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Imporium Labs Almost Pro Log

who's log is this? Tom Platz??

hehe trying to be!

Great log brother I'm lurking along in here keep going strong

thanks guys!

i had a killer back day the other day, SI joints are still bugging me so heres what i did,

pull ups 4 sets usually get 12-15
barbell rows- this one i do slow and controlled , to b honest i don't feel they really build the back up as much as tbars, but i still do em,
4 sets x 225lb x 12-15 reps
dbell rows on an incline bench, 60lb each side rowing together, 12 reps each, 4 sets
close grip pull downs superset with pull overs, 4 x 10 reps each
hyperextensions a few sets with a 25lb plate, super slow up and down

weight is still the same, less actually which is a pain, but definitely staying lean, around 210-211 now, i plan on reducing servings to 1.5 cups of rice each meal, rather than 2 cups, and increasing my fats, either 2 steak meals per day, or adding more almond butter to shakes, it seems that no matter how high my carbs are i just burn through them anyway, last week i hit 6-700 carbs a day and still got leaner, this is with no cardio as well
hehe trying to be!

thanks guys!

i had a killer back day the other day, SI joints are still bugging me so heres what i did,

pull ups 4 sets usually get 12-15
barbell rows- this one i do slow and controlled , to b honest i don't feel they really build the back up as much as tbars, but i still do em,
4 sets x 225lb x 12-15 reps
dbell rows on an incline bench, 60lb each side rowing together, 12 reps each, 4 sets
close grip pull downs superset with pull overs, 4 x 10 reps each
hyperextensions a few sets with a 25lb plate, super slow up and down

weight is still the same, less actually which is a pain, but definitely staying lean, around 210-211 now, i plan on reducing servings to 1.5 cups of rice each meal, rather than 2 cups, and increasing my fats, either 2 steak meals per day, or adding more almond butter to shakes, it seems that no matter how high my carbs are i just burn through them anyway, last week i hit 6-700 carbs a day and still got leaner, this is with no cardio as well
Looking awesome brother...
Damn, some big ass legs bruh :headbang:
so just about 4 weeks completed boys, some things to note early on, Imporium gear wow, smooth as hell, and feel just awesome, minimal if any pip, libido crazy high, fuller for sure, things are going good

today blasted some chest heres what i did, rotator is feeling a heck of a lot better too

incline smith, 225lb 4 sets of 12, last set drop set for 36 reps
decline dbell press 75lb 4 sets x 12-15 squeeze at the top
flat dbell press 85lb 4 sets x 10-12 reps
cable flys superset with decline hammer press 3 sets x 12 reps each
Question brother, if you are still leaning out on high carbs and burning through them, why are you reducing them?

hey rambo! i just felt that they were hindering digestion just too full or bloated between meals i reduced the carbs, and now bumped up the fats and appetite is increasing and stomach staying flat and lean now which is def better!
Man I had a killer leg day tonight even tho it as solo and late for me.

I did lying leg curls to warm up
4x 15 reps with 125lb
Leg extensions 4x 30 with 120lb this was brutal
Squats 4x 12 reps 235lb
Hack squats - 2 plates per side slow reps 4 sets x 10 reps
Lunges 3 sets
Single leg press with 2 plates 4 x 12 reps no break
Stiff leg deadlifts 5x 20 with 60lb dbells


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Looking great CD

Looks like IMP is doing a great job.

How's everything going?
Hey CD looking great. Thanks for doing the log. When you found out you had colitis how did your diet have to change? You mentioned you can no longer use oils as fat source but curious as to what other foods/supps now have to be avoided. Thanks and good luck on your journey.
. Looking great CD

Looks like IMP is doing a great job.

How's everything going?

Thanks bro!!
Yes sir imporium wow these guys I'm
Very thankful for!!

It's going good could be better but workouts are going killer

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