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I train at 2 places. One has it, the other I have constructed one with the use of other machines slid close together, pads, and bands. I even tweeked it today for some clients. At first they hated it, but with a little creativity and another properly placed pad, they started bangin out the reps.

Yea my gyms dont have it so anytime I have ever done these I had to construct one myself but its not to hard to do. I really wish my gym had that new bar you posted up it looks pretty damn tough, how did they feel compared to a usual bench press?
very different, much more strain on the front delts. I don't think I could do it very often, but since I really only do shoulders 1 or 2x per month, it will work for me every now and again. I imagine now that is there those guys are going to use it all the time, but of course our goals are very different.
the close grip would be ok for tri's, but the pressing handles out wide would further destruct my shoulders and put me back in a lot of pain
back training

****leg day 2 days ago was much lighter and my low back today is very thankful. I went in to the workout knowing i was feeling strong enough to beat the logbook, instead of warming up for 30 minutes just to make sure I am not going to get hurt

and...........on the last rep of a 20 pound pr on deads, I pulled my hamstring. Felt it right away, went up into the glute. not to bad, but limped for the rest of the day anyways. A little better today, but damn it if it isn't one thing or the other trying to get to the top of the weight class
Looking back at it, I did a few more movements for hamstrings and without a doubt was the reason for the tweak

yesterdays training
deads 475 x 8 (wish i skipped rep 8!)
pullups -- timed set 5 minutes. took breaks as needed
db row --dead stop 100. could do more then 1 set, hamstring just could not hold up
low cable row 6 sets
reverse hypers (surprised ham held up for this, but surprisingly it did)
Look great dude, quads are sick

chalk up another one for no one saying it @ the chest/arms/back.... just kidding.,
appreciate it

I am really hoping the GS BOLD I started watching (first time ever seen) will help the legs even more, esp hams and glutes. but not this week after my hamstring had some other plans for a while
So far it has really been obvious I added time to watch it. I am really excited to see the results after I have given it it's full viewing time.
Awesome so far,... can only imagine
hamstring is slightly better, but starting to show a little black and blue behind the knee. must be a little tear, even though it is feeling ok. Really dug in with one of those claw massagers. got in pretty deep, so thinking maybe that is what caused a little bruising to travel down

todays chest training

decline warm up 135, 225, 275, 315, last set 370 x 5 + 1 forced rep
db press flat 100x15, 150 x 8 last rep 10 second negative
cable cross/machine press superset
decided to do shoulders today, had some xtra time
side laterals 50, 40 30 ,20, 10 ......10 reps each set no rest btwn
cable side laterals, handle behind superset with cable front raise
hammer military reverse face, superset with standard
bo over raise db (like to put the bench up to @ 60 degrees, and put a towel for the face and lean over to swing)

I still think my shoulders might be jacked up from last weeks and the football bar, but my shoulders needed move, they were feeling like rusty gates.
The right one is esp. hurting, but it might be b/c the damn libido. Damn you :p sparty. sounds cheeky, but i am really serious. the damn botty threads around here:naughty: get the search engine moving to much

am scale..fuck off


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heeeeeeeerrrrrreeeeee's fat boy.
knee deep in the off season today. May need to cut down on some of these carbs.......maybe not:naughty:


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got a reasonable arm workout in yesterday, but i have to admit, I cannot stand doing them. I feel like I am wasting my time with there own day, but I feel I get nothing out of it after say back or chest.
Movements are too small and weight just feels like i am not accomplishing anything.

Part of it is everybody else that i see always pumping away on preacher curls and complaining, or that the pump from the cable curls is gonna get them thick

Definitely need some new ideas for triceps. I do not know if I can do another set of pushdowns and skullcrushers next week w/out going crazy:banghead:
Had a really shitty leg training session over the weekend.
hamstring was not up to par. At 405 just started ripping, so had to call it, so moved on to hacks, no go for that either, so business decision led me to ext and curls.
what a shit session. hit em heavy, well as much as the stack is, but very disappointed.
Actually was at a local university to train, and was really hoping to move some iron, but it was not to be

today's back
went lighter on deads for fear of hamstring, and went close feet to avoid the deep stretch in the glute tie in.

315 x 8 reps
supersetted with nuetral grip pulldowns x 8reps

5 sets. Goal was 8 sets, but too out of shape, just could not catch my breathe in between and was too fatigued

v-bar rows
8 x 8 30 seconds rest in between

shrugs (db)
3 sets x 20

seated bicep curls (going to miss some training this week, so got a quick/brutal set in for bi's
30 rep set
first set was 8 reps, then I have no idea how many sets it took me to get to 30 reps, I took 10 breathes b4 I started again. last set was rep 26 to 30, so maybe 5 or 6 total to make it
Had a really shitty leg training session over the weekend.
hamstring was not up to par. At 405 just started ripping, so had to call it, so moved on to hacks, no go for that either, so business decision led me to ext and curls.
what a shit session. hit em heavy, well as much as the stack is, but very disappointed.
Actually was at a local university to train, and was really hoping to move some iron, but it was not to be

today's back
went lighter on deads for fear of hamstring, and went close feet to avoid the deep stretch in the glute tie in.

315 x 8 reps
supersetted with nuetral grip pulldowns x 8reps

5 sets. Goal was 8 sets, but too out of shape, just could not catch my breathe in between and was too fatigued

v-bar rows
8 x 8 30 seconds rest in between

shrugs (db)
3 sets x 20

seated bicep curls (going to miss some training this week, so got a quick/brutal set in for bi's
30 rep set
first set was 8 reps, then I have no idea how many sets it took me to get to 30 reps, I took 10 breathes b4 I started again. last set was rep 26 to 30, so maybe 5 or 6 total to make it

Sorry to hear you had a shitty leg workout man but it happens, just try and get those legs healed up to get back on that weight ASAP bro.
See it is made for us. perfect


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sick pumps the last few workouts.
got to 375 on the decline press along with the 150# db's and did crazy reps 30-40- 50 on leg day after 8 sets of squats

the back pumps are getting a little out of control, but with an extended break during training they are manageable

got to say the BOLD is kicking my ass. :(:(really strong. I have terrible past with anything 17`, and this is proving to be no exception.
having lots of negative sides which is basically what has happened before, so rather then add something else, which I rarely opt for (do not like the protocol of adding in new to combat what is happening only to have to use something else to avoid that pitfall etc etc) I will up from 300m.g.c.c.e.3.d. to 750 and hope for more good times.'also am a little stuck with weight gain, so it is time

on the diet front I am going to be lowering the carbs on the weekend day to whatever is comfortable. I will not be limiting, but not be force feeding (ie 1500) either.
My appetite is shit as of late, so that is really not hard to make this choice right now
gear up:fo:d-smil
sometimes the advice of a woman really slaps you in the face.
talking to a female competitor about some of the plateaus right now with weight and the negatives I always get from the 17' and what does she say:

"it isn't like you don't know what to do, just start using more"

swear to god first thing out of her mouth, in a nasty tone of voice.

Sometimes people tell you just what you need to hear

gonna be a great xmas

625 x 5 - YouTube

535x 5
walking luges 100 preload across the gym and back 3 x
reverse hyper s/s standing leg curls (could only get through one set. started to cramp very badly and was sp painful had to stop)
leg ext 3 x 20

Adding bold starting tmrw prob 600/wk

good thread inspiring......nice set good form awesome!
appreciate that

today's back
deads 405 5x5
pulldowns 5x5
t bar row one arm 2 ways superset 3 x 8

hamstring held up, but still went considerably lighter and lowered the reps just to be safe


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pics suck. cannot do it alone, that is very evident:banghead:

decline last set 375 x 4 1 more forced rep
db press 150 # x 9
floor press 225 x 8 x 4 sets
db fly 75 x 8 x 3
hammer side lateral
rear delt pull super set machine press

on a stupid conversation personal note. had a conversation with a, we will call him a gentleman, about competing and bodybuilding scene years ago.

i am not that old, but I know my history and respect past champions and where the sport has come from. this guy was talking to me about how bodybuilding is not what it used to be and when he worked out with arnold, yea arnold, people used to train differently(meaning better), even amateurs looked better in aau, and it wasn't as much of a business as it is now. This guy just kept talking and wore out his welcome real fast
I really didn't have time, b/c he just lost me at being arnold's training partner, but I just abruptly answered that pro football players used to make less then 100,00 dollars a year too. sports evolve, and with funding grow to be bigger and better. Why are there all the lockouts? the players want it to be like it used to be? Coaches don't want to make a better living.?
who needs a raise right
Anyways, he is competing in the "masters" in june. As far as I knew the masters was a golf thing, but I'll be looking for arnold's old training partner next the famous bodybuilding show called...the masters
Hopefully he finds another gym
got some advice after rapping with splking, and I think I am going to try and push the protein up @ 15 grams per meal. had no success with this in the past, but going to try again, and see if i can eat in a timely fashion. usually I would not be hungry for hours on end. got some enzymes, so gonna push the grocery bill up a little bit and see what happens.
may also increase the carbs throughout the day, few less postworkout, but not too sure, as the results have been unfavorable with carb experiments. have until Jan./Feb so can't be too detrimental

standard arm day, nothing to report.
oh, elbows feel like a rusty gate. makes triceps a lot of fun. I think my warm ups last 40 minutes
deload for legs.
only went up to 405 for working set, still fearing the ham flare up, but ok to date
hams and quads
light lunges and some easy high rep calves.

trying to eat this extra food. falling asleep doing normal tasks. going to be a tough task to force the cals down
we'll see how the training goes

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