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Vermodje bust


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Below is a translate of the WADA warning:

“Lately, in the European Union appeared more products Veterinary Class
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids produced by VERMODJE SRL - Moldova.
Countries that have entered the market these products are: Russia,
Ukraine, Poland and Spain. There were made more quality tests in
laboratories and had been found major deficiencies: different
composition indicated on the package contents than inside content,
underdosing active substances, related manufacturing substandard under
European legislation and the use of low-quality raw materials containing
chemical impurities, solvents, salts of HEAVY METALS.
Administration preparations concerned brand manufacturer will not
produce the desired therapeutic effect and worsen health of pets.
Please note that, the content and quality, may cause serious harm to the
health of athletes.”



It is easy to see that VERMODJE is producing a counterfeit or copy of
the real Naposim made by TERAPIA. The original product NAPOSIM is
produced in Romania by TERAPIA (you can check their website terapia.ro).
TERAPIA sold the product NAPOSIM in Moldova Republic, but they did not
have the name protection and the bogus company VERMODJE copied the name
NAPOSIM and are trying to sell these products illegally on the black
market. Actually, VERMODJE is just an UG company that sells bad very
poor quality products and are using the name NAPOSIM to mislead people.
Naposim by Terapia the original ones are very potent and very good. But
I am talking about Naposim by Vermodje that is just a counterfeit not
real thing. A honest UG lab doesn't copy brand names or packagings from
known old company to take advantage of the market already built but
honest companies work hard for their customers to build trust .

Original NAPOSIM: **broken link removed** ( look for Naposim )

Comparation: Imgur


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Some papers from authorities sent to the company Vermodje ( before that bust.....I wonder how they did not saw problems coming ). Authorities are investigating if Vermodje are producing drugs and if Vermodje.com is their website and they negate EVERYTHING.





A quick translation for Vermodje answer:

The company of SC “Vermodje” SRL, as response to your official letter Nr..... from ...,informs you that our company does not sell the specified products. Considering the fact that your inquiry >is not the first of its kind, we assume that the specified products are fake, counterfeited to discredit our >company’s image
We also inform you that the products has been submitted for registration at the Sanitary-Veterinary >Agency, but has not been approved.

Maybe is going on a campaign leaded by competition against Vermodje but this campaign is based on facts. I have no reason to believe Vermodje is any different than what is truly is ( UGL) and all the victimization and blaming of competition ain't proving Vermodje is a "human grade manufacturer of steroids". We're on the subject of Vermodje right now and its claims of manufacturing by pharmaceutical standards Boldenone, Trenbolone and other steroids, which is simply not true aside from the fact that their manufacturing unit is nothing more than a UGL which doesn't have a proper cleanroom, HVAC, technological flux, or certified API for pharmaceutical manufacturing (the API imported by Vermodje are from chemical manufacturers in China not from Pharmaceutical raw material suppliers, exactly the same as any other UGL).
We're on the subject of Vermodje right now and its claims of manufacturing by pharmaceutical standards Boldenone, Trenbolone and other steroids, which is simply not true aside from the fact that their manufacturing unit is nothing more than a UGL which doesn't have a proper cleanroom, HVAC, technological flux, or certified API for pharmaceutical manufacturing (the API imported by Vermodje are from chemical manufacturers in China not from Pharmaceutical raw material suppliers, exactly the same as any other UGL).

And who does, besides major pharmaceutical companies, like Schering or Organon? Balkan, Global, LA Anabolics, Unigen, British Dispensary?

These are all UGL disguised as pharma.
Damn bro makes think is there any real gear out there

The more brands I try and the more shit I see & read (elsewhere at places like meso too) the more staggering the realization is. The amount of crap UGL gear and counterfeit pharma out there is crazy. Even the good UGL have bad batches now and then. The UGL guys themselves are not that shady or deceptive. They just have little control of the crap raws they get from China. Nobody fucking tests shit; mass spec is too pricey and hard to access. Nobody uses labmax like the should, it's not always reliable anyway. You're lucky if they melt point test a sample before cooking up the raws. This is how bullshit happens. Otherwise it's also all pretty much underdosed due to the raws.
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And who does, besides major pharmaceutical companies, like Schering or Organon? Balkan, Global, LA Anabolics, Unigen, British Dispensary?

These are all UGL disguised as pharma.

Regarding Balkan Pharmceuticals, check this **broken link removed**

amed.md is moldovian FDA. That proves that hospitals buy drugs fom Balkan Pharmceuticals. Do you things hospitals would ever buy drugs from UG LABS ? Your argument is invalid !

=I took this info from this text posted on another forum====

Home » Licitaţii » Rezultatele licitaţiilor

Here you can find companies that are producing for real drugs and selling their drugs to the hospitals in the country. Look for LICITATION results , this is very important to see if company is real

Rezultatul licitaţiei nr.1608/13 din 20.11.2013

( for 2014 the big LICITATION is in september 2013 . Other small licitation are just for small needs . )

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Download the lists in XLS and check the lists for drugs name and company name and see which drugs they sold to the government ( more complicated drugs better the company. So for example if they sold only tablets company is small if they sold aqueous injectable in sizes bigger than 10 ml the company is the best )
Regarding Balkan Pharmceuticals


amed.md is moldovian FDA. That proves that hospitals buy drugs fom Balkan Pharmceuticals. Do you things hospitals would ever buy drugs from UG LABS ? Your argument is invalid !

It's been posted on this thread that both Balkan and Vermodje are sold in pharmacies in Moldova, so Vermodje is as pharma as Balkan there, is that correct?

Found this:


Are you saying that Balkan is producing human grade trenbolone and purchased the rights to use the name Parabolan from Negma?
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It's been posted on this thread that both Balkan and Vermodje are sold in pharmacies in Moldova, so Vermodje is as pharma as Balkan there, is that correct?

Found this:

Are you saying that Balkan is producing human grade trenbolone and purchased the rights to use the name Parabolan from Negma?

Why are you posting lies ? Show a proof that Vermodje is legal. Here all the proofs are that is a fake company.

Vermodje is not sold and is not legal for sale in Moldova. You will never find Vermodje in pharmacies in Moldova, not now not in the future.

Parabolan is not a registered trade name of Negma (it registration expired so BP is using it legally.

Vermodje is a illegal and fake company.

BP is legal one and you can find BP in any pharmacies and in hospitals. You can find references of BP even on governamental website

Prime minister is visiting the factory and you can find details about the visit on the governmental website GOV.MD

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Why are you posting lies?

I don't know what is a lie or truth regarding this matter. Trying to find actually...

Not that I have a dog in this fight, as I'm nowhere close to Moldova, unlike you. Just plain curiosity here.

I'm going by this info:

If Vermodje was busted, why is it still being sold on pharmacy shelves in Moldova right next to balkan?

AFAIK, there's no human grade trenbolone in the world today, yet Balkan sells trenbolone. Is it vet tren?

We have a fishy video, a company that's pharma but sells human grade tren, guys who are from the area or have labs there extremely interested in the subject. I don't need to be very smart to put a few dots together. Are you affiliated to a source over there?
I understand. Then research before saying Vermodje exist in pharmacies because is not.

You can register trenbolone in any country in europe because was once registered by Negma France so there exist a precedent.

I am from Romania is very close to Moldova so I know facts
I am from Romania is very close to Moldova so I know facts

That's awesome. No one better than you or maybe Alin and BigA to explain what's going on over there.

So, when everyone in the business says there's no human grade tren today, it's actually a lie, right? Balkan has been making HG tren for many years.

Well, live and learn.
Sarcastic, yes.

Condescending? Don't think so...

If I'm hurting your business trying to find out what's going on about these news, please feel free to delete my posts.

I don't really mean to cause trouble, but if there's a thread open about a subject, I believe I can discuss it. If not, please let me know.

Absolutely we are open to discuss. Show me one paper or article that say trenbolone should not exist for human use ? I think is just something that people say nothing based on evidences. Also trenbolone was registered in France so is possible to register again in any country in europe
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Those certificates shows that a regular company is registered. Nothing else.
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Prosecutor General's Office sent to AMED MOLDOVA (FDA MOLDOVA) Vermodje products confiscated for analysis. Here are bulletins issued by the FDA analysis which shows that conclusion: Preparation of unknown origin. Substandard. So the origin is unknown so VERMODJE producing enterprise is not considered drugs and their quality does not match. More information within few days ... one by one ..

You can see at conclusion "PREPARAT DE ORIGINE NECUNOSCUTA. NU CORESPUNDE". Please put on google translate (Preparation of unknown origin. Substandard )

Also you can see that FDA is directing their analyses to PROCURATURA GENERALA A MOLDOVEI. Please put on google translate ( Prosecutor General's Office)







You have emails and registration numbers for each paper. You can verify it is legit
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