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May 22, 2006
have now had this for two weeks!! i also have crohns although so far fingers crossed the gastro hasnt yet caused me to flare,my girlfriend and daughter both recovered in about a week although girlfriend still not 100percent , still nothing like myself i havent eaten properely since the beginning(which when think about it was prob closer to three weeks ago) worst of all is stomach cramps in the night! even docs not sure about this one and says darent give me my usual prednisolone as the resulting lowered immune function could cause things to get realy nasty,just trying to keep fluids up at moment and have lost a good 15pound and cant even walk the dogs let alone train. has any one else heard of gastroenteritis going on for more than couple weeks? thanks guys and yes i know this is serious and listen to doctor but similar thing happened years before where doctors messed up and nearly killed me with not giveing me the steroids quick enough! and i was worried about swine flu but now have had the desicion made for me as im in no fit state to have any vaccine. sorry just needed to get some of my fear out(frustration etc) rich:(
thanks for replys guys the pain is mostly lower and yess i take probiotics everyday,im going to start prednisolone today its def caused a flare now im sure,even have a nasty sore on my face and all crohns symptoms are present now i cant sleep for stomach pain and getting weaker by the day, i will get my girlfriend to phone my specialist monday , thanks again for taking the time i know this isnt a medical forum but its nice to know people give a damn if you know what i mean,ive always tried to help people where ever i can as i know how scary failing health can be.

i was sick also but not real bad,sore throat,ear ache,kidney pain but mild till on enight i woke up it felt like my lower stomach was really swollen,its been like that for 2 weeks,i thought it was a bladder infection but labs came back clean so i dont know!!!there are alot of weird colds going around my whole family was sick also
yeah each year seems to be worse as far as weird colds and infections, pretty sure the gastro flared the crohns up so wont waste anymore of peoples time as dont think i can do much about it just take the shittty prednisolone i suppose, nevermind.
Hey Richie

I had that Gastro crap earlier this year and My wife also got the same thing. She actually gave it to me we think. Anyway I cannot help you or give you any advise in regards to this with the crohns. I had it for about 3 weeks. I had to go to find some antibiotics and had to use amodium AD or what ever its called. That was the only thing that could plug me up long enough for my body to keep some fluids. I lost a total of 15 lbs but I found that most of it was fluid loss. Thats Why if you can get some Imodium (still have no idea how to spell it for you). It will at least slow the fluid loss. I could not get more than 10 feet from the toilet. good luck and you might think of Probiotics that people mentioned earlier. Never tried it myself but probably should have
have now had this for two weeks!! i also have crohns although so far fingers crossed the gastro hasnt yet caused me to flare,my girlfriend and daughter both recovered in about a week although girlfriend still not 100percent , still nothing like myself i havent eaten properely since the beginning(which when think about it was prob closer to three weeks ago) worst of all is stomach cramps in the night! even docs not sure about this one and says darent give me my usual prednisolone as the resulting lowered immune function could cause things to get realy nasty,just trying to keep fluids up at moment and have lost a good 15pound and cant even walk the dogs let alone train. has any one else heard of gastroenteritis going on for more than couple weeks? thanks guys and yes i know this is serious and listen to doctor but similar thing happened years before where doctors messed up and nearly killed me with not giveing me the steroids quick enough! and i was worried about swine flu but now have had the desicion made for me as im in no fit state to have any vaccine. sorry just needed to get some of my fear out(frustration etc) rich:(

You need to take L.Bulgaricus 1g 2x per day, L.Bulgaricus is the only probiotic that will help.

Sorry to hear of your stomach problems, but I also have crohns and serious ibs. I think two weeks is in the normal range of a stomach flu. I can tell you what though..I have had constant pain from crohns and ibs for over 10 years. i bought a water ionizer about 6 months ago...and I cannot believe the difference in my stomach...like night and day. Look into a water ionizer, BUT BEWARE OF THE IONIZERS THAT ARE PART OF AN MLM!!! ALTHOUGH THEY WORK YOU WILL PAY DOUBLE WHAT YOU SHOULD. THESE MLM SCAMS HAVE GIVEN A BAD REP FOR WATER IONIZERS.
first just wanted to update ive had to start prednisolone as was just getting worse by the day, i just hope i dont have complications if the gastro is still present,i.e prednisolone lowered immune system and lets gastro get out of hand? anyway thankyou jim12 for taking the time to reply and thankfully im not running to tiolet anymore,as far as probiotics im already taking acidohpulis and have used lots of probiotics over the years they do help with bloat etc but when the crohns comes on its all over as far as any natural supps go , thanks again though much appreciated, rich
thanks for replys michael and emeric! its pretty depressing watching yourself waste away and nice to know people do try and help, emeric i am deff going to give the l bulgaris a try ,by the way i take it you mean i should use it all the time and also when i can afford it im looking forward to trying humanofort and lbas ,plus some other bits and bobs ive been looking at but cash is so tight at moment im just haveing to wait it out(will grab some l bulgaris though as can just about stretch to that for time being) anyway thanks again for replys now im just hopeing i dont get ill with anything else while im on the pred! thanks,rich
shit ! just realised michael i never replyed about your water ironiser ,im actualy searching this out (or was till i became incapacitated lol) yeah ive been reading up a little and hopefully should be sorted soon, also just wanted to add i dont (touch wood)have crohns year round or even most of the time thankfully just flares every year or two and i can control it with minimal amount of steroids so you know didnt want to mislead anybody although when it comes it comes! thanks again rich
You need to take L.Bulgaricus 1g 2x per day, L.Bulgaricus is the only probiotic that will help.

L. Bulgaricus is nothing short of amazing for gastro issues.

Emeric, have you located a distributor yet? Please shoot me a PM if so and where i can get more.
L. Bulgaricus is nothing short of amazing for gastro issues.

Emeric, have you located a distributor yet? Please shoot me a PM if so and where i can get more.

Not yet, First stap is that the Bulgarin manufacturer has to register the company with the USA FDA, than I will start importing the L.Bulgaricus.
thanks for replys michael and emeric! its pretty depressing watching yourself waste away and nice to know people do try and help, emeric i am deff going to give the l bulgaris a try ,by the way i take it you mean i should use it all the time and also when i can afford it im looking forward to trying humanofort and lbas ,plus some other bits and bobs ive been looking at but cash is so tight at moment im just haveing to wait it out(will grab some l bulgaris though as can just about stretch to that for time being) anyway thanks again for replys now im just hopeing i dont get ill with anything else while im on the pred! thanks,rich

For health purpose 1g per day every day, during food poisoning or other stomach disorders 2g per day.
thankyou emeric for helping but are you saying i wont be able to get hold of some ? as my girlfriend is going to try and get me some today,sounds like i might not be able to as im in the uk and its pretty crap here as far as cutting edge supps or even not so cutting edge ,maybe i will be able to order some online although it might be to late this time at least i will know for future,thanks again it is much appreciated! rich.
im going to have to wait till i can get shipped

just phoned my girlfriend and she says all she can get is acidphulis and something called prebio7 so just have to hope one or both contain the bulgaricus i suppose ? emeric thanks for trying but its just impossible for me to get a lot of the great things you have told us about ,the uk realy is terrible for such things:( thankyou for your time though it realy is good of you as i know your as busy as anyone) rich.
You need to take L.Bulgaricus 1g 2x per day, L.Bulgaricus is the only probiotic that will help.

Is L.Bulgaricus helpful in the treatment of Ulceritiv Colitis as well?

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