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Does female tightness matter?

so i'm guilty of fucking 5s with a little bit of weight..
anyway, this one, like all the others, is on semaglutide.. she has lost weight from when i first saw her at the walking park a month or so ago.

last week we hit up an asian eatery and head back to my house..
shes in her late 20s and figured most females at this point understand their body, etc.
anyway, we get down to business and i bend her over my bed.. and i catch this whiff of ass.. i am like FUCK!
in my mind, i am like ... is she on her period or what.. i take my rod out and look.. no blood.. so i turn her over, and keep my nose
kinda out of the way of any odor.. i tried.. but after a bit i just said... 'im tired'
hurried into the shower to wash up.. she was like .. was it good ? i was like yeah..
i mean she was sloppy wet, but for some reason just seemed like she shit before coming over and didnt wipe properly.
now i am traumatized.. its like any female that resembles her i am not looking or giving them a second look.
vaginal PTSD...
its to a point where i'm just thinking of staying celibate for a while.. fuck..
Stop picking up the low ends lol
U should've just told her she smelt like ass
live and you learn.. regardless.. i need a break from the randoms anyway..
I wouldn't know I could prob count the ransoms in my life with one hand. The randoms were quite exhilarating like holy shit did that just happen? Lol dangerous game though imo
so i'm guilty of fucking 5s with a little bit of weight..
anyway, this one, like all the others, is on semaglutide.. she has lost weight from when i first saw her at the walking park a month or so ago.

last week we hit up an asian eatery and head back to my house..
shes in her late 20s and figured most females at this point understand their body, etc.
anyway, we get down to business and i bend her over my bed.. and i catch this whiff of ass.. i am like FUCK!
in my mind, i am like ... is she on her period or what.. i take my rod out and look.. no blood.. so i turn her over, and keep my nose
kinda out of the way of any odor.. i tried.. but after a bit i just said... 'im tired'
hurried into the shower to wash up.. she was like .. was it good ? i was like yeah..
i mean she was sloppy wet, but for some reason just seemed like she shit before coming over and didnt wipe properly.
now i am traumatized.. its like any female that resembles her i am not looking or giving them a second look.
vaginal PTSD...
its to a point where i'm just thinking of staying celibate for a while.. fuck..
Holy fuck, I’m dying 😂
In my experience, I found it very easy - if they don't exercise, no matter how little they are (5", 100lbs, etc), they will have a loose pussy. If they exercise, the pussy will be tight.

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-30 at 18.58.55_d92ee33f.jpg
If she's too loose, she probably has too much mileage on her kitty. Find another pussy cat! One with less men ran through her.

Even the Prom Queen may have some wear and tear. Check subjects out thoroughly!
I'd think kegels would address tightness, and has general health benefits for women, and men. If you're worried about calling her loose flip how you pitch the idea, it can intensify orgasms among other things.

I'm also personally of the opinion of you're with someone you should be concerned with their pleasure as much as she should be for yours. Give and take and hopefully you do things for her and she'd be willing to do kegels for you... if it's a short stay then you're getting what you get and that's one of the negatives of one night's.

Vaginas are meant to expand to accommodate for child birth. It dilates during arousal to prepare for sex. Like getting wet, I wouldn't be surprised if the degree varies over a woman's lifetime by a small amount or due to external factors like stress, etc.

If you're having an issue finishing might want to see about managing your estrogen or other hormones proxy to your testosterone. High and low estrogen both can have an impact on ability to finish, for example. If you're fucking 4 times a day then you just haven't replenished yet to actually orgasm - the reason why dudes are told to squeeze off a few before their wedding night, so they can last a long ass time.
Less estrogen may cause the tissues of the vulva and the lining of the vagina to become thinner, drier, and less elastic or flexible.

Shifting levels of hormones—especially estrogen—during the menopause transition produce changes in a woman’s body. Both the vagina and the external female genitals (vulva) are affected.

Vulvovaginal atrophy. During perimenopause, less estrogen may cause the tissues of the vulva and the lining of the vagina to become thinner, drier, and less elastic or flexible. You go it
Really interesting.

I think tightness matters, but there is alot more invovled. Specifically arousal. The more wet and aroused she can be Specifically, the more intimate and intense and that correlate to better for me. I'm shorter than average at just over 5 in, but decently thick girth of about 6.1. I haven't had a ton of partners, 2 longterm relationships and 6 short term. 3 hookups. None of them were loose except 1 but she was easily aroused. I didn't notice if pussy tightness was correlated to height or not, but the best 1s were the most aroused and tight together.
Fuck yes it matters. I'm not proud of my promiscuous past, pretty degenerate actually. Hooking up was like my part time job from age 20-27. This was in tinders glory days and I was like a kid in a candy shop. The tightest pussy, felt like it was gripping my cock was from a girl in her late 20's. Tighter than the 19 year olds with one or two body count. That tells me a lot of its gotta be genetic.

Side note. Sent a chick to the emergency room cause her vaginal wall started bleeding. I just assumed it was her period and she's like nope I had to go to the emergency room.
Also weird when you can hit a chicks IUD that will make them bleed as well.
Too funny thread!!!
My new girl is a competition bodybuilder. Her Vag can be too tight sometimes. (I am kinda thick though) I always felt like it took forever to get it all the way in. Finally, I told her she had let her pussy muscles relax at first so I could get it completely inside. She was squeezing hard the whole time. She says I thought guys liked that! I said we do but wait till we're going good. A fun thing I taught her was to go slow and relax as much as possible on the way in then squeeze as hard as you can on the way out. Killer pussy control and you can practice it at different speeds lol.
I got to tell you hard core female athletes know their bodies much better.
In my experience, I found it very easy - if they don't exercise, no matter how little they are (5", 100lbs, etc), they will have a loose pussy. If they exercise, the pussy will be tight.
Amen brotha! I can tell you from experience this is ~89% correct.
The issue isn't so much the entry, it's the feeling inside.
With most women, I feel a nice cushioning all around to a kung fu grip.
The ones that have dropped shit out of their box the size of a bowling ball (aka a baby) a few times and don't workout tend to have that empty void feeling after entry...
You can feel the "outer walls" and that your hitting the right spot, but it's not as pleasurable for me.

Can’t say I’ve ever been balls deep in a chick and thought… meh this isn’t that good. Moms, 19 yr old chicks, they’re all pretty awesome. Is a dramatic difference in tightness even a real thing? Now some women are trash in bed but that’s a different issue.

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