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  1. K

    Doxycycline for cystic acne

    Anybody out there use doxycycline for inflammatory acne? I’ve used Accutane through a dermatologist and that helped quite a bit but still get some cystic acne on my back. Any and all advice is welcome! Thanks.
  2. K

    Doxycycline for steroid acne

    Anybody out there use doxycycline for inflammatory acne? I’ve used Accutane through a dermatologist and that helped quite a bit but still get some cystic acne on my back. Any and all advice is welcome! Thanks.
  3. M

    Steroid Drug Test and Self Defense w/Firearms

    Hello brothers, I apologize in advance if this is not the place to post this, I did read the rules and didn't see anything regarding firearms. I apologize if I am breaking any rules though. My question is, I was wondering if anyone would know if one were to be drug tested for steroids...
  4. T

    Legal steroids for body building!

    Guys, Hope everyone here is having a great time. I indeed need your help with a good and reliable bodybuilding supplement. Which one do you use to build your body and muscle? However, I found this one **broken link removed** But i have not tried it yet. If you have anything better than this...
  5. L

    What is the law regarding steroids in Slovenia ?

    I have read a few articles but dont understand it fully.
  6. W

    Natural Potential Questions and Starting Steroid Use

    Hi, Just wondering a few things as I've been considering starting a basic cycle to speed up my process.. Throughout highschool I was in great shape and had better maxes than I do now after training for over 2 years, granted I trained for 6-7 years back then. I've been keeping up with a good...
  7. The_oak

    Peptides and gh help

    Hi guys I'm looking for your input on my latest course, due to start very soon, few bits I'm not sure about, lookign for some good soling clean gains. stats - 27years old, 6'5, 292lbs, been training and cycling for a number of years. going to run peptides for the first time...
  8. J

    Src Check

    DnaLabs Any feedback on this source?
  9. H

    HELP - Looking for a Trainer (with Steroid Experience)

    Hello, This is my first post on a forum! I am getting into my training seriously and have been training for the last 4 years. I am looking for a trainer who has had experience with training future competitors (obviously amateur level) and has experience in the use of Steroids. I have had a...
  10. H

    Testaprim-D help

    Has anybody done a full Testoprim-D cycle? I bought some without doing any real research and the biggest complaint I've found is how bad it hurts, well after reading the instruction carefully it said to warm the vail to body temperature and inject it deep in the muscle tissue, I did just that...
  11. Y

    muscle gain on anavar with aggressive cut - possible?

    Is it possible to experience some recomposition effects on var if I am doing an aggressive cut? I'm female at 20%bf and will be running var for the first time. (5'1, 122lb). I will be doing a pretty aggressive cut and using EC stack. Would it be possible to actually increase muscle mass as...
  12. Y

    female running anavar first time

    Hi guys, ive done a bit of research and have decided to run anavar, first cycle. stats: 5'2, 121lb. Bikini athlete trying to transition into figure, but for now I will be using it whilst cutting. (for strength and muscle maintenance). been lifting seriously 2 years I have alpha pharma...
  13. L

    Looking for a boost

    Hey guys, i have been training for 3 years. Basic Stats --> Weight = 190, ht = 5'8, BF = 8%, age = 20 Training - Chest/Arms, Back/Shoulders, Legs Split (train 6x a week). I have been using ipamorelin/mod-grf from a quality source for a year or so now and like this mix but want something...
  14. I

    How much do steroids actually fuck you up?

    If I run a 300mg test cycle for 12 weeks, assuming I use adequate hcg and have a good pct, will my natural test production return completely back to normal when i have finished the pct? This is the only thing that's stopping me, as I've heard lots of different things. It would be nice to hear...
  15. B

    New User

    Hello Friends I am Charlie Wilson and new here. and i am here for share and get lots of stuff related to health and fitness. Thanks
  16. J

    Ceo's, pin during cut?

    Hello i'm about to run epi for a recomp in march but was thinking of adding Ceo's for my tris. I'll be keeping my macs at maintenance during the first 3 weeks then droping them by -300 for another 4 weeks. Trying to drop some bf so I can continue bulking. Would it be smarter to start pinning...
  17. L

    dave palumbo coaching off season pre contest

    Hey guys, Basically I'm looking for someone to coach me/share knowledge advice for offseason and pre contest I have been in contact with Dave Palumbo who from what I have heard and know he is very knowledgable in the sport For a very reasonable price he offers off season coaching which is 24...
  18. O

    First Time Steroid User

    I started working out pretty intensely last year knowing i would be playing collegiate Rugby this year. I was 5 ft. 6. 117 pounds. I am currently at 143 pounds, 12% bf. I am 20 years old. I eat as healthy as i can 4 times a day. Ive been on protein..creatine...a50..aHD...Solid....1mr...p6...
  19. 9muscle9

    Do pro's stay on year round?

    I just wanted to know how pro's stay huge year round? ive heard of 3 possible things that they do: Massive Cycles that last 20 odd weeks and then do a huge PCT before taking 20 weeks off and then going back on. Cruising and Blasting (but i have no idea what this is) Doing 6-8 week cycles and...
  20. J

    Weird Steroid Advice From Professional Dr.

    Hey All, I am a lurker here, absorbing info like a sponge, but I wanted to get your take on some somewhat counter-intuitive advice I got from my chiropractor (who apparently doubles as an athletic consultant, having his own gym in his complex, etc). He does have a background in steroid usage...

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    Moderator/ Featured Member / Kilo Klub

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