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Syntherol Arm Log on trt

I just done another set of syntherol injections. For me my arms are looking really big. I am surprised by things as I haven't been using it daily. They are also more vascular which I always notice when I start syntherol. I have been using PDE5 inhibitors recently so they will add a lot to things but I haven't used one in a few days and again I notice it every time. The injections went in easy so no blood at all. One thing is I did struggle to get the oil in with my right tri-cep at the back but that won't be an issue when I get smaller syringes. As I push in fairly hard the injections leave a mark but not from the needle but the plastic behind it.

Training has been great recently and I am feeling strong. I am actually surprised and I think this hgh and pep combo is helping big time. Geno's test is always gtg and is a given. I haven't used hgh consistently and I think even this 2iu daily is really helping out. I plan to stay on it for 6 months+ so I am hoping things carry on the way they are going. I still have the ace-031 to experiment with (I hope it does something) but right now I don't see the need in adding it as things are really good. I am softer but I have been eating a lot of nut butters so I will calm that down but not too much as I happy with the results so far on this cruise.

I loved the way Syntherol deep in the muscle pushes the veins outward so you look crazy vascular!

When the oil gets hard to push in try a different depth of injection. For me my first choice was to get very deep in the muscle so the muscle tissue gets pushed up and out bringing out details like striations when your bodyfat is low. Slin pin injects weren’t my preference since I want only the tissue to show instead of the swelling, if that makes sense? Basically, push all muscle up and out so only lean striated vascular tissue is seen.
Thanks. I am just hoping my knee carries on improving and doesn't cause me anymore issues. If my lower back was fine I could squat heavy but they will never be on the cards for me. But I should be ok for everything else but will just keep going on like I have. I am limited anyway with my gym as it just has leg machines and no plates loaded stuff so the max weight is not very heavy. I can play about with lunges and db squats and maybe some belt squats so I should be fine. I don't need my legs to be huge anyway and I would be happy with a little more size and detail.

Well don't stress as you would probably only have to worry about me. JJ is in the old man category and Rambo is in the short man category :D

Lmao [emoji23]

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I will post some pics on the weekend. Today has been a rest day as I know I have been overdoing things recently. I took some supplements today and within a few minutes felt ill. I think it maybe the carditone I use and as my stomach was empty I felt it so much more. Weird one as every supplement I took I have been on for over a few months and the same brands and no issues in the past. My body defitely needed the rest today and I should get lot's of sleep tonight. I will be fresh for tomorrow and ready to hit hamstrings etc very hard.

Yesterday I trained shoulders, tri-ceps and quads (pump). Really pushed it on the shoulders and only got 5 reps for my working set on behind the neck Smith shoulder presses and 6 reps for standard ones. I really pushed everything and it felt good but I know I have to be careful. I finished with multiple sets of unilateral leg extensions (light weight) really focusing on my outer quads.

I received my Enhanced Athlete order today. I will start some GW-50156 2moro at 10mg. I figured it would give me a boost in endurance when cruising and I will just use a low dose. If it helps my HDL levels then great. I have slin pills I will use before larger carb meals too. Plus their new preworkout powder I will try 2moro as well. I added some ostarine but will use that next year.

I am in two minds when to experiment with the ACE-031. I am thinking on Monday but I may leave it another week.

My new training split feels good. It covers all bases and I take time off when I need it. I may add in an arm pump day every 10 days after a set of syntherol injections. Even on 200mg test I am recovering really fast from workouts so my arms can take the added volume. I attribute the recovery to well everything... nutrition, rest, tb-500, bpc-157, hgh etc.
I have been training as normal... warm ups and all out working sets. A few days ago I trained hamstrings, calves, back width and bi-ceps. Really heavy leg curls (lying and seated) with working sets to failure and partial reps. On the seated I done normal reps to failure, partials to failure then 10 secs rest and a static hold to failure. Calves were done over 10-15 mins and were brutal and they are still hurting. Back width were pull ups and one arm pulldowns sat on the floor. Bi-ceps were a mixture of weight and reps over 10-15 mins.

Earlier I trained chest, tri-ceps and rear delts. I went up to 4 plates a side on Smith decline presses but only got 8 reps for my working set. I then went down to 2 plates a side and got 31 reps (rest was just taking off the plates). Then 2 warm up sets and 1 working set for both pec deck and standing cable presses. I finished with chest dips to failure with a 20kg bag then dropped to failure with my bodyweight. Tri-ceps were pushdowns (2 handles) with 3 warm up sets and 1 working set, standing overhead ez bar extensions with 2 warm up sets and 1 working set and 1 working set of tri-cep dips with a 20kg bag and dropped to bodyweight to failure. Rear delts were db flyes on an incline bench and bent over then finished with reverse pec deck.

Things are good. My knee hurts at times but nothing major. When I lie down with my feet on the floor my lower back hurts a lot. That must be the deadlifts the other day and perhaps the heavy leg curls didn't help.

I haven't been eating loads but a decent amount of basic food. Here are a few of my meals recently.

Thai green curry chicken with basmati rice covered in dessicated coconut...


Duck, rice and quinoa...


Oats, banana with triple chocolate whey and peanut butter and dessicated coconut on top...


Marinated Shrimp, lemon rice and dessicated coconut...

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I have used this stuff in my calves in the past with great results. However I am actually shocked how big my arms are getting. I think I have only injected them about 6 or 7 times/days. My plan is to just stretch out lot's of growth then I can refine things later on.

I pick the best pics from each set of pics so everything is as valid as possible. But it's weird as in this set due to angles the same arm seconds a part can look so different. Just shows you what a difference angles can make to make you look much better or much worst. Plus these are just taken dead centre in a small hallway too.

You can really see the difference in size from when I started. I can feel the difference even more so. In the updated pics I will post some were they look smaller just to show the difference. But even in the smaller ones they look bigger than before. I just realized I had my gf take pics of my left arm this time and it was my right arm first time :eek::D I didn't even realize but will get more pics done every week.









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I don't know why my pics always come out sidewards now :eek: I don't have any programs on my comp to rotate it. I tried uploading it again on other sites but it's the same way. Can anyone rotate the 2nd and 3rd pics? Thanks
I am maintaining well on 200mg test weekly and 2iu hgh, 5iu slin pre workout. Here are 2 pics in a vest. I am really hairy so it makes me look less lean. You can't even see my abs as they are covered in hair :D I will have to shave soon as my shoulder and back are covered too.


Thats a big difference! You can see the veins on the triceps and the whole arm just looks full. Injected just 6-7times, how many more injections have you planned?
Whats the difference in measurement?
I have used this stuff in my calves in the past with great results. However I am actually shocked how big my arms are getting. I think I have only injected them about 6 or 7 times/days. My plan is to just stretch out lot's of growth then I can refine things later on.

I pick the best pics from each set of pics so everything is as valid as possible. But it's weird as in this set due to angles the same arm seconds a part can look so different. Just shows you what a difference angles can make to make you look much better or much worst. Plus these are just taken dead centre in a small hallway too.

You can really see the difference in size from when I started. I can feel the difference even more so. In the updated pics I will post some were they look smaller just to show the difference. But even in the smaller ones they look bigger than before. I just realized I had my gf take pics of my left arm this time and it was my right arm first time :eek::D I didn't even realize but will get more pics done every week.










Your biceps looks a lot more full already!!! ??
Thats a big difference! You can see the veins on the triceps and the whole arm just looks full. Injected just 6-7times, how many more injections have you planned?
Whats the difference in measurement?

Thanks. I just started injecting eod but at the beginning done less frequent shots. I am up to 1.2ml in each spot. I tend to do 2 shots in each bi-cep and 2 in each tri-cep now. I have no set time period and will just get more bottles when/if I need them. I would say about 6 weeks more before maintenance which will be 2-1 shots per week. I was surprised as they feel much bigger but so far about 1 inch (feels like 2+). As I posted earlier I just started and wasn't too bothered about measurements but will use them as an indication. My tape measure is crap as it's a steel one. If you notice in the pics my finger has a plaster on and that's because the steel tape measure sliced through it when I was trying to measure them :eek::D It may be even more than an inch but regardless I am happy.

Your biceps looks a lot more full already!!! ����

They are weird as they feel so different day by day. Now they look less full but more defined. There can be some inflammation but swelling comes and goes very quickly. Very happy so far and just going to carry on with how I am doing things. I don't see the need in upping the dose fast as it's not needed for me. When looking at the pics I thought the 4th one looked double the size of some of the others.

I haven't been doing DES. Just 2iu hgh and 5iu slin pre workout. I will restart the des and see if it helps.
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Definitely BIGGER. Keep posting as you continue your run!

your brother in Christ,

Thanks. I just started injecting eod but at the beginning done less frequent shots. I am up to 1.2ml in each spot. I tend to do 2 shots in each bi-cep and 2 in each tri-cep now. I have no set time period and will just get more bottles when/if I need them. I would say about 6 weeks more before maintenance which will be 2-1 shots per week. I was surprised as they feel much bigger but so far about 1 inch (feels like 2+). As I posted earlier I just started and wasn't too bothered about measurements but will use them as an indication. My tape measure is crap as it's a steel one. If you notice in the pics my finger has a plaster on and that's because the steel tape measure sliced through it when I was trying to measure them :eek::D It may be even more than an inch but regardless I am happy.

They are weird as they feel so different day by day. Now they look less full but more defined. There can be some inflammation but swelling comes and goes very quickly. Very happy so far and just going to carry on with how I am doing things. I don't see the need in upping the dose fast as it's not needed for me. When looking at the pics I thought the 4th one looked double the size of some of the others.

I haven't been doing DES. Just 2iu hgh and 5iu slin pre workout. I will restart the des and see if it helps.
It looks like a solid inch so far. Nice work. I am tempted to try this out. Adding a quick inch in a couple weeks is nice!!! I am wondering if I did something like added syntherol to my arms postworkout? What do you think? I didn't like training after injections cuz I felt the muscles didn't feel 100% and felt weak since they had just been pinned. In order to avoid hindering any training, I am thinking postworkout to stretch the fascia. I'm not interested in oiled up arms and a pump for the moment, more interested in stretching the fascia to allow for new growth. This worked for me when I did syntherol in my chest. I wasn't even consistent with pinning my chest, I basically did it when I felt like I was up for it. I didn't do a lot either, just enough to fill the muscle and stretch it. Then months down the line it's like I "grew" into that stretched muscle.
It looks like a solid inch so far. Nice work. I am tempted to try this out. Adding a quick inch in a couple weeks is nice!!! I am wondering if I did something like added syntherol to my arms postworkout? What do you think? I didn't like training after injections cuz I felt the muscles didn't feel 100% and felt weak since they had just been pinned. In order to avoid hindering any training, I am thinking postworkout to stretch the fascia. I'm not interested in oiled up arms and a pump for the moment, more interested in stretching the fascia to allow for new growth. This worked for me when I did syntherol in my chest. I wasn't even consistent with pinning my chest, I basically did it when I felt like I was up for it. I didn't do a lot either, just enough to fill the muscle and stretch it. Then months down the line it's like I "grew" into that stretched muscle.

It doesn't really matter when you dose it. As long as you are consitent you will get results. I like the increased mind muscle connection you get when pinning pre workout but it's definitely not needed. I used to pin pre bed a lot of the time. Today I am due to inject and I worked out before so it will be pre bed for me. Although pre workout dosing doesn't effect my strength at all. One body part I would avoid training heavy on syntherol is chest though. My arms are so much easier to do than chest or calves. The injections are literally easy for me it's just getting started with the injections that I usually struggle with.

The above brings me onto the fact I have just started using 25G 5/8 pins. I have to say these are even better for arms for me. Now I have loading pins as well so the injections are fast and easy. I can upload 8 syringes in about 80 secs. Although I do 4 and inject tri-ceps then upload more syntherol into the same 4 and then do bi-ceps (obviously new needles). It's a waste using 8 syringes each time for me so I use 4. The oil goes in so smooth with the 25G and it's a little deeper than the slin pins.
I can upload 8 syringes in about 80 secs. Although I do 4 and inject tri-ceps then upload more syntherol into the same 4 and then do bi-ceps (obviously new needles). It's a waste using 8 syringes each time for me so I use 4.

Call me insane, but I remember those times back in the day in my 20's when getting syringes wasn't so easy where I lived then, and how I kept re-using the same one ed for a full week... once shots were all done on day 1, I filled the barrel with alcohol and emptied it the day after... just to repeat the same process over an over for 7 days straight !!! :eek:

Needles weren't changed much either... :eek:

Damn, the things you can do when you're young !!! :D

Your arms look already incredibly improved, Elvia... that's definitely a log starting well !!! :yeahthat:
Call me insane, but I remember those times back in the day in my 20's when getting syringes wasn't so easy where I lived then, and how I kept re-using the same one ed for a full week... once shots were all done on day 1, I filled the barrel with alcohol and emptied it the day after... just to repeat the same process over an over for 7 days straight !!! :eek:

Needles weren't changed much either... :eek:

Damn, the things you can do when you're young !!! :D

Your arms look already incredibly improved, Elvia... that's definitely a log starting well !!! :yeahthat:

I did the same thing due to fear of ordering syringes and not feeling comfortable throwing them in a public trash dumpster.
It’s amazing parts of us didn’t fall off. 😄
Call me insane, but I remember those times back in the day in my 20's when getting syringes wasn't so easy where I lived then, and how I kept re-using the same one ed for a full week... once shots were all done on day 1, I filled the barrel with alcohol and emptied it the day after... just to repeat the same process over an over for 7 days straight !!! :eek:

Needles weren't changed much either... :eek:

Damn, the things you can do when you're young !!! :D

Your arms look already incredibly improved, Elvia... that's definitely a log starting well !!! :yeahthat:

I did the same thing due to fear of ordering syringes and not feeling comfortable throwing them in a public trash dumpster.
It’s amazing parts of us didn’t fall off.

Guys post on here like if you reuse a needle twice your arm will fall off. At the same time though I don't want to spread a bad message as it is stupid and asking for trouble. But the stuff I used to do was ridiculous. I remember using the same needle over 20 times and I only stopped because it ended up snapping off :eek::D It was so blunt I used to have to hammer fist the syringe to get it in :D I remember using the same loading needle for about 4 months as well. Just use it put it back in it's paper/plastic wrapper and repeat. Kids don't copy me, JJ and Phidias :p
Guys post on here like if you reuse a needle twice your arm will fall off. At the same time though I don't want to spread a bad message as it is stupid and asking for trouble. But the stuff I used to do was ridiculous. I remember using the same needle over 20 times and I only stopped because it ended up snapping off :eek::D It was so blunt I used to have to hammer fist the syringe to get it in :D I remember using the same loading needle for about 4 months as well. Just use it put it back in it's paper/plastic wrapper and repeat. Kids don't copy me, JJ and Phidias :p

Kevin, try this...
Take your Syntherol before the gym then for biceps do alternating dumbbell curls where you “run the rack.” Start heavy where you only can get 8 reps, then drop the weight by 2.5-5Lb for 4-5 reps, and drop again and again until you hit 30 total reps. The fascias stretching wil be so severe it will build your biceps fast! I do this now every workout. I do it for standing alternating hammer dumbbell curls. Super set those with one arm dumbell extensions lying on a flat or inclined bench for triceps.
2nd Superset: Then on triceps do a triple set of one arm standing cable extensions under hand grip, followed by over hand grip, followed by hammer grip, 10 reps each, 30 total. Super set those with one arm standing cablecurls 20 rep drop set.
3rd Superset: standing barbell curls drop sets to 15 reps heavy with standing rope push downs drop set to 20 reps.

Basically, 3 exercises, 4 sets each all super setted with biceps and triceps, all with drop sets to 15-30 reps. My arms are growing so fast this past month doing this workout. By adding your Syntherol injections preworkout the fascias tissue will stretch like mad. Post workout micro-inject IGF1-Lr3 all throughout the biceps and triceps.
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It is worth nothing I have had bad water retention recently. The combination of hgh, creatine and certain foods were to blame. One of the main things was I thought the serving for Size On were 2 scoops so I was having that for a week intra with 50g extra from vitargo. I thought that was 90g carbs but really it was 130g. Most importantly double the creatine serving so 8g. I was also getting a stomach ache around training and it was due to the creatine.

I am also eating whatever I want but the fact I pretty much just eat clean food helps matters. But I don't stress over putting sauce etc on my steak. I am also eating quite a lot of nut butter. Everything I eat is "clean" though a part from the odd bowl of cereal. Since I lowered to 1 scoop of size on and no more creatine any other time I have noticed a difference. The stomach aches have also gone away.

2 nights ago my lower back felt very tight. I woke up yesterday and it was really bad. I could barely tie my shoe laces. I was due to train legs so thought about machines only but decided to have a rest day. Today it was just as bad but I ended up going the gym and I am glad I did as it feels much better now.

I modified my training due to my lower back and it was all about the pump. I left out any stiff leg deadlifts, squats, heavy leg curls etc. I used so many techniques just to get as much blood into the muscles as possible. 2iu hgh and 6iu (1iu more than usual) slin pre workout. I also upped my GW50156 to 20mg today. A big intra shake so all those nutrients were drived into the muscle cells. 20-10 reps on everything. Lot's of partials, 1 1/4 reps, 21's, pauses, squeezing, static holds, slow (5-10sec) negatives/positives, added resistence etc etc. The exercises I done were as follows...

Seated Calf Raises on Lying Leg Curl Machine... about 8 sets.
Standing calf raises... 2 sets.
Seated Leg curls... about 8 sets
Hip Abductor... 5 sets
Hip Adductor... 5 sets
Horizontal Leg Press... about 8 sets
Leg Extensions... unilateral and about 8 sets per side.
Leg and Back Stretches.

I went food shopping and bought a lot of meat and 90% of it was either steak or duck meat so a lot of dark meat recently. I just enjoy the taste and really like the duck they have here. All the fat is cut off the duck meat so it's relatively lean. Most of the steak I buy is thin with only 2.5g fat per 100g so 5g fat for most servings. However I do also get some nice entrecote (ribeye) steaks that are 20g fat per 100g.

2moro will be back (heavy), chest (pump) and bi-ceps (heavy) but I will have to keep most back movements to machines or use benches for support just to be safe.
Kevin, try this...
Take your Syntherol before the gym then for biceps do alternating dumbbell curls where you “run the rack.” Start heavy where you only can get 8 reps, then drop the weight by 2.5-5Lb for 4-5 reps, and drop again and again until you hit 30 total reps. The fascias stretching wil be so severe it will build your biceps fast! I do this now every workout. I do it for standing alternating hammer dumbbell curls. Super set those with one arm dumbell extensions lying on a flat or inclined bench for triceps.
2nd Superset: Then on triceps do a triple set of one arm standing cable extensions under hand grip, followed by over hand grip, followed by hammer grip, 10 reps each, 30 total. Super set those with one arm standing cablecurls 20 rep drop set.
3rd Superset: standing barbell curls drop sets to 15 reps heavy with standing rope push downs drop set to 20 reps.

Basically, 3 exercises, 4 sets each all super setted with biceps and triceps, all with drop sets to 15-30 reps. My arms are growing so fast this past month doing this workout. By adding your Syntherol injections preworkout the fascias tissue will stretch like mad. Post workout micro-inject IGF1-Lr3 all throughout the biceps and triceps.

Thanks. When training arms I always superset bi-ceps and tri-ceps. However now with my new split I have kept them separate. I pretty much do what you posted most arms days. Always some form of drop set. I like to do them on the preacher curl machine. I usually do them when doing db hammer curls too. Recently I have been trying to lift some heavy weight for lower reps. But I always start arms with approx 30 reps to get that connection going. Right now it's more basic and heavy sets with just warms ups to get to that heavy weight but I don't do that much for arms as I like higher reps.

When I cut last all I done were superset or giant sets. Tri-ceps and Bi-ceps 4 supersets for every combo. Going up in weight every superset. I really enjoyed that style of training. I was tempted to restart LR3 as I have 1 vial of the bio-peptide one. I need to use this des though and not waste it. I am not that motivated to use it though. If I don't feel something working I don't want to waste my time injecting it everyday but I need to give it a chance.

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