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Pinkton's SYNTHEROL LOG with JJB1

Syntherol is the best. Pump n pose gave me massive scar tissue. Painless pumps just frustrated me so I tossed half the bottle in the garbage.

Pump and pose tore me up pretty bad too
Syntherol is the best. Pump n pose gave me massive scar tissue. Painless pumps just frustrated me so I tossed half the bottle in the garbage.

Thats how I felt with syntherol. .. I sold off 3 bottles at dirt cheap... wonder why people respond so different?
Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I'm astounded you can tell if someone is going to be a pro or not by the age of 20.

Don't worry about it man, there are some here that rarely have anything other then negative shit to contribute...You notice he's not posting pics of himself up anywhere:rolleyes:
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Don't worry about it man, there are some here that rarely have anything other then negative shit to contribute...You notice he's not posting pics of himself up anywhere:rolleyes:

We have a guy here in Colorado that everyone doubted that he would ever do anything in the sport.... but google Allen Richards and see how he looks now!! It is possible to do anything if you set your mind to it... maybe not MR. O but pro status should be attainable in time!
Don't worry about it man, there are some here that rarely have anything other then negative shit to contribute...You notice he's not posting pics of himself up anywhere:rolleyes:

Many people don't realize the power that their words have. A positive comment, or even constructive criticism can help drive someone to do great things. A negative comment can sometimes crush someone's self confidence to go for for their dreams. Then, it is also the hurtful comments that drive a certain breed of us to push themselves that much harder as a fuck you to the world. Pinkton is one very driven young man! You guys will watch his body evolve as this thread develops. I believe in him. A very famous trainer who has turned several guys into mass monster/pros in a few short years believes on him.
Many people don't realize the power that their words have. A positive comment, or even constructive criticism can help drive someone to do great things. A negative comment can sometimes crush someone's self confidence to go for for their dreams. Then, it is also the hurtful comments that drive a certain breed of us to push themselves that much harder as a fuck you to the world. Pinkton is one very driven young man! You guys will watch his body evolve as this thread develops. I believe in him. A very famous trainer who has turned several guys into mass monster/pros in a few short years believes on him.

With the right guidance and having a proper drive for success... it will happen. He is young.. wait til muscle maturity starts to happen!
Here is today's Pinkton photo. The kid has amazing shape and his legs are huge! You have to realize that he just turned 20, he won both teen shows he competed in, and gear is fairly new to his body. Blasting is brand new to this kid. He is going to change on a regular basis as this thread develops. The little bit of water and baby fat he was carrying less than a week ago has already disappeared from changing his gear stack and tweaking his diet.


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**broken link removed**His build is similiar to mine but years younger... going to kill it
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Today Pinkton did more syntherol biceps shots. He trained legs but I had him take a bicep pic even though the blood was in his legs. His legs are growing so fast. The syntherol is really bringing the bicep peak up.


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keep it up guys!

jj is pinkton following a similar approach to you as far as staying on hormones, or how are you going about cycle lengths, blood work etc?
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I wonder what it will look like when he is lean.
keep it up guys!

jj is pinkton following a similar approach to you as far as staying on hormones, or how are you going about cycle lengths, blood work etc?

He is on much, much lower doses. I don't want to hurt the kid. We did a one month bulk phase. He's now on a mini hardening phase to solidify gains. We completely rotated to new compounds for the hardening phase. After the hardening phase comes a cruise with an increase in syntherol to maintain the size and confidence that comes with it. That's one of the best things about syntherol. You can put a little in every muscle group while on a 500mg test only cruise and every guy at the gym will ask how you are growing so fast. His gear doses now on the hardening phase are just that above cruising doses but we're pounding the igf1-lr3 which Pinkton responds to like no one else I've worked with. It pumps up each of his muscles upon inject. We use a DAT THEORY employing micro injects all throughout the body to keep as much igf1 localized as possible.

Blood work hasn't been discussed as of yet. His doses aren't high enough to warrant it IMO.
He is on much, much lower doses. I don't want to hurt the kid. We did a one month bulk phase. He's now on a mini hardening phase to solidify gains. We completely rotated to new compounds for the hardening phase. After the hardening phase comes a cruise with an increase in syntherol to maintain the size and confidence that comes with it. That's one of the best things about syntherol. You can put a little in every muscle group while on a 500mg test only cruise and every guy at the gym will ask how you are growing so fast. His gear doses now on the hardening phase are just that above cruising doses but we're pounding the igf1-lr3 which Pinkton responds to like no one else I've worked with. It pumps up each of his muscles upon inject. We use a DAT THEORY employing micro injects all throughout the body to keep as much igf1 localized as possible.

Blood work hasn't been discussed as of yet. His doses aren't high enough to warrant it IMO.

thanks jj. and you guys started this cycle a month ago?
He is on much, much lower doses. I don't want to hurt the kid. We did a one month bulk phase. He's now on a mini hardening phase to solidify gains. We completely rotated to new compounds for the hardening phase. After the hardening phase comes a cruise with an increase in syntherol to maintain the size and confidence that comes with it. That's one of the best things about syntherol. You can put a little in every muscle group while on a 500mg test only cruise and every guy at the gym will ask how you are growing so fast. His gear doses now on the hardening phase are just that above cruising doses but we're pounding the igf1-lr3 which Pinkton responds to like no one else I've worked with. It pumps up each of his muscles upon inject. We use a DAT THEORY employing micro injects all throughout the body to keep as much igf1 localized as possible.

Blood work hasn't been discussed as of yet. His doses aren't high enough to warrant it IMO.

sounds like he is ok with being a pin cushion lol. that alone takes mental toughness as the weeks go on....
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thanks jj. and you guys started this cycle a month ago?

February was a blast cycle of test cyp, deca, inject dbol, and inject adrol, with low dose serostim and insulin. Total dose 1,800mg.

March is a hardening cycle of low doses of test, tren, and npp, with high dose igf1-Lr3. Igf1 is only used eod. Total AAS dose 1 gram.

Cruising was employed in December and January with 500mg test, nothing else.
This is great! Love reading about the progress and seeing it!

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My bicep is currently bruised to crap after I had blood spewing out of an injection in my bicep yesterday lol.

Here's about a year and a half difference between these pics. After pic was taken yesterday. Synthol has blown my arms up like crazy.



Massive difference Pinkton. Well done!

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