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This is cool!

I just saw this!

makes me want to fire up my grill!

I bet a kick in the rear by one of those things would hurt a tad.
You are a good guy, D.

As I said in my post the credit goes to Jehtrotull. He emailed me these and I thought they would be cool to share here. SO Thanks JT. ;) :D

Yep, Elings was right....Those are Elk and yes...they are all over in peoples yards. Lots of deer too. The are having a problem because there are so many of them hanging around! lol.

I know Old Fella likes animals, so I sent him those pics. If you check he's posted some great pictures in these forums.
Yep, Elings was right....Those are Elk and yes...they are all over in peoples yards. Lots of deer too. The are having a problem because there are so many of them hanging around! lol.

I know Old Fella likes animals, so I sent him those pics. If you check he's posted some great pictures in these forums.
HAHAHAHA thanks JT. BuT have no fear, If I am hungry and I lived out there I would have my freezer full of fresh game. Only what I can eat though!! But I can eat a lot!! LOL. I have no problem with responsible hunting and taking game for food. But senseless trophy hunting I cannot abide by. Use your camera and capture it as it was intended!!! JT I know you feel the same!:D Again, bro thank you for these incredible pics!! Got any more???:D :D
Lol. Yes they are beautiful animals and I especially appreciate wildlife.

HAHAHAHA thanks JT. BuT have no fear, If I am hungry and I lived out there I would have my freezer full of fresh game. Only what I can eat though!! But I can eat a lot!! LOL. I have no problem with responsible hunting and taking game for food. But senseless trophy hunting I cannot abide by. Use your camera and capture it as it was intended!!! JT I know you feel the same!:D Again, bro thank you for these incredible pics!! Got any more???:D :D

I have a degree in Biology and was contemplating becoming a game warden. [Yes, punishing those who break the laws, by taking too many or the wrong types of wildlife.] The very idea that hunting and loving wild animals is somehow contradictory is delusional. Proper game management is the key. Yes we eat wild meat, deer and elk. But as you said, Old trophy hunters here..but if my dad shoots a large elk with a good set of antlers..yes they might end up on our living room wall.

The idea that hunters are out there lusting for the kill, trying to slay every damn animal is so far from the truth that is makes me sick. I went this year and didn't see anything I felt like shooting. So I didn't get any meat this year. No big deal....I love being in the forest. Most people I know are like that.

It's out of state, wealthy guys who are so busy making money, that they have little time to enjoy themselves, who pay big money for a "guide" and more big money for a "trophy bull" that are into that scene. Most of these guys are doctors and lawyers who are conservationists at heart as well.

The idea that I would shoot an animal like that within any city limits [or that any hunter would do such a thing irritates me greatly]

I have deer in my yard everyday and night and they are certainly in no danger of being shot or harmed in ANY way. It pisses my mom off when they get in the garden, but that's about it.

Old Fella, I'll send you a newspaper from Helena.....Although it's cool to have them around like that..some people consider them to be a nuisance. The bucks [male deer] and the bulls [male elk] become some what territorial during the rut and become aggessive.

Every year some dumbass tries to pet wild animals and there is an "incident"
JT has killed more animals than drought and famin.
JT has killed more animals than drought and famin.
WTF??? I have shot and killed more than my share of wild game. Every bit of it ended up in the freezer for food. AS a kid me, my brother and some other friends used to go out to a family friends ranch and shoot jack rabbitts for him. We got paid by him to do that. They were a plague on his ranch and he lost more cattle to rabbitt holes than drought or famine!!!
WTF??? I have shot and killed more than my share of wild game. Every bit of it ended up in the freezer for food. AS a kid me, my brother and some other friends used to go out to a family friends ranch and shoot jack rabbitts for him. We got paid by him to do that. They were a plague on his ranch and he lost more cattle to rabbitt holes than drought or famine!!!

JT used a bow and arrow ;)
I was once chased into a small cave by wild dogs. In the cave I found a thrown with an old king and his sword. I then took the sword and used it to slay the dogs and used the pelts as my winter cloths.

now name that movie.
I was once chased into a small cave by wild dogs. In the cave I found a thrown with an old king and his sword. I then took the sword and used it to slay the dogs and used the pelts as my winter cloths.

now name that movie.

Conan the Barbarian?

I am death! ;)
amazing to wake up with those animals in your garden, when it would happen to me i would think i have been on drugs.
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