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Big round shoulders....mostly genetics?

Remember to hit rear delts HARD... they are often neglected / under-trained.

From the side, and even the front, the rear-delts give a much more capped look to the shoulders.

In a most-muscular pose, it's the rear delts that are adding the most "width"; the side delts are pretty much in the front when hitting that pose.

Fav rear delt exercises?
My delts grow incredibly fast. I think they dominate because I keep reps up over 20 and used to train very heavy when younger. All of my injections went into delts for years. I know this was a huge part of it.
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Ive had big boulder shoulders even before i started lifting. Now, i get the most compliments on them.
Like most things I think it is a case of everything... genetics, training and drugs. It all been summed up by other posters. Shelby is spot on with training rear delts... when well developed they should bring that capped shape to the shoulders. I like reverse pec deck and incline bench rear delt flyes but there are many possibilities.

Another key movement imo is lateral raises... lots of high reps. I think 15 and over reps are best for most shoulder movements.

Then comes the drugs and oil and I feel they feature prominently in most physiques were people admire those capped shoulders. Site growth is debated through aas injections and sure most is inflammation. But I 100% think over time it can cause an increase in size and change the shape of the delt area. I know a few friends who have injected alsorts into their shoulders and that has definately changed the shape over the years.

Then there is the oil (synthol being the best) and that is one of the main ingredients to some pro's pics you see and you go :eek: Sure it is oftenly overdone and when done correctly it can look phenominal.

I need to improve all areas but this is one area I have a definate goal for so starting to really hit rear delts hard and incorporating alot of raise type movements for 15 and over reps in my routine. No site injections yet but I am sure they will come.
Just adding I feel alot of peoples delts overpower their chest and overall upper body as they are hit so hard during pressing movements (we all love our pressing movements). Mine overpower cos my chest is crap but working on it :D
My shoulders are my best muscl group and I don't train them at all. My right shoulder has been hurt for over a year so I stopped training them and they are still the same size. Nice and round.
military presses for me dont do much for shoulder width, i literally had NO side delts growing up until a couple yrs ago, tren helps, and on shoulder day i do a shit load of lateral raises. also site injects into the side delts seems to help, theyre slowly becoming one of my better features. i also sometimes hit them a second time in a week during or after a chest workout in addition to their own day(w triceps or calves usually)

frequency and high reps works for me
Just adding I feel alot of peoples delts overpower their chest and overall upper body as they are hit so hard during pressing movements (we all love our pressing movements). Mine overpower cos my chest is crap but working on it :D

Usually most gyms u see guys that have big shoulders and arms and weak torso muscles (me)...or big chests and backs but has a tough time with shoulders and arms. Most guys at a top national level are usually balanced out in both...which is why they are at the top.
id say its genetics

ive always had wide/round shoulders irrelevant of how or when i train them,

im always asked how to get shoulder like mine in gym, i dont really have an anser since i barely train them

just my experience
I am alot stronger doing shoulder press than bench press, dont know why.
I also find that injecting into deltoids give them the nice round delts look.
High reps for shoulders to destroy them will make them grow!
My deltoids are monstrous and they were a severe weak point at one time..

PRESSES, PRESSES, AND MORE PRESSES. Lateral raises do not allow you to move significant poundages(with perfect form) and they allow for lots of cheating. I do 15 set of JUST PRESSING movements alone, and THEN go in to rear delts, side delts, and front delts. Traps are insane too, lots of heavy barbell shrugs to the front AND back. PROGRESS with heavy weight on all different forms of PRESSES(seated, standing, barbell, dumbell) and your delts WILL grow..:lightbulb:

ALSO--my REAR delts are huge from doing BACK! I do lots of WIDE GRIP horizontal cable rows, absolutely murders your rear delts with SERIOUS POUNDAGES!
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I think its genetics also.I train shoulders hard and they look ok but still need to improve.i have been doing 15-30 rep range lately .
My deltoids are monstrous and they were a severe weak point at one time..

PRESSES, PRESSES, AND MORE PRESSES. Lateral raises do not allow you to move significant poundages(with perfect form) and they allow for lots of cheating. I do 15 set of JUST PRESSING movements alone, and THEN go in to rear delts, side delts, and front delts. Traps are insane too, lots of heavy barbell shrugs to the front AND back. PROGRESS with heavy weight on all different forms of PRESSES(seated, standing, barbell, dumbell) and your delts WILL grow..:lightbulb:

ALSO--my REAR delts are huge from doing BACK! I do lots of WIDE GRIP horizontal cable rows, absolutely murders your rear delts with SERIOUS POUNDAGES!

My experience is almost the exact opposite, and my shoulders are my best bodypart. Presses do dick all for me and once I ditched them and focused on isolation stuff my delts blew the fuck up
My experience is almost the exact opposite, and my shoulders are my best bodypart. Presses do dick all for me and once I ditched them and focused on isolation stuff my delts blew the fuck up

SEATED presses suck, do almost ALL of your presses STANDING UP! THIS PLACES WAY MORE STRESS ON THE ACTUAL DELTS!! ;)
My experience is almost the exact opposite, and my shoulders are my best bodypart. Presses do dick all for me and once I ditched them and focused on isolation stuff my delts blew the fuck up

I agree with Chode. Once I stopped trying to press heavy and did tons of detailed high rep work, they got rounder and more detailed. And I have horrible genetics, as I had extremely narrow shoulders until I started lifting.


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OK--I have a THEORY for those who seemed to have made gains by switching to isolation movements..

PRESSING movements gave you STRENGTH! Now, with this NEWFOUND STRENGTH, you can REP more weight for more repetitions! ;)

Go back to doing presses now(mostly STANDING) and watch your shoulders explode again.

nice pic Queef ;)
I dont get why you guys say shooting in shoulders may help.
Any more info on that?
For a great variation on side laterals, check out the way Charles Glass has Nick Trigili doing them - I've been doing these first in my shoulder workout and with only 15 or 20 pound dumbells my shoulders are fried after 4 or 5 sets of 20 reps.

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