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Anadrol 50 vs Dbol (Which do you prefer/Which is stronger mg for mg)

inj. anadrol with dbol = win , no appetite suppress for me and less sides

I've very curious about this mixture. how much would you go with each one? also, do you need to do several injects daily? or just once a day?
I've very curious about this mixture. how much would you go with each one? also, do you need to do several injects daily? or just once a day?

i did try 50mg/50mg combo , using it only pre-workout (6x / week) so basically just once a day, great results and was happy with it, so i didn't try serveral injections per day
I prefer Dbol since it's overall less unhealthy and since the estrogen sides are easier to control than with Adrol. All the while being similarly effective for mass gain.
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In my own personal experience when comparing quality anadrol vs. Dbol, Anadrol makes me feel like I am growing 24/7 and my strength goes up within the first week and I am an animal in the gym. Dbol is more gradual and milder in my opinion. Anadrol has a larger impact on most others when it comes to side effects and why I believe Dbol is milder and why Anadrol gets a bad rap sometimes.
I always like cycling the two back and forth. drol one day and dbol the next for 4-6 weeks
I prefer Dbol since it's overall less unhealthy and since the estrogen sides are easier to control than with Adrol. All the while being similarly effective for mass gain.

Wait - you prefer Dbol because “it’s overall less unhealthy”???? Estrogen(ic) sides are easier to control??

From where did you gain this little nugget of knowledge?

You know there is an old saying “it’s better to be quiet and have others think you
Might be a fool - than to speak (type) and remove all doubt”
Wait - you prefer Dbol because “it’s overall less unhealthy”???? Estrogen(ic) sides are easier to control??

From where did you gain this little nugget of knowledge?

You know there is an old saying “it’s better to be quiet and have others think you
Might be a fool - than to speak (type) and remove all doubt”
I stand by that claim. if you wanna post evidence against it, go straight ahead.
I stand by that claim. if you wanna post evidence against it, go straight ahead.

What evidence can you post SUPPORTING your claim? I am sure many of us here would love to learn if you have something other than your thoughts. How long have you been training and how long using aas?
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What evidence can you post SUPPORTING your claim? I am sure many of us here would love to learn if you have something other than your thoughts. How long have you been training and how long using aas?
I looked at your post history, 90% of it is spam and unfunny one-liners. You know jack shit, so why would I bother defending my claim (which is based on both 1st hand experience and theoretical knowledge) against some know-nothing bitching retard.
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I looked at your post history, 90% of it is spam and unfunny one-liners. You know jack shit, so why would I bother defending my claim (which is based on both 1st hand experience and theoretical knowledge) against some know-nothing bitching retard.

Looked at my post history?? What does that have to do with you “knowing” Dbol is safer / “less unhealthy” than Anadrol. You aren’t posting anything because you don’t have anything to post.
Listen kid - you learned a little by reading the boards. Do yourself a favor and leave the “advice giving” to those who’ve been around a while. I’ve been on the boards for decades and what I choose to post about now has nothing to do with my knowledge / experience with aas. You have NO evidence supporting your stupid claim. You’ve read that nonsense somewhere posted by some knucklehead who started training - got on some juice then felt like a guru. I see kids in the gym all the time running their suck about the same dumbass bro-science crap that has been around for decades.

Having said all of that - if you have ANY evidence supporting your claim please post it. See that’s how this works. When someone disagrees with you - you post proof to educate. You don’t ask the person who disagrees to prove a negative - that is explained as - argumentum as ignorantiam.
Looked at my post history?? What does that have to do with you “knowing” Dbol is safer / “less unhealthy” than Anadrol. You aren’t posting anything because you don’t have anything to post.
Listen kid - you learned a little by reading the boards. Do yourself a favor and leave the “advice giving” to those who’ve been around a while. I’ve been on the boards for decades and what I choose to post about now has nothing to do with my knowledge / experience with aas. You have NO evidence supporting your stupid claim. You’ve read that nonsense somewhere posted by some knucklehead who started training - got on some juice then felt like a guru. I see kids in the gym all the time running their suck about the same dumbass bro-science crap that has been around for decades.

Having said all of that - if you have ANY evidence supporting your claim please post it. See that’s how this works. When someone disagrees with you - you post proof to educate. You don’t ask the person who disagrees to prove a negative - that is explained as - argumentum as ignorantiam.
I would have been happy to explain my reasoning to you if you had asked politely. I'm not gonna put in the work of compiling references for some know-nothing asshole who insults me on multiple threads. Educate yourself retard.
Very interesting read. I have experienced bad sides from both drugs in moderate dosages. I'm now considering running a low dose of both for next bulk. I will def give it some thought anyway. Good debate!
I would have been happy to explain my reasoning to you if you had asked politely. I'm not gonna put in the work of compiling references for some know-nothing asshole who insults me on multiple threads. Educate yourself retard.

I’ve forgotten more than you will ever learn kid. I’ve been doing this 30 years and been on the boards since the beginning.
Why don’t we have a little competition and both log and post pics over the next 12 weeks?? I’ll be logging and posting pics regardless but I already know that your answer will be some deflection giving yourself an excuse as to why “you don’t have to prove yourself. That’s been the standard response from hundreds of guys on the boards through the years.

I do however apologize for offending you. I don’t know you and don’t remember responding to you before (and certainly am not going to look up your post history as this just isn’t that important). I’ve always had an issue with guys who’ve been in the game a few years and decide to pontificate sharing their vast experience and knowledge.
The fact is that there isn’t an experienced vet on here who would agree that it’s best to use Dbol because it’s “less unhealthy”. Come on man that even sounds ridiculous.
Now - if I am wrong and your a vet whose changed usernames or has been around for many years then explain this along with the evidence that NONE of us have ever seen. That is so simple and the only reason you wouldn’t is because you can’t.
This is not insulting you - it’s debating you. My initial reply was simply that you were wrong. But I do agree and apologize for reacting to your insult.
Let’s stop silly as bickering and have some fun with a FRIENDLY competition. And if you have proof as to why Dbol is safer than anadrol - the responsible thing is to share it. That’s what the boards are for.
I’ve forgotten more than you will ever learn kid. I’ve been doing this 30 years and been on the boards since the beginning.
Why don’t we have a little competition and both log and post pics over the next 12 weeks?? I’ll be logging and posting pics regardless but I already know that your answer will be some deflection giving yourself an excuse as to why “you don’t have to prove yourself. That’s been the standard response from hundreds of guys on the boards through the years.

I do however apologize for offending you. I don’t know you and don’t remember responding to you before (and certainly am not going to look up your post history as this just isn’t that important). I’ve always had an issue with guys who’ve been in the game a few years and decide to pontificate sharing their vast experience and knowledge.
The fact is that there isn’t an experienced vet on here who would agree that it’s best to use Dbol because it’s “less unhealthy”. Come on man that even sounds ridiculous.
Now - if I am wrong and your a vet whose changed usernames or has been around for many years then explain this along with the evidence that NONE of us have ever seen. That is so simple and the only reason you wouldn’t is because you can’t.
This is not insulting you - it’s debating you. My initial reply was simply that you were wrong. But I do agree and apologize for reacting to your insult.
Let’s stop silly as bickering and have some fun with a FRIENDLY competition. And if you have proof as to why Dbol is safer than anadrol - the responsible thing is to share it. That’s what the boards are for.
What difference does it make if I have done 2 blasts with adrol/dbol each, or 10? In the same vain, how I look atm makes absolutely 0 difference for whether or not my claim is true. I might post some pics when I'm in contest shape, but certainly not to 'win' an argument.

That being said, here is some low-effort cliffsnotes of why I maintain that Anadrol is 'more unhealthy' than Dbol.

Dianabol obviously has a lot of estrogenic sides, which is because it aromatizes to methylestradiol. However, these estrogenic side effects can very easily be controlled with an appropriately dosed AI. This way, the bloat and symptoms such as gyno can be kept in check.

Anadrol on the other hand also causes estrogenic sides, most notably a massive bloat. However, Adrol does not aromatize, it does not activate the estrogen receptor, it has no progestogenic activity, no metabolites are known to be potent estrogens. AIs and SERMs may help since they can reduce the additional estrogenic effects from other compounds, but Adrols own effects are to my knowledge and experience not controllable. As an aside, most likely Adrol has an selective estrogenic effect via the androgen receptor (by binding to Estrogen response elements, similar to nandrolone), something that cannot be prevented with AI, SERMs, etc.

Again, based on my experience and of people around me, AIs, SERMs are not enough to control high dose (100mg+) Adrol bloat, whereas Dbol bloat is easy to keep in check at say 50mg with 10mg Aromasin per day. In part that's because some of the mineral retention etc. of Anadrol is not due to estrogenic activity.

So what you end up with is a significantly higher body weight with Adrol, 99% of which is water. In part because of this, but in part due to god knows what (maybe selective androgenic activity of Adrol, though its rating is low), blood pressure is a MAJOR issue with Adrol. Many who have used it, (including myself) have severe head aches on it, some have nose bleeds, blood-shot eyes, feeling of pressure behind the eyes. Note that even very high blood pressure does not generally cause these kinds of symptoms. Only if you are in hypertensive crisis can shit like that happen. Who knows, it may even be related to increased intracranial pressure. I'm aware that there's no mention of these symptoms in the many medical studies on Adrol, but then again, old, anemic cancer patients are not exactly representative of your average meathead. And if roughly 50% of BB users get these kinds of symptoms, that's enough evidence to conclude that there is something pretty unhealthy going on.

Same story with psychological effects. Many adrol users report lethargy, feeling sick, lack of appetite while on typical Adrol dosages (100mg). I only experience the lethargy on it. Dbol on the other hand has if anything, positive psychological effects, gives you energy. Of course there are some who also feel lethargic from Dbol, but percentage wise it's much lower.
It would be very unwise to simply dismiss these symptoms, there are some underlying pathological processes that cause these symptoms.

W.r.t liver toxicity, at an equally effective dose (100mg Adrol, 50mg Dbol is a decent guess) they seem to be pretty similar. So I don't think this is what makes the difference.

So in conclusion, yes, adrol is 'more unhealthy' than dbol. I never said it's gonna kill you or that you should stop taking it. If you dont get the sides or manage to control them somehow go for it.
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It doesn’t surprise me that you’d rather not compare pics. Or that you have nothing more than what you think or have read (or had limited experience with)
As I and most vets will tell you - there is absolutely no way to measure the “healthiness” of either and to say Dbol is less unhealthy is simply wrong. Anadrol is prescribed for children (at much higher doses than many run)
I won’t argue any longer. You’ve posted an echo of the same bro science that has been around for years. I assure you that you won’t have any of the respected board vets of pm agreeing that Dbol is definitively safer than drol. I am sure there are lesser boards where that kind of talk is supported but pm is the pinnacle.
You are oviouslt a young fellow and I sincerely hope that you stick around. Most come here for a while and fade away as their enthusiasm for BB wanes. There is a huge difference in 2 cycles of 10 (or 30,40 etc..)
There are just as many guys that feel MUCH better on anadrol than Dbol and many have terrible sides from Dbol. The point is that NEITHER are “healthy” and it’s 100% bro-science to rank them (other than your own experience)
It’s good that you compete or intend to. Sincerely mean that. Do post your pics when you feel confident enough because you will get the best critique / advice possible.
I hope that you are able to see that you’ve much to learn and reading the boards and training for a few months doesn’t qualify to give advice (or really even have a solid opinion)
To close I do apologize if I offended you in any way. I shouldn’t have relied initially. I hope you stick with this and are here 10 years from now. No hard feelings man.
Let’s dont clog up a thread any longer. If you’d like to talk more message me.
It’s time to watch some football anyway!!!!
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My body loves anadrol.
My best gains were stacking dbol and adrol together in inject form.
Personal experience on androl has more estrogenic effects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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