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Fitness expo shenanigans

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[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj5wj1YcRZE"]Rich Piana Minutes BEFORE Mac Trucc Attack - LA Fit Expo - YouTube[/ame]

watch this.....still think this is real...???

Hard to know.

I wouldn't be surprised if the macc truck guy did this to try to bring attention to himself. Who knows though...
I watched the entirety on everything that went on, Mac started it Rich TRIED to ask Mac to leave and NOT to start anything at the expo. Mac is a giant douche bag, like Rich or NOT he didn't do anything wrong that day. Look on YouTube and watch from start to finish. Mac Truck is still trying to build his name off Rich, dude is a joke.

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that's kinda what im getting at..

seemed like Rich wasn't wanting it to be a street fight..

seemed like he was trying to have the altercation have some structure and organization for the purpose of AVOIDING cheap tricks and sucker punches..

maybe im just weird, but here's how I saw it.

-Rich standing behind rope divider:

"would you like to take it outside to fight? or no?

-Macc seeing that Rich is standing behind rope divider which would greatly impede his ability to give chase:

"...would I like to fight..hmmm...hmmmmmm..... *BAP* ......*pulls Houdini and disappears into crowd*..."

just seemed like kinda a pussy move to me..

in the hood im from (Belvedere Island), we call that a pussy move

It is a pussy move but people are assholes and that should be expected....espcially from a man who calls himself "mac truck"
Whatever it is, it's a clown show!
I watched the entirety on everything that went on, Mac started it Rich TRIED to ask Mac to leave and NOT to start anything at the expo. Mac is a giant douche bag, like Rich or NOT he didn't do anything wrong that day. Look on YouTube and watch from start to finish. Mac Truck is still trying to build his name off Rich, dude is a joke.

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Exactly. I don't like either of them but Mac Trucc is an idiot. Obviously just doing it to raise his profile. I watched a few of his vids (awful) after he left 5% and he needs to do things like this to get more viewers. He was getting a few thousand views for most vids so obviously needs this to build his reputation... very sad.

It's weird to me how many Americans are so quick to sue. I don't know the exact figures but I believe the US leads the % of lawsuits in the world by a very long way. I agree with Tenny on this one about just settling your differences either verbally or physically. If someone punched me in the face and I was ok (didn't have to pay medical bills etc) I think it's wrong that I could sue them (and win) over it. Too many people are too quick to see what they can get ($) from someone else these days.
Is Rich P. going for the Jack Frost look now? :D
I believe the US leads the % of lawsuits in the world by a very long way.

that's because, IIRC, in most places in the US, you don't have to pay the other side's lawyer fees if you lose (I.E. for frivolous lawsuits).

change that rule, and watch the lawsuits plummet lol..
Maybe if Paulo Almeida see's this he will comment. He was there and friends with Rich.
I watched a video of Mac truck answering questions about how he supports his lifestyle. He goes on to talk about how his wife had a good job in medical field, selling pills he gets off people, stripping, selling knock off Jordan's and calls himself a hustler. Pretty much everything but going out and actually getting a job and people in comment section applaud him for 'keeping it real'
This Macc Truck guy has 6k instagram followers. You can like Rich P or not, but why would he even get involved with someone so small. Just ignore him.
That is foolish, I would sue his ass.

in no way a personal attack but....
that's really fucking lame modern _____ move. lol

its essentially a slap in the face. no damage done. who cares.

people love to talk all tuff on the computer but modern times have removed basically removed the cultural importance of a good old fashion beat beet down. you just don't see it anymore, and at the rare time you do ppl are all shocked.

BOTH of these guys probably would be well served by the above. lol
prob aint gona happen. lol
in no way a personal attack but....
that's really fucking lame modern _____ move. lol

its essentially a slap in the face. no damage done. who cares.

people love to talk all tuff on the computer but modern times have removed basically removed the cultural importance of a good old fashion beat beet down. you just don't see it anymore, and at the rare time you do ppl are all shocked.

BOTH of these guys probably would be well served by the above. lol
prob aint gona happen. lol

If the guy that threw that punch wanted to prove his manhood then he would have stepped outside with Rich, but instead he threw a sucker punch in a crowded room where other people could have been hurt. I would have respect for him and it would be safer for him to go outside and fight but instead he chose to sneak attack in a crowded room. He endangered others in the room too. There could have been children in that room that might have been trampled over by running 250 lbs+ men. Wasn't that in an expo? Lots of families in there, women and children.

That guy is nothing but a punk and it would be good for him to learn a lesson from a law suit rather than other alternatives. I don't know about where you live, but around here in the city if someone throws a punch like that they are likely to get stabbed or shot. If he does that to the wrong guy later on in his life he is going to end up shot and dead face down in some ally. This is the sort of thing that is happening all over in big cities.
If the guy that threw that punch wanted to prove his manhood then he would have stepped outside with Rich, but instead he threw a sucker punch in a crowded room where other people could have been hurt. I would have respect for him and it would be safer for him to go outside and fight but instead he chose to sneak attack in a crowded room. He endangered others in the room too. There could have been children in that room that might have been trampled over by running 250 lbs+ men. Wasn't that in an expo? Lots of families in there, women and children.

That guy is nothing but a punk and it would be good for him to learn a lesson from a law suit rather than other alternatives. I don't know about where you live, but around here in the city if someone throws a punch like that they are likely to get stabbed or shot. If he does that to the wrong guy later on in his life he is going to end up shot and dead face down in some ally. This is the sort of thing that is happening all over in big cities.

I do agree with you that he could have injured others by fighting in a crowded room during an expo. But if someone came up to me and asked me to fight the very next thing I'm doing is swinging on him regardless of where I'm at. That's just reality these days.
You say that MT is a punk and could get stabbed or shot for doing what he did. IMO a punk would be someone who pulls a knife or gun because they can't fist fight.
There is two sides to this whole thing that happened and I do see both sides. I just don't have an issue of how it went down either.
. That's just reality these days.

Exactly. Guys get killed all of the time these days for shit like this. The homicide rate is through the roof in many cities. Perhaps he pulled that shit because he knew that nothing bad was going to happen to him in such a crowded place and that Rick wasn't a punk, but I think that if he acts like this in a very open public place just think how he would be acting on the street if someone pissed him off. You just cant go around punching out someone because they piss you off. If he keeps it up he will end up either in jail or on a slab.
"Mack Truck" will probably end up somewhere like this someday. In this video you see a couple of guys walk up and sucker punch 2 men from behind and one get knocked out cold. This sort of activity belongs in a prison.

[ame=http://video.foxnews.com/v/5275757663001/?#sp=show-clips]Warning, graphic video: Violent prison brawl caught on tape| Latest News Videos | Fox News[/ame]
Sucker punch or not, Mac trucc better hope Rich doesn't sue him.

You can talk all the shit you want to someone but once he put his hands on Rich, that's physical assault.

Especially when its captured on video. If its a real video somebody may have too pay up. You cant put your hands on people,,thats assault.
If the guy that threw that punch wanted to prove his manhood then he would have stepped outside with Rich, but instead he threw a sucker punch in a crowded room where other people could have been hurt. I would have respect for him and it would be safer for him to go outside and fight but instead he chose to sneak attack in a crowded room. He endangered others in the room too. There could have been children in that room that might have been trampled over by running 250 lbs+ men. Wasn't that in an expo? Lots of families in there, women and children.

That guy is nothing but a punk and it would be good for him to learn a lesson from a law suit rather than other alternatives. I don't know about where you live, but around here in the city if someone throws a punch like that they are likely to get stabbed or shot. If he does that to the wrong guy later on in his life he is going to end up shot and dead face down in some ally. This is the sort of thing that is happening all over in big cities.

I guess everyone has a different definition of what a sucker punch actually is in this case. I can tell you right now, I good give 2 craps if someone is calling me a pussy and wants to fight, that means absolutely nothing to me. I don't need to prove my manhood to anyone. 10 yrs ago, completely different story lol
I've had people running their mouths like Rich was and I put one on their chin. I wasn't a "talker", I was a "do-er". I did it just like this MT guy did. That, my friend, is NOT a sucker punch. A "sucker punch" would be if Rich was running his pisser and MT walked away only to come back and hit him when he wasn't paying attention. Rich was looking at him the entire time. He didn't have his back to him, bend down to tie his shoes, nothing. He was looking at him the whole ordeal. If you're going to run your mouth, be prepared for it to be touched by something you don't want touching it.

I don't think fighting makes anyone a man, not saying that. But if you're running your mouth, be ready at all times. I get what you're saying maldorf and I respect your opinion, but the whole "taking it outside" is laughable. Someone says "let's go outside", you better get ready right then and there, forget that outside nonsense. Why walk out and fight, do it right there. I've gotten in fights in a moving vehicle, when your adrenaline is going, you aren't concerned with the safety of others. That's all I'm saying.

I think it was a cute punch
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