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Rest pause and delts

Correct, i agree. And miss spoke...something needs to increase for the mechanical tention to remain constant since the body adapted to the previous.
I really love talking about training and nutrition so I appreciate the discussion.
I am one of those guys that tries to beat the logbook and i apply that to every exercise.

Dropsets, rest pause etc just increase the density of the training. Basically you squeeze more effective reps on those.
When i do dropsets for example like 10+10+10
I rarely "close" a set, if i close it it didn't went well, you aim for 10 reps, but wait you aim is failure before the 10 reps.

Back on topic I prefer to use dropsets for lateral delt movements, rest pause doesn't seem to fit well.

I love drop sets for everything and i add them in max 3 exercise per workout or they completely fry my CNS.

During my last cut i trained without logbook.... And went really great, maybe i was just on less mental pressure.

What i was doing is that:
(Say that you are already warmed up)
-put on a weight which i know I can do around 10-12 reps
-do all the reps i can do
-reduce weight by 20-25%
-do all the reps i can do (backoff) OR i do dropsets (max 3 per session)
-next exercise
Do you guys think static holds actually increase hypertrophy? I would assume they add mechanical tension to a set??
Do you guys think static holds actually increase hypertrophy? I would assume they add mechanical tension to a set??
I'm a believer if you exhaust the muscle and work it hard ... hypertrophy

static imo wont directly do this but will indirectly help you to hypertrophy
I’m 37.
I’m nothing special but I’m okay.
😂 and John built his physique on moving heavy ass weights.
Even Johns routines have built in progressive overload.

How do the vast majority of pros train?
They move some damn heavy weight.
Hunter Labrada, Sean Clarida, , Nick, come on buddy.

Your posts are like reading a personal trainers manual
Just stopping by to say I know that mirror and those lockers… 🤨
I could have sworn someone posted videos of some new rear delt exercises on here don't see them. Anyone have any favorites they like to really hit the rear with high reps or even dropset?
Yes, “Metabolic stress and damage have been disproven.” and proven to be counterproductive.
Where/when were they disproven?

The purpose of Blood Flow Restriction training is to increase metabolic stress with minimal tension and is still being used to prevent atrophy and recover from injuries today.
Where/when were they disproven?
The purpose of Blood Flow Restriction training is to increase metabolic stress with minimal tension and is still being used to prevent atrophy and recover from injuries today.
I was not referring to Blood Flow Restriction. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

If I can find some articles on this subject I will post them, can’t find them.
Where/when were they disproven?

I was not referring to Blood Flow Restriction. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

If I can find some articles on this subject I will post them, can’t find them.
FYI, it had to do with metabolic conditioning.
I could have sworn someone posted videos of some new rear delt exercises on here don't see them. Anyone have any favorites they like to really hit the rear with high reps or even dropset?
Rear delt swings like dusty and JM, high rep cable rear delt flies, band pull apart
Bumping this up. Thinking of adding rear delt BB rows to chin or lat pulldown to chin leaning back to hit these better. Wondering if anyone does either exercises? If so do you do them explosive or with a pause in the contacted position? Been looking on you tube I see both methods.
Bumping this up. Thinking of adding rear delt BB rows to chin or lat pulldown to chin leaning back to hit these better. Wondering if anyone does either exercises? If so do you do them explosive or with a pause in the contacted position? Been looking on you tube I see both methods.
You need to use unilateral isolation movements to get the mind-muscle connection - with compound movements it's inevitable that others muscles get involved, limiting rear delt development.

The way I hit them is:
  • Set cable-pulley to shoulder height
  • Position arm at peak of a lateral raise - medial delt parallel to floor, elbow bent 90 degrees, fist facing forward with overhand grip
  • Using a single handle attachment, pull back at the elbow and do a row for you rear delt
The ROM should be very small, like less than 5 inches - more than that and you're not isolating the rear delt. I got this from seeing Jose Raymond do a very similar movement with dumbbells.

May not be the perfect movement for you but it's all I've used. In the interest of transparency my shoulders were always good even years before lifting - I've never done more than 4 sets per week for rear delts.
You need to use unilateral isolation movements to get the mind-muscle connection - with compound movements it's inevitable that others muscles get involved, limiting rear delt development.

The way I hit them is:
  • Set cable-pulley to shoulder height
  • Position arm at peak of a lateral raise - medial delt parallel to floor, elbow bent 90 degrees, fist facing forward with overhand grip
  • Using a single handle attachment, pull back at the elbow and do a row for you rear delt
The ROM should be very small, like less than 5 inches - more than that and you're not isolating the rear delt. I got this from seeing Jose Raymond do a very similar movement with dumbbells.

May not be the perfect movement for you but it's all I've used. In the interest of transparency my shoulders were always good even years before lifting - I've never done more than 4 sets per week for rear delts.
This is a new one I will have to try. I have did unilateral reverse flyes on the cables and even pec Dec I'm bumping my volume up for them so wanted to have 1-2 compounds per week and a lot of isolation. When you say 5 inches ROM, is this 5 inches from the fully contracted position?
This is a new one I will have to try. I have did unilateral reverse flyes on the cables and even pec Dec I'm bumping my volume up for them so wanted to have 1-2 compounds per week and a lot of isolation. When you say 5 inches ROM, is this 5 inches from the fully contracted position?
If you have long arms this will likely work better. I have long arms and I never felt my rear delts on a reverse pec deck or fly.

When I say 5 inches or less I mean from fully stretched to fully contracted. I actually just pulled out a tape measure and the ROM for me is 4 inches or slightly less. The rear delt is one of the smallest muscles so it should have a small range of motion. Don't start the lawnmower like guys do on DB rows.

Finally, you know I've said this many times and I'm doing it again because your post shows you need to hear it - 99.9% of the time more volume is not the answer to growing a muscle. It's improving the mind-muscle connection, finding exercises that best target it for you, and eating more.
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If you have long arms this will likely work better. I have long arms and I never felt my rear delts on a reverse pec deck or fly.

When I say 5 inches or less I mean from fully stretched to fully contracted. I actually just pulled out a tape measure and the ROM for me is 4 inches or slightly less. The rear delt is one of the smallest muscles so it should have a small range of motion. Don't start the lawnmower like guys do on DB rows.

Finally, you know I've said this many times and I'm doing it again because your post shows you need to hear it - 99.9% of the time more volume is not the answer to growing a muscle. It's improving the mind-muscle connection, finding exercises that best target it for you, and eating more.
Thank you for clarifying. I have definitely been doing the lawnmower motion for both side and rear on unilateral cables, that's actually what is being pushed now on all the social media I've seen "use a longer range of motion for side and rear delts." I will start trying the shorter. And I agree I feel like in the past I've never felt them well like Tris, bis, etc so I was going to try hitting them more often, with different movements, try and find that movement that I do really feel them working and stick with it. But like you said if I'm not hitting them and just moving weight from A to B more volume is just a dog chasing it's tail.
You need to use unilateral isolation movements to get the mind-muscle connection - with compound movements it's inevitable that others muscles get involved, limiting rear delt development.

The way I hit them is:
  • Set cable-pulley to shoulder height
  • Position arm at peak of a lateral raise - medial delt parallel to floor, elbow bent 90 degrees, fist facing forward with overhand grip
  • Using a single handle attachment, pull back at the elbow and do a row for you rear delt
The ROM should be very small, like less than 5 inches - more than that and you're not isolating the rear delt. I got this from seeing Jose Raymond do a very similar movement with dumbbells.

May not be the perfect movement for you but it's all I've used. In the interest of transparency my shoulders were always good even years before lifting - I've never done more than 4 sets per week for rear delts.
Exact way i hit them 💯
I did this last night I did feel it but will need to really connect better next time. I definitely think unilateral is best for delts even though it takes longer if doing multiple sets. I watched Raymond on a few YouTube and see he uses the short ROM for many Rd movements. Crazy that there are so many people lately saying the opposite do the lawnmower take the muscle through full rom.
Bumping this up. Thinking of adding rear delt BB rows to chin or lat pulldown to chin leaning back to hit these better. Wondering if anyone does either exercises? If so do you do them explosive or with a pause in the contacted position? Been looking on you tube I see both methods.
BB raises to chin slow steady with very slight pause on working reps often doing a hold on the final rep til I can’t 3-5 sets on delt day sometimes on back day if I’m blast traps
BB raises to chin slow steady with very slight pause on working reps often doing a hold on the final rep til I can’t 3-5 sets on delt day sometimes on back day if I’m blast traps
Do you do them standing almost like an upright row or bent over? What rep range do you like?

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