Guys like Mayorga are some of the easiest to beat if you know what you are doing. He has that "Tyson" style. Just go in swinging like a mad man. A technical boxer will destroy someone like that anyday of the week. Look at Holyfield and Lewis. Both guys are class acts and KNOW how to box. Same with De La Hoya. He knew all he had to do was keep covered up and not fear this guy and he would destroy him. You can't hurt what you can't penetrate. Oscar kept his gloves up blocking just about everyone of Mayorga's punches. I think out of the whole fight Mayorga threw 250+ punches and only landed 40 something. De La Hoya threw 160+ punches and landed 100 of them thus knocking him out. This is exactly why Lewis and Holyfield destroyed Tyson. These type fights do sell tickets, but a REAL boxer will destroy these type fighters everytime.
I think most boxers lost to Tyson because they feared him. Mayorga tried to scare De La Hoya, it didn't work. De La Hoya is smart.
Woner how much he made off the fight. Not only did he win the purse, he promoted it as well.