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Lee Priest

Man the way he looked as a kid makes me wonder if he only took 700-800mgs of shit for real!
Don't particularly follow bodybuilding however I do enjoy lee's candour and matter of fact view on life.

I tend to find when most (but not all bodybuilders) appear on podcasts they can come across very bigotted and narcissistic - lee seems the polar opposite; very tolerant and doesn't take himself too seriously. Plus he seems to actually enjoy life and isn't afraid to stand for what he believes in. The video where he calls out weider for poor pay for competitors even though it didn't necessarily apply to him was an excellent example of his character.
For any of you that have seen The Hulk (2003) with Eric Bana...they used Lee Priest's body to create the CGI Hulk.

Those are bragging rights there.
always loved lee priest.
def would need his own chapter.
his outlook on training is fairly simple and refreshing really.
ridiculous genetics AND a helluva lotta time under tension.

i have spoken w him few times. seems he doesnt hide anything. but at same time i find it HARD to believe he was that jacked on the cycles/doses he said he used.... i dunno.... FREAK regardless.
one of his best quotes is "there's no such thing as overtraining, just undereating"
Man the way he looked as a kid makes me wonder if he only took 700-800mgs of shit for real!

He's pretty young here but the insane genetics are definitely visible!

Lee Priest Teenager.jpg
One of my favorite bodybuilders of all time. He’s mad genius and could have his own book easily. The guy always enjoys life. He is crazy af but that’s part of his charisma. Jay Cutler always talks about seeing Lee for the first time was the most insane thing he’d ever seen.
He should have his own chapter.

He is intelligent and uses logic. He has a great attitude. Does him and lets other do what they want. Great way to be.

He was freaky and people talk about Shaun Clarida like he’s doing something tremendous and never been done. What Shaun is doing is what Lee had no choice to do. That was his only devision and he won shows. That’s speaks volumes. Placed high in the Olympia to. That’s like clarida being in the top 5-6 this year.

Lees trainging style and eating habits are all of someone who knows their body and metabolism. Very basic use heavy lifts controlled full range. Eat clean do cardio to get inshape. I believe his dosages. Steroids were real then.
I feel like he’s so interesting not only because of his views and attitude but that he was the original giant killer. Dude is barely 5’4 out there crushing most competitors.
That’s what kind of intrigued me a little bit about him when I was younger, was his views and attitude towards certain things.

But damn, I never knew the dude was only about 5’4”!
I recently posted a link to a short video of his where he was giving some of the most logical, basic, meaningful information I have ever heard one bodybuilder give to another. Simply priceless.
Pre internet i used to buy all the muscle mags and Ironman and muscle mag international used to have towards the back real pictures and stories gossip etc from golds and world gym. I remember there was some pics when Lee had got up to nearly 300 and just looked huge. I’m sure it was pics of him and will Harris. Both mass freaks.
I feel like he’s so interesting not only because of his views and attitude but that he was the original giant killer. Dude is barely 5’4 out there crushing most competitors.
Actually Padilla is the original, and that was his nick-name in the 70's, but I get it... Lee is probably the best giant-killer.
Just wish they'd use new nicknames. Padilla's a legend in game.

It would be like someone today calling themselves "Austraian Oak" or "Black Prince".. etc... (Just my 2 cc's)...

Eccentric for sure, deviated from the beaten path. Not afraid to speak his mind (sometimes to his detriment). I think he's hilarious. People like him make the world an interesting place. As far as the physique...nuts. Crazy muscle building genetics. Beat guys that had 50-60lbs on him consistently.
Beat guys that had 50-60lbs on him consistently.

Of course, weight isn’t everything

And if my calculations are correct, Lee at 5’4 and 215lbs would be about 258 at 5’8

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