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Pfizer Genotropin - Unbelievable!

Never used peps other than GHRP to help with hunger.

Unless you are buying direct from a patient with insurance.... Nordi are cheaper than Geno. Black market private sellers (domestically) from what I have seen from least to most expensive is....


I know there are others but the above 4 seem more readily available and what I have been able to acquire.

That's spot on except the middle two seem to flip flop depending on source.

There's also 139iu Omnitrope kits but I dont recall seeing thdm available or priced.

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I go back and forth on peps and my thoughts on them....
Some are clearly good.
Pharma gh is just something I don't really question..if it's real - it's a sure bet.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

That's true!
I wouldn't trust any generic hgh now.
Pharma grade hgh from an HIV patient or from a nurse or pharmacist is a sure thing.
With peptides I like GHRP2 because I know if I don't get hungry after taking it then it's bunk which I've had happen.
Then by the same logic, why is Chinese GH considered inferior to pharma? I mean in the end no matter how you get there you are left with a 191aa peptide that the body then recognizes as GH and converts to IGF-1. So if you take Rips and pharma GH and score the same on a serum test and get the same igf-1 score as well, whats the difference?

I can appreciate that comparison. Good point.
That's spot on except the middle two seem to flip flop depending on source.

There's also 139iu Omnitrope kits but I dont recall seeing thdm available or priced.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

Yea... agree with that. The two sources I have access to have the Omni's priced similar to Sero. But one has stopped selling them due to little demand.
Then by the same logic, why is Chinese GH considered inferior to pharma? I mean in the end no matter how you get there you are left with a 191aa peptide that the body then recognizes as GH and converts to IGF-1. So if you take Rips and pharma GH and score the same on a serum test and get the same igf-1 score as well, whats the difference?

So is it fair to say that every manufacture has a different process which leads to varying purity levels and perceived effects? I assumed big pharma co's made it all the same way except Lilly. But after reading the post about sero's being made to resist heat damage there has to be variances from company to company. Correct assumption??
Been running elis and rips getting very low going to try some genos too.
So is it fair to say that every manufacture has a different process which leads to varying purity levels and perceived effects? I assumed big pharma co's made it all the same way except Lilly. But after reading the post about sero's being made to resist heat damage there has to be variances from company to company. Correct assumption??

You know how big as puck is from a 10iu vial of Hyge or Rips, right? Well Sero is 18iu a vial and the puck is half the size. WHat does that tell ya..... what the hell are the Chinese putting in there? How much filler, what are the fillers? See where I am going?

I have been told, not sure whether true or not that Chinese puck is so big because of the fillers and additives to protect from heat. Well if so, then why is Sero so small with almost twice as much somatropin and they can withstand heat too.

I am willing to bet that ALL pharma GH has a very high and consistent purity level.
I've ran hyges, rips, kefei, fake jintropin (that got me big as fuck) and humatrope. HUMATROPE was by far better than all.. one way I test besides a serum is I inject 5iu intramuscular 45min pre workout. During workout I judge pump, fullness, strength, vascularity and overall 3d look.. humatrope was so strong it would make my heart palpitate . I only ran 288ius at 5ius pre workout.. HG gh and Chinese are big difference but idk why so don't ask me

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I would love to run these :love:
I used to get humatrope directly from a doctor friend. You only need 2ius to grow fast.
So is it fair to say that every manufacture has a different process which leads to varying purity levels and perceived effects? I assumed big pharma co's made it all the same way except Lilly. But after reading the post about sero's being made to resist heat damage there has to be variances from company to company. Correct assumption??

If my understanding is correct, the Chinese have a process they use to make the GH powder that was originated by the a few guys(Dr. Lin and company); while the pharmaceutical companies in the US use a different process. Each process is capable of making it as pure as you want however the higher the purity the more expensive it is. In other words the Chinese pharm grade Jins are the same GH as the generics but the generics just don't purify the powder to the same extent because of cost but they are capable if they choose. The difference in various US pharm grade GH I assume would be in the lypholization process and inactive ingredients each pharm company uses. In other words I believe they all the US pharma companies use the same GH powder but then it has to be processed(lypholized) and fillers/additives are put in. This is where the difference would occur I believe. Maybe the inactive ingredients can effect the pharmacology, I don't know.
crazy thing is I know a few pros over here even tho using pharma geno gh well alsp use peps aa they think their that good
crazy thing is I know a few pros over here even tho using pharma geno gh well alsp use peps aa they think their that good

Not sure where you are but I know a few Canadian National and Pro's who swear by peps. From the couple I have spoke to, they use nothing but peps in the offseason, then peps + GH precontest.
Not sure where you are but I know a few Canadian National and Pro's who swear by peps. From the couple I have spoke to, they use nothing but peps in the offseason, then peps + GH precontest.

He is from the UK (me too) and peps are getting really big over here (rightfully so). Peps and your gh would be incredible though. I have never used pharm grade gh :(
Guys here in Cali load up on igf1-Lr3. They use GHRP6 offseason to get all the food down.
Not sure where you are but I know a few Canadian National and Pro's who swear by peps. From the couple I have spoke to, they use nothing but peps in the offseason, then peps + GH precontest.

Alot of Nat levels guys and Pros are doing this yes and with very good results. If you use the right combos they work wonders and you dont need boat loads of gear offseason to grow like many do and wonder where it all went when they diet down.
Peps do have their place like everything else, im thinking with my next off season, if i was to igf, ghp2,ghp56,gh,cjc etc, and still run my standard 750-1g test, 500mg deca, i would blow up even more...

ive had a great 8 months this off season, so good inface il end up being around 30-40lbs bigger than i was on stage in 2011, and i made these changes

GH continious Use around 5iu a day, cruise on 2-3
Good Gear, pharma test e
Dc training ( yes this training ) my strength went through the roof with these factors, plus a lot of food and taking better care of health i grew and have grown very nicely...

Its taken a lot for me to step away from the GH atm, i was using hyge yellow tops by .cn, and then black tops too,

i have had a few guys get serum tests done, and the GH has come back good, would that mean they are good to use???

anyhow, ive just switched to peps, 12 weeks out from show, so ill report back in 4 weeks... i really hope this is a good route as i said above, i actuallly belive that Chinese GH did me wonders, infact whenever i cruised then blasted it from 2ius - 5ius, i would get water retention, carpel syndrome etc, would that mean its good to go?

loads of questions but i think the best thing to do is try! so PEPS here we go

I will defo be getting some Pharma Genos at some point.
crazy thing is I know a few pros over here even tho using pharma geno gh well alsp use peps aa they think their that good

Not sure where you are but I know a few Canadian National and Pro's who swear by peps. From the couple I have spoke to, they use nothing but peps in the offseason, then peps + GH precontest.

Which peps specifically...and please don't name 6 or 7. There are obviously favorites for specific puroses.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Guys here in Cali load up on igf1-Lr3. They use GHRP6 offseason to get all the food down.

Define load up. Are they doing a lot for long periods of time? Are they getting smart and not inhibiting mgf?

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Alot of Nat levels guys and Pros are doing this yes and with very good results. If you use the right combos they work wonders and you dont need boat loads of gear offseason to grow like many do and wonder where it all went when they diet down.

Again...what are the seemingly "right" combos to use? My viewpoint that changes often has centered around ghrp6 and cjc with dac the last few months.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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