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O/T - Can't seem to be happy in any relationship


New member
Mar 12, 2010
What's up guys. Kinda off topic but need some advice or insight from older guys here who have been through more than me. I'm 31.

Let me just say that I've only had 3 serious girlfriends in my life. One for 6 years, another for 3 and now my current one for 2 (so far).

Each one, I always blow it or end it. These are pretty, smart, and nice girls. Hard working, pays their share, takes care of me, cooks, cleans, puts up with bodybuilding, etc... But I always get sick of them and I break it off and move on.

When I "move on", I always get deeper into BB, more lonely. I go through tons of hook ups and first and second dates with tons of randoms. One year it was 30 girls.. and then I find a good one and it all starts over again.

I'm getting this urge to do it to my current gf.. to break it off and go on another search.. I dunno why I'm like this. Seems like I'm incapable of relationships.

Any of you bros like this too?
You are just to young to settle down yet. It took me to upper 30's to start to get serious. Just have fun and don't commit, then 1 day a girl will knock your socks off and you will want to be with that girl more then any. Don't look for love and it will come when you don't expect it.
I think the biggest reason is career and money. I am still trying to find my way.

I went to business school and did finance for several years and made great money but hated it. I am starting from scratch. I'm currently a personal trainer and I also run my own training business and eventually I want to get into owning a facility and doing corporate wellness stuff. Long road ahead, and I'm making pennies now at my gym job compared to before.

The girl I'm with now helps me out a lot and I hate it. Hate depending on others and owing others. I feel like I need to break away and do my own thing.
The right girl will scare you to death bro . I dont mean any disrespect to your lady but when you find the one that is worth everything to you you wont have that urge anymore i understand completely what your going through steriods and training make you that way it keeps you distant and out of the loop when you get home after all your daily activities one small thing can not be right and aggravate you to death yet when your typing this you relize how lucky you are its a constant battle but you will find that one that scares you the one you cant live without you also have to sort out priorities good luck bro everything happens for a reason
I'm younger than you but in short, I'll tell you my theory;

I think a man's prime is a lot later than a woman's, women want to/should settle down and procreate before it's too late and they get health complications etc etc. We all know that deal...

I feel like if you're focusing on goals, travels, personal endeavors and a relationship just isn't in the cards for you at the moment then so be it. You're young, you have time... I'm very similar. I don't want a relationship, I have a business with plans of starting many more, I have personal goals I need to get done, many many travels I'll be going on and it's hard to have a stable relationship like that...

My theory is, as a man who has barely broken through his mid 20's and all these plans and ideas I have to get it done for me, for my future and the future of who I may potentially end up with and if I ever have a family some day. I want security and comfort...

You can be 40, and especially if you live an athletic lifestyle and are healthy you can find yourself a good 30 year old woman with all her shit together who's ready for all that and maybe you'll be ready too after you're done with everything. Enjoy life man.

It's more than;

Go to school
Get a job
Find a girl
Have kids
Pay your taxes

Do everything you've ever wanted to do while you still can...
The right girl will scare you to death bro . I dont mean any disrespect to your lady but when you find the one that is worth everything to you you wont have that urge anymore i understand completely what your going through steriods and training make you that way it keeps you distant and out of the loop when you get home after all your daily activities one small thing can not be right and aggravate you to death yet when your typing this you relize how lucky you are its a constant battle but you will find that one that scares you the one you cant live without you also have to sort out priorities good luck bro everything happens for a reason

I try to tell myself it's just the drugs talking but I dunno..

I'm sure I wouldn't be as horny all the time and wanting to fuck anything that moves but the other shit I think of, that ain't the drugs.
I'm younger than you but in short, I'll tell you my theory;

I think a man's prime is a lot later than a woman's, women want to/should settle down and procreate before it's too late and they get health complications etc etc. We all know that deal...

I feel like if you're focusing on goals, travels, personal endeavors and a relationship just isn't in the cards for you at the moment then so be it. You're young, you have time... I'm very similar. I don't want a relationship, I have a business with plans of starting many more, I have personal goals I need to get done, many many travels I'll be going on and it's hard to have a stable relationship like that...

My theory is, as a man who has barely broken through his mid 20's and all these plans and ideas I have to get it done for me, for my future and the future of who I may potentially end up with and if I ever have a family some day. I want security and comfort...

You can be 40, and especially if you live an athletic lifestyle and are healthy you can find yourself a good 30 year old woman with all her shit together who's ready for all that and maybe you'll be ready too after you're done with everything. Enjoy life man.

It's more than;

Go to school
Get a job
Find a girl
Have kids
Pay your taxes

Do everything you've ever wanted to do while you still can...

I would kill myself if I ever followed that formula above. I know so many dudes doing that and I just laugh. A few are already divorced and left with nothing.
I think the biggest reason is career and money. I am still trying to find my way.

I went to business school and did finance for several years and made great money but hated it. I am starting from scratch. I'm currently a personal trainer and I also run my own training business and eventually I want to get into owning a facility and doing corporate wellness stuff. Long road ahead, and I'm making pennies now at my gym job compared to before.

The girl I'm with now helps me out a lot and I hate it. Hate depending on others and owing others. I feel like I need to break away and do my own thing.

timing is everything when it comes to the one imo. I dated a girl when I was 22, who was the only girl I've ever loved. And I've been in serious relationships since but none felt the same and that wasn't my first lay or realtionship etc so none of that stuff lol but she was ready for the real deal, marriage, mortgages, kids, and I was at the beginning of my career, building a business, barely sure who I was at the time, if I had pulled the trigger cause my gut was telling me she was the right girl, I'd be divorced today and I know I would and I know it would've been my fault. You can't fake being ready, until you are, all the right girls in the world won't make you stay and commit. Some guys are ready at 18, some guys aren't ready till 50, but when you're ready you end up finding a way to the girl that the others in the thread are describing.
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What's up guys. Kinda off topic but need some advice or insight from older guys here who have been through more than me. I'm 31.

Let me just say that I've only had 3 serious girlfriends in my life. One for 6 years, another for 3 and now my current one for 2 (so far).

Each one, I always blow it or end it. These are pretty, smart, and nice girls. Hard working, pays their share, takes care of me, cooks, cleans, puts up with bodybuilding, etc... But I always get sick of them and I break it off and move on.

When I "move on", I always get deeper into BB, more lonely. I go through tons of hook ups and first and second dates with tons of randoms. One year it was 30 girls.. and then I find a good one and it all starts over again.

I'm getting this urge to do it to my current gf.. to break it off and go on another search.. I dunno why I'm like this. Seems like I'm incapable of relationships.

Any of you bros like this too?

Your a man lol

I been with my last for 4 years and have a daughter together, last year also started feeling like she was my Roomate more than anything else.

Long story short we are no longer together.
what's the rush?

are you wanting to get married? if so, why?

there is literally no benefit to a man (besides certain tax benefits) to get married these days.
Your a man lol

I been with my last for 4 years and have a daughter together, last year also started feeling like she was my Roomate more than anything else.

Long story short we are no longer together.

That's sad man, I'm sorry to hear it didn't work.
what's the rush?

are you wanting to get married? if so, why?

there is literally no benefit to a man (besides certain tax benefits) to get married these days.

lmao , some women just drain it out of you.

OP you'll find one, they aren't all bad. Honestly you should worry more about getting your stuff together and doing what you enjoy rather than letting women make you think too much. They really do have a bigger sense or urgency because of their biological clock etc
What's up guys. Kinda off topic but need some advice or insight from older guys here who have been through more than me. I'm 31.

Let me just say that I've only had 3 serious girlfriends in my life. One for 6 years, another for 3 and now my current one for 2 (so far).

Each one, I always blow it or end it. These are pretty, smart, and nice girls. Hard working, pays their share, takes care of me, cooks, cleans, puts up with bodybuilding, etc... But I always get sick of them and I break it off and move on.

When I "move on", I always get deeper into BB, more lonely. I go through tons of hook ups and first and second dates with tons of randoms. One year it was 30 girls.. and then I find a good one and it all starts over again.

I'm getting this urge to do it to my current gf.. to break it off and go on another search.. I dunno why I'm like this. Seems like I'm incapable of relationships.

Any of you bros like this too?

Part of it is your probably not satisfied with yourself. It's comparable to the bodybuilding lifestyle in a way always wanting more. Than on top of it doing AS doesn't help. When I'm on AS I'm always looking at and wanting to chase other women and go to the gym all the time. When I'm off I feel more normal and satisfied in a relationship. The fantasy of some perfect girl who does everything right is unrealistic and those of us on AS that fantasy becomes more intensified especially on the physical side. If your unhappy in your current relationship ask yourself why? What's the reason?
Honestly, I'd be happier moving back home with my parents at 31 and restarting a career and being able to be free and do what I want to do than live with my gf and have her pay rent while I just pay for the other shit. I feel like every day I'm here I'm indebted to her, even though she says she doesn't care.

It's like, we have a decent life together but its not real. It's not on my terms.

She asked me to move in with her when I just transitioned out of my old job, and I was at home with my parents.

Now I'm slowly getting back on my feet and I don't want to live here anymore.
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Honestly, I'd be happier moving back home with my parents at 31 and restarting a career and being able to be free and do what I want to do than live with my gf and have her pay rent while I just pay for the other shit. I feel like every day I'm here I'm indebted to her, even though she says she doesn't care.

It's like, we have a decent life together but its not real. It's not on my terms.

She asked me to move in with her when I just transitioned out of my old job, and I was at home with my parents.

Now I'm slowly getting back on my feet and I don't want to live here anymore.

sounds like its time to move on and start a new chapter in your life. just let her down gently.
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Love is a choice!

Hey my PM brother, let me offer you some advice if you don't mind. This worlds view or idea of what love is, is totally twisted and wrong. The worlds idea of love is based on "feelings" rather than a true kinda love that is unconditional and not based on someones attributes, talents, or performance or what someone has done or what they have to offer. We can't be controlled or motivated by feelings or impulses because they are almost always based on our own selfishness or fleshly desires of self gratification.
For example, some days you might "feel" like your "in love" with someone and the next day you don't. Our worlds idea and everything that's been ingrained in us through TV, Hollywood etc tells us that we can just "fall" in and out of love depending on how we feel. Love isn't a little red devil that goes around shooting his love arrows at people randomly. Sounds silly, but that's how we've been taught to love others. This isn't the way that God intended it to be. God created marriage, not man. Adam didn't know he was alone or what a woman or wife was but God saw mans need and the beautiful relationship that a husband(man) and wife(woman) could/would share and have together as they grow closer and live and function more as "one flesh" as they share all of themselves with each other as they grow together. This is true love and the way God designed it to be.
I encourage you to ask God for wisdom and for you to open your heart to him so he can show you the way that you should go in every part of your life. God is love and he loves and cares for everything about you. If you haven't done so already I pray that you will ask Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life and receive his free gift of salvation. No one comes to God the Father except through Jesus.
Some very helpful teachings that I've read are from Andrew Wommack are in his teaching articles section. I highly recommend "As I Have Loved You"; "Gods Kind of Love In Marriage"; and "Gods Kind of Love". By reading and learning from these you will better be able to love someone and decide who is the right mate for you.
I hope this helps you. Take it from someone who had and needed to learn these truths also.
Shoot up some oxytocin peptide and talk it out with a friend. The stuff is great for regrounding a person who is lost in life. Its even used in Psychotherapy for PTSD. Also known as the "love drug."
What's up guys. Kinda off topic but need some advice or insight from older guys here who have been through more than me. I'm 31.

Let me just say that I've only had 3 serious girlfriends in my life. One for 6 years, another for 3 and now my current one for 2 (so far).

Each one, I always blow it or end it. These are pretty, smart, and nice girls. Hard working, pays their share, takes care of me, cooks, cleans, puts up with bodybuilding, etc... But I always get sick of them and I break it off and move on.

When I "move on", I always get deeper into BB, more lonely. I go through tons of hook ups and first and second dates with tons of randoms. One year it was 30 girls.. and then I find a good one and it all starts over again.

I'm getting this urge to do it to my current gf.. to break it off and go on another search.. I dunno why I'm like this. Seems like I'm incapable of relationships.

Any of you bros like this too?
on e line solution to everything pal- get shitloads of money rob a bank if you have to (joke ) and schedule a google calendar for the prozies to sign in - every hour or whatever your preference. in a relationship you won't be paying just financially (or you may be getting paid without knowing it) but in all other possible fucked up ways - so you can make it easy 1500-2000 girls a year -nice wage lol and way better deals and you can order them without even leaving the house doing just one thing - now this is life
on e line solution to everything pal- get shitloads of money rob a bank if you have to (joke ) and schedule a google calendar for the prozies to sign in - every hour or whatever your preference. in a relationship you won't be paying just financially (or you may be getting paid without knowing it) but in all other possible fucked up ways - so you can make it easy 1500-2000 girls a year -nice wage lol and way better deals and you can order them without even leaving the house doing just one thing - now this is life

Hey my brother JackedRabbit! Hows it going for you? I hope you are gaining wisdom and understanding concerning relationships and truly loving others unconditionally. If you don't mind, keep us updated on your "journey".

Thank you and God bless!

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