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Friends please be careful...

I just found out I have Nephrotic Syndrome. I am not sure if this is from JUST my Tren use or a combination of Tren and overall high doses of steroids for too long of cycles. This has really been an eye opener for me. Just because you can't feel the damage does not mean it's not happening. I was dumb and took way too much trying to get to that perfect look. I go in on Wednesday for a biopsy of my kidney and will know how to treat it from there. I am guessing it's going to come back as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

Luckly my kidneys have acute damage and can be fully healed overtime. I am on my normal HRT does of test an 3iu of HGH. My previous does of test and Tren were usually around 500 test and 700 Tren for months on end.

I know Tren is very potent and i was for sure abusing it. Those days are now behind me and I learned the hard way. I am wondering if when ran at a low does say 20mgs a day is Tren still toxic? I don't plan on ever taking high doses again EVER. if i were to touch Tren again it would be at most 20mgs a day and that is a BIG if becuase iam scared even low doses will fuck up my kidneys.
That sucks, thanks for the warning. Good luck man kidney issues r no joke. I've never touched tren and this just gives me even more reason not to.
Hope you can get back to full health asap, mate! But maybe don't ever touch tren again. I know, it can be a cool aesthetic or strength boosting compound, but you can get a nice look with other compounds that are not as harsh on the kidneys, and use DHT's to get that strength boost.

Look up Astralagus. Dante wrote about it, using it for Kidney health. I have been religiously taking it for over a year now, and the kidney markers on my blood tests all improved over time. It is not magic, but the next best thing for damaged Kidneys, in my retard meathhead opinion!
Thank you friend I will for sure!!
Fuck hope you make a recovery. A few kidney scares were a big factor why I change from wanting to be as big as possible to going for a healthier more attainable physique, I'm very lucky I didn't wreck my kidneys using stupid high dosages of AAS and tren that were promotes in the gh15 forum...I also ran 700 a week .,high BP... creatinine was almost 2.0...had to see nephrologist, 24 hour urine... nuclear scan, etc. I was young dumb thought i was invincible and thought high dosages... not proper training...were key.

Did you get a nuclear scan where they watch your kidneys? A 24 hour urine collection to get your true gfr? How much protein was spilling into your urine, how high was creatinine?

I never had to get a biopsy and was able to change my lifestyles goals now my BP and kidneys are fine..I fully believe you can do the same... definitely look into astralogous... maintain good BP... hydration...watch glucose and a1c...you can still look great and be healthy keep us posted as IMO we should all prioritize our kidney's when we think about remaining healthy while using aas.
My 24 hr urine test showed 9,820. Normal range was 0-150
My 24 hr urine test showed 9,820. Normal range was 0-150
I'm surprised they went to a biopsy without a 24 hour urine collection to get gfr...or a nuclear scan where they inject a dye into you and observe your kidneys filtering. I had both done, gfr ended up being fine but there was some hydronephrosis in one kidney, they didn't seem concerned about it

I would say...we all know it's false that high protein diets damage healthy kidneys...but if yours are now damaged or needing to heal, may want to be careful with protein intake. Arleast run it by the doc...if they were fine 300g sure...but if they are not healthy may need to adjust
This is very interesting as it's commonly stated online that the only way AAS harm kidneys is from raising bp.

Are there specific AAS in adding to tren you feel are more harms to kidneys? I have heard var, eq mentioned.

Also, what AAS would you say are the safest specifically for people worried an kidney health? I'd assumed test, mast, primo?
Testosterone is the safest (because it's the most aromatizable). The most damaging would be trienes like trenbolone & metribolone. EQ relatively safe, actually; nandrolone too.

Mast & Primo fairly hazardous to nephrons, Var too.
I know the basics when it comes to this stuff, but definitely not an expert, lol. Nephrotic syndrome is basically a disease of the glomerulus, so it's going to effect how well the kidneys filter certain substances from entering the ultrafiltrate. Usually the patient will have hypoalbuminemia (and hypercholesterolemia) from increased proteinuria. If he caught this early without too much damage, he should be fine, or at least prevent renal function from further deteriorating. I'd definitely give a big hell NO to any tren use. I'd probably recommend him go to a good endo, one who is strict but liberal (if only it were that easy:( ), and check options for trt only, or 10-20mg/d at most....if it were me. Controlling his BP would be at the top of the list, as well as keeping blood sugar in check. Staying hydrated, or rather, not staying in a dehydrated state for any length of time would be beneficial. I can't say if whether or not astragalus would help, i'd probably use it at some point personally, but i'm not a physician, let alone a nephrologist, to really feel comfortable enough to say it would be of benefit. That said, we know astragalus is not usually a course of action for most physicians, so it may take some trial and error on his own behalf to really know. The newer SGLT-2 inhibitor drugs (Empagliflozin/Jardiance like @nothuman mentioned) may be the course of action to take, as they will decrease proteinuria to some degree. The problem with something like FSGS is that it's not something you can just walk in and have checked out. I know when I was doing my dialysis rotations, I believe they used electron microscopy, but that may be different now. Maybe a physician or somebody in the know can update that? The OP stated he was having a biopsy, so i'll be interested to see what that shows. Getting a good BP monitor should be a must, and if he needs meds for it, that should be a no-brainer for a physician to prescribe. I had to get one with a larger cuff, as smaller ones, at least when I worked at a local heart hospital, always put my BP 20-30 points higher. That said, they can be found. I would not cut sodium, but rather keep it neutral during everything without increasing it or lowering it. Then go from there with it. There is going to need to be some trial and error with all this form him, but nothing he shouldn't be able to do with some time and seeing how everything affects him.

I'd actually want to know from the OP what tests they have completed thus far to lead to the current diagnosis....or of they are just assuming that this may be worse case scenario? Will probably make a different post after this one in case he does not read this post, lol.

@Type-IIx stated other courses of action on how AAS can negatively effect kidney health.

A quick search yielded the following study for SGLT-2 inhibitor use for nephrotic syndrome, but maybe something more recent has come out.
High protein in the urine was the key. Then the 24hr piss test confirmed it.
This sounds a lot like what Plang had several years ago.
The most damaging would be trienes like trenbolone & metribolone. EQ relatively safe, actually; nandrolone too.

Mast & Primo fairly hazardous to nephrons, Var too.
What’s funny is all these safer use guys push the concept of low test, nand or eq, and high dose primo and mast.
The principal consequences of MR antagonism are electrolyte disturbances, impacting kidneys (consequences of impaired aldosterone action)
Does it reduce sodium absorption? I feel like I need 2x the sodium to feel full and hydrated on tren (masteron as well)
What’s funny is all these safer use guys push the concept of low test, nand or eq, and high dose primo and mast.
There are basically tradeoffs in health risks to any combination of those AAS you list here. "There is no free lunch," as they say.
There are basically tradeoffs in health risks to any combination of those AAS you list here. "There is no free lunch," as they say.
Whoops, too late to edit but I meant to say they do NO nand or eq as they say they are much more “unhealthy”.

But agreed, that’s the funny part. They all come with their own risk.
Does it reduce sodium absorption? I feel like I need 2x the sodium to feel full and hydrated on tren (masteron as well)
Not that I know of. But since it dysregulates electrolytes, Na is an important one, it makes sense that the body craves it if it's low. I should also mention that estradiol regulates fluid homestasis by acting directly on the thirst sensation to ingest more water, so you might be misattributing causation if also running testosterone (especially without an AI).
I know of 3 people personally who now have severe kidney issues, who were pretty big on using tren. A handful of others who have issues but not as severe. Now does this make the same case for everyone, no... But I for sure feel theres a correlation between tren usage and kidney issues.

Wishing a speedy recovery for you!
I almost died and have AKD and had rhabdomylosis in 2022 summer. I dont think I did tren for probably 8 months after. they also said i would be on dialysis and need to begin. I never did. my bloodwork came back great at the ER last week I was impressed and shocked. not on tren right now just hrt dose test and proviron and ai

let me save your kidneys
5g astragulus + 5g taurine +250mg tudca per day
Not that I know of. But since it dysregulates electrolytes, Na is an important one, it makes sense that the body craves it if it's low. I should also mention that estradiol regulates fluid homestasis by acting directly on the thirst sensation to ingest more water, so you might be misattributing causation if also running testosterone (especially without an AI).
Just to make sure I understand; high e2 can cause excessive thirst, resulting in drinking too much water and disrupting electrolytes potentially is what you’re saying?
Testosterone is the safest (because it's the most aromatizable). The most damaging would be trienes like trenbolone & metribolone. EQ relatively safe, actually; nandrolone too.

Mast & Primo fairly hazardous to nephrons, Var too.
Thank you... interesting. I once got some free var and ran it at 100mg for 6+ weeks, protein was in my urine and went away after stopping. Did research and was surprised to learn about var and kidneys always thought it was the safest AAS. I think it was victor black who speculated about eq but other than that I'd never heard of it being especially bad for kidneys..glad you clarified
I almost died and have AKD and had rhabdomylosis in 2022 summer. I dont think I did tren for probably 8 months after. they also said i would be on dialysis and need to begin. I never did. my bloodwork came back great at the ER last week I was impressed and shocked. not on tren right now just hrt dose test and proviron and ai

let me save your kidneys
5g astragulus + 5g taurine +250mg tudca per day
I remember your post about this glad your doing better. Wasn't part of your kidney issues...you got an acute kidney injury from being jumped? Or do you think your scare was due to other factors?

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