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Imporium Labs Almost Pro Log

Ya know Dante, if you would just drop in and share a few thoughts about training or maybe advice for Chris it would be golden. And thank you for what you said about Imporium. :)

Dante, I like you man. Please lets just get back to Chris's log. Ok buddy? If anyone of those guys want to drop in and share some views they're more than welcome. Just like you are. :)

I am looking forward to your protocol, training, and diet.

Your log is one I definitely will be following cause just look at you, your a beast.
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Sitting at 208 today
Pushing food big time il probly do an 800 g carb day tomorrow, 400 pro, 140 fats

I begin imporium blast in 1 week then it's time to turn it up!


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There is so much I want to say but out of respect for CG and CD I won't. Although I will state I completely believe what CD is using... why wouldn't I. Not all high levels competitors are abusing drugs... far from it. CG your reply post was incredible... thank you for that. Low dose or high dose I hope this log becomes everything we hoped the other one would be :eek:

I love your no bullshit style CG... you know what goes on. We knew anyway but when you rep for a big AAS seller you really do learn alot especially what MOST (not all) of the big guys are taking. Anyway enough of that crap and I will definitely be following this log.

CD good luck for your next show and it's great you decided to document your bodybuilding journey.
.CD good luck for your next show and it's great you decided to document .

Hey thank you man!! Appreciate it I'm looking forward to making this a cool log, it's gonna be a 12 week run but honestly I might as well make it the whole year so you guys can really see what goes on and how much time and effort really goes into it
Really looking forward to following all aspects of this log.

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Hoping to learn a lot from this log. Best of luck in your prep.
I'm still a few days out from start my blast guys, I hit chest today with arms, normally I would Justbhit chest and tris or chest alone but today felt like some arms too. As you can see weight means jack squat, I focus on control and squeeze, rotator was bugging me too on the left side been a few weeks which is odd only seems to bug me on incline stuff trying to see a chiropractor for this next week.

Incline bb only to warm up 3x 135x 10
Machine flat press 3 sets of 220lb, then a drop set about 25 reps
Flat fly, 3x 12. 35lb. 40lb and 50lb
Close grip press with dbells squeezing inner chest superset with cable flys 3x 12

Rope press down superset with dbell curls , ropes 100lb; dbell curls 50lb

Seated tricep extension superset with ropes high curls.
70lb x 20 for tris
40lb for curls
3 sets

Press downs superset w concentration curls
3x 15 reps
Press downs 140lb
Con. Curls 20lb


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bumping a great log
Hey guys wanted to update you all as this is a smart thing to do, got some blood work done, liver panel is looking pretty high i talked to CG about this, i know I'm anticipating this log as much as you guys are, and i will keep you posted the minute i begin my blast, I'm hoping to start next week after more bloodwork is done, as of now this will be my cycle with health concerns (liver) advised

wks 1-12 test 900-1200
wks 1-12 eq 1200 per wk
wks 9-12 inj anadrol 50mg ED
gh 5iu per day
I think concrete guys and dc post should all be removed now that it is del with, no need in this thread.

Dam dude ur legs look insane! Bring up the upper body to match and your golden. Any back pics?
That front double is just nasty. Definitely following this log.
Hey guys wanted to update you all as this is a smart thing to do, got some blood work done, liver panel is looking pretty high i talked to CG about this, i know I'm anticipating this log as much as you guys are, and i will keep you posted the minute i begin my blast, I'm hoping to start next week after more bloodwork is done, as of now this will be my cycle with health concerns (liver) advised

wks 1-12 test 900-1200

wks 1-12 eq 1200 per wk

wks 9-12 inj anadrol 50mg ED

gh 5iu per day

Dealing with high liver values as well what was your AST alt ? I have a thread "LIVER IS FUCKED" there is some really good advice for dealing with high levels.

I'm running

Liv 52
Turmeric /curcumin

Getting retested next weekend have been on this stack for 3 weeks. If it has made no improvement I'm moving over to

glutathione inj 600mg 2ce a week

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Dam dude ur legs look insane! Bring up the upper body to match and your golden. Any back pics?

Thanks man! Here's a whole body shot for comparison


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. Dealing with high liver values as well what was your AST alt ? I have a thread "LIVER IS FUCKED" there is some really good advice for dealing with high levels.

Ast 65
Alt 200

I've tried tudca for like 2 days I got the sh*ts I think I've read that's a side effect too.... Getting nac today I've been on synthergine for 6 weeks at 1.5 ml as well
Ast 65

Alt 200

I've tried tudca for like 2 days I got the sh*ts I think I've read that's a side effect too.... Getting nac today I've been on synthergine for 6 weeks at 1.5 ml as well

Tudca did that to me for the first three days it's bile if I'm not mistaken and protects the liver. My numbers were a lot higher then yours as well like 109 and over 300. but I was also drinking like a manic almost every weekend of the summer.

I'm hoping mine returns to normal after cleaning everything up

Will be following your progress.

Really look into glutathione (dont Bother with oral because it doesn't work ). From the studies and literature I have been reading it's really the one and only true thing that repairs the liver. They administer it to people with wasting illnesses through iv. And it's what the body ultimately converts NAC to.

The only reason I haven't started yet is because I was already on the stack I'm on for 2-3 weeks and want to see its effect on the blood work. If they are not normal I'm dropping everything and running that

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Ast 65
Alt 200

I've tried tudca for like 2 days I got the sh*ts I think I've read that's a side effect too.... Getting nac today I've been on synthergine for 6 weeks at 1.5 ml as well

What were you recently using that caused high ast/alt ?

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