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BEAST's 2012 offseason and contest log.

Sorry for the lack of updates over the course of the last week or so. I was incredibly sick last week, and was unable to do to much more than eat and sleep. Things are looking much better this week. Updates will continue! :D

April 18, 2012 update:

4/17/12 PM WEIGHT: 235.75 lbs.


Training has gone great so far this week. Last week due to being extremely ill I was only able to get two workouts in. Here are the workouts so far for this week:

4/16/12: Chest, triceps

Db incline press
3 x 12-25 (140 x 12 for last set)

Smith incline press
3 x 10-15 (last set was 315 x 10 drop 275 x 6 drop 225 x 6)

Cable crossovers
3 x 10-15

Smith close grip bench press
3 x 10 (last set was 305)

Rope french press
3 x 10-20

1-arm cable pushdown
3 x 10

4/17/12: Back, biceps

Weighted pullups
6 x 8-10 (last set was a triple dropset)

Rack pulls
6 x 5 (last set was 635 x 3)

Alt db curls
4 x 10

BB curls
2 x 10

1 arm db preachers
3 x 10


LEGS, calves, cardio


Shoulders, traps, cardio


Biceps, triceps, abs, cardio


LEGS, cardio


Diet has changed a little bit this week. Due to being out of the gym for a week I am dropping the carbs down to about 150 grams everyday this week. I will make any chnges needed leading into next week. I should be back to my increasing caloric plan in the next few weeks.


All peptide research was halted last week but has resumed this week. No other changes.


I am just starting to get over being really sick last week. It was a tough week with a lot of sleeplessness, congestion, and trouble breathing. Sinus infections always kick my ass about this time of year (usually a little earlier). Training and nutrition are back on track and progressing as expected. Everything should continue to move forward at a good pace over the next few weeks and months. This volume training blast will probably go on for another 4 weeks, then a cruise cycle for 1-2 weeks, and then I'll start my next DC Blast cycle again! I am getting excited about starting a new DC blast. The new blast will be a typical 3-way split, but will have a 2nd leg workout each week. This will make workouts 4-5 days per week. Cardio will continue about three-four times per week for the forseeable future. Thanks to those still following along. Hopefully I will have some new pictures and videos up soon. :D

April 23, 2012 update:

4/23/12 AM WEIGHT: 230.2 lbs.


4/19/12: LEGS, calves

Leg extension
4 x 10-25

Leg curls
3 x 10-15

Leg press
4 x 10

Walking lunges
3 x 26 steps

Seated leg curls
3 x 10-15

Smith squats
2 x 10

Seated calf raises
4 x 15

4/21/12: Shoulders, traps

Military pin press
4 x 5

Smith military press
3 x 8

Side laterals
4 x 10-15

Rear delt fly
3 x 10

Rear delt pulls
3 x 10

superset w/

Behind the neck presses
3 x 8

3 x 15


Chest, triceps, abs, cardio


LEGS, cardio

Training went pretty good last week. I ended up taking rest days on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. I feel pretty well rested to start this week off. I anticipate a very strong and productive week of lifts to come.


No significant changes from last week.


No changes.


The last two weeks have been pretty rough from a health standpoint. I had a pretty nasty sinus infection that is still lingering even into this week. Aside from that I am actually feeling really good from a joint and connective tissue health standpoint. I expect to make good progress over the next few months. I will be starting to go back in for regular tissue work starting in the next few weeks as well. Everything seems to be moving in the right direction at this point. I will update as the week moves forward.

May 1, 2012 update:

4/30/12 PM WEIGHT: 234 lbs.


4/30/12: Chest

Incline BB rack press
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 4

Smith incline press
275 x 10
315 x 10
335 x 5

DB flat press
140 x 10 (3 sets)

Flat BB press
3 x 10

superset w/ Flat db fly
3 x 10

Cardio: 20 minutes on the treadmill.

5/1/12: tonight

Legs, calves, cardio

Training has gone fair over the last week or so. I have been incredibly busy so workouts have been brief and decreased frequency. I ended up only working out a few days last week. I am back to my normal routine this week. Kicked things off for this week with a really good chest workout last night. I felt pretty strong on the pressing movements, and used only one fly movement for the workout. Legs are going to be pretty brutal tonight. Cardio will be continued throughout the week at about 20 minutes per session.


No significant changes from last week.


No changes.


Aside from being stupidly busy the last few weeks everything has gone pretty well. This ridiculous sinus infection has lingered on for several more weeks, but finally seems to be about passed. Other than that everything is pretty normal. Looking forward to grinding out the next few weeks on this training protocol before re-acessing. :D

May 2, 2012 update:


5/1/12: Legs, calves

Leg extenstions
4 x 10-25

Leg curls
3 x 10

BB squat
5x3 (warmups)
365 x 6 (very deep, pausing at the bottom)

Hack squat dropset
(1 continuous set)
8 plates to failure
7 plates to failure
6 plates to failure
5 plates to failure
4 plates to failure

Leg press 50 rep rp set
585 x 62

Seated calf raises
4 x 10-15

5/2/12: tonight


Leg training was pretty ridiculous on Tuesday. I definintely had a bit of a tough time walking out of the gym when I was done. Wednesday is an off day due to personal schedule. Training will resume on Thursday with a back workout, Friday with a shoulder workout, and I'll finish up the week on Saturday with an arm workout.

May 8, 2012 update:


I tained shoulders last Friday, but have taken Sat-this Mon off from the gym. Part of the reason for this was due to moving over the weekend. I feel really good and well rested today. I'll be starting off my normal workout rotation for the week tonight.

5/8/12: Chest
5/9/12: Legs
5/10/12: Shoulders
5/11/12: Back
5/12/12: Arms

Back and shoulder training went really well last week. I was able to go pretty heavy on shoulders. I concentrated on pre exhausting the lateral and posterior heads before going into a couple pressing exercises. Overall it was a very good and productive workout. I got tons of cardio in over the weekend from moving into our new home. :D Cardio will continue this week, but will be increased to 4 sessions of 25 minutes. I will either hit the treadmill first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or the elliptical PWO.


Diet has remained pretty much the same up until this week. I am not making any major changes, but I am replacing all my white rice (except PWO) with brown rice. I am also adding WPI shakes back into the mix rotated/alternated with eggwhite meals.

Adjusted plan:

MEAL 1: Chicken and brown rice
MEAL 2: Chicken and brown rice
MEAL 3: Eggwhites or WPI and oatmeal
MEAL 4: Eggwhites or WPI and ezekiel bread
MEAL 5: Chicken and white rice
MEAL 6: Cottage cheese and/or steak, cashews or NPB


No major changes as of right now. IF gear were legal in my country I would be coming up on the end of a blast and about to begin a cruise period in a few weeks. I will be updating soon with the cruise plan that I would use IF gear were legal in my country.


Everything is going well overall. I am pleased with how my physique is progressing. I will update with a new bodyweight in the next couple of days. I anticipate still being around 235 lbs. My next DC blast training cycle will start in about 9 weeks. In 4 weeks from now I will begin a low volume/HIT program that is similar to DC training, but not using rp training or static stretching. I will continue that protocol for 4 weeks before taking a 1 week cruise week before starting my DC blast cycle at the beginning of the 9th week from now (July 2nd). On a side note, we're just about into the final few weeks before the new baby girl comes!!! :D

May 11, 2012 update:

5/8/2012 PM WEIGHT: 235 lbs.


Diet is being adjusted slightly from my last post. My plan is to tighten up over the course of the next 8 weeks before starting my next blast. Adjustments are hilighted below.

Adjusted plan:

MEAL 1: Chicken and brown rice, BCAA shake
MEAL 2: Chicken and brown rice
MEAL 3: Eggwhites or wpi and oatmeal
MEAL 4: Eggwhites or wpi and ezekiel bread or Karbolyn
MEAL 5: Chicken and white rice, BCAA shake w/creatine and L-leucine
MEAL 6: Cottage cheese and/or steak, cashews or NPB, BCAA shake


Added 50mcg T3 and 2 weeks clen / 2 weeks ECA / REPEAT.


May 17, 2012 update:


5/14/12: Chest

Incline smith press
275 x 10
295 x 10
325 x 9

DB flat press
125 x 25
140 x 10
155 x 6

Pec Dec flys
4 x 10

Giant set:

Cable crossovers
3 x 10

Decline wg pushups
3 x 10

Incline ng pushups
3 x 10

5/15/12: Legs

Leg extensions
3 x 10-25

Leg curls
3 x 10-25

BB Squat
365 x 8
225 x 18

Hack squat dropset (1 continuous set)
8 plates + 50lbs x failure
7 plates x failure
6 plates x failure
5 plates x failure
4 plates x failure

Machine squat 50-rep widowmaker
225 x 60 reps

Cable SLDL
3 x 10

Standing calf raises
405 x 15 x 3



5/17/12: tonight


Training has gone well so far this week. A few more weeks and I will be switching it up to a higher intensity / lower volume training plan. After that I will be taking a little rest time and then starting my next DC blast cycle.


Adding additional heart healthy fats to get my HDL up.


Increasing all cardiovascular support supplements.


Everything has been moving along pretty well. One negative that came along this week was I got my bloodwork back today, and it turned out about like I expected except for my HDL. I had the usual suspects... slightly high hemaglobin, RBC, and hematocrit, but what concerns me is that my HDL has plummeted to low teens. I am putting a plan together to rectify this immediately. I have been on an oral for a few weeks, so this first order is to drop all orals, increase cardio supplements, and increase heart healthy dietary fats. After about 6 weeks I am going to get this rechecked and see if I am headed in the right direction. Everything else seems to be going along great.

May 30, 2012 update:


Diet has changed a little bit this week. I have reintroduced pineapple into the diet as well as bananna on occassion.


IF gear were legal in my country I would currently be cruising on the following:

Weeks 1-3:
50mg TEST E4D
50mg Clomid ED
20mg Nolva ED
500 iu HCG x2/wk
12.5mg Aromasin ED

Weeks 4-5:
175mg TEST /wk
250 iu HCG x2/wk
12.5mg Aromasin EOD


I just got over a 2 week bout with the flu. Training and physical therapy have resumed. Cardio has been increased to 4+ sessions per week. At least 2 sessions per week are HIIT. 4 more weeks until my next DC blast cycle... I am counting the days :D Time to beast out some legs tonight.

June 13, 2012 update:


I have changed up the diet a bit. I am in the process of trying a John Meadows tweak as well.

Here is how my diet looked starting the week:

MEAL 1: egg whites, banana or pineapple
MEAL 2: chicken, pineapple
MEAL 3: chicken, pineapple
MEAL 4: egg whites, pineapple or karbolyn
MEAL 5: chicken, sweet potato fries
MEAL 6: steak, nuts/NPB

Starting today:

MEAL 1: chicken, cashews, salad
MEAL 2: chicken, cashews, salad
MEAL 3: egg whites, NPB
MEAL 4: egg whites, pineapple or banana OR wpi and karbolyn
MEAL 5: WPI, karbolyn
MEAL 6: chicken and/or steak and sweet potato fries


IF gear were legal in my country I would currently be cruising on the following:

175mg TEST /wk
500 iu HCG x2/wk
12.5mg Aromasin EOD

Again IF gear were legal in my country I would be about to start the following...

Blast via FM:

500mg test prop
300mg tren ace
600mg eq
500iu hcg
12.5mg aromasin
0.5mg prami


I dealt with my flu virus for even longer than I expected. Just when I thought it was gone it tried to sneak attack me. I am finally feeling just about 100% again. Hard intense training has resumed this week. MY DC blast will still start in 12 days. My supplement blast will also begin at that time. :D

More updates to follow! :headbang:


Next Wednesday I am going in for a recheck on my bloodwork. I am getting everything rechecked, but I am really only concerned about HDL. Hopefully the recently made adjustments will result in an improved lipid profile. I'll make sure to post up my results when they come.

June 19, 2012 update:

6/19/12 AM WEIGHT: 216 lbs.

Training will resume today after taking off since late last week to be with my wife in the hospital for the birth of our little girl!!! She finally came on Friday morning June 15th! She is just absolutely the most adorable beautiful thing I have ever seen :D

Weight has plunged... diet will remain the same for one week and then re-acess. Calories will likely increase next week.

DC blast cyle will start in three weeks instead of next week in order to give my body a chance to get used to the intensity of HIT again. I will do normal HIT for the next three weeks until starting my DC blast.

Stay tuned!

July 2, 2012 update:

7/2/12 AM WEIGHT: 222.2 lbs.

Training has been going very well lately. I am back to doing a HIT style of training on my main compound movements with ancillary movements thrown in with a little higher volume. My next DC blast will start at the beginning of next week.

Calories have definitely steadily been on the rise over the last few weeks. Here is a snapshot of my daily food intake:

Meal 1: Chicken, cheese, lettuce, dressing
Meal 2: Chicken, cheese, lettuce, dressing
Meal 3: Eggwhites, NPB or nuts
PreWo: Eggwhites or WPI and pineapple or dexanhydrous glucose
PreWo: (shake) Powerade zero, PREWO mix powder, glycerol, glutamine, creatine mono, krealkalyn powder, beta-alanine
PerWo: BCAAs, creatine, dexanhydrous glucose
PWO: WPI and dexanhydrous glucose
Meal 7: Chicken or steak, cottage cheese, white rice, NPB

This week will be the first week adding in the periworkout shake. Updates to follow! :D

July 2, 2012 update:

Peptide laboratory research experiment:

300mcg GHRP-2 & 100mcg cjc AM and PM
100-200mcg DES 1-3 IGF prewo
50-100mcg IGF-1 LR3 PWO
1mg Folli (2nd to last week of blast)
1mg ACVR2B (last week of blast)

All products are from where researchers go to get the best quality research items at the lowest prices possible. Save 10% at with the code wilderbeastrep10 !!!

July 4, 2012 update:

7/3/12 workout:

1-arm plate loaded incline press
225 x 10
275 x 8
315 x 6

BB decline press
225 x 5
245 x 5
275 x5
295 x 5
325 x 5

Deadstop db flys
25 x 10
35 x 10
40 x 7

BB floor press
225 x 5
275 x 6

Smith OH tricep extensions
165 x 15
185 x 12
215 x 6

OH rope extensions
4 x 10-15

Yesterday's workout went very well. My strength seems to be coming back pretty well just in time to start my new DC Blast cycle. I am really looking forward to pushing some serious weights again. Today is going to be a good day of relaxation... cookout and swimming with the family! Enjoy the 4th everyone! :D

July 6, 2012 update:

7/6/12 AM weight: 223.0 lbs.

7/5/12 workout:

DB side laterals
30 x 25
35 x 15
40 x 15

Military press
225 x 10
275 x 6

DB side laterals
30 x 15
40 x 18
50 x 12
55 x 10, then drop sets down to 15 lbs.

Rear delt cable pulls
3 x 10-15

DB front raises
40 x 10
50 x 8
60 x 8

Rear delt flyes
3 x 10-15, last set triple dropset

Machine side laterals
2 sets
(*regular reps performed to failure, then half reps with a 2-count hold performed to failure)

Workouts have been going fantastic. Shoulders were destroyed after this workout. Joint stability and integrity has markedly improved over the last few weeks. Back and Biceps coming up tonight, Legs tomorrow, and my DC BLAST CYCLE starts on Monday with Chest, Shoulders, Triceps !!! :D

July 7, 2012 update:

7/7/12 AM weight: 227.0 lbs.

7/6/12 workout:

WG Pullups
3 x 8-10

NG Pullups
3 x 10-15

Cable pullovers
4 x 8-15

Cable pulls to the head
3 x 10

Rack deadlifts
5 sets, 545 lbs. to failure

DB drag curls
3 x 8-10

1-arm db hammer preachers
3 x 8-10

I felt really good overall during this workout. My pullups fried my lats, and I finished them off with the pulls and pullovers. Rack deadlifts went pretty well, but I was experimenting with rack and equipment heights to where the bar was basically right at knee level. I typically like to rack deadlift with the bar a few inches above the knee.


Not many changes to report. I am sticking with the pre/intra/pwo carbs with the rest of my meals containing only proteins and fats. Sample:

MEAL 1: Chicken with cheese and lettuce
MEAL 2: Chicken with cheese and lettuce
MEAL 3: Eggwhites and NPB
MEAL 4: Eggwhites and preworkout drink
MEAL 5: Peri-workout drink
MEAL 6: Postworkout drink
MEAL 7: Chicken or steak with white rice (sometimes adding pineapple and banana)

Preworkout drink: PREwo powder, 5g creatine mono, 1.5g powdered krealkalyn, 4g glycerol, 3g beta-alanine, 5g glutamine, 5g leucine, 25g dexanhydrousglucose

Peri-workout drink: 20-25g BCAAs, 5g leucine, 5g creatine mono, 1.5g powdered krealkalyn, 25g dexanhydrousglucose

Postworkout drink: 60-70g Whey isolate, 50g dexanhydrousglucose

Supplements: IF gear was legal in my country I would be blasting the following:

500mg test prop
600mg equipoise
300mg tren ace
30mg epistane, 60mg methylclostebol (ED)

What are your goals during this blast? From the diet looks like you're trying to lean out a bit? How do you find this diet works compared to where you had carbs in every meal?

This blast I am mainly trying to gain lean muscle mass while accumulating minimal fat gain (or some recomp). I tend to put on weight, both muscle and fat, fairly easily at relatively low calories. With the diet I am following right now I have not been on it long enough to say anything for sure, but it seems to be allowing me to add in more carbs as time progresses without gaining fat. For me 200g of carbs is a pretty high amount. I am only in the third week of my blast and am already up to 200g of carbs per day (pre, intra, and pwo) while getting a bit leaner and bigger (started at roughly 150g up to 175g now up to 200g). I will be able to say much better at the end of this week how 200g of carbs per day, in this fashion, compares to 200g in a more traditional diet.

July 9, 2012 update:

7/9/12 AM weight: 226.4 lbs.

7/7/12 workout:

Full upper body, Unilateral movements



7/9/12: TONIGHT

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Tonight starts the first workout of my new DC BLAST Cycle!!! I cannot wait to see the strength and muscle gains that my body will make throughout this blast. Everything is feeling great and I'm ready to rockout :D


Not many changes to report. I am sticking with the pre/intra/pwo carbs with the rest of my meals containing only proteins and fats. This week I am upping the carbohydrates to about 200 grams per day (on training days).

Supplements: No significant changes.


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