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Your Libido on TRT

How is your libido on TRT

  • Much better than before TRT

    Votes: 74 41.3%
  • Still Not where I want it to be

    Votes: 75 41.9%
  • Worse than before TRT

    Votes: 12 6.7%
  • Has not changed

    Votes: 18 10.1%

  • Total voters
Mine is just ok. I'm lucky to get 2 times a week. She wants sex everyday but libido has always been a problem. I have taken antidepressants for 21 years so it has a lot to do with it. I'm on 200mg test every 10 days.

Have you tried more frequent injections?
Have you tried more frequent injections?

I have. I've tried lower doses, higher doses, more frequent, less frequent. Etc. the only thing I haven't tried is something for estrogen but my estradiol levels have not been high. I think it has more to do with the Ssri than it does with the test.
I have. I've tried lower doses, higher doses, more frequent, less frequent. Etc. the only thing I haven't tried is something for estrogen but my estradiol levels have not been high. I think it has more to do with the Ssri than it does with the test.

Have you tried hcg? It gave me a crazy boost in libido and major wood.
I have. I've tried lower doses, higher doses, more frequent, less frequent. Etc. the only thing I haven't tried is something for estrogen but my estradiol levels have not been high. I think it has more to do with the Ssri than it does with the test.

hcg and proviron/masteron could help.
Any major stressors? Stress and the mind can significantly limit libido even if your hormones are balanced.
man honestly i have been on steroids for many years now, on and off, trt and blast and so on
really my libido has always stayed the same throughtout the entire course. i had quite high libido before doing them, and stayed high. never felt it insanely high nor low haha
Great. I had low t throughout my was horrible. I saw Dr after Dr but since my levels were always in the low normal range nothing was done. Endocrinologist wouldn't do anything. Finally i found some good Drs. Not clinics where you have to spend big bucks. I was on and off gel and patches for awhile but nothing works like injectable. Finally got it last year. In my first solid relationship.

Sent from my LGMS550 using Professional Muscle mobile app
I've been trying to figure out what drives libido for years. What I know is that:

1. Low DHT kills libido.
2. Low estrogen kills my libido.
3. Low testosterone kills my libido.

When they are all in range my libido is great.
Seems like a nightmare to get it in the sweet spot. Why bother with TRT if libido is not good?

Hard question, but if you had never used exogenous test/steroids and were still natty would your libido be fine? Are these issues caused by damage done?

Sent using professional muscle mobile app
Sorry if i missed it

I think one of the keys would be FREE test levels, but I don't know what that level would be for libido. Is there a free test to E2 ratio to shoot for?

Also, If test is not helping libido, is it doing what it should for hypertrophy, or are these 2 totally separate areas?

Seems like a nightmare to get it in the sweet spot. Why bother with TRT if libido is not good?

Hard question, but if you had never used exogenous test/steroids and were still natty would your libido be fine? Are these issues caused by damage done?

Sent using professional muscle mobile app

Because TRT is not all about libido. It's about energy levels, focus, drive, passion, and overall quality of life.

It's not hard to get your levels within proper ranges.. Just takes some blood work and time.

If when you were natty your libido was good then yes you will be fine, as it will remain the same until you get older and your hormone levels start declining. But it's relative and everyone's chemical make up is different. Most of the guys in this thread had libido and/or low testosterone before beginning TRT, therefore more than likely having low libido. Now if you have a high libido then get on steroids, then come off steroids and your libido is low after a year or so, then there is a good chance you did damage to your endocrine system. Which is why constant monitoring and blood work is key. This thread isn't about cycling, it's about long term TRT treatment and it's effect on libido after starting TRT.
I think one of the keys would be FREE test levels, but I don't know what that level would be for libido. Is there a free test to E2 ratio to shoot for?

Also, If test is not helping libido, is it doing what it should for hypertrophy, or are these 2 totally separate areas?


I want my free test numbers as high as possible within reason, and SHBG on the lower end of the healthy range.

There is no set "range" to shoot for as it is relative to the individual and we are all so different you can't really come up with a definitive answer.

Just because libido is low does not mean that you aren't building muscle. But chances are when hormones are within a healthy range your body is going to work in sync more efficiently.
Mine is incredible, similar to 17 yrs old. 1-3x ed with the wife, love it! 47 yrs old

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Mine is incredible, similar to 17 yrs old. 1-3x ed with the wife, love it! 47 yrs old

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

How does your wife like it though? I used to have sex with my wife twice per day, even after 10 years of marriage, then it got back to me, she told friends, who told my sister, who told my younger brother and they said I was oversexed like "a rabbit" It was trt though, I've always had a sex drive with new girls, I can go 7-8 times... Now that i'm older my sex drive is still there, but it doesn't always get up like I want it to...

My sex drive caused me and my ex-wife to break up, because she's a bit older than me, 13 years to be exact and at first the sex was great, she kept up, but later after the ten years, she kept insisting that I get a girlfriend, she told me she was serious and she wouldn't mind... she told me repeatedly, until I did... Then we drifted apart... we're still great friends and both of us are great with the kid, but sometime too much libido can hurt things, but if your wife likes it, god bless you and enjoy!
if your dopaminergic system is not strong, your libido will be shit even if test/estrogen is in good range. To boost your dopamine system you can use a dopamine agonist or better yet, my preference, is using a dopamine donator past the rate limiting step, this would be L-Dopa, pure or found in some exotic foods.

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