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New pictures

b-boy asked for recent front and rear shots and I had none at the time of my post.
Here are some taken this morning with my lovely Hawaii sunburn.
I thank my dad for the Scottish tanning ability and lower back fat.

I am about 218 now and have been out of the gym for a week.
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The guy gets flamed left and right nowadays but look at some of the things arthur jones said 40 years ago and then look at whats being said here:

"Judge your progress by measurable strength increases; when you can perform the same number of
repetitions with twice as much resistance, then your muscles will be at least twice as big as they
were at the start – and probably more than twice as big."

"Do not make any attempt to compare yourself with any other individual – unless you happen to
have an identical twin, and there are some physical differences even then; far too many factors are
involved to make it possible to compare individuals on a rational basis."

"Do NOT make the mistake of trying to add muscular size by "bulking up" – adding fatty tissue;
such fatty tissue is not muscle and cannot become muscle – and newly-added fat cells, once added,
can be completely removed only by surgery. You can reduce the size of fat cells, but you cannot
entirely remove the cell itself – and unlike muscle fibers, fat cells CAN BE INCREASED IN
The guy gets flamed left and right nowadays but look at some of the things arthur jones said 40 years ago and then look at whats being said here:

"Judge your progress by measurable strength increases; when you can perform the same number of
repetitions with twice as much resistance, then your muscles will be at least twice as big as they
were at the start – and probably more than twice as big."

"Do not make any attempt to compare yourself with any other individual – unless you happen to
have an identical twin, and there are some physical differences even then; far too many factors are
involved to make it possible to compare individuals on a rational basis."

"Do NOT make the mistake of trying to add muscular size by "bulking up" – adding fatty tissue;
such fatty tissue is not muscle and cannot become muscle – and newly-added fat cells, once added,
can be completely removed only by surgery. You can reduce the size of fat cells, but you cannot
entirely remove the cell itself – and unlike muscle fibers, fat cells CAN BE INCREASED IN
ha ha bodybuilding is quite simplistic is it not???? ;)
ha ha bodybuilding is quite simplistic is it not???? ;)


Im going to tell this to you, and you'll probably bash me (in a good way) because, everything you said about me is very true...

Everytime, I get it in my head that Im going to do a show (at least for the past 3-4 years) I start doing everything I need to do right (eating, training, ect,ect) It's when I have a set goal in my head, that's when I start making progress in the gym..And it's like overnight, I mean you can see me change almost workout by workout (fitSarah see's this happen's right before her eye's) I'll start at the same bodyweight like I have been for the past few years (around 245lbs, in ok decent shape, but far from my best) then within a month I'll be a hard (not contest ready) 235-238lbs within a month from now...(Im dieting down for the ON/ABB Photo shoots, at Jr.nats - See my GOAL) Then after 8 weeks from now, I'll be a close to contest ready 228-232lbs (well within 4-8lbs of contest weight)...It's been like that for a few years now, the offseason for me just doesnt do it for me anymore...IDK ??? My offseason for the past few years, have been more crappy workouts, and dealing with other life problems (that I dont want to deal with when I get ready for shows) So its just a revolving circle for me, every year...I still want to compete at a higher level now, but honestly its not as important to me as when I was in my mid twenty's...Plus, I feel like I would have to up my supersupplments to a higher level to compete as a superheavy...Everytime I do try to do that, I feel horriable, and get headaches, ect, ect...I dont know if my genetics wont allow me to up my doses on my supplements, but for some reason it just seems to make me feel like crap (healthwise, doesnt bother me mentally)...So I guess, im just going to focus on being more consistant with training, and eating...Do moderate doses of supplements, and see what happens...Honestly, right now, at this point in my life im very happy, so I'll just let things fall where they want...

EDIT - Also, when I stop to think about it to, when I got with Sarah a few years ago, and had gracey...The importance of bodybuilding fell down my list a little bit...Not that I dont want to be a pro anymore (trust me I do) its just hard to find the right balance of being a great father, husband and to compete on the national level is a hard balance to find...I wouldve never said this 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago...But hearing, "Daddy come look at me," means so much more to me than winning a national title...But, still in the back of my mind I want both things, that damn national title and my little girl, and sarah there to see me do it...Arrrgggghhhh, it can be fustrating at times...LOL !!!

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Im going to tell this to you, and you'll probably bash me (in a good way) because, everything you said about me is very true...

Everytime, I get it in my head that Im going to do a show (at least for the past 3-4 years) I start doing everything I need to do right (eating, training, ect,ect) It's when I have a set goal in my head, that's when I start making progress in the gym..And it's like overnight, I mean you can see me change almost workout by workout (fitSarah see's this happen's right before her eye's) I'll start at the same bodyweight like I have been for the past few years (around 245lbs, in ok decent shape, but far from my best) then within a month I'll be a hard (not contest ready) 235-238lbs within a month from now...(Im dieting down for the ON/ABB Photo shoots, at Jr.nats - See my GOAL) Then after 8 weeks from now, I'll be a close to contest ready 228-232lbs (well within 4-8lbs of contest weight)...It's been like that for a few years now, the offseason for me just doesnt do it for me anymore...IDK ??? My offseason for the past few years, have been more crappy workouts, and dealing with other life problems (that I dont want to deal with when I get ready for shows) So its just a revolving circle for me, every year...I still want to compete at a higher level now, but honestly its not as important to me as when I was in my mid twenty's...Plus, I feel like I would have to up my supersupplments to a higher level to compete as a superheavy...Everytime I do try to do that, I feel horriable, and get headaches, ect, ect...I dont know if my genetics wont allow me to up my doses on my supplements, but for some reason it just seems to make me feel like crap (healthwise, doesnt bother me mentally)...So I guess, im just going to focus on being more consistant with training, and eating...Do moderate doses of supplements, and see what happens...Honestly, right now, at this point in my life im very happy, so I'll just let things fall where they want...

EDIT - Also, when I stop to think about it to, when I got with Sarah a few years ago, and had gracey...The importance of bodybuilding fell down my list a little bit...Not that I dont want to be a pro anymore (trust me I do) its just hard to find the right balance of being a great father, husband and to compete on the national level is a hard balance to find...I wouldve never said this 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago...But hearing, "Daddy come look at me," means so much more to me than winning a national title...But, still in the back of my mind I want both things, that damn national title and my little girl, and sarah there to see me do it...Arrrgggghhhh, it can be fustrating at times...LOL !!!


Hey Chris I just highlighted the real reasons that you aren't a super yet. You said it not me. You don't see results when you are having crappy inconsistent workouts but you see overnight changes when you set your mind to a goal and are consistant. It's not lack of drugs that's the problem but lack of consistancy. Thanks for clearing that up for yourself.;)
Hey Chris I just highlighted the real reasons that you aren't a super yet. You said it not me. You don't see results when you are having crappy inconsistent workouts but you see overnight changes when you set your mind to a goal and are consistant. It's not lack of drugs that's the problem but lack of consistancy. Thanks for clearing that up for yourself.;)


I know these things.. I know why Im not a super yet...It's just finding that right balance of dealing with life and focusing on bodybuilding..Im not trying to sound like im whinning about it or anything...I know what I need to do, its just that balance thing I need to work out...

but thank you for your honeslty


I know these things.. I know why Im not a super yet...It's just finding that right balance of dealing with life and focusing on bodybuilding..Im not trying to sound like im whinning about it or anything...I know what I need to do, its just that balance thing I need to work out...

but thank you for your honeslty

dusty nailed it faster than i can say peanutbutter sandwiches!!

I will say this about finding the balance chris, you really shouldn't have to focus that much on it because it should be a habit and a lifestyle. bodybuilding has become natural to me. I have always lifted weights and I will always do it for as long as im on this earth, so that pretty much is habit. I now eat a certain way and eat a certain amount of meals and that has become a lifestyle, it is part of my life and i don't have to figure out how to do it and balance it. My kids know that daddy works out on these certain days at this certain time (I will adjust that if I have to on certain days to accomodate my family) and my kids know that when we do go somewhere we figure how long we will be there so we can cook and pack daddy some food or go somewhere to eat right after. It is natural to my family now, and on really shitty hectic (the sky is falling) days then I will miss a workout but I will reschedule my weeks workout to make sure it was a back day that i missed (cause I can afford to miss a few back workouts..LOL). You will never have to balance whats NATURAL in your life Chris :)
dusty nailed it faster than i can say peanutbutter sandwiches!!

I will say this about finding the balance chris, you really shouldn't have to focus that much on it because it should be a habit and a lifestyle. bodybuilding has become natural to me. I have always lifted weights and I will always do it for as long as im on this earth, so that pretty much is habit. I now eat a certain way and eat a certain amount of meals and that has become a lifestyle, it is part of my life and i don't have to figure out how to do it and balance it. My kids know that daddy works out on these certain days at this certain time (I will adjust that if I have to on certain days to accomodate my family) and my kids know that when we do go somewhere we figure how long we will be there so we can cook and pack daddy some food or go somewhere to eat right after. It is natural to my family now, and on really shitty hectic (the sky is falling) days then I will miss a workout but I will reschedule my weeks workout to make sure it was a back day that i missed (cause I can afford to miss a few back workouts..LOL). You will never have to balance whats NATURAL in your life Chris :)

I love peanutbutter sandwiches!!!!!
Totally agree with the point that bodybuilding is a lifestyle and works itself naturally into our lives, schedules, etc. Sometimes it is number 3 on the list, sometimes number 2 on the list, etc...but as long as it stays in the top 5 you will find time to do it daily,weekly,monthly, and yearly. Everybody has funks, but as long as it stays in that top 5 list, you can get de-funked easily and start rolling again without delay.

Chris250 it sounds like you are rolling again and are into a groove, so that is great and I know you will have no problem because of your mentality. Kick some ass bro!
For me my better gains always came when my life was so busy that i had no oportunity to overcomplicate bodybuilding... when i had more free time I ended spending too much time in the gim, too often, too hard... when i had other problems in my mind my gains were better, all i need is 1-1.5 hours 3-4 days a week to train, meals doesn´t need you to think, you just eat, and that´s it...
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b-boy, I have to say it has been awhile since I have seen a thread that truly encompasses what bodybuilding is and it was refreshing to read this. As most of my closest friends will tell you I almost over simplify this sport along with everything else in my life but I feel that these are the reasons that I have found success. This sport is sooo simple that I can't help but laugh when I read all of these complicated diets, training strategies, and of course cycles because I have never heard of half of these things yet I seem to do okay.

I guess these are the reasons that I do so well under Dante's guidance because he knows ALL of these complicated theories and cut through all of the crap to find a basic way for guys like me to achieve our goals
just wanna bump up dusty's response because its so fucking true and i feel a lot of guys on this board can learn alot from this very statement!
Great thread b-boy!! I always like how you put things---straight up. Unfortunately alot of people aren't like that---which makes you one of the select few. I have to agree with you on alot of your points. Bodybuilding comes natural to me as well---cuz its my lifestyle----wouldn't know what to do if I couldnt train?? One of the best things for me both mentally and physically!! ;)

It's alright ................

I guess......

I mean...........

If you want to get big and strong and your goal is to grow into your full potential in record time and crush your previous best ever size..

Ok, on the keeping things simple note, here's a true (swear to god!) story:

The other day, I'm in the gym. A guy is there training with his younger training partner. They set up an E-Z curl bar with - are yuo ready - 2.5 lb plates on each side of the bar. They lean sideways over the Preacher bench and do something like 6 sets of one arm curls with this arrangement. All through the set there's lots of emphasis on "form," and "focus" - I'm sure there are more such terms, those were the only one I heard though.

Dante, that's got to give the one-arm tricep kickbacks a run for their money, LOL!

Ok, back to yuor regularly-scheduled program...

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