common but as you find out going thru this, everybodys sched is their own, never helps to compare to others, you'll always be behind some, in front of others and it's just unnecessary stress trying to gauge it with others. You're doing everything right so just keep it going!
so wanted to chime back in and say im officially shedding. i've been using Aloe on my transplant area because it gets very dry, this morning I used one finger and rubbed some aloe on both sides and my finger had like 15 hairs on it after rubbing the aloe in. BUMMER, but obviously it was expected.
Epoxy you mind sharing a photo bro? How many days post op are you
Epoxy you mind sharing a photo bro? How many days post op are you

Sure bro. I'm one month post-op now. The transplanted hairs have mostly shed and some have begun regrowing but it will take a couple more months for the rest of the hair to grow back out again. I'm looking forward to having a full head of hair by the end of the year.

Thanks for posting that. My hairline looks roughly like yours, maybe not QUITE as receded, but damn close. Good to have a rough idea of what to expect, cost-wise.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Thanks for posting that. My hairline looks roughly like yours, maybe not QUITE as receded, but damn close. Good to have a rough idea of what to expect, cost-wise.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Sure thing man, glad to be of help. I will post another one for you guys in a month or so to show it coming back.
let us know when you think the redness is totally gone. Does anyone know how long the redness usually last for?
let us know when you think the redness is totally gone. Does anyone know how long the redness usually last for?

it was a giant using aloe on it twice a day EVERY day...definitely recommend that..its starting to fade a little now but think about it...sometimes it does take a bit for the redness when a scab falls off to heal.
let us know when you think the redness is totally gone. Does anyone know how long the redness usually last for?

that is entirely individual and theres a few factors that come into play, how well do you normally heal, how fair is your skin, how much trauma actually occurred...for me I've got an olive colored complexion, and am a quick healer for me it's not noticeable in person within about 10 days-14 days but I've seen some guys 4-6 months later still visibly red. On average 6 weeks is a nice safe guideline...tho it'll usually be presentable before that but before you yourself will look in the mirror and think it's all gone, usually around that long.
Anubis and Epoxy you guys get nervous before your transplant?

I had another meeting with my Dr. and he told me two weeks off from the gym then I can get back to it. So it shouldn't be that bad. So excited to get this done. Going in a few days before the New Year.
Anubis and Epoxy you guys get nervous before your transplant?

I had another meeting with my Dr. and he told me two weeks off from the gym then I can get back to it. So it shouldn't be that bad. So excited to get this done. Going in a few days before the New Year.

I was a bit nervous brother because I had LONG hair that was covering up my receding hairline and I hadnt cut it short in nearly a decade. Going from that to straight bald in 1 day kind of scared because I didn't know what I was going to look like bald. Turns out all of my friends think I look WAY better with short hair - go figure.

Otherwise, no. The only painful part of the procedure is when they are doing the shots initially to numb you up, and even then it's a pretty bearable pain level. The rest of the procedure for me was very pain free. During the 2nd part of the procedure (the placement of the hairs) I was propped up watching a movie the entire time.

I stayed out of public for the first week because it was all scabbed up and looked obvious. Around day 8-10 I used some baby oil on the scabbed area to "loosen it up" and once it dried again I started brushing the scabs off. They were all off within 10 days. Just don't force them if they aren't ready. From that point you'll have a full head of hair, but it will begin shedding with a couple of weeks. My hair is starting to regrow some at this point (im about 6 weeks post op) - but it will be another month before I see the majority of the growth probably. But it's coming in, slowly but surely.
Anubis and Epoxy you guys get nervous before your transplant?

I had another meeting with my Dr. and he told me two weeks off from the gym then I can get back to it. So it shouldn't be that bad. So excited to get this done. Going in a few days before the New Year.

I got super nervous right before, I was excited up until I was in the chair, once they had me in and they said alright lets shave your head...that's when I tripped balls, I was like oh shit do I really want to do this but I sucked it up and im glad i did. I wasn't really nervous about anything in particular, I had talked to a ton of people so I knew the anaesthesia would be an annoyance but would be largely tolerable and I knew I'd be shaved down like it or not so I just had to accept that so it wasn't any one thing that freaked me out but i just got cold feet I guess you could say. I just stayed quiet, the girl buzzed me down and one of the other techs said shit dude you look fkn hot shaved down and then I just started chatting with her and the shots began. You get the odd stinger but it's mostly just annoying, less than 5 minutes you're done with that part and the process is under way. I've met so many patients and most guys get a little nervous prior it's normal but they all settle in.

2nd procedure, no nerves, I was dialed in like bring it on give me another cute tech to flirt with lol but my 2nd doc ran a tighter ship with his techs, they weren't nearly as chatty as my 1st docs so it was mainly me watchin movies or listening to heavy metal since the doc was a huge metal head.
What's your official standpoint on blocking DHT and it blocking actual "gains"?

Evidence suggests that DHT suppression will not hinder strength, hypertrophy, or fat loss:

Bhasin S, Travison TG, Storer TW, Lakshman K, Kaushik M, Mazer NA, Ngyuen AH, Davda MN, Jara H, Aakil A, Anderson S, Knapp PE, Hanka S, Mohammed N, Daou P, Miciek R, Ulloor J, Zhang A, Brooks B, Orwoll K, Hede-Brierley L, Eder R, Elmi A, Bhasin G, Collins L, Singh R, Basaria S. Effect of testosterone supplementation with and without a dual 5α-reductase inhibitor on fat-free mass in men with suppressed testosterone production: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2012 Mar7;307(9):931-9.
Started taking finasteride back in April and got a 2000 graft hair transplant in May. Very pleased with the results so far. I used Dr. Haber for my procedure.
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