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I usually train 6 - 10 reps so :

Incline smith - 360 x 8
Squat - 540 x 8
Deads ( 3/4 ) - 585 x 6
Smith Military - 315 x 8

@ around 220lbs

I dont bench ( Rotator Problems )


  • 69466_439584183836_755348836_5323451_8106661_n.jpg
    30.2 KB · Views: 998
I usually train 6 - 10 reps so :

Incline smith - 360 x 8
Squat - 540 x 8
Deads ( 3/4 ) - 585 x 6
Smith Military - 315 x 8

@ around 220lbs

I dont bench ( Rotator Problems )

damn bro, great lifts and the physique shows it! thick dense mucle!!!! :headbang:
So, this may only apply to people who have been constantly improving upon thier lifts, maybe even hitting a plateua, beating the log book type of training. So, as I have discussed with others...now, do we just keep swapping exercises OR transition into a different level of training for periods of time. Or do we take this to new level of intensity level outside the beating the log type of training to break it up?

Basically, an example train DC style for 12 weeks (progression = intensity), then transition into 12 weeks of lets say John (aka the workout artist) Meadows style of training (Different scheme of training = different levels of intensity) to open up the gates for more growth?

Guys, I am just opening this thread up because there is a ton of great answers in this EXPERIMENT thread and points made that are very clear (Hint: newbies, beginners read this whole thread, take notes, it is real info from real dudes). And yes, I know genetics play a role, I get that, just open this up for further discussion. I doubt many of us are tapped out completely, and if so, I guess being real with yourself is the first thing to approach at that point. Read some of Phil's posts in the this thread, good stuff. Well, hell B-boy, shelby, DC, all have great posts, as do many others. Also, I learned alot just listening to Jason this year on many different angles which help a ton. Alex has also open my mind up a ton over the last year or so as well.

Always fun to discuss some basic concepts to advanced concepts...even though I know this ball game is not NASA, it is bodybuilding. Patience, consistency, and progression can play a major role!

my thoughts??? well with advanced individuals i believe you have to hit the muscle from different angles, and this may include excersises that you would probably normally not do. I know mountaindog1 had touched upon this subject before, you have to really get creative with your workouts the more advanced you get. You can still DC train but you may need to change up the excersises and get a lil creative with your selection.
I also am a fan of mixing up your training style, intensity, and volume every now and then... if nothing else it keeps me fresh and from being bored to death.
my thoughts??? well with advanced individuals i believe you have to hit the muscle from different angles, and this may include excersises that you would probably normally not do. I know mountaindog1 had touched upon this subject before, you have to really get creative with your workouts the more advanced you get. You can still DC train but you may need to change up the excersises and get a lil creative with your selection.
I also am a fan of mixing up your training style, intensity, and volume every now and then... if nothing else it keeps me fresh and from being bored to death.

This reminds me of a post by dante when he was talking about lagging bodyparts. If i remember correctly, he said something to the effect of " Get wierd with it". get some, or create some crazy wierd exercise to get just nasty strong in.
my thoughts??? well with advanced individuals i believe you have to hit the muscle from different angles, and this may include excersises that you would probably normally not do. I know mountaindog1 had touched upon this subject before, you have to really get creative with your workouts the more advanced you get. You can still DC train but you may need to change up the excersises and get a lil creative with your selection.
I also am a fan of mixing up your training style, intensity, and volume every now and then... if nothing else it keeps me fresh and from being bored to death.

Amen to that bro! That is why I was posting this because of our little discussion and tips you gave me via PM's a week or two ago. Opening up the eyes even further to all different levels of intensity, as you and John Meadows have done so. And it is fun to mix it up:headbang:

Awesome! Just a great thread for people to view :)
I usually train 6 - 10 reps so :

Incline smith - 360 x 8
Squat - 540 x 8
Deads ( 3/4 ) - 585 x 6
Smith Military - 315 x 8

@ around 220lbs

I dont bench ( Rotator Problems )

And damn DYA, looking awesome in that shot!
Thanks Guys,interesting thread.I train pretty low volume already,but im thinking of giving DC training ago in the near future when i rehab some injuries :(
This reminds me of a post by dante when he was talking about lagging bodyparts. If i remember correctly, he said something to the effect of " Get wierd with it". get some, or create some crazy wierd exercise to get just nasty strong in.

Basics to get the most grow the fastest... after that you make lagging bodyparts catch up via widowmakers=exercises that deeply stretch that muscle every rep while still allowing you to pile on the weight...of course it´s not always easy to find those exercises and creativity is required :headbang:
Thanks Guys,interesting thread.I train pretty low volume already,but im thinking of giving DC training ago in the near future when i rehab some injuries :(

PM dusty hanshaw and ask for his opinion
Great Read Im giving it a BUMP ... more threads should be like this maybe some previous posters can repost there lifts and see how it has improved there physique
just read the entire thread...bumping so others can see the knowledge within!
honestly i think you can have mediocre genetics and still be a pretty good bodybuilder at the national level (make the top 15 cut at nationals). but lets save the genetics discussion for another time, we don't want to open that can of worms :eek:

Ya, no need to start that discussion. But I'll say this.... I'm gonna prove you right. It may take 1 year or even 2 or 3 but that's my goal and I'll get there.

I posted my lifts and offseason pics on the first page. I've got a lot to learn but I pick up something new everyday. This is one years progression using low volume and heavy ass (relative to me) weight.

shit you keep transforming like that and you are well on your way bro :eek: what will be the hard part is when you really fill out your frame, then it gets hard from there to improve and still keep growing

Alright Bboy.... this thread has popped up in the back of my head time to time over the last couple years.... I had some set backs but kept pushing..... finally was able to get back on stage again this past weekend. Ended up 15 lbs heavier than the last time when this thread was created. Still gotta lot more work to do, and it's gonna take time..... but I will get there......

I usually train 6 - 10 reps so :

Incline smith - 360 x 8
Squat - 540 x 8
Deads ( 3/4 ) - 585 x 6
Smith Military - 315 x 8

@ around 220lbs

I dont bench ( Rotator Problems )

looking good mate, didnt know you posted here

it's lee blyths mate who was talking to you at seminar
Alright Bboy.... this thread has popped up in the back of my head time to time over the last couple years.... I had some set backs but kept pushing..... finally was able to get back on stage again this past weekend. Ended up 15 lbs heavier than the last time when this thread was created. Still gotta lot more work to do, and it's gonna take time..... but I will get there......

great! Now imagine what you can accomplish with NO setbacks
I usually train 6 - 10 reps so :

Incline smith - 360 x 8
Squat - 540 x 8
Deads ( 3/4 ) - 585 x 6
Smith Military - 315 x 8

@ around 220lbs

I dont bench ( Rotator Problems )

I just like to point out that Anth (dya on here) got his pro card about a month ago, looked great
Just read the entire thread. Thought a bump may help others; granted, it's a damn big bump. Apologies.

It's funny, I binned my regular training approach a few months ago in favour of a more powerlifting-type routine, and so far, so good!
I am going out of town this weekend for some much needed rest and relaxation, but when i get back early next week I want to post another thread "advanced size" which touches on something else that DC figured out a long time ago and that has been the emphasis on my offseason this year.

I also want everyone to closely read phil hernon's reply in this thread cause I think it was a really good one that nailed some of my past mistakes right on. You will eventually have to change something cause you just can't keep getting stronger and stronger forever. I am at that crossroad that I had to do something else to stimulate more growth, and i will explain the route that i am trying to take (once again something that DC figured out a long time ago).

In your first paragraph, you mention wanting to touch on something that "DC figured out a long time ago and has been the emphasis on my offseason this year."

Just curious if you could go into that.. I know this is an old thread, but it's one of the best I've ever seen on any bbing board..

the majority of your chest is in your upper chest region! inclines work your overall chest better. people have much stronger benches than inclines because their chest is actually weak. and they are incorporation more delt, lat and momentum with their bench press. show me a guy with a big ass incline and i'll show you a thick chest mofo.

couldnt disagree more.
i am shoulder dominant lifter and inclines do NOTHING for my chest at all. Like Phidias said, inclines do work the front delts well tho.

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