Hey PM! First post to the boards here showing a 3 year transformation going from 260 to 235 lbs between the two photos. I started as high as 305 and I’m currently the leanest I’ve ever been. Been doing nothing but powerlifting in between these photos but after a bad back injury that just hasn’t...
This is my girlfriend, we've been dating since The end of January until now... Her progress is phenomenal, not only in her physique, but her overall self-confidence, she's a lot happier now (and so am I) She just turned 24 a couple of months ago...
Gents, I posted a log short log a few weeks ago playing with some DNP and GH. The results were fantastic. I did a fairly short run and chopped off 10lbs of my 23% bf frame and that was just a test run for this transformation.
Money wasn't too much of an issue for this cycle as I'm a...
hey guys im looking for help ive been in the gym two weeks and i want to become large my stats are 6ft 1 145 ive attached a pic when i first started in the gym two weeks ago and now give me tips and i have the fastest metabolism in the world like i can eat a pizza and be hungry in 45 minutes i...