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Old Timer's Ostarine Log

old timer

Active member
Apr 24, 2016
New member, "old" lifter :D

Been lifting forever (or since 1984), and I'll log a 6 week cycle of Ostarine @ 15mg/day. Goal is to cut to recomp from 5'10", 165 @ ~13-14% to something a little leaner with hopefully some improvement in strength. Workouts will be mostly front squats, incline bench, and chins. Non-workout days might be just walking, hiit (sprints done 60s on, 60s off for 10 cycles), possibly biking (I have some killer hills near me), and maybe some metcon type workouts (air-squats, push-ups, planks, whatever).

This is my first cycle since dbol literally 30 years ago, so I'll be interested in whatever suggestions you may offer!

Yesterday's workout consisted of:

Front Squats (done every minute on the minute)
125x4 done for 10 minutes

Incline Bench Press (done every other minute on the minute)
145x3 (10 sets) but did 6 reps on set #10 so there's room to improve


Maintenance cals ~2600-2700
Macros tend to be 200+ protein, 60+ fat, balance could be p/f/c

Today I did hiit sprints and walked 3 miles
Crap. Went to ride my bike for the first time this year, and my front tire was not only flat but irreparable :-( My daughter is picking one up for me, but I may not have time to ride before running out of daylight. I'll edit this later if I get to ride.

Yesterday's macros were 112c, 197p, 77f (1929 cals) which is lower than I usually go, but I figured that was okay after the hyooge day prior to that. I usually keep my deficit at 2100-2200 or so.

During a normal cut, I'll workout every third day and will often increase cals to maintenance on workout days with the extra cals usually coming from carbs to give me the required energy for the workout. After day 8-9 or so on the Ostarine, I'm thinking of increasing this to working out every other day with the assumption that the Osta will help my recovery.

The 10 sets of 3 (incline bench only) was a new workout I wanted to try. You're to start with something like 65% of your 1RM and then with rest limited to 90-120 seconds (so I start every set on every 2nd minute), you do 10 sets of 3. Each workout you're to add 5 lbs, but when you start failing to get the required 3 reps in future workouts, you drop those sets from the next workout. Example, if I get all 10 sets one week, but after adding weight the next workout I only get 2 reps on set #9 and 1-2 reps on set #10, I still add 5 lbs next time BUT it becomes EIGHT sets of 3. Perhaps then I fail to get all 3 reps on that 8th set, then the next workout (which will be 5 lbs heavier), I only do SEVEN sets of 3.

This continues until basically I get a true 3RM and which point you can start over again if you want. It's a structured way of manipulating both volume and intensity, but in a way that I've never done before.

I decided to do this before the Osta, and now I'm trying to rush through it (just being honest), so I added 10 lbs to the previous workout, and I think I'll add 10 more next time :D

I know what a calculated 1RM is for both my incline bench and OHP, so I'll know at the end of the Osta cycle what affect it had on my strength . . . finger's crossed ;-)
Crap. Went to ride my bike for the first time this year, and my front tire was not only flat but irreparable :-( My daughter is picking one up for me, but I may not have time to ride before running out of daylight. I'll edit this later if I get to ride.
My daughter pulled through. I fixed the tire, and I went on my regular out-and-back trip. 6 round trip miles . . . the first three predominately downhill, and the last three (surprise!) uphill. It was a 33 minute ride with probably 1 mile of that in essentially first gear, so don't let the time fool you. I "nerded" out and wore the heartrate monitor getting up to 90% of max at times.

Tomorrow's another workout day, so let's hope this won't have interfered with my front squats tomorrow ;-)
Wgt: 166# (still up from a big pigout on Fri)

Front Squats (done every minute on the minute)
150x2 done for 10 minutes

Incline Bench Press (done every other minute on the minute)
155x3 (10 sets). I'll add 5# next time, but it's getting to be a grind with such little rest bet sets.


Walked 3 miles at lunch
And today's macros (assuming I'm done for the night :D) are 179c, 228p, 66f and 2216 calories.
Worked through lunch so no walking.

Went to my mom's and cut her grass for LISS cardio :D Was treated to two bison burgers (1c, 23p, 6p each) and ate a third one when I got home. She fixed green beans and she adds ~20% corn too!

Did a CrossFit type workout with my daughter. Rotated the following every minute on the minute:

Minute 0: 20 push-ups
Minute 1: 40sec plank
Minute 2: 25 air-squats
Minute 3: 20 push-ups

I wanted to do 30 minutes of this, but after 8 sets of each I was dragging my butt. I just finished my 25th squat when it was time to immediately go to push-ups, so I figured that was enough ;-)
Wgt: 166

Front Squats (done every minute on the minute)
135x3 done for 10 minutes*
* actually, first 3 sets were only 130x3 (oops), but I made up for it with an extra set and an extra rep at end :D

Incline Bench Press (done every other minute on the minute)
160x3 (10 sets)**
** made all reps, but rep #3 on set #10 was an RPE (rate of perceived exertion) of 9.5 to 9.75 meaning I'm almost positive that there was not another rep in me.

Wgt: 166.4

Walked 3 miles @ lunch, and I just finished with hiit sprints: 60s sprint, 60s walk, and repeat for a total of 10 sets of each.
Wgt: 165

Walked 4 miles.

Carbs: A bunch
Protein: A bunch more
Fat: 3-for-3

Appetite was voracious today. I definitely do better with the structure of my 9-5 M-F job.
Day 10 with the Osta, and the mirror seems indicate good things are happening. We'll see.
Wgt: Did not weigh

Front Squats (done every minute on the minute)
130x4 for 8 sets

Incline Bench Press (done every other minute on the minute)
165x3 (10 sets) *
RPE was a 10 on set #7, but rep #3 went up easier on the last three sets . . . go figure(?).


Quick pic at the end of today's workout:

Subbed, keep it up bro, your doing great.
Wgt: Did not weigh

Walked 3 miles at lunch

Ran interval sprints (60on/60off x 10 each) this evening.
Wgt: 166# (still up from a big pigout on Fri)

Front Squats (done every minute on the minute)
150x2 done for 10 minutes

old timer you can do 150 sets of two reps in ten minutes ;0

Post not meant to troll or make fun of old timer he knows this is in jest.
old timer you can do 150 sets of two reps in ten minutes ;0
LOL . . . and I see what you did with the hidden message.

I was actually going to respond "in jest:" MUST BE THE OSTARINE :D

One thing I've noticed is the sensation of DOMS with the front squats. My frequency with this exercise is great enough that DOMS are essentially non-existent, but I have noticed them with the Ostarine. Not sure if that's telling me that I have muscles that are being worked and then repaired more so than normal. Could DOMS be the result of taking something to enhance recovery?
Wgt: did not weigh

Went for a 3 mile walk during lunch.

Considered riding my bike after work, but after leaving work 30 minutes late and being the 2nd to the last person at the voting booth, I figured I would opt for additional recovery instead (read: NAP!!!).

Yesterday's macros were: 133c, 254p, 53f, and 2025 calories.
Wgt: 165
Yesterday's macros: 174c, 183p, 61f, 1977cals (I try to get more protein, but the oatmeal I had for bfast through my macros off)

Quick pic from this morning. This will probably be the last photo unless there's some pronounced change later . . . because progress comes slow when you're an old timer :D

Wgt: 165.0

Front Squats (done every minute on the minute)
155x2 for 10 sets

Incline Bench Press (done every other minute on the minute)
167x3 (10 sets)
I was actually tempted to do OHP and just add some volume on the incline bench and give myself another 3 days before attempting more weight, but I figured I'd go for adding just 2# over the last workout. Managed to get all reps but Rep #3 on Set #10 was a grinder. Definitely 0 reps left in the tank.


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