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How much insulin do you use?

How much slin do you use?

  • 0-5iu

    Votes: 65 10.0%
  • 5-10iu

    Votes: 134 20.7%
  • 10-15iu

    Votes: 86 13.3%
  • 15-20iu

    Votes: 34 5.2%
  • 20iu and up

    Votes: 42 6.5%
  • i use slin ONLY one time a day

    Votes: 24 3.7%
  • i use slin MULTIPLE times a day

    Votes: 29 4.5%
  • i have never used slin

    Votes: 234 36.1%

  • Total voters
in the 70s and 80s people used the same standard gear but diet is what changed things . late 80s gh came around things changed a little but what made monsters of the 90s was slin . even the big top guys added a solid 25 pounds when adding slin . you can put on mass like nothing else if you have your diet 100% and a good plan for slin . most times i run 15-20 iu of R depending on how much i feel like eating or drinking . for me post workout /pre workout ect doesnt matter as long as its ed . timing really doesnt mean a whole lot because 20 iu makes its own anabolic window . i have gone as high as 25 but its just to much . one thing i like to do when using slin (besides meals or protein ) is sip on a 32-44 oz soda over the course of 3 hrs . may be a little much carbs for some but it has always worked well for me .
Bump the best.

Humulin R was better for me. I found that it didnt hit so hard at first and I never had trouble going hypo on it. WHen I used humalog I went hypo several times and found it to be harder to predict.
Buddy, get off the board please. You add nothing but jibba-jabber nonsense. Your first 3 posts consists of nothing but bs. Stop now and troll elsewhere. This is a community of good folks trying to help eachother out. Add to a fruitful conversation or be gone.

just to mess things up a bit...there's a reality tv show called "Cops" in my country, today a girl tried suicide by injecting 300ius...she did that during 90 minutes, they didn't say if it was fast- or slow-acting but she stayed alive and conscious, got ambulance treatment 30 minutes after last injection

and even though i don't believe this dude's 500ius nonsense i still don't find it absolutely impossible...i do know some fellas injecting up to 40ius per meal so maybe, just maybe, if this guy was jay cutler it could be possible :D
I usually use 10ui of humalog pre training. I drink 3 shakes (pre-during and post), and following I eat a solid meal without fats.
5 iu gh 20 min later 20iu humalog 15 min later shake sip another shake during workout and drink another after i take my igf lr3 post
I usually use 10ui of humalog pre training. I drink 3 shakes (pre-during and post), and following I eat a solid meal without fats.

vwery similar to what i do, but i take it post. I honestly think the shakes make a world of difference. I currently take 10iu 2x day, on training days with one being first thing in the am and the other being post workout. I take a bit of gh before each slin shot and each time i take slin i have the shakes i have listed out many times here.

Next week i will be moving to 3x per day for slin for the last 3 weeks of my blast. I am excited to see the results.
3iu HGH fasted when i first wake up. 15iu Humalin-R pre workout. 15 iu Humalin-RR and 3iu HGH post workout.
new protocol im trying this offseason.

Done on training days, 3x a week (m/w/f)

2 ius humulin-r 2x a day with big meals

10iu gh pwo (immediately)
30mcgs igf-1 lr3 (15 mins pwo)
10iu humalog (30 mins pwo)
Never tried it... I doubt I ever will... but you never know!
Never tried it... I doubt I ever will... but you never know!

Im in the same boat. My body already hates carbs n doesnt do well with them because of insulin so i doubt ill ever touch it. Id get fat as hell!
Im in the same boat. My body already hates carbs n doesnt do well with them because of insulin so i doubt ill ever touch it. Id get fat as hell!

I am the opposite. I have a feeling it would be great for me. My body loves carbs. I need my carbs :D I just don't really want to mess with it as it's not like I am competing at a high level... although I would probably try any aas so that goes against my previous reason.
Mike, thst might be the understatement of the century;)

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

Yeah...or he was lying...or he made a typo. I can't see how someones insulin sensitivity is so bad that they can handle 500 IU per day. That is a LOT of Slin. I do not think I believe that, regardless of how bad his insulin sensitivity is.
depends, i prefer novolog (faster the better IMO).
And rarely would i use more than 10iu at a time
Humalog, why anyone would want to use anything else is beyond me ??

Humulin R - order right from amazon or walmart - no scrip needed.
Humalog - scrip needed
I think thats why, at least for my test rats

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