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Minor setback

had the mri today but have no idea what I was looking at. dr's tomarrow at noon.
I really think it's fibres not a tendon so I would think surgery is not even an option. I have heard of someone getting over 100 stitches attaching each fibre back together but seems Ludacris....
I am not sure how much muscle makes up a golf ball size lump but I hope it is not much worse then tennys. by the way you looked great in that photo.

took everything I had to rebound from that damn umbilical hernia surgery just to start over again.
it is kinda sad that being big and ripped divines who I am and want to be and I just cant and never will get to that next level.
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had the mri today but have no idea what I was looking at. dr's tomarrow at noon.
I really think it's fibres not a tendon so I would think surgery is not even an option. I have heard of someone getting over 100 stitches attaching each fibre back together but seems Ludacris....
I am not sure how much muscle makes up a golf ball size lump but I hope it is not much worse then tennys. by the way you looked great in that photo.

took everything I had to rebound from that damn umbilical hernia surgery just to start over again.
it is kinda sad that being big and ripped divines who I am and want to be and I just cant and never will get to that next level.

You know what man.....f**k the next level. You already make most guys in their 20's look like they aren't trying very hard....much less your ( our) age group. Don't let this life hurdle (even though its a high hurdle) get you down. You say the kind of shape you are in defines who you are? Now that you are going to have some down time, maybe you should take the time to think about the other things that really define who you are. I don't know you that well but I'm guessing there is a lot more to you other than the fact that you can bench 425 lbs. Hang in there man...all situations have positives and negatives...this could be a positive experience if you get your mind right when dealing with it.
over time also......the lump will completely go away....

it will just atrophy and dissolve down to nothing.....

You know what man.....f**k the next level. You already make most guys in their 20's look like they aren't trying very hard....much less your ( our) age group. Don't let this life hurdle (even though its a high hurdle) get you down. You say the kind of shape you are in defines who you are? Now that you are going to have some down time, maybe you should take the time to think about the other things that really define who you are. I don't know you that well but I'm guessing there is a lot more to you other than the fact that you can bench 425 lbs. Hang in there man...all situations have positives and negatives...this could be a positive experience if you get your mind right when dealing with it.

Great post. Haven't been on the forum to long but posts like this shows what kind of brother hood is on here. Wishing you the best concreter
had the mri today but have no idea what I was looking at. dr's tomarrow at noon.
I really think it's fibres not a tendon so I would think surgery is not even an option. I have heard of someone getting over 100 stitches attaching each fibre back together but seems Ludacris....
I am not sure how much muscle makes up a golf ball size lump but I hope it is not much worse then tennys. by the way you looked great in that photo.

took everything I had to rebound from that damn umbilical hernia surgery just to start over again.
it is kinda sad that being big and ripped divines who I am and want to be and I just cant and never will get to that next level.
A lot of us have a hard time letting go of not looking a certain way. Especially if it's become part of your identity that you are proudest of. Luckily, I'm more defined by my profession than my physique but I still can't let it go. That's why we eat the way we do, beat ourselves up, and take drugs we all KNOW aren't healthy for us longterm.

You'll get back on the horse. Stop chasing "next level" at your age. Whatever that is. Not worth it man. You look better than probably 75% of the board and 98% of everyone else. You'll value your health more down the road. You still juice pretty hard for your age. You have nothing to prove. Don't let this eat away at you. You'll bounce back. But I wouldn't redline it as soon as you do heal anyway.

I don't want to see your name on here down the road as an older guy who stroked out way too young. This post comes out of respect, not criticism. For your age you look amazing. But you can't keep those doses up forever...
Srry to hear My Brotha,,
I did this myself and also a thread on it 2 or so years ago...
So had to educate on this as well... I had a complete pectoralis major muscle rupture the tendon from the bone and some muscle tares.... there are 4 types plus there can b combinations of.
thats the 1st type the second is the tare is from that tendon to the muscle it attaches to. 3rd the muscle itself. and the 4th the muscle from the sternum
some of these are NOT repairable or have limited sucess.
It was xplained to me the muscle belly itself is very hard to repair but are said to be xtremely rare, its like trying to sew hamburger together my surgen xplained

after my surgery i was injectin HGH into the pec and also those heallin Peptides into the pec and the repaired tendon I forget the peps ( there were 2).
Not sur eif it helped but i healed qwikly @ age 51 I do have slightly noticable change but very slight. strength is close to back but I have not done a Max rep since.

Best of luck
**broken link removed**
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it was my last real go at pushing hard, both weights and juice.
I really was just that last workout away from switching back to pumping iron and not lifting weights.
I wanted to max out my strength so therefor increase the amount I could handle for reps.
I was trying to build more muscle fibres, hence my long lr3 and des run this winter and then mature them over time with higher reps, increased pump, still high anabolics and nutrition.

by early summer I planned on my normal 500-750 test, 100-200 tren and 600-800 primo.
I knew one day I would just need to be happy with 250lbs of lean beef, and quit trying to get bigger.
that day just hit me in the face....
I want to make some points. Firstly, Concreter doesn't look as good as 75% of the forum... more like 99% to me. Plus sure muscles mean nothing in the grand scheme and anyone with family should realize that. But at the same time whilst the muscle shouldn't define you it can be a big part of you. Not many people have had that to realize it.

Concreter will be known by appearance by everyone in his life and everyone he encounters. It's more than a vanity thing too as he has a clear passion for lifting most who post on here don't have. Again I always agree when people write stuff like you are more than that and concentrate on other things. But it's hard when it's been a big part of you for so long. Often guys say about profession and that is true too but money isn't everything and I know Concreter is fine in that regard. A lot of guys have never put the effort he does into their bodies so acting like who cares and just take it easy is alien to him and people like him. If this happened to me I would be exactly the same way... training is a passion.

But we are talking like training is over for him which is ridiculous. He just needs to recover slowly and be smart in the future. You can still look incredible lifting lighter weights and being smarter about training. There is no need to be going for PR's anymore. I know how annoying this must be for you though. But this is just a minor setback and you will be back soon. In the mean time you can just train legs 3 times per week ;):D
I want to make some points. Firstly, Concreter doesn't look as good as 75% of the forum... more like 99% to me. Plus sure muscles mean nothing in the grand scheme and anyone with family should realize that. But at the same time whilst the muscle shouldn't define you it can be a big part of you. Not many people have had that to realize it.

Concreter will be known by appearance by everyone in his life and everyone he encounters. It's more than a vanity thing too as he has a clear passion for lifting most who post on here don't have. Again I always agree when people write stuff like you are more than that and concentrate on other things. But it's hard when it's been a big part of you for so long. Often guys say about profession and that is true too but money isn't everything and I know Concreter is fine in that regard. A lot of guys have never put the effort he does into their bodies so acting like who cares and just take it easy is alien to him and people like him. If this happened to me I would be exactly the same way... training is a passion.

But we are talking like training is over for him which is ridiculous. He just needs to recover slowly and be smart in the future. You can still look incredible lifting lighter weights and being smarter about training. There is no need to be going for PR's anymore. I know how annoying this must be for you though. But this is just a minor setback and you will be back soon. In the mean time you can just train legs 3 times per week ;):D
Good time for concreter to build some quadzillas, those legs are lacking lol but so are mine :(. Joking aside, I have to agree with Elvia here. If the gym is your sanctuary and training is a part of your regular routine it's a ritual for you. You can't just give that up. I honestly get lost while training. I go into another world mentally.

Plus once you reach that point of looking your best or achieveing your best you never want to go back lol. It's like getting a demotion or paycut! Being rich and becoming poor. I feel like successful people continue to set the bar higher every time. Sure you have to be smart but I don't know of any successful people who didn't take the required risks and pushed the limits. This is just a minor setback. Focus on recover so you can come back even better! It's not the end, only the start of something different. When have you let an obstacle stop you?
thanks elvia, you and I am sure a lot of others put there physic at the top of one of there priority's. look at how much hard work, dedication, time, sleep. food and even funds it takes to be your best.
like everything else you get out what you put in.
me with everything else in my life I have always strived to be the best. as a person, when I played sports, pouring concrete, muscky fishing anything I attempt I put 100 percent into. even my lawn.ha
not to be vain but I am very well known for my build almost like a celebrity. I really do take 10 or more pictures with people I meet in all kinda venues.
I am very popular and people approach you daily as you do stick out and stick in there memories.
I always thought if I was to quit how people would think I was sick with cancer or something and be whispering among themselves.
I know I will rebound but I am concerned of what possible permanent deformation will be present and no training will overcome it
and in that that loss of having an appealing physic is lost.
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Damn... just saw this... hoping for the best... I'll share a personal story... when I got shot in 2010 I thought I was finished with working out... I felt sorry for myself... had my reconstructive surgery on my right shoulder, did my rehab but then I was scared to go back in the gym for a LONG time... I still to this day kind of baby my shoulder and not put up the weight I know I could when it comes to shoulder exercises. It wasn't till last year when I started giving a fuck about my body again that I said fuck it... I'm not going to do it half assed anymore. Up until then I never gave 100% because I was always worried about reinjuring my shoulder which is intact with steel wool now. Tenny and Mt wouldn't even take me on until I got my shit together and attempted to diet and train for 60 days on my own. I buckled down, they trained me up as more of a beginner and gave me a solid foundation. It looks like you are much better off than I was... you look great... but the moral of my story is... no matter what happens with this, don't let it hinder what you want to do or fuck with your goals like I did. I left about 4 years on the table feeling sorry for myself and forgetting that training and working out is what kept me sane over there in the first place and I left that person in Iraq when I got shot. And it took a long time for me to get that me back. Hang in there, whatever happens you will overcome and do a safe rehab and continue training and you will come out a better person! Sorry this ended up being a mini book[emoji15]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Rambo thanks as well, as to others on the board. I have learned a lot being here and having support is very important.
most outside the gym don't understand and look at us as vain. but most as well secretly admire are physics and dedication we have. who would not want to look like us,,
I have been doing some leg work this season but with my hammy tear from almost 3 yrs ago I still need to take it slow and easy...bad thing is as I have been training them they actually have gotten smaller, still ripped but the size is being robbed from my upper body development....I can only sustain a certain amount of muscle and prefer to have more on top...

dr's in a few hours for results of the mri.....valium anyone lol
so dr says no surgery that it is a fibre tear. it would take 100 plus stitches to reattach w- no guarantee..
I can start moving my arm but no weight for 2-3 weeks.
the pooling of blood as been insane. I had a detailed 6pack w intercostals an all a week ago. now a giant bag for a belly.


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I also think I tore my bicep short head the rep prior. felt a little pull, nothing major.
dr says no but just look....

right arm


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left arm... inner lower attachment...
may explain the tissue ball I seen on my inner/ upper tricep


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I did this to my calf last June. Hit it with the handle of a post hole auger. Stopped the engine, knocked me off my feet.

I did not go to the doctor and tried to train calves even. I used the leg press figuring gravity would help get that blood out of there. I didn't go to the doctor for a month figuring I would get better and I had better stop being a pussy about it.
The thing is I couldn't even take a piss when I had to because as soon as I put my feet down on the floor so I could hop to the restroom.....the pain would rush
down my leg. By the time I made it to the toilet....I couldn't go. Plus, maybe 1 hour of sleep per night. I lived like that for 4 weeks.
Finally....I went to the hospital and and got some pain killers that made me sick. They gave me some that worked so I could sleep at night. Then I started to get better.
I still can't flex the calf like I could before.


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I ran those post hole diggers before when building decks. nothing like catchin a rock or root, but mostly the handle would rack me in the ribs....

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