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EPO advice


Sep 15, 2009
I'm 71, I've survived two lots of cancer and have severe COPD and although I can still exercise I need regular rest intervals. Up until about a year ago my energy levels were a lot better but recently I just feel like giving in and dropping to the floor. Would EPO increase my energy levels? Unless I was advised otherwise I was only thinking of taking it now and again, for example going on holiday or when I had some lengthy household DIY job on. Anyone any knowledge of it?
It will increase your risk of stroke, mi, dvt, pe due to thrombosis. Since C19 and jab can cause increased clotting also, it really isn't the safest thing to run right now.
Thanks Fas. I was aware of the stroke risk but, as I have no problems with my heart, I was willing to take the risk for getting the very odd couple of weeks respite from my condition (always assuming I would).
Thanks Fas. I was aware of the stroke risk but, as I have no problems with my heart, I was willing to take the risk for getting the very odd couple of weeks respite from my condition (always assuming I would).
Just curious, do you have access to epo? And is that the only option you have? Unless you have very low red blood cell count, I don't see why you would want to go this route, are you on testosterone? And by the way I'm sorry you have bad copd! If I was you I would talk to a copd or lung especislst.
Just curious, do you have access to epo? And is that the only option you have? Unless you have very low red blood cell count, I don't see why you would want to go this route, are you on testosterone? And by the way I'm sorry you have bad copd! If I was you I would talk to a copd or lung especislst.
Hi Mex, No I don't have access to it, I'd need a source. I'm not on testosterone. One of the cancers I had was Prostate Cancer and since finishing my treatment my PSA is gradually rising again (21.0) at last count, so maybe testosterone would be a bad idea (the NHS doctors would certainly tell me that). I've had lowish red blood cell count in the past but recent blood tests haven't shown that. I do have the odd appointment with respiratory doctors but they've nothing to offer beyond inhalers which don't make much difference to me.
Man, I'm truly sorry about your conditions, I really can't remember which one of the sponsor has epo other wise I would pm you, but another way to get is if you know someone with renal issues, is there another anabolic you could use without impact on your prostate? Maybe DECA by it self, primo by it self, or masteron by it self. At no more than 200mgs per week. I didn't mention anavar because at your age I don't know if you could tolerate it. Please note, I'm just asking, not suggesting!
Man, I'm truly sorry about your conditions, I really can't remember which one of the sponsor has epo other wise I would pm you, but another way to get is if you know someone with renal issues, is there another anabolic you could use without impact on your prostate? Maybe DECA by it self, primo by it self, or masteron by it self. At no more than 200mgs per week. I didn't mention anavar because at your age I don't know if you could tolerate it. Please note, I'm just asking, not suggesting!
Thanks for the advice mex. I'm getting blood work done today. I'll consider my options after I get the results.
Got my blood results today. My red blood cells were fine but my white blood cells were low, particularly the Lymphocytes. Surprisingly my Testosterone was 24.7 nmol/L which, unless I'm missing something, is freakishly high for a 71 year old man.
Got my blood results today. My red blood cells were fine but my white blood cells were low, particularly the Lymphocytes. Surprisingly my Testosterone was 24.7 nmol/L which, unless I'm missing something, is freakishly high for a 71 year old man.
That's real good, so now that you know your RBC is OK you can look into something else that will help with your energy, is ephedrine's an option? Maybe 1/4 tab or 6mgs? That should also help with your breathing. Ask the question again in the drug forum and see if more guys have something else to chime
Thanks mex, I'll look into Ephedrine because inhalers do very little for me.
I was hoping someone would comment on the testosterone level. Is that weird? When I looked up my Medichecks account I had also had my testosterone taken in 2019 (around the time I was diagnosed with prostate cancer) and it was just above 20 nmol/L.
Before using epo I would consider your hematocrit, hemoglobin, iron, iron in blood, vitamin B12, folate, ft3, ft4, tsh.

Iron, Vit B, thyroid hormones all are good to improve energy levels of you lack some...

Atm i am taking EPO because I had a stomach bleeding (due to Helicobacter pylori) that put me at 7 of hemoglobin.

I started EPO at 2000iu MWF after 4w checked Hemoglobin, then I decided to double it to 4000iu MWF to reach 15.of hemoglobin a tad faster. Once I will get there I will maintain at 4000iu once per week for 4 weeks.

For the note I am 42y old on 750 Test and 600 EQ but none of those raise my hemoglobin by a single point.
I use EPO quite heavily throughout the year depending on athletic events - It has a nominal affect if any on general energy throughout the day. I can say unequivocally it has absolutely zero place nor function for bodybuilders or the average gym goer.

Unless someone is an extremely well trained athlete (athlete not bodybuilder) the probability of them even noticing its effects are slim to none. Its' primary modality of effectiveness is the increased Oxygen saturation to help delay the onset of lactate and then the clearing of said lactate substrate. Any of the guys coming to me for help with EPO - to be frank if they aren't doing 6:30 miles, 85+ push ups, 20+ pull ups, and 75+ sit ups as a minimum the issue is with their programming.

I also have had two cancer diagnoses. I would highly recommend doing the Galleri cancer test and a full body MRI with a company such as EZRA. If you get a clean bill of health back I would sincerely look into TRT.

I use EPO quite heavily throughout the year depending on athletic events - It has a nominal affect if any on general energy throughout the day. I can say unequivocally it has absolutely zero place nor function for bodybuilders or the average gym goer.

Unless someone is an extremely well trained athlete (athlete not bodybuilder) the probability of them even noticing its effects are slim to none. Its' primary modality of effectiveness is the increased Oxygen saturation to help delay the onset of lactate and then the clearing of said lactate substrate. Any of the guys coming to me for help with EPO - to be frank if they aren't doing 6:30 miles, 85+ push ups, 20+ pull ups, and 75+ sit ups as a minimum the issue is with their programming.

I also have had two cancer diagnoses. I would highly recommend doing the Galleri cancer test and a full body MRI with a company such as EZRA. If you get a clean bill of health back I would sincerely look into TRT.

Thanks PB. Given what you say I've clearly got a wrong impression of EPO. Would I need TRT given my high testosterone figure?
I use EPO quite heavily throughout the year depending on athletic events - It has a nominal affect if any on general energy throughout the day. I can say unequivocally it has absolutely zero place nor function for bodybuilders or the average gym goer.

Unless someone is an extremely well trained athlete (athlete not bodybuilder) the probability of them even noticing its effects are slim to none. Its' primary modality of effectiveness is the increased Oxygen saturation to help delay the onset of lactate and then the clearing of said lactate substrate. Any of the guys coming to me for help with EPO - to be frank if they aren't doing 6:30 miles, 85+ push ups, 20+ pull ups, and 75+ sit ups as a minimum the issue is with their programming.

I also have had two cancer diagnoses. I would highly recommend doing the Galleri cancer test and a full body MRI with a company such as EZRA. If you get a clean bill of health back I would sincerely look into TRT.

I suspect you didn't read the part where he says he has had prostate cancer
Thanks PB. Given what you say I've clearly got a wrong impression of EPO. Would I need TRT given my high testosterone figure?

I would get more data and extrapolate it over a period of time. I like the idea of being even keel 24/7 over variations/fluctuations.

Snagging some testosterone propionate and trying the 10mg/day route might be interesting regarding your PSA. It may actually alleviate some of it, but the switch side…

I see the high testosterone for the age group and I don’t necessarily think “this is good” after two cancer diagnoses and the massive cortisol release and therapeutic damage over time. No one ever goes through this and comes out the other side at 100%. Took me a decade almost to put myself back together after sixish months of chemo.
I would get more data and extrapolate it over a period of time. I like the idea of being even keel 24/7 over variations/fluctuations.

Snagging some testosterone propionate and trying the 10mg/day route might be interesting regarding your PSA. It may actually alleviate some of it, but the switch side…

I see the high testosterone for the age group and I don’t necessarily think “this is good” after two cancer diagnoses and the massive cortisol release and therapeutic damage over time. No one ever goes through this and comes out the other side at 100%. Took me a decade almost to put myself back together after sixish months of chemo.
I honestly don't know enough about prostate cancer and hormone regulation, that's why I asked, if you don't mind me asking, is that the type of cancer you had? Back in the late 90s a few guys were of the believe that estrogens might be responsible for it, but who wants to risk it? By the way thank you for your contributions!
I honestly don't know enough about prostate cancer and hormone regulation, that's why I asked, if you don't mind me asking, is that the type of cancer you had? Back in the late 90s a few guys were of the believe that estrogens might be responsible for it, but who wants to risk it? By the way thank you for your contributions!
Evening sir - I had a hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis and then a chronic myeloid leukemia diagnosis.

My thought process - Conduct the Galleri cancer detection test and also a full body MRI to ensure no growths are present (benign or malignant). From my understanding a benign tumor will not appear on a galleri test. If he is healthy I would advise the individual to take a hard look at exogenous testosterone utilization.

This is an awesome study regarding prostate cancer:

Of course man - love having good convos on here and "hopefully" helping each other!
Before using epo I would consider your hematocrit, hemoglobin, iron, iron in blood, vitamin B12, folate, ft3, ft4, tsh.

Iron, Vit B, thyroid hormones all are good to improve energy levels of you lack some...

Atm i am taking EPO because I had a stomach bleeding (due to Helicobacter pylori) that put me at 7 of hemoglobin.

I started EPO at 2000iu MWF after 4w checked Hemoglobin, then I decided to double it to 4000iu MWF to reach 15.of hemoglobin a tad faster. Once I will get there I will maintain at 4000iu once per week for 4 weeks.

For the note I am 42y old on 750 Test and 600 EQ but none of those raise my hemoglobin by a single point.
Sorry, I missed your post Jaxino. In light of PB's assertion that apart from the odd athlete no one would notice the difference on EPO, how does it affect you?
I would get more data and extrapolate it over a period of time. I like the idea of being even keel 24/7 over variations/fluctuations.

Snagging some testosterone propionate and trying the 10mg/day route might be interesting regarding your PSA. It may actually alleviate some of it, but the switch side…

I see the high testosterone for the age group and I don’t necessarily think “this is good” after two cancer diagnoses and the massive cortisol release and therapeutic damage over time. No one ever goes through this and comes out the other side at 100%. Took me a decade almost to put myself back together after sixish months of chemo.
Hi PB, I'm clearly unfamiliar with TRT because I'm confused as to why, if my high T isn't necessarily good, I would want to increase it. I have read studies that suggest prostate cancer doesn't bar you from TRT but I thought the idea was to get T into "normal" ranges.

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