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Bigger, better, leaner - 2023 onward, postcontest

Leg day @ golds venice
Lying leg curl: 5x8 30 second rest
Adductor machine: top set, back off
Hammer Leg Press: top set, back off
Hack squat: 3x10
Pendulum squat: 3x10
Machine leg press: 3x10
Leg extension: 3x20
Walking lunges: 3x failure

It was one of the few gyms opens at 5am so made a quick 20 min drive down to get it. Still one of the best gyms on the planet. Insane leg pump and my high day today. Have to do some 1 year old birthdays with my wife and then football and eat all day. My favorite. 290 in the mornings now. I’ll post a pick soon just to give u an idea of what it looks like. But feel big and full.
Lots of volume here, not even worth writing it all out.

I actually like having these days after a high day, feel like i'm just using all my food to bring up the limbs. But overall good day. Chilling at 290+ right now and fairly lean. OFF/Cardio day that i just finished up. Im honestly keeping MORE cardio in than normal just to keep my appetite and digestion up. I just did 15mins of stepmill HIIIT then 25 mins incline walk. After 2 days of high cals, ill fast a bit today then pound some food. Even these low days are 4k+ calories.

Gonna be an intersting week. Im filming a commercial in Prague for 9 days. So flying out tomorrow. Ive shot there before so i know all the gyms but food will be the problem im gonna have to solve. I basically fly with 6-7lbs of whey/casein/egg protein + 6-7lbs of oat/sweet potato powder. That handles SOME meals...but i need meat and rice. Ill probably cook up about 10lbs of 96/4 ground beef, freeze it and pack it away...probably buy those Biglio rice bowls at Costco and fly with a ton of those. I definitely wil have to grocery shop there. Luckily last time the hotel's chef whipped up food for me everyday. But the overall volume was so much lower as i was dieting. A high day is basically all day eating now. So we'll see. Chicken pound couldnt get to me quick enough and that wouldve been the cheat code.
Back Day
Straight arm pull down: top set, back off
CG pulldown: top set, back off
Straight arm pulldown diff handle: 2x12
SA pulldown: 2x12
Tbar row: triple drop set
Seated wide grip row: 3x10
SA DB row: 2x12
Dante Rows: rest pause set
DB shrugs: 3x15-20 + drop set
Abductor machine: 4x15
Hyperextensions: 3x failure

High day and travel day. Sitting at the airport now about to board a plane to Frankfurt. Have a backpack full of the rest of today’s meals…3 of them. My cpap lol plus a backpack cooler with about 7lbs of cooked frozen ground beef. I’m prepared.

Will give more updates as I get lifts in in Prague. I basically have enough protein powder and dry carbs to get by for the first 3-4 days and then I’m gonna need to re-up and use some grocery stores.
In Prague now after 16hrs on a plane. Travel always throws you for a loop. I’m on my feet so much, I’m getting like 15k steps in and trying to eat. Minimal sleep in biz class. By the time I got to Prague I was exhausted and way under weight and starving even though I have eaten all my meals. Too exhausted to workout that first day in the city so saved my Chest/Shoulders day in today. A contacted a small private gym that gave me 24hr access which is amazing. All other gyms here run 6am-9pm which just woke work on certain work days. This isn’t a relaxing work trip, it’s a stressful, behind schedule commercial shoot so I gotta get my WO and meals in when I can. Justin wasn’t too worried about food (he knows I always stock up) and even told me to have some free meals as my weight dips quick. ONLY bBers go on vacations or international trips and get pissed because they LOSE weight.
Weighed 285 this morning, so that means I’ll probably eat my meals + go out to dinner with my team and have a steak or burger or something.

plate loaded chest press machine: top set, back off
Fly machine: 3x12
Incline smith machine: 3x10
Incline machine: 1 failure triple drop set
High cable rear fly: 4x20
Cable pull apart: 4x15
DB side raises: 3x12
Reverse pec deck: 2x20
Cable side raises: 2x15-20
Y raises: rest pause set
HIIT cardio

Good pump, good gym with enough stuff for all days except legs. But clutch thay irs 24hr access
Work is super busy right now. Getting food in as well as some extra. Hovering around 290. Had an incredibly long casting and wardrobe day, but got a leg workout in before it all.

Leg Day
Lying leg curl: 4x12
Adductor: 3x15
Leg Press: work up to 2 top sets of failure
Then Muscle Round set
Leg extension: 3x12
Sissy squats: 3x10
Bulgarian SS: triple drop set

Pretty minimal equipment at this place, mostly for legs, but it got done. Shooting starts tomorrow which means starts early ends late. For instance day 1 of shooting tomorrow I’ll probably do arms calves and cardio at like 4am. Insane but it’s the only time I can get it in.
Work is super busy right now. Getting food in as well as some extra. Hovering around 290. Had an incredibly long casting and wardrobe day, but got a leg workout in before it all.

Leg Day
Lying leg curl: 4x12
Adductor: 3x15
Leg Press: work up to 2 top sets of failure
Then Muscle Round set
Leg extension: 3x12
Sissy squats: 3x10
Bulgarian SS: triple drop set

Pretty minimal equipment at this place, mostly for legs, but it got done. Shooting starts tomorrow which means starts early ends late. For instance day 1 of shooting tomorrow I’ll probably do arms calves and cardio at like 4am. Insane but it’s the only time I can get it in.
Random question and off topic, but what do you do for work since u mentioned commercials, casting, and wardrobe? Actor?
Random question and off topic, but what do you do for work since u mentioned commercials, casting, and wardrobe? Actor?
I actually write commercials. I work for a global ad agency and my team wrote a spot for a big well known tech brand you're all familiar with.
They have a big debut for a new product in january and this spot kicks it all off. So 3-4 times a year I go to some weird location (south america, eastern europe, south africa, etc) and shoot some 30-90 second commercial. Fun job, kinda stressful at time.

Post college football career, i went to art school where i built a portfolio. Wasn't sure what to do with it after i graduated and had some family friends say the "creative field" of advertising was a good option. Got scooped up by a big ad agency on Madison Ave in NYC in my 20's to do that. I'm probably the most "uncreative unartistic" looking person it always blows away these big clients that their Creative Director looks like I do. I'm on set right now with the clients watching some cuts lol

Been a crazy couple days. I'm on set with the director from 7AM - 9PM for another 2 day. Woke up at 4am to get a quick arm day and cardio in yesterday. Taking today off. My meals have honestly been all over the place if im being honest. I get my BBing meals in and then i snack on shit. Ate my normal 350p, 600c, low fat day yesterday and ended it with some apple pie and a couple european chocolate bars lol. I hate being out of my routine, it sucks. I dont think im getting fat or anything, i just like when all my shit is taken care of and im lifting, eating and sleeping in a rhythm at home. Was 292 this morning.

ARM DAY with fuckin minimal equipment
V bar pushdown: 4x12
Kettle bell curls: 4x15
SA bent over pushdown: 3x15
CG machine: 3x15
SA Preacher Curl: Rest Pause Set
DB skullcrusher: Rest Pause Set
DB hammer curl: 4x12

IMG_5582.PNG IMG_5587.PNG IMG_5590.PNG
Back Day
Straight arm pulldown: 4x12
Cg pulldown: top set back off
Chest supported high row: 3x10
SA seated row: top set back off
DB row: 1x12
Dante Row: rest pause set
Seated low row: 2x15

High day at a really good gym in downtown Prague. Lots of carbs. Then crushed a burger and some Oreos for my free meal lol. I’m honestly ready to be done with this place. I’m basically at 10 days out of my routine and I’m over it. Need my own routine, my own gym, my own food. I do admit that when I’m dieting I’m a machine of will power but in this rebound off-season phase, I need to be in my element or else I’ll be snacking on Pringles.

But on set for our last day of filming today. Flight tomorrow is 7am from Prague to Munich then Munich to LA. Long one but I can make it work.
@TheOtherOne55 ...on these trips, do you bring an excercise band thingy, or you always look a gym to work out in?
Just curious how others get their workout I'm when not in their environment.

@TheOtherOne55 ...on these trips, do you bring an excercise band thingy, or you always look a gym to work out in?
Just curious how others get their workout I'm when not in their environment.

Always finding a gym man. With my routine there’s just no way I can do what I need to do with bands and some BW resistance. Even with gyms, I’m always lookin for a BBing gym with good equipment. Some times this is easier than others, depending on what weird city I’m in.
Lying leg curl: rest pause set
Seated leg curl: 3x10
Glute ham raise: 3x10
Lying leg curl banded: 2x15
SL RDL: 2x12
Glute hyperextension: 3x12
BB glute bridge: 2x12
Leg extension: rest pause set
Walkin lunges: 2x failure

Back in my routine and hit this at Golds Venice at 5am. The best. High day today too and comes at the perfect time as my weight was looow after basically 35hrs of travel. Last day on set was 7am to 1am…car was supposed to take me to the airport at 5am. Sleep was not happening so I did an hours worth of cardio at 5am lol hour flight to Munich. 4 hr layover then 13hr flight from Munich to LA. Thank god they let me bust out mg cpap in business class and sleep or I’d be done. So glad to be back home and into my routine again. Making a meal right now as my wife is dragging me to a holiday party at 8pm. Will be eating a Tupperware meal as I chill there
Always finding a gym man. With my routine there’s just no way I can do what I need to do with bands and some BW resistance. Even with gyms, I’m always lookin for a BBing gym with good equipment. Some times this is easier than others, depending on what weird city I’m in.
Usually the better tier hotels have nicer equipment while others have maybe some bikes, treadmills and a few dumbbells.
Usually the better tier hotels have nicer equipment while others have maybe some bikes, treadmills and a few dumbbells.
Even the nicest hotels have subpar “fitness centers.” I only use those for cardio. I’ve never even seen a legit hotel gym before. I always venture out into the city to find some hardcore spot.
Even the nicest hotels have subpar “fitness centers.” I only use those for cardio. I’ve never even seen a legit hotel gym before. I always venture out into the city to find some hardcore spot.
True that and one hotel I did stay at in Atlantic City some time back had some nice Technogym machines and a smith machine. Not a full service gym per se but at least usable for a quick workout.
Hammer Incline: top set, back off
Chest press machine: triple drop set
Machine Flies: 2x15
DB Incline: 2x10
Wide stretch pushups: 2x failure
Cable rear delt flies: 3x15
Band Pull aparts: 3x12
DB rear delt swings: 3x20
DB side raises: 3x15
Lateral Raise Machine: 3x25 partials
DB shrugs: 3x20

Nice pump and hard upper body day. Threw 12 mins of HIIT at the end. Roughly sitting in the low 290s. Still lean and decently dry.
Medium day too so about 600g of carbs. Just getting back into the swing of my routine here, thankfully. So much easier for me to stay on plan and on schedule. Luckily no shoots for awhile. Gonna get some bloodwork soon as im about 8 weeks post show now. Will be checking then rollin into offseason depending on what the labs say. Might make some adjustments to the gear too. Been using @Bioactive great stuff with Sust/NPP/Mast but i might want to switch it around. Ive mostly been an EQ guy the past 2 offseasons and this NPP/Mast cycle has been great. Hard to compare because ever season you should be making gains, your look changing, the look of a certain weight getting tighter and tighter. And thats what noticeable. 290 now looks diff than 290 last year. Not attributing that directly to the drugs, just a lot of things working in the right direction. That should be the goal of every person on this board. Make your bodyweight look diff every year. Its also why permabulkers make no progress. This shit only happens with the progressive dieting down then building back up again.
I actually write commercials. I work for a global ad agency and my team wrote a spot for a big well known tech brand you're all familiar with.
They have a big debut for a new product in january and this spot kicks it all off. So 3-4 times a year I go to some weird location (south america, eastern europe, south africa, etc) and shoot some 30-90 second commercial. Fun job, kinda stressful at time.

Post college football career, i went to art school where i built a portfolio. Wasn't sure what to do with it after i graduated and had some family friends say the "creative field" of advertising was a good option. Got scooped up by a big ad agency on Madison Ave in NYC in my 20's to do that. I'm probably the most "uncreative unartistic" looking person it always blows away these big clients that their Creative Director looks like I do. I'm on set right now with the clients watching some cuts lol

Been a crazy couple days. I'm on set with the director from 7AM - 9PM for another 2 day. Woke up at 4am to get a quick arm day and cardio in yesterday. Taking today off. My meals have honestly been all over the place if im being honest. I get my BBing meals in and then i snack on shit. Ate my normal 350p, 600c, low fat day yesterday and ended it with some apple pie and a couple european chocolate bars lol. I hate being out of my routine, it sucks. I dont think im getting fat or anything, i just like when all my shit is taken care of and im lifting, eating and sleeping in a rhythm at home. Was 292 this morning.

ARM DAY with fuckin minimal equipment
V bar pushdown: 4x12
Kettle bell curls: 4x15
SA bent over pushdown: 3x15
CG machine: 3x15
SA Preacher Curl: Rest Pause Set
DB skullcrusher: Rest Pause Set
DB hammer curl: 4x12

View attachment 187627View attachment 187628View attachment 187629
Really impressive brother. Always enjoy it when you run a log.
Really impressive brother. Always enjoy it when you run a log.
Thank you bro, appreciate it.

Back Day
Straight arm pulldown: 3x15
Neutral grip pulldown: 3x15
Straight arm pulldown, wide grip: 3x10
SA pulldown: 3x10-12
Chest supp Tbar row: 3x12
Bent Over Row: Triple drop set
Wide grip pulldown: Muscle Round set
High bar seated row: 3x10

high volume day today so just wanted to flood the muscle with as much blood as possible. Dealing with some shoulder wear and tear since my back day is so close to my chest/shoulders day. Ive had 2 reconstructive L shoulder surgeries so my ROM is trash on the left side. If you notice in some front shots, my Left lat cannot fully flare out. This is due to virtually no external rotation in that L shoulder anymore. So me pulling my hands up and pushing my elbows out is fucking difficult. It gives the look of, "wow, so he tore his L lat huh?" But nope, just fucked up shoulder. I can usually train a-ok but some chest/shoulder days need some extreme stretching to feel better. This week was one of them. But food is good and high. For whatever reason I was bloated as shit last night and today. Went to sleep at close to 300lbs and woke up at 296. I think its just cause ive had 3 consecutive days of 600-1000g of carbs before i need a low day. But back into the swing of things at home. LUCKILY, i have the last bit of my paternity leave coming in the new year so i get to be a full-time stay at home dad/BBer for awhile. Less advertising. Should be nice.

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