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AAS use and facial attractiveness

I looked very similar to you when I was taking melanotan, I was getting hit on by women all the time, but Now I am pale white again and my eyes don't show as much.

Have you ever tried aromasin for your facial bloat? How high is your test dosage?

In my bad pic it wouldn't be higher than 500mg. It's the adrol that causes it though. No biggie if it bothered me so much I would use an AI during my cycles but I don't most of the time.
I guess it must be true about aas making guys more attractive, just look at carrot top. T
Never been a pretty boy but heavy andros make me look like a mongral.
One reason I bulk winters and cut on primo summers.
But I gotta tell ya in the summer I cant keep em off, at least 100 photos last yr. Even the pretty boys want a picture with me.lol
I think AAS might be giving you more confidence, thus making you think your more attractive. There is no doubt when your dieting and have more of slender face, it helps, but that has very little to do with AAS.
It's probably the whole package, A great feeling of well being on primo and hgh, ripped + still full muscle bellies and a chisiled mid section.
Your right = more confidence.
I agree with the guy that said its your confidence that is making you feel more attractive.
I don't know if women care so much about your looks as they do with how you carry yourself.

Its funny guessing what women want.
I don't know any women that liked really muscular guys except for nutcase strippers and coke heads.
The ones that wanted to settle down just seemed to want to connect with someone, or wanted security (money) and your time.
Of course I would assume different women want different things too.... just like all of us.
I can't stand those plastic looking bimbo types, but some guys go nuts for that look. I like plain girls that don't seek out attention.

I don't think AAS as changed my face, but how would I really know, I've aged ten years since I started using AAS.
OK. Back to the TOPIC.

TREN makes my face stern like a fighting machine.
It gives u that lean hard look. YES your face.

TEST just bloats it.
Like I said they made my jaw stronger, not a doubt in my mind. I believe its from being "on" for a while and all the damn eating/chewing I do. There is a noticeable difference from before and after pics.

Just adding I only posted cos aas genuinelly change the same of my face constantly (water)... it's somthing I noticed straightaway. But I am happy now as it seems to have balanced out abit even on dbol etc. I have 3 pics that show the massive changes to my face. I am pale but tan well... I have used mt2 in the past too. I don't think my nose is big so wouldn't change it. First pic is when I was 19/20 in Dublin, then you have the one I posted above, then you have a really bad pic of me on adrol and bright red... bp/liver etc was fine I just got so hot all the time... fairly lean just so much water.

Low dose your test to 250mg-300mg a week and throw in some moderate dose tren ace, with maybe low dose letro. Get your diet in check and your face will lean out fast.
Everyone said my face changed once I started taking AAS. With tren, it changed again. I can't quite put my finger on it but somethign to do with the cheeks, jaw...

Maybe my face muscles grew lol???
My choice of AAS hasnt really done me any favors. I choose to go with water retention types of anabolics. However, i'm 100% sure if I went with prop, mast, or tren, the girls would come flocking.
I haven't noticed anything difference in my face since i've been in the game, my nuts on the other hand... :eek:

Lower Test higher anabolics

Ok thanks for your reply. I have tried 250mg a week of test e and I still get it. People can tell I'm on something and I hate it. When I'm off anabolics I have a very chisled angular jawline and I hate losing it. Should I try like 100mg of test a week?

I just cruise at low doses now since I don't have the funds to maintain 20 lbs of extra meat.
I used to always always keep Test at 150mg-250 wk for cruising. This has been been standard for close to 2 years. My face has def been bloated the whole time.
I recently switched to 75 test and 100 deca. Facial bloat disappeared within 2 weeks and the weird freakazoid reddish tone and rubberish look is gone. Face pretty much looks like I did before I touched aas. I think cycling did make my brow and jaw/chin slightly more pronounced which looks great on me that the bloat is all gone now.

I think less androgens and more anabolics might save the face. I used to run low dose T and higher anabolics when I first started. I even did a couple Deca Eq only runs and I saw cuts and muscle fibers in my muscles I have never seen before or since. I know its a huge NO NO. :naughty: But I looked great.

Then I got on the test is king bandwagon.
Idk if I agree with that anymore. Its just cheap and does work but can be so dirty for some people imo.

Just some thoughts I don't know shit. :cool:
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I just cruise at low doses now since I don't have the funds to maintain 20 lbs of extra meat.
I used to always always keep Test at 150mg-250 wk for cruising. This has been been standard for close to 2 years. My face has def been bloated the whole time.
I recently switched to 75 test and 100 deca. Facial bloat disappeared within 2 weeks and the weird freakazoid reddish tone and rubberish look is gone. Face pretty much looks like I did before I touched aas. I think cycling did make my brow and jaw/chin slightly more pronounced which looks great on me that the bloat is all gone now.

I think less androgens and more anabolics might save the face. I used to run low dose T and higher anabolics when I first started. I even did a couple Deca Eq only runs and I saw cuts and muscle fibers in my muscles I have never seen before or since. I know its a huge NO NO. :naughty: But I looked great.

Then I got on the test is king bandwagon.
Idk if I agree with that anymore. Its just cheap and does work but can be so dirty for some people imo.

Just some thoughts I don't know shit. :cool:

What do u mean by "I think less androgens and more anabolics might save the face"

How could it safe your face apart from the acne? I don't understand.
Like I said they made my jaw stronger, not a doubt in my mind. I believe its from being "on" for a while and all the damn eating/chewing I do. There is a noticeable difference from before and after pics.

Low dose your test to 250mg-300mg a week and throw in some moderate dose tren ace, with maybe low dose letro. Get your diet in check and your face will lean out fast.

I know matey. Letro dries me out in days but my joints hate it. Its'a balanced out so not so bad now. But sure if I used low dosed test and some tren and mast etc it would be the opposite. It's not an issue now but it did annoy me. Even on 500mg test with an AI my face would bloat. Sodium etc comes into it too. On adrol I get people asking me whats wrong with my face which I find funny. It doesn't help I have a massive sized head so when it's puffy it's fairly noticeable.
elvia is a handsome bloke

how do americans say it " no homo ":D

I always laugh when people say no homo. One of the guys who commented on my pic saying nice things (thanks) wrote his post out. I read it then I noticed he had edited it and put no homo afterwards... made me laugh.

Just incase anyone is wondering... no homo ;):D (my gf barbie81 on here is my avatar) :eek::):D
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