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People overestimate how quickly you lose muscle. It takes 3-4 weeks of not training to start losing actual muscle (which comes back with muscle memory).

1-2 day fast, especially with HGH is unlikely cause significant muscle loss, if any at all.

As @TheOtherOne55 said, guys who do this stuff and talk about it aren't focusing on bodybuilding.

I don't think 1-2 day fast will do much harm once in a while but it's also properly overrated. You could likely get the same or similar benefits from long term intermittent fasting.
I have terrible IBD, and it’s always been the limiting factor for me. During this last push, I actually have taken my 2 rest days a week to fast. Personally, as long as total weekly calories and protein are equated I’ve seen no difference so far I can notice vs when I forced the food daily.

I am on GH and plenty of gear though.
the body will utilize adipose stores for fuel before it starts to cannibalize muscle, if you fast for 72hrs you are going to lose almost 0 muscle unless you are like stage lean or some shit. The "autophagy" benefits have been exaggerated for the most part unknown as in that it is heightened during a fast. for pracap, it sure does reset insulin sensitivity though. Just monitor what supps you are taking in during he fast, some stuff can be especially hard on the liver and kidneys in the absence of food.

If you are doing a water fast ensure you are taking your electrolytes. I like snake juice: per 2L of water add, 1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt, 1 tsp potassium, 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate, 400mg Magnesium.
the body will utilize adipose stores for fuel before it starts to cannibalize muscle, if you fast for 72hrs you are going to lose almost 0 muscle unless you are like stage lean or some shit. The "autophagy" benefits have been exaggerated for the most part unknown as in that it is heightened during a fast. for pracap, it sure does reset insulin sensitivity though. Just monitor what supps you are taking in during he fast, some stuff can be especially hard on the liver and kidneys in the absence of food.

If you are doing a water fast ensure you are taking your electrolytes. I like snake juice: per 2L of water add, 1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt, 1 tsp potassium, 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate, 400mg Magnesium.
Ya know I could never get behind the Himalayan salt once I found out that the color is due to iron oxides
I like fasting for two purposes...

1. Shorter (12-18 hour) fast for mental sharpness. I just don't eat the first 5-6 hours I'm awake each day and I'm much sharper mentally

2. Calorie control during a diet. I like bigger meals at night

Other than that, I think there is a lot to be desired with the hard science. I do think there could be some benefits for some of the morbidly obese out there, and people with serious metabolic disorder, etc.
I like fasting for two purposes...

1. Shorter (12-18 hour) fast for mental sharpness. I just don't eat the first 5-6 hours I'm awake each day and I'm much sharper mentally

2. Calorie control during a diet. I like bigger meals at night

Other than that, I think there is a lot to be desired with the hard science. I do think there could be some benefits for some of the morbidly obese out there, and people with serious metabolic disorder, etc.
This is why I like it so much, bigger meals at night, wake up zero hunger all day. Coffee helps. You work, hit the gym, then fuel up 2 big meals, off to bed 8-9 hours sleep.
John Meadows was a big fan of fasting, but not more often than like once a month. I think his preferred method was: Saturday: Last meal Dinner - Sunday: First meal Dinner, and Sunday being a light day, no workouts, no dedicated cardio, just light activity with family or friends. That is not really much in the grand scheme of things, I'd argue that it even can be a very welcome change of pace during a bulk, especially when food volume just becomes unbearable. If you bulk for 5-6 months, 5-6 days of fasting spread out over this time frame are just noise. Especially on gear, and plenty of Kcals during the rest of the time.

I fasted for two weeks in my twenties, just water, coffee and some minerals. Still worked in construction Mon-Saturday during that. The last week was rough, haha. I was so weak, I could not carry my own tool box up the scaffolding anymore. I wasn't using any gear back then, and I'm convinced lost quite a bit of muscle mass. I felt mentally very sharp though, and my gut really like the fast, pretty much all of my gastric problems went away, even if the diet didn't really change afterwards.

Nowadays I may skip breakfast and have a late lunch at most, I don't have the willpower to go without food longer if my fridge is filled 😁
Depending on where one lives: I personally find it VERY difficult to stay warm during winters where I am when I fast/time restrict eat. I NEVER have this issue when fed, especially when eating carbs, but the thermostat sees a 10 degree swing depending on me being fed or not. I would be a lousy survivalist. lol
I had acid reflux that was getting bad so I decided not to eat for a week. Really wasnt hard past day three but I didn't have any issues with acid reflux for about 5 years after that. Whatever muscle you lose you'll get back quickly. I have also had rhabdo and was tube fed for over a month, though rhabdo actually breaks down muscle itself I lost a shit ton of muscle.
the body will utilize adipose stores for fuel before it starts to cannibalize muscle, if you fast for 72hrs you are going to lose almost 0 muscle unless you are like stage lean or some shit. The "autophagy" benefits have been exaggerated for the most part unknown as in that it is heightened during a fast. for pracap, it sure does reset insulin sensitivity though. Just monitor what supps you are taking in during he fast, some stuff can be especially hard on the liver and kidneys in the absence of food.

If you are doing a water fast ensure you are taking your electrolytes. I like snake juice: per 2L of water add, 1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt, 1 tsp potassium, 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate, 400mg Magnesium.
But have you tried chocolate milkshakes? I prefer the Breyers for the higher fat content. Between starving on water and electrolytes vs washing your tacos down with a chocolate milkshake you are 10000% doing better with the tacos and milkshake every time.
3 days is hard.
i used to do 24hr once a week.
i have done longer periods every now and then. i dont remember if ive hit 3 days. gone more then 2 so 48+.
sometimes its fun to just do something different thats difficult, kind of test your will. its not gona hurt you.
There are a plethora of anecdotal evidence from people who did 3-7 day strict water fasts (plus electrolytes) and they had some form of an ailment clear up whether it be sxcemea, gout, digestive issues, vitiligo, etc. That said actual hard evidence of this is limited at best. the one thing we know for a fact it does is helps insulin sensitivity. At a bare minimum, you could do 1 24-hour water fast a week or biweekly to aid insulin sensitivity. This is a method that Meadows championed as well.
But have you tried chocolate milkshakes? I prefer the Breyers for the higher fat content. Between starving on water and electrolytes vs washing your tacos down with a chocolate milkshake you are 10000% doing better with the tacos and milkshake every time.
I have no idea what you are talking about here, the guy asked about water fasting. The amount of muscle tissue lost during a 72-hour water fast is next to nothing if anything. That said that tiessue would come back immediately. It takes about the first 24 hours or a bit less to fully deplete all glycogen stores, so you are not losing any tissue in that window, then once in ketosis, the body will burn adipose stores for fuel. Unless you are literally stage lean, the body won't have enough time to burn stored adipose before it starts to shift toward lean tissue.

In an ideal scenario, the individual would get into ketosis ahead of the fast and start the 72+ hour fast already in ketosis. this would attenuate some of the negative side effects of the fast.
I have no idea what you are talking about here, the guy asked about water fasting. The amount of muscle tissue lost during a 72-hour water fast is next to nothing if anything. That said that tiessue would come back immediately. It takes about the first 24 hours or a bit less to fully deplete all glycogen stores, so you are not losing any tissue in that window, then once in ketosis, the body will burn adipose stores for fuel. Unless you are literally stage lean, the body won't have enough time to burn stored adipose before it starts to shift toward lean tissue.

In an ideal scenario, the individual would get into ketosis ahead of the fast and start the 72+ hour fast already in ketosis. this would attenuate some of the negative side effects of the fast.
You just lost 72 hours of potential gains and now need time to replenish before you can even think about gaining you are a full week behind
I don’t know what kind of metabolism you have or how much additional slop you are carrying around but personally I fast every night for 6-8 hours and that is plenty. sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to eat. If I went 3 days on water only I would be on deaths door. I would absolutely lose a ton of strength I would barely be able to get out of bed if I went 3 days without eating much less train. There is no way in hell I am going to incorporate 3 days of starvation into any kind of forward progress plan. I am getting upset and hungry right now just thinking about the fact I ate all the bacon yesterday
I am going to be in real physical pain around the 12 hour mark. I would drop about 15lbs in 72 hours and I would feel like death starvation is not healthy in anyway. The entire system would crash hell no
I am just wondering how many studies written by vegan organic non gmo yoga hipsters you have to read to convince yourself not eating is healthy. There is a reason you get hunger pains it is the bodies signal you are fucking dying and need to eat. Your body also produced digestive fluids like acid and bile when you don't add food these enzymes just eat your digestive tract instead of food. And you say ideally you are in ketosis aka already starving when you start starving? You sound like one of these cultist living on sunshine and air who is 105lbs preaching the health benefits of butthole tanning to raise your natural hormone levels fuck no eat a godamn cheeseburger already.
IDK man, your account is less than a week old, and yet every post you have made is angry, aggressive, throwing around insults, and well quite honestly bullshit. I don't know what your deal is...are you a troll, or just pissed off at the world or what?

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