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Good thread...Looking forward to seeing how it goes!

I swear I feel more energy from synthetine and syntheselen throughout the day. My mood has improved as well. Next I want to try the B-12.
Good Lord, Elvia!!! I'm only 20 minutes into my cardio and feel like I'm in a sauna. This cardio theater has air conditioning too. I upped my dose to 3ml syntheselen and 3ml synthetine.
Good Lord, Elvia!!! I'm only 20 minutes into my cardio and feel like I'm in a sauna. This cardio theater has air conditioning too. I upped my dose to 3ml syntheselen and 3ml synthetine.

I told you :D How is the cardio feeling? Is it any easier yet? Although that may take more time. That combo will be burning every last bit of fat from you and thats why I kept mentioning them to you over the last few months.

There is the synthetek b12 in the syntheselen so that should be enough. But sure on off periods definitely try the synthelamin. I don't know if it's MK-677 or just adding synthelamin but I barely slept last night and woke up full of energy. I just trained shoulders for 2 1/2 hours then done abs and stretched for another 30 mins. I must have done 100 sets of light-moderate weight and I couldn't lift my arms over my head for large periods as my shoulders were destroyed. My right shoulder feels so much better now so I am happy. Gonna lay off really heavy weights for the next few weeks.

I will pm you 2moro. Have a good day :)
yohimbine, low reps

Hey :)

Well, what can I say? You are already looking not human anymore...I mean this really hardcore and I hope you do not forget that everyone else would kill to look like you.

John, you mentioned the stubborn fat deposits in glutes, could there be yohimbine of any help? Probably you have already used it...unfortunately I cannot research it as I get serious panic attacks and cold sweat, jitters,etc. But maybe a topical before your cardio?

What about low reps for density? I have always been an advocate of high reps after I had gained enough. Especially after back surgery and now after all those health issues I found low weight, high reps to be terrific, no need to be real muscular anymore.
But would love to hear your opinion on low reps, about 5 reps, no failure as this is said to make the muscle dense and hard, even when not having a pump. Well you look always hard because of your enormous muscle and superlow bf :)
But you are lifting weights for so long that you might know if I should switch from my high rep, always in motion, never rest, method to something like a low rep style.

By the way, the diazide you use for bp, can this be used for aesthetical purposes only or will this lower my blood pressure too much?!

Thanks and keep goin' :)
I told you :D How is the cardio feeling? Is it any easier yet? Although that may take more time. That combo will be burning every last bit of fat from you and thats why I kept mentioning them to you over the last few months.

There is the synthetek b12 in the syntheselen so that should be enough. But sure on off periods definitely try the synthelamin. I don't know if it's MK-677 or just adding synthelamin but I barely slept last night and woke up full of energy. I just trained shoulders for 2 1/2 hours then done abs and stretched for another 30 mins. I must have done 100 sets of light-moderate weight and I couldn't lift my arms over my head for large periods as my shoulders were destroyed. My right shoulder feels so much better now so I am happy. Gonna lay off really heavy weights for the next few weeks.

I will pm you 2moro. Have a good day :)
I am 1 hour and 43 minutes into cardio and have tons left in me.
A good Brad Pitt movie is on in the cardio theater so I have to watch it in its entirety! :D
Damn, 2%? I'd love to see this...

Though I wish you the best health wise, JJB1... Don't want to see you push it too far!

Can you or Elvia elaborate a little more on the Synthetine and Syntheselen? I always thought you were supposed to drink them, you inject them? I'm understanding the Synthetine product but the other one, is it like an energy/preworkout thing?

Damn, 2%? I'd love to see this...

Though I wish you the best health wise, JJB1... Don't want to see you push it too far!

Can you or Elvia elaborate a little more on the Synthetine and Syntheselen? I always thought you were supposed to drink them, you inject them? I'm understanding the Synthetine product but the other one, is it like an energy/preworkout thing?


Yes you inject both of them. The only synthetek bottle product you can drink is their liver protector called synthergine.

Synthetine is great for fatloss. It's responsible for the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria were they are burned as energy. So it is ideally used before cardio or training. It also increases the number of androgen receptors in the muscle so it perfect when on an aas cycle.

Syntheselen is a human/pharm grade version of kynoselen. It is more potent and doesn't come with any of the bad side effects the veterinary version can give. It's a great fatloss, muscle building and cardio improving product. It does have energy promoting ingredients but is not what you would call a pre workout. It's clean energy from ATP and Vit B12 so it won't effect your nervous system like clen, caffeine or ephedrine would.

Syntheselen is a potent fat burner especially when combined with synthetine. I didn't give it a good enough run but plan to this summer. My condition and vascularity continually improved when using both of these products. ATP is one of the main ingredients in syntheselen and that is the main carrier of energy within cells. It also contains magnesium aspartate which is essential for the metabolism of amino acids and carbs so in turn increases protein synthesis. Mag is also vital for muscle contractions so is great for anyone who lifts weights and should aid in strength/power over time. Heptaminol HCL dilates blood vessels and aids in cardiovascular performance as well as possessing other health benefits. All in all it is a great tonic for anyone who lifts weights and/or needs a cardiovascular boost.

Here is a link to the science behind syntheselen and it contains some great and in depth information about the product...

What's your diet look like JJ? I see you listed the foods that you eat but I was just wondering what your meals actually look like. If you don't mind! You look great!
Yes you inject both of them. The only synthetek bottle product you can drink is their liver protector called synthergine.

Synthetine is great for fatloss. It's responsible for the transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria were they are burned as energy. So it is ideally used before cardio or training. It also increases the number of androgen receptors in the muscle so it perfect when on an aas cycle.

Syntheselen is a human/pharm grade version of kynoselen. It is more potent and doesn't come with any of the bad side effects the veterinary version can give. It's a great fatloss, muscle building and cardio improving product. It does have energy promoting ingredients but is not what you would call a pre workout. It's clean energy from ATP and Vit B12 so it won't effect your nervous system like clen, caffeine or ephedrine would.

Syntheselen is a potent fat burner especially when combined with synthetine. I didn't give it a good enough run but plan to this summer. My condition and vascularity continually improved when using both of these products. ATP is one of the main ingredients in syntheselen and that is the main carrier of energy within cells. It also contains magnesium aspartate which is essential for the metabolism of amino acids and carbs so in turn increases protein synthesis. Mag is also vital for muscle contractions so is great for anyone who lifts weights and should aid in strength/power over time. Heptaminol HCL dilates blood vessels and aids in cardiovascular performance as well as possessing other health benefits. All in all it is a great tonic for anyone who lifts weights and/or needs a cardiovascular boost.

Here is a link to the science behind syntheselen and it contains some great and in depth information about the product...


Thanks again Elvia, I'm definitely going look into these some more and try it out.
Hey :)

Well, what can I say? You are already looking not human anymore...I mean this really hardcore and I hope you do not forget that everyone else would kill to look like you.

John, you mentioned the stubborn fat deposits in glutes, could there be yohimbine of any help? Probably you have already used it...unfortunately I cannot research it as I get serious panic attacks and cold sweat, jitters,etc. But maybe a topical before your cardio?

What about low reps for density? I have always been an advocate of high reps after I had gained enough. Especially after back surgery and now after all those health issues I found low weight, high reps to be terrific, no need to be real muscular anymore.
But would love to hear your opinion on low reps, about 5 reps, no failure as this is said to make the muscle dense and hard, even when not having a pump. Well you look always hard because of your enormous muscle and superlow bf :)
But you are lifting weights for so long that you might know if I should switch from my high rep, always in motion, never rest, method to something like a low rep style.

By the way, the diazide you use for bp, can this be used for aesthetical purposes only or will this lower my blood pressure too much?!

Thanks and keep goin' :)

for some alpha yo can be used when regular cannot...

generally higher dose and less side effects...

there were some other tricks too...
What's your diet look like JJ? I see you listed the foods that you eat but I was just wondering what your meals actually look like. If you don't mind! You look great!

Today at I had:
6am: 60 grams whey isolate and 1 cup oats
10am: 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts and 2 cups brown/wild grain rice
My next meal wil be at
1pm: 2 chicken breasts and 2 cups rice
4pm: 60 grams whey isolate with 1 cup oats.
7pm: another shake post workout
9pm: 2 chicken breasts and a cup of rice

I'm away on vacation for a week.
I took 3ml synthelesen and 3ml synthetine yesterday before my flight.
Unfortunately, I didn't feel comfortable flying with the bottles.
I always get the full treatment at the airport.
I got scanned 3 times in the X-ray machine, patted down twice front and back, and they scraped my hands and scanned for explosive bomb making residue.
My muscles show up on the monitor like I have objects hidden all over. I think it's from years of site injections everywhere. Plus, I sweat always, which shows up on the monitor.
Hey :)

Well, what can I say? You are already looking not human anymore...I mean this really hardcore and I hope you do not forget that everyone else would kill to look like you.

John, you mentioned the stubborn fat deposits in glutes, could there be yohimbine of any help? Probably you have already used it...unfortunately I cannot research it as I get serious panic attacks and cold sweat, jitters,etc. But maybe a topical before your cardio?

What about low reps for density? I have always been an advocate of high reps after I had gained enough. Especially after back surgery and now after all those health issues I found low weight, high reps to be terrific, no need to be real muscular anymore.
But would love to hear your opinion on low reps, about 5 reps, no failure as this is said to make the muscle dense and hard, even when not having a pump. Well you look always hard because of your enormous muscle and superlow bf :)
But you are lifting weights for so long that you might know if I should switch from my high rep, always in motion, never rest, method to something like a low rep style.

By the way, the diazide you use for bp, can this be used for aesthetical purposes only or will this lower my blood pressure too much?!

Thanks and keep goin' :)

Diazide is probably the safest diuretic to use for aesthetics as it is potassium sparing. Still, when you mess with your potassium levels it can be dangerous.
Diuretics are usually the first option doctors try for patients with high blood pressure because they are generally mild on side effects assuming you don't take too many which could kill you. With diazide I notice no cramping issues like with other diuretics the doctor had me on.
You mentioned you have low pressure. Diazide will reduce water retention but isn't always effective at lowering blood pressure. You would have to test it with a blood pressure monitor before and after use to see how much diazide effects your blood pressure. If you decide to try it always start with minimum dose. My diazide dose is 37.5mg trimeterene with 25mg hydrochlorothyazide upon waking. VStart with 1/4 tablet and test your bp before and after use. It kicks in fairly fast and causes frequent urination(within 2 hours approximately for me) when first using it. Anything that causes lowered hydration can be a risk to your kidneys. HCTZ(hydrochlorothyazide) has been linked to insulin resistance and elevated blood glucose over time. I'm not sure if diazide causes such issues since it's potassium sparing. Maybe someone with more knowledge of the science behind diuretics could chime. Stay away from more harsh diuretics like Lasix.
It sounds like I could never get away with what I do over here at an US airport. I go away soon and gonna be taking 1 bottle syntherol, 1 test e and 1 vial of melanotan 2. When I see guys post about how they can't come off for 5 days etc I always post enjoy your holiday. I usually couldn't careless about staying on when away. But I am definitely taking mt2 and I don't want to come completely off syntherol for 2 weeks so figured if I bring that I might as well bring a vial of test e. My gf gets up late so I plan to go the gym most days and train hard plus eat a ridiculous amount and chill so I should make some good gains whilst I am away :D

JJ are you having any dietary fat in a usual week?

Today at I had:
6am: 60 grams whey isolate and 1 cup oats
10am: 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts and 2 cups brown/wild grain rice
My next meal wil be at
1pm: 2 chicken breasts and 2 cups rice
4pm: 60 grams whey isolate with 1 cup oats.
7pm: another shake post workout
9pm: 2 chicken breasts and a cup of rice

I'm away on vacation for a week.
I took 3ml synthelesen and 3ml synthetine yesterday before my flight.
Unfortunately, I didn't feel comfortable flying with the bottles.
I always get the full treatment at the airport.
I got scanned 3 times in the X-ray machine, patted down twice front and back, and they scraped my hands and scanned for explosive bomb making residue.
My muscles show up on the monitor like I have objects hidden all over. I think it's from years of site injections everywhere. Plus, I sweat always, which shows up on the monitor.
flying sucks big time!

Today at I had:
6am: 60 grams whey isolate and 1 cup oats
10am: 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts and 2 cups brown/wild grain rice
My next meal wil be at
1pm: 2 chicken breasts and 2 cups rice
4pm: 60 grams whey isolate with 1 cup oats.
7pm: another shake post workout
9pm: 2 chicken breasts and a cup of rice

I'm away on vacation for a week.
I took 3ml synthelesen and 3ml synthetine yesterday before my flight.
Unfortunately, I didn't feel comfortable flying with the bottles.
I always get the full treatment at the airport.
I got scanned 3 times in the X-ray machine, patted down twice front and back, and they scraped my hands and scanned for explosive bomb making residue.
My muscles show up on the monitor like I have objects hidden all over. I think it's from years of site injections everywhere. Plus, I sweat always, which shows up on the monitor.

I am with you John!
when I travelled to the Usa at the end of last year it was an awful experience.
sitting in that tiny airplane cabin for so long and then the terrible inspectation by those customer officers. They treated me like a terrorist or criminal...
that is why I am so afraid of bringing anything with me. Have not taken any compiunds fr so long but wanna definitely start right after surgery when I am in the Usa for almost 5 weeks.
planned on taking some dnp, t3 or sibutramine with me but do not know if they will open my suitcase and yes, I already considered putting everything into vitamin c tablet boxes or something similar but probably will not have the guts to bring anything with me as I do not wanna risk being put into prison :)
hopefully you enjoy your trip/vacation!

Today at I had:
6am: 60 grams whey isolate and 1 cup oats
10am: 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts and 2 cups brown/wild grain rice
My next meal wil be at
1pm: 2 chicken breasts and 2 cups rice
4pm: 60 grams whey isolate with 1 cup oats.
7pm: another shake post workout
9pm: 2 chicken breasts and a cup of rice

I'm away on vacation for a week.
I took 3ml synthelesen and 3ml synthetine yesterday before my flight.
Unfortunately, I didn't feel comfortable flying with the bottles.
I always get the full treatment at the airport.
I got scanned 3 times in the X-ray machine, patted down twice front and back, and they scraped my hands and scanned for explosive bomb making residue.
My muscles show up on the monitor like I have objects hidden all over. I think it's from years of site injections everywhere. Plus, I sweat always, which shows up on the monitor.

So you do a high carb, Medium protein, low/no fat diet?
Do you use dnp in this period? Used for a few days would help with insulin sensitivity & speed up fat loss,right?
Do you use dnp in this period? Used for a few days would help with insulin sensitivity & speed up fat loss,right?

I haven't used DNP in a few years. Life on DNP was miserable! If I throw it in it'll just be once or twice a week. DNP honestly scares me after my last experience.
So you do a high carb, Medium protein, low/no fat diet?

I consider that moderate carb, high protein, minimal fat. Anything under 50 grams of carbs per food meal for me makes me look and feel horrible. Optimally for my body I should have 50 grams protein, 50 grams carbs, close to no fat. 6 meals/shakes a day. My shakes only have 35 grams carbs and 50 grams protein. My meals have up to 80 grams protein, 50 grams carbs. The only fat in my diet is from the medium chain triglycerides in syntherol and the oil in my AAS. :D
It sounds like I could never get away with what I do over here at an US airport. I go away soon and gonna be taking 1 bottle syntherol, 1 test e and 1 vial of melanotan 2. When I see guys post about how they can't come off for 5 days etc I always post enjoy your holiday. I usually couldn't careless about staying on when away. But I am definitely taking mt2 and I don't want to come completely off syntherol for 2 weeks so figured if I bring that I might as well bring a vial of test e. My gf gets up late so I plan to go the gym most days and train hard plus eat a ridiculous amount and chill so I should make some good gains whilst I am away :D

JJ are you having any dietary fat in a usual week?
I only consume fat once a week on my cheat meal. I seriously eat a 10,000 meal. I eat until I'm sick. Haha it sure is a treat after all clean food.
My once a week cheat meal is 4 slices of pizza, a bag of hot Fritos, a tube of barbecue Pringles, a bag of m&m's, 3 almond Hershey chocolate bars, chunky peanut butter, butter on my pizza crust, a small bag of Doritos, and desserts flavored skittles.
I am with you John!
when I travelled to the Usa at the end of last year it was an awful experience.
sitting in that tiny airplane cabin for so long and then the terrible inspectation by those customer officers. They treated me like a terrorist or criminal...
that is why I am so afraid of bringing anything with me. Have not taken any compiunds fr so long but wanna definitely start right after surgery when I am in the Usa for almost 5 weeks.
planned on taking some dnp, t3 or sibutramine with me but do not know if they will open my suitcase and yes, I already considered putting everything into vitamin c tablet boxes or something similar but probably will not have the guts to bring anything with me as I do not wanna risk being put into prison :)
hopefully you enjoy your trip/vacation!

If you have capsules and they are all the same color then you can just put them in a vitamin capsule bottle and check in your bag and it's fine. I brought hell fire capsules this time which in the past I substituted capsules my friend made me with a mix of dbol, anadrol, and winstrol.
This time I had a blood pressure pill in my tiny pocket of my jeans. They searched me several times. I'm glad they didn't find it and think it's an illegal drug. I put Kratom in my turkey, rice, veggie meal I brought to eat, and in my protein drink. It's not illegal but carrying green powder just looks sketchy to me. Haha :D

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