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Do you use protein powder? Yes? No? Why?

I said cheaper to produce, not to buy. I'm not nit-picking you here it's just vastly more of the general population buys BCAA compared to EAA. So demand goes up and price to consumer follows.

I guess what I'm saying is if you get an EAA product of 8g and 6g are BCAA you're only getting 2g of the other 6 aminos which I imagine when it comes to anabolism there would be some shortfalls. Again I could 100% be wrong that's just what seems to *make sense* in my head. Ya know, like more of a "complete protein".

@Type-IIx unfortunately no aggression in this thread lol but would you care to comment if lurking?

At the end of the day, if you feel the Bulk Supplements formulation is what serves you best, then thats all that matters. Im not going to argue further about what you think is best for you. I will say that for me, it falls short on BCAAs and that's why I purchase other brands. Label transparency is also important to me.
What does it cost to produce BCAAs vs the other 6 EAAs?

Im not trying to be rude, but your argument is non sensical. In my head, I think optimal levels of EAA should be what Bulk Supplements is doing because its more diverse. Why? Why do you think you need more of the other 6 EAAs? They're not equal, they all serve different purposes. You need them all but in varying amounts. We also get various amounts from our diet. To me it sounds like you purchased something cheap and are trying to justify why its better. Im not trying to attack you here, in fact this has been a decent conversation, but aside what you "feel", can you tell me why?

At the end of the day, if you feel the Bulk Supplements formulation is what serves you best, then thats all that matters. Im not going to argue further about what you think is best for you. I will say that for me, it falls short on BCAAs and that's why I purchase other brands. Label transparency is also important to me.

I'm not trying to be argumentative for the record if that's how I come off. Look if I'm wrong I hope someone will tell me. I'm cheap but I want results so I'd prefer someone to tell me how to better spend my money lol.

I guess our main difference is how important we think the other 6 EAA's are? Sure the BCAA's are the powerhouse here. But maybe they are added in at expense of others?

I use EAA's fasted as well so they're the only aminos in me at the time... If I was adding them to peptopro or hydrolyzed whey etc I wouldnt think twice.

My thought process was shifted a little by reading @Mike Arnold 's write up about aminos. His new product below has EAA's plus an additional 6.


8.) Question: I’ve noticed that many of today’s EAA products contain very low doses of tryptophan and especially, methionine. Is this important?

Answer: Yes! It’s extremely important! This is because the body requires all 9 EAAs in a set ratio in order to build muscle tissue. If the body runs out of even one of these amino acids, muscle growth stops dead in its tracks, rendering the remaining EAAs completely useless! Therefore, it makes sense to formulate an EAA product with the same amino acid ratio that the body uses to build muscle tissue.

Now do I think Bulk Supplements looks into their ratios all that much? No lol. Anyway, wasn't trying to start a pissing match or anything lol just spit balling I suppose :)
@Hyperemia Since they don’t disclose it on the bag too, here’s their actual EAA breakdown in case your interest. A buddy of mine reached out to them for it since we use them as well (I use bulksupps for damn near everything, to be honest lol).

View attachment 179852

Have you noticed any difference in performance or recovery using BS EAA's compared to others? Anecdotal I know but curious
Personally none that I can notice, but I use 40g EAAs intra so I am getting quite a lot.
Yeah I guess even the most skewed ratio should get you covered with 40 grams 😝
Yeah, that was my appeal. $1.32 for 40g EAA isnt bad at all.

How much flavoring do you need to make that drinkable???
I add in some mio (love the orange vanilla and the fruit punch flavor) and alongside my flavored karbolyn it’s not too bad

8.) Question: I’ve noticed that many of today’s EAA products contain very low doses of tryptophan and especially, methionine. Is this important?

Answer: Yes! It’s extremely important! This is because the body requires all 9 EAAs in a set ratio in order to build muscle tissue. If the body runs out of even one of these amino acids, muscle growth stops dead in its tracks, rendering the remaining EAAs completely useless! Therefore, it makes sense to formulate an EAA product with the same amino acid ratio that the body uses to build muscle tissue.

Just for the sake of conversation, Milos Sarcev had this same idea about 15 years ago - to have an EAA supplement with the exact ratios in human muscle tissue. He made it and sold it IIRC.
Anyone used the Labrada Pro Series hydrolyzed isolate? My Optimum Nutrition hydrolyzed isolate doesn't ship until August 8 so I got some for postworkout until then.
I prefer ON but if it’s Labrada and hydrolyzed then you should be just fine brother.
Just for the sake of conversation, Milos Sarcev had this same idea about 15 years ago - to have an EAA supplement with the exact ratios in human muscle tissue. He made it and sold it IIRC.
I like EAAs and BCAAs, we’ll I love them but above all imo when I daily mega dose leucine the results are awesome better than when I take a balanced approach as well.
Anyone used the Labrada Pro Series hydrolyzed isolate? My Optimum Nutrition hydrolyzed isolate doesn't ship until August 8 so I got some for postworkout until then.
Yes it doesn't taste good but digests easily. i like regular Labrada whey isolate, the hydrolyzed is bitter.
I tried it for the first time today in my postworkout shake and found it to be the opposite - I thought it was disgustingly sweet. It tasted like full sugar maple syrup. I'll deal with it until my ON order is here but if I buy it again it definitely won't be vanilla. I find vanilla flavor mixes best with apple juice (base of my postworkout shake) but I'd rather have something that doesn't mix as well but tastes better.
Just for the sake of conversation, Milos Sarcev had this same idea about 15 years ago - to have an EAA supplement with the exact ratios in human muscle tissue. He made it and sold it IIRC.

Humapro? Pretty sure that was their marketing line
I tried it for the first time today in my postworkout shake and found it to be the opposite - I thought it was disgustingly sweet. It tasted like full sugar maple syrup. I'll deal with it until my ON order is here but if I buy it again it definitely won't be vanilla. I find vanilla flavor mixes best with apple juice (base of my postworkout shake) but I'd rather have something that doesn't mix as well but tastes better.

I agree the Vanilla does taste like maple syrup its vile, lol. The chocolate one is bitter. I stopped using both and just stick to regular chocolate isolate. https://www.iherb.com/pr/labrada-nu...y-protein-isolate-chocolate-5-lb-2268-g/50388
I tried it for the first time today in my postworkout shake and found it to be the opposite - I thought it was disgustingly sweet. It tasted like full sugar maple syrup. I'll deal with it until my ON order is here but if I buy it again it definitely won't be vanilla. I find vanilla flavor mixes best with apple juice (base of my postworkout shake) but I'd rather have something that doesn't mix as well but tastes better.
I find unflavored isolate tastes the best in apple juice. I'm sitting on a couple tubs of chocolate and vanilla flavored isolate. Flavors just taste too artificial. So unflavored it is. If I need chocolate I'll use sugar free pudding. Something like that.
I said cheaper to produce, not to buy. I'm not nit-picking you here it's just vastly more of the general population buys BCAA compared to EAA. So demand goes up and price to consumer follows.

I guess what I'm saying is if you get an EAA product of 8g and 6g are BCAA you're only getting 2g of the other 6 aminos which I imagine when it comes to anabolism there would be some shortfalls. Again I could 100% be wrong that's just what seems to *make sense* in my head. Ya know, like more of a "complete protein".

@Type-IIx unfortunately no aggression in this thread lol but would you care to comment if lurking?
I think I agree with Hyperemia, besides complete animal protein sources, a casein/whey blend, and if you want to go nuts (and can stand the horrific taste, Leucine) is really going to maximize muscle protein synthesis... My view, too, is that AAS reduce the need for higher protein intakes.

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