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What body part gets the most attention?

What body part gets the most attention?

  • arms

    Votes: 305 45.3%
  • shoulders

    Votes: 90 13.4%
  • back

    Votes: 43 6.4%
  • abdominals

    Votes: 86 12.8%
  • legs

    Votes: 49 7.3%
  • chest

    Votes: 101 15.0%

  • Total voters


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Jul 29, 2006
I know this question just begs for the obvious, but please, no jokes here
(about male "parts"). We've all head them before.

The Poll question is . . . from the general public, both men and women
alike, what male body part do you think draws the most attention?


Let us say for conversation purposes, that all body parts are equally,
proportionally developed and defined. And you are in great condition,
tanned and shaved, bla, bla, bla.

You are at the beach. Or maybe you are lounging by the pool at a
major resort hotel. You are in shorts / bathing suit (not your posing briefs)
so all body parts are clearly visible.

From the general public, both men and women alike, what male body part
do you think draws the most attention?

I think it's abdominals.

Please cast your vote.
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You are at the beach. Or maybe you are lounging by the pool at a
major resort hotel. You are in shorts / bathing suit (not your posing briefs)
so all body parts are clearly visible.

Wanted to reiterate this.

I think it's kinda tie... shoulders, chest, abs... legs would be next
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The first thing I look for when a woman is wearing a revealing outfit (bathing suit) is definately glutes and then abs.

As a guy, at the beach I'm usually most self-conscious about upperchest and keeping a tight midsection.
I think most women check out a man's abs and butt first
men usually are judging by arm size IMO
people who arent around weight lifters, or dont go the gym, usually will notice a guy with big traps first, just because its rare for them to see a guy's traps showing through a shirt.
i think arms because no ,atter where i am at everyone ask me how big my arms oh ya and what i bench.but most girls do like a guy with abs::port-smi
people who arent around weight lifters, or dont go the gym, usually will notice a guy with big traps first, just because its rare for them to see a guy's traps showing through a shirt.

yea def agree with this statement about the traps because they are not part of your typical frat boy beach body. But I still think abs take the cake

I voted for one, but....I will say its not just one.....it's arms, shoulders, and abs........ok......... legs, glutes, hams.................and chest....lol, all parts.
People will notice whatever you have, some people have a preference for abs over arms or vice versa. But lets say you have everything, great back, legs, chest, arms, shoulders, abs, traps... people will always be drawn to the arms / abs. Even if you don't have a great chest or back, you can still get away with looking like a bber (to average folk) as long as you don't have moobs. Arms + abs for sure. That's why all the abercrombie models are all arms + abs. :rolleyes:
i think arms because no ,atter where i am at everyone ask me how big my arms oh ya and what i bench.but most girls do like a guy with abs::port-smi

It's cause you have a shirt on... or they are extremely out of proportion.
let me flip the question a little bit. what part of a woman i look for(i've had this conversation too many times:p) is different from what another guy is into and is different from what a woman looks at, is different from what another woman looks at, etc... see where i'm going. there is no consensus. we're all different. impressed by different things.
I think abs would take the show, but arms any other time when clothes are on.
Hands down shoulders will win. Mainly your shirt is always gonna be on. Arms can be noticed but if your narrow you wont get much. Having big ass shoulders makes everything look bigger from the front and back. Even skinny dudes with wide ass clavicals look like they workout even when they dont with a shirt on.
I am too old to get noticed!:D
Your body may look great, don't expect too much attention if you have an ugly face...

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Def chest. Even walking from a distance, what is the most obvious and biggest? Chest right? If you have a good chest and it sticks out you can clearly see that through a shirt
Cannon ball shoulders...big round shoulders make the back look wider, waist smaller, and make arms appear even larger in a tee or polo.
Your body may look great, don't expect too much attention if you have an ugly face...


Sad true.

I just like to take a moment and thank mom and dad for giving me something worth a shit genetically. As far as bbing goes, I really got screw on that one, lol.

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